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Freely Share Content from Interpreter

One of the primary goals of Interpreter is to spread these ideas, commentaries, critiques, research, reviews, and understandings as far and wide as possible. To that end, we have provided the content in numerous formats, each with a different audience and goal in mind. We want our readers and followers to feel free to share this content with their friends, families, associates, and via social networks, online, email, snail mail, and in every other possible way.

We have had a few people ask us if they may share or distribute the content published by Interpreter, and from its journal. Yes, you may do so, given a few conditions below.

Interpreter Foundation copyrights its work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (BY-NC-ND). What that means is that you may freely share, copy, and redistribute any and all content from Interpreter however you wish, if you follow three primary conditions:

  1. Attribution (BY) – credit is given to the author, the Interpreter Foundation or journal, and as the source of the material.
  2. Noncommercial (NC) – none of the content may be used for commercial use or financial gain in any way.
  3. No derivative works (ND) – you may not alter, transform, or build upon the work.

Any method of sharing or distributing the content that takes into account these three conditions is allowed (other minor conditions may be read here). No need to ask permission from us.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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The Interpreter Foundation
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