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Volunteer Opportunities

The Interpreter Foundation depends on volunteers for much of the content we publish and our other activities. If you have talents to share and would like to be “anxiously engaged in a good cause” (Doctrine and Covenants 58:27), we invite you to join with us. We can use the help of volunteers in many different areas, such as the following:

Social Media Manager:

Social Media Comments Moderator:

Assistant Journal Editor:

Technology Assistant: Assist with the many background activities associated with keeping the Interpreter websites up-to-date. Typical activities include correcting outgoing links that our broken link checker has found; and compacting and correcting our keyword and scripture lists. You will be working in WordPress, but no experience is required beyond basic computer skills.

If you are interested in any of the above positions (or would like to help the Foundation in other ways), please fill out the following form and we will contact you shortly.

[The following would be a contact form that emails an acknowledgement and sends the information to a list of people, like the Submission form]
Email Address:
Position of interest:
Available hours per week:
Relevant Experience:
Additional Comments:

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The Interpreter Foundation
The Interpreter Foundation
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