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Announcing The Interpreter Foundation Ultimate Egypt Tour Lecture Series

The Interpreter Foundation is pleased to announce a new Lecture series in anticipation of The Interpreter Foundation Ultimate Egypt Tour.

The first lecture will be held as part of the 2021 FAIR Conference at 7 PM on August 5, at the Experience Event Center, 1440 North Moon River Drive, Provo, UT. This first lecture is FREE, but since space is limited, seating priority will be given to FAIR Conference attendees and those already booked on the The Interpreter Foundation Ultimate Egypt Tour.

Subsequent lectures will be presented live to those who are booked on the Egypt tour at the Jordan Event Center which is located at 9112 South Redwood Road in West Jordan (right behind the Cruise Lady office) and will begin at 7 pm. Others will be able to view the lectures at a later time on The Interpreter Foundation website.

If you are not already booked on the Ultimate Egypt—Interpreter Foundation Tour, call Cruise Lady today at 801-453-9444.

You can register for the complete 2021 FAIR Conference here.


The lecture series will include the following (dates after August 5 to be announced):


August 5 (Thursday, 7 PM) Stephen Smoot: An Egyptian Context for the Book of Abraham

(Presented as part of the 2021 FAIR Conference, held at 1440 North Moon River Drive, Provo, UT. This lecture is free to all, but seating priority will be given to FAIR Conference attendees and members of the Ultimate Egypt—Interpreter Foundation Tour.)

This lecture overviews and summarizes the recent work of Latter-day Saint scholars that creates an Egyptian context for the Book of Abraham. Drawing from the resources and material on the Pearl of Great Price Central website, it focuses on what is known about the ancient owners of the Joseph Smith Papyri, the texts preserved on the surviving papyri fragments, and few key ways in which the Book of Abraham can be situated in the ancient world.


John Thompson: Symbols of the Egyptian Priesthood in the Tombs of Ancient Egypt


John Gee: The Gospel and the Egyptians

When Egypt became Christian, it used the Egyptian language to express that Christian identity. It recognized that certain aspects of Egyptian religion fit comfortably with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and other aspects did not fit so well. The vocabulary for aspects that fit well with the Christianity, it simply borrowed, often from the Egyptian temple vocabulary. This borrowed vocabulary illustrates what aspects of the Egyptian religion were compatible with Christianity. Come learn about what parts of the Egyptian temple early Christians found compatible with their own religion.


Steve Densley: Pharaohs, Temples and Tombs: A Guided Tour Through Ancient Egypt

We will take a whirlwind tour through 3,000 years of ancient history in the context of the sights we will see in person on the Ultimate Egypt—Interpreter Foundation Tour. Come and learn how to better understand what you will see on the tour, from the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt to the reign of Cleopatra.


Kerry Muhlestein: Ancient Egypt’s Temples, and Parallels

Egypt built temples for thousands of years. The largest religious buildings ever built were temples in Egypt, and the largest room in any religious structure is the hypostyle hall in the Karnak Temple. Additionally, no one mastered and used symbolism like the Egyptians. Come explore the purpose of Egyptian temples, and see how it can deepen your understanding of religious symbols in modern day usage as well.


Daniel Peterson: What You Need to Know About Egypt’s Most Recent Two Thousand Years

On the Ultimate Egypt—Interpreter Foundation Tour, we will not only see the holy sites of the ancient Egyptians, but we will also see some significant places in the history of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Come and learn about the traditional site where Jesus, Mary, and Joseph stayed when they fled to Egypt, the traditional site where Moses was drawn from the water as a baby, and the great mosques of the Muslim people in Cairo. Come and find out why some people call Egypt “the other Holy Land.”

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The Interpreter Foundation
The Interpreter Foundation