Come, Follow Me
Old Testament Lesson 6:
January 31–February 6
“Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord”
Genesis 6–11; Moses 8
Illustration of Noah leaving the ark, by Sam Lawlor
Stories in the scriptures can often teach us multiple spiritual lessons. As you read about the Great Flood and the Tower of Babel, seek inspiration about how these accounts apply to you.
Genesis 6: The sons of God marry the daughters of men—Men turn to wickedness, the earth is filled with violence, and all flesh is corrupted—The Flood is promised—God establishes His covenant with Noah, who builds an ark to save his family and various living things.
Genesis 7: Noah’s family and various beasts and fowl enter the ark—The Flood comes, and water covers the whole earth—All other life that breathes is destroyed.
Genesis 8: The Flood ceases—Noah sends forth a dove, which returns with an olive leaf—He releases all living things from the ark—He offers sacrifices—Seedtime, harvest, and seasons are ensured.
Genesis 9: Noah and his sons are commanded to multiply and fill the earth—They are given dominion over all forms of life—The death penalty is decreed for murder—God will not again destroy the earth by a flood—Canaan is cursed; Shem and Japheth are blessed.
Genesis 10: The descendants of Noah are Japheth, whose descendants are Gentiles; Ham, whose descendants include the Canaanites; and Shem, of whom came Peleg (in whose days the earth was divided).
Genesis 11: All men speak the same language—They build the Tower of Babel—The Lord confounds their language and scatters them over all the earth—The generations of Shem include Abram, whose wife is Sarai—Abram leaves Ur and settles in Haran.
Moses 8: Methuselah prophesies—Noah and his sons preach the gospel—Great wickedness prevails—The call to repentance is unheeded—God decrees the destruction of all flesh by the Flood.
Resources on
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Primary (lesson materials at
“Follow the Prophet,” Children’s Songbook, 110–11 (verse 3).
Noah’s Ark Genesis 6–11; Moses 8, Liahona – Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants
Old Testament Symbols Genesis 6–27, Liahona – Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants
Resources on Interpreter Foundation
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 6: Genesis 6–11; Moses 8, Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Old Testament Lesson 6 (Genesis 6–11; Moses 8)
Nibley Lectures: Come, Follow Me Old Testament Lesson 6 (Genesis 6–11; Moses 8)
Additional Posts & Roundtables on the Interpreter Foundation Website
Articles in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
Resources on Other Sites
Come, Follow Me Week 6 – Genesis 6–11; Moses 8, FAIR
Old Testament Minute: Genesis 9, by Jeff Bradshaw, Bible Central
Old Testament Minute: Genesis 10, by Jeff Bradshaw, Bible Central
Old Testament Minute: Genesis 11, by Jeff Bradshaw, Bible Central
Old Testament Minute: Moses 8; Genesis 5, by Jeff Bradshaw, Bible Central
Book & Chapter Guide: Genesis 6, Bible Central
Book & Chapter Guide: Genesis 7, Bible Central
Book & Chapter Guide: Genesis 8, Bible Central
Book & Chapter Guide: Genesis 9, Bible Central
Book & Chapter Guide: Genesis 10, Bible Central
Book & Chapter Guide: Genesis 11, Bible Central
Old Testament Minute: Genesis 7, by Jeff Bradshaw, Bible Central
Old Testament Minute: Genesis 8, by Jeff Bradshaw, Bible Central
Jan 31-Feb 6 (Genesis 6–11; Moses 8) Come Follow Me Insights with Taylor and Tyler, Book of Mormon Central
Who was Noah? (Come, Follow Me: Week 6 Part 1/6) Genesis 6-11, Moses 8 | Jan 31-Feb 6, Book of Mormon Central
Why Were Man and Woman Created in the Image of God? (Knowhy # 627 ), Book of Mormon Central
Why is Noah in the Bible? (Come, Follow Me: Week 6 Part 2/6) Genesis 6-11, Moses 8 | Jan 31-Feb 6, Book of Mormon Central
God’s Covenant with Noah (Come, Follow Me: Week 6 Part 3/6) Genesis 6-11, Moses 8 | Jan 31-Feb 6, Book of Mormon Central
A Simple Way to Understand the Old Testament Timeline, Book of Mormon Central
The Blood of Christ was Shed (Come, Follow Me: Week 6 Part 4/6) Genesis 6-11, Moses 8 | Jan 31-Feb 6, Book of Mormon Central
The Tower of Babel & Abraham (Come, Follow Me: Week 6 Part 5/6) Genesis 6-11, Moses 8 | Jan 31-Feb 6, Book of Mormon Central
Biblical Genealogies (Come, Follow Me: Week 6 Part 6/6) Genesis 6-11, Moses 8 | Jan 31-Feb 6, Book of Mormon Central
Why Is the Story of Noah and the Ark So Repetitive?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #629
Come Follow Me Old Testament Genesis 6-11; Moses 8 (Jan. 31-Feb. 6) Don’t Miss This, Don’t Miss This
Come Follow Me – Genesis 6-11; Moses 8: “The Flood”, Unshaken
“Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord”—Come, Follow Me for Sunday School, Gen. 6-11; Moses 8, Meridian Magazine
The Deep Questions of Noah’s Flood: Come Follow Me–Old Testament Podcast #6, Genesis 6-11, Moses 8, Meridian Magazine
January 31–February 6, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs, Music for Latter-day Life
Genesis 6-11; Moses 8 – “Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord”, BYU Studies