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“Because of Him”: The Church’s Easter Initiative, Website and Video

The Church is launching a worldwide initiative today, Palm Sunday, that will run through this week, ending Easter Sunday, “focusing on the hope, healing, and salvation made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” The initiative is titled “Because of Him.”

A new website has been created exclusively for this at, which redirects to A video has also been produced, which is embedded here below:

Using the Internet and social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest, the Church “will extend the invitation for people to consider all that is possible in their lives because of Jesus Christ.” The Church invites its members to get involved, sharing the link to the website on their social networks, as well as the video, using the #becauseofhim hashtag.

The Church will be showing ads on YouTube’s homepage on Easter Sunday, which they hope will reach 100 million people. The ad will likely link to the new video (as seen above). Elder David F. Evans, Executive Director of the Missionary Department, notes the value of the ad and the initiative in general:

When you think about how long it would take for missionaries to contact this many people, it becomes clear how important technology is in the work of our Heavenly Father. The Easter holiday is the ideal time for us to help people remember all that is possible because of Jesus Christ…

One of the examples of the Lord hastening His work is the marvelous technology available to us to share His gospel.

The Church notes that there are several things that members can do to get involved to help share and promote this initiative:

  1. Look for daily postings on, and the Church’s other social media pages.
  2. Go to the Facebook page and “like” the page. This will allow the initiative’s daily postings to appear in your Facebook newsfeed. Each day, a new, sharable graphic will be posted focusing on something made possible “because of Him.” The same thing can be done for those using Google+ or Twitter.
  3. Share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others using the initiative’s various offerings. When making social media posts, include the hashtag #becauseofhim. While using social media, members may share personal thoughts and feelings about those things made possible using #becauseofhim. On the web page, members are encouraged to read and share the written Easter story as well as the “Because of Him” video with friends and acquaintances.

Additionally, each day this week the Church will be posting a new graphic on their social media accounts which you can re-share on your own social network profiles. These messages will focus on what has been made possible because of Him. Here is the first:


We encourage all to take part in this initiative from the Church this week, to help share the message of the gospel using technology, and help others realize what has been made possible because of Him, our Savior Jesus Christ.

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