2023 Come, Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 16:
April 10 — 16

Reading the scriptures invites the Holy Ghost into your life. One of the Holy Ghost’s important missions is to testify of Jesus Christ. As you read the scriptures this week, pay attention to spiritual feelings that strengthen your testimony of the Savior.
Matthew 15: The scribes and Pharisees contend against Jesus—He heals the daughter of a gentile woman—He feeds the four thousand.
Matthew 16: Jesus warns against the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees—Peter testifies that Jesus is the Christ and is promised the keys of the kingdom—Jesus foretells His death and resurrection.
Matthew 17: Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John on the mount—Jesus heals a lunatic, tells of His coming death, and pays taxes in a miraculous manner.
Mark 7: Jesus reproves the Pharisees for their false traditions and ceremonies—He casts a devil out of the daughter of a Greek woman—He opens the ears and loosens the tongue of a person with an impediment.
Mark 8: Jesus feeds the four thousand—He counsels, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees—He heals a blind man in Bethsaida—Peter testifies that Jesus is the Christ.
Mark 9: Jesus is transfigured on the mountain—He casts out an unclean spirit—He teaches concerning His death and resurrection, who will be greatest, and the condemnation of those who offend His little ones.
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 16: April 10–16, Jonn Claybaugh
The New Testament in Context: Come, Follow Me Lesson 16
- Founded Upon a Rock: Doctrinal and Temple Implications of Peter’s Surnaming, Matthew L. Bowen
- The Yoke of Christ: A Light Burden Heavy With Meaning, Jeff Lindsay
- Rethinking the Apostle Peter’s Role in the Early Church, Noel B. Reynolds
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 15
The Mount of Transfiguration, Hales Swift
Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 13, “I Will Give unto Thee the Keys of the Kingdom”
- Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families
- Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School
- Come, Follow Me—For Primary
Lesson 16: New Testament Customs—The Synagogue
Lesson 16: New Testament Customs—Shepherd and Sheepfold
Pray In Solitude
Keeping The Sabbath
Thou Art the Christ (Matthew 16:13-19)
Whosoever Will Lose His Life for My Sake Shall Find It (Matthew 16:21–28)
- “Whom Say Ye That I Am?”: Peter’s Witness of Christ, Frank F. Judd Jr.
- Peter, Stones, and Seers, Frank F. Judd Jr.
- Peter’s Keys, Frank F. Judd Jr.
- The Savior’s Teachings on Discipleship during His Final Trek to Jerusalem, Casey W. Olson
- Come Follow Me – Matthew 16-17; Mark 9; Luke 9, Book of Mormon Central Archive
Our Savior in the Gospels: The Rock of Our Salvation
Our Savior in the Gospels: The Mount of Transfiguration
- Come Follow Me 2019: Matthew 16–17; Mark 9; Luke 9, Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me Matthew 16-17; Mark 8-9; Luke 9, Don’t Miss This
Come Follow Me Podcast #14–“Thou Art the Christ”, Matthew 16-17; Mark 8-9; Luke 9, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Thou Art the Christ”–Matthew 16-17; Mark 9; Luke 9, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matthew 16-17, Mark 9, Luke 9, Meridian Magazine
- Matthew 16-17; Mark 8-9; Luke 9, BYU Studies
- “Come, Follow Me” April 1–14: “Thou Art the Christ”, LDS Living
- “Come, Follow Me” FHE: The Price He Paid, LDS Living