Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants
Doctrine and Covenants 64–66
Daviess County, Missouri
In the miserable heat of August 1831, several elders were traveling back to Kirtland from the land of Zion in Missouri. The travelers were hot and weary, and tensions soon turned into quarrels. It may have seemed like building Zion, a city of love, unity, and peace, was going to take a long time.
Fortunately, building Zion—in Missouri in 1831 or in our hearts, families, and wards today—doesn’t require us to be perfect. Instead, “of you it is required to forgive,” the Lord said (Doctrine and Covenants 64:10). He requires “the heart and a willing mind” (verse 34). And He requires patience and diligence, for Zion is built on the foundation of “small things,” accomplished by those who do not become “weary in well-doing” (verse 33).
D&C 64: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the elders of the Church, at Kirtland, Ohio, September 11, 1831. The Prophet was preparing to move to Hiram, Ohio, to renew his work on the translation of the Bible, which had been laid aside while he had been in Missouri. A company of brethren who had been commanded to journey to Zion (Missouri) was earnestly engaged in making preparations to leave in October. At this busy time, the revelation was received.
D&C 65: Revelation on prayer given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, October 30, 1831.
D&C 66: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, October 29, 1831. William E. McLellin had petitioned the Lord in secret to make known through the Prophet the answer to five questions, which were unknown to Joseph Smith. At McLellin’s request, the Prophet inquired of the Lord and received this revelation.
- Study and Teaching Helps: 2025 Doctrine & Covenants, Jonn Claybaugh
- Interpreter Radio Show — May 25, 2025, including Doctrine & Covenants in Context
- Nibley Lectures: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 25 (D&C 64-66)
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 25: D&C 64–66 (2021), Jonn Claybaugh
- Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 25 (D&C 64–66) (2021)
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 41, "Every Member a Missionary", Administration, October 12, 2013
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 46, "Zion—The Pure in Heart", Administration, October 30, 2013
- Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”, Administration, March 8, 2014
- Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 (lesson materials)
- What Is Zion?, Liahona – Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants
- Ezra Booth and Isaac Morley, Revelations in Context
- The Heart and a Willing Mind, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos
- Those Tithed Not Burned at His Coming, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos, President Gordon B. Hinckley
- Chapter 24: Doctrine and Covenants 64–65, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
- William McLellin’s Five Questions, Revelations in Context
- The Church to Fill the Earth, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos, President Gordon B. Hinckley
- Chapter 25: Doctrine and Covenants 66–70, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
- “How God Speaks to Me through the Scriptures”, President Henry B. Eyring, Feb. 6, 2019,
- Saints, 1:133–34
- Saints, 1:136–37
- “The Ministry of Reconciliation”, Jeffrey R. Holland, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 77–79
- “William McLellin’s Five Questions”, Revelations in Context, 138
- Saints, 1:138–40
- “Patriarchal Blessings”, Gospel Topics
- Why Is Doctrine and Covenants 65 Called a Revelation on Prayer?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #610
- Why Did the Kirtland Safety Society Fail?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #604
- Section 64, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
- Section 65, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
- Section 66, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
- Why Did William E. McLellin Call the Book of Mormon the “Apple of My Eye”?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #611
- Doctrine & Covenants 64, Doctrine & Covenants Central
- Doctrine & Covenants 65, Doctrine & Covenants Central
- Doctrine & Covenants 66, Doctrine & Covenants Central
- Doctrine and Covenants 64 to 66 – “The Lord Requireth the Heart and a Willing Mind”, BYU Studies
- BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: The Lord Requireth the Heart D&C 63-65
- BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: The Everlasting Covenant D&C 66-68