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Come, Follow Me Resource Index

We are pleased to announce the availability of a Resource Index for the 2019 Come, Follow Me curriculum on the New Testament. The index, available at, provides access to useful resources for each lesson in the course of study. Resource links include:

  • Scriptures — The New Testament scriptures for study each week. These are links to the scriptures.
  • Lesson Plans — Links to the official lesson plans on These include separate links to the Individuals and Families, Sunday School, and Primary lesson plans.
  • Roundtable Discussions — Links to our existing New Testament Roundtable discussions for the scriptures being studied each week.
  • Additional Resources — Links to articles, videos, KnoWhys, and podcasts related to the lesson topic on the Church, Interpreter Foundation, Interpreter: a Journal of Mormon Scriptures and other related websites.

The “Come, Follow Me Resources on” and “General Background Material” entries at the start of the index include links to the Come, Follow Me overview pages on as well as links to various maps, timelines, charts and videos relevant to a study of the New Testament.

We are currently in the process of organizing additional resources specifically tailored to the new curriculum, gathered into a new Come, Follow Me menu entry under the DISCOVER heading. Proposed new resources include:

  • This Week’s Lesson — Lesson introduction and links to all of the available resources specific to the lesson;
  • Come, Follow Me Roundtable Discussions — Videos discussing the subject scriptures of each lesson;
  • Come, Follow Me Roundtable Podcasts — Audio podcasts of each roundtable discussion;
  • KnoWhy Articles — One or more articles each week discussing topics related to that week’s lesson
  • Recommended Reading — A page giving recommendations from our scholars for “must have” reference books and recommended reading;
  • Interpreter Radio — A portion of each broadcast devoted to a discussion of the lesson for the coming week

When (and if) these resources become available, we will add them to the menu and the Index, as well as sending out an email to our subscribers as each is published.

We hope the Index will be a valuable resource as you study the New Testament this coming year. If you have suggestions for additional materials that we could provide, please use the form on the Contact Us page ( to send those on to us.

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The Interpreter Foundation
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