Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants
Doctrine and Covenants 20–22

The Savior’s work of bringing forth the Book of Mormon was now complete. But His work of Restoration had just started. In addition to restoring doctrine and priesthood authority, the Lord had made it clear through earlier revelations that He also wanted to restore a formal organization—His Church (see Doctrine and Covenants 10:53; 18:5). On April 6, 1830, more than 40 believers crowded into the Whitmer family’s log home in Fayette, New York, to witness the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Some people wonder why an organized Church is necessary. The answer may be found, at least in part, in the revelations connected with that first Church meeting in 1830. They describe blessings that would not have been possible if the true Church of Jesus Christ had not been “regularly organized and established” in the latter days (Doctrine and Covenants 20:1).
D&C 20: Revelation on Church organization and government, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at or near Fayette, New York. Portions of this revelation may have been given as early as summer 1829. The complete revelation, known at the time as the Articles and Covenants, was likely recorded soon after April 6, 1830 (the day the Church was organized). The Prophet wrote, “We obtained of Him [Jesus Christ] the following, by the spirit of prophecy and revelation; which not only gave us much information, but also pointed out to us the precise day upon which, according to His will and commandment, we should proceed to organize His Church once more here upon the earth.”
D&C 21: Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Fayette, New York, April 6, 1830. This revelation was given at the organization of the Church, on the date named, in the home of Peter Whitmer Sr. Six men, who had previously been baptized, participated. By unanimous vote these persons expressed their desire and determination to organize, according to the commandment of God (see section 20). They also voted to accept and sustain Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery as the presiding officers of the Church. With the laying on of hands, Joseph then ordained Oliver an elder of the Church, and Oliver similarly ordained Joseph. After administration of the sacrament, Joseph and Oliver laid hands upon the participants individually for the bestowal of the Holy Ghost and for the confirmation of each as a member of the Church.
D&C 22: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Manchester, New York, April 16, 1830. This revelation was given to the Church in consequence of some who had previously been baptized desiring to unite with the Church without rebaptism.
- Study and Teaching Helps: 2025 Doctrine & Covenants, Jonn Claybaugh
- Interpreter Radio Show — February 16, 2025, including Doctrine & Covenants in Context
- The Eucharist of the Latter-day Saints: The Sacrament in the Broader Christian Context, Robin Douglas, May 24, 2024
- Doctrine and Covenants 21: Metanarrative of the Restoration, Steven L. Olsen, June 16, 2023
- Interpreting Interpreter: A D&C 21 Deep Dive, Kyler Rasmussen, Jun 16, 2023
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 10: D&C 20–22 (2021), Jonn Claybaugh
- Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 10 (D&C 20–22) (2021)
- “Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon” D&C 16-23, Taylor Halverson, November 29, 2013
- “The Restoration of the Priesthood”: D&C 13; 20:38-67; 27:12-13; 84:6-30; 107:1-20; 110:11-16; Joseph Smith—History 1:66-73, Taylor Halverson, December 15, 2013
- Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 1, “The Keystone of Our Religion”, Administration, November 8, 2015
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 8, The Restoration of the Priesthood, Administration, February 16, 2017
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 9, "The Only True and Living Church", Administration, February 19, 2017
- Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”, Administration, March 8, 2014
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 4, "Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon", Administration, January 24, 2017
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 8 (2013), Administration, January 31, 2017
- Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 9 (2013), Administration, February 19, 2017
- D&C 21, George Albert Smith, and Hugh B. Brown: A Fresh Look at Three Incidents in Church History, Duane Boyce, May 24, 2019
- Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Doctrine and Covenants 2025 (lesson materials)
- The Contributions of Martin Harris, Revelations in Context
- “Build Up My Church”, Revelations in Context
- Organization of the Church, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos
- Chapter 9: Doctrine and Covenants 20–22, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
- What builds a strong foundation? Doctrine and Covenants 20–22 , Liahona – Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants
- Saints, 1:84–86
- Revelations in Context: “Build Up My Church”
- “The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood”, Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 49–52
- “Why the Church”, D. Todd Christofferson, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 108–11
- Section 20, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
- Section 21, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
- Section 22, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
- How Did the Establishment of Jesus Christ’s Church in 1830 Comply with the Law?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #598
- Doctrine & Covenants 20 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
- Doctrine & Covenants 21 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
- Doctrine & Covenants 22 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
- Doctrine and Covenants 20 to 22-“The Rise of the Church of Christ”, BYU Studies
- BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: The Organization of the Church D&C 20-22
- Doctrine and Covenants 21: History as Witness from Religious Educator Vol. 11 No. 3 · 2010