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Come, Follow Me — Old Testament Study and Teaching Helps
Lesson 39, September 19–25
Isaiah 40–49 — “Comfort Ye My People”

Isaiah 50 Jesus Gave Himself

In verse 1 the Lord speaks to the unfaithful children of Israel, asserting that He did not “divorce” their mother, nor had He “sold” them away, but that they had sold themselves through their iniquities. Read verse 11, which tells what will happen to those who try to “walk in the light of [their own] fire.”

Read verses 6-7, which foretell portions of the Savior’s first coming—then read their fulfillment in Luke 9:51; Luke 18:31-33; Matthew 26:67; 27:30; Mark 14:65; 15:19; Luke 22:63-65; John 19:1.

Isaiah 51-52; 54-56 The Gathering

Find the following:

  • What things are prophesied for the last days and the Millennium? (Isaiah 51:3, 7, 11, 17-18, 22-23; Isaiah 52:1, 6-10, 15; Isaiah 54:1-3, 9-10, 13-15, 17; see also 1 Nephi 22:6-8; 3 Nephi 20:29-33, 45-46).
  • According to Isaiah 55:5; 56:1-8, what other people will be gathered with Israel in the last days? How will this happen? (Isaiah 51:1-2, 7; 52:1, 11; 56:1-2; see also Romans 9:6-7; Galatians 3:7-9; 2 Nephi 26:33; 30:2; Abraham 2:10).
  • How are we part of the latter-day gathering of Israel? (see D&C 101:11-23; Articles of Faith 1:10). In the June 2018 Worldwide Youth Devotional, President Russell M. Nelson said that the gathering of Israel is “the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, and the greatest work on earth.” He also gave this oft-repeated declaration: “Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that.”

Isaiah 53 “He Shall Make His Soul an Offering”

This chapter is among our most important scriptures in relation to the Savior’s atonement. It was quoted in the Book of Mormon by the prophet Abinadi, as he taught the wicked King Noah and his priests (see Mosiah 14).

Isaiah 53:2 highlights the humble, lowly nature of Jesus’s birth and upbringing on earth, declaring that He would begin as “a tender plant” who would “grow up” (“grace by grace”; see D&C 93:13), and “as a root out of dry ground” (born into spiritually-barren Judah). Also, verse 2 says that Jesus would have “no form nor comeliness [and] no beauty” (the New International Version translates this part, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him”).

Next, mark (or make a list of) all the words and phrases in Isaiah 53:3-8, 10-12 that describe what Jesus would endure (for example, verse 3 includes the words despised, rejected, sorrows, grief, and esteemed not). Ponder what Jesus Christ did for us. Is there a favorite hymn about the Savior that often comes to your mind?

Our Redeemer Jesus Christ perfectly fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecies. You may want to read these cross-references:

  • Isaiah 53:1 see John 12:37-38; Romans 10:16.
  • Isaiah 53:3 see Matthew 13:54-58; Luke 4:28-29; 22:63-65; John 1:11.
  • Isaiah 53:4-6 see Luke 22:41-44; Matthew 8:17; 27:25-31; Mark 15:15, 29-34.
  • Isaiah 53:7-8 see Matthew 26:59-63; 27:14, 20-26; Mark 14:60-61; Luke 23:1-11; John 1:29; 18:28-29.
  • Isaiah 53:9, 12 see Matthew 26:28; Mark 15:27-29; Luke 22:37; John 19:38-42.

Isaiah 54 Bride and Groom

In the scriptures, the relationship between the Lord and His people is sometimes described as a marriage. This is appropriate, for we covenant to bind ourselves to Him and to His commandments, ways, motives, and purposes. He is the Husband or Bridegroom and His church and its members are the bride. Write a paragraph about our “marriage” with the Lord, using Isaiah 54:1, 4-10, 13; consider also Isaiah 50:1; 61:10; 62:5; Romans 7:4; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7-9; 21:2; 2 Nephi 7:1; D&C 33:17; 65:3; 88:92; 133:10, 19.

Isaiah 55 Coming unto Him

What does this chapter teach about coming unto Christ? (see verses 1-3, 6-7; see also 2 Nephi 9:50-51). How do verses 8-11 help you to trust in Him?

Isaiah 57 Peace

Contrast Isaiah’s words about the righteous (verses 1-2, 13-15, 18-19) to what he said about those who practice evil (verses 3-9, 20-21). What do you think the prophet Isaiah would say if he were to come to the earth today?

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