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Interpreter has an Audio Podcast

This isn’t new, but just a reminder. Some of our readers may not know that Interpreter provides an audio podcast. This is a feed of audio segments from The Interpreter Foundation that combines many of the elements that we publish into an audio format that you can listen to. We know that many of our readers lead busy lives, and one way to fit in content you’re interested in is to listen to it on your commute, while exercising, doing household chores, etc. Interpreter’s audio podcast provides that option to you.

The audio podcast feed includes:

  • Audio versions of all our journal articles – We have a great group of volunteers who help record audio readings of each of the articles published in Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture. Sometimes the original authors will record their own audio readings too.
  • Audio of our scripture roundtables – We have a group of scholars, some from Interpreter’s Board and others, who weekly get together “virtually” through Google’s Hangout technology, and record scripture roundtable discussions centered around the Gospel Doctrine schedule of scripture lessons. These are available in video form on our YouTube page, but also available in audio format in our podcast.
  • Audio from our conferences and symposiums – Interpreter has held two conferences to date, “The Temple on Mount Zion,” and “Science & Mormonism: Cosmos, Earth & Man.” We will periodically include the audio from the presentations given at these conferences, and future conferences, in the audio podcast.
  • Occasional podcasts – Sometimes we may decide to do a special audio podcast, of an interview of other event, and include that in the podcast.

How do you access the podcast? There are several ways. Many of the articles and roundtables that we publish include an MP3 format button or player that you can use to download the audio file or listen to the audio directly from the post. Most people like to subscribe to audio podcasts on their computer, smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device, in order to listen to new content as it becomes available. This usually involves subscribing directly to the podcast feed.

You can access the podcast feed directly at this link ( Using that link alone isn’t very useful, however, but if you enter it into a podcast application you can then subscribe to it and any new content will be pushed directly to you as it is published and it will show up as “new” content in the podcast, easily accessible to listen to.

If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, you can subscribe easily to Interpreter’s podcast. Our podcast is published in the iTunes Podcast directory, so all you need to do is open the Podcast app or iTunes application, and search for Interpreter. Or you can click on this link to see it in the iTunes directory, or this link to open it up directly in iTunes.

If you see other feeds from Interpreter, that is because we also provide PDF and EPUB versions of our journal articles as podcast feeds.  If you’re only looking for the audio feed, simply look for the Interpreter logo with AUDIO on it.

We hope that the audio podcast is helpful to our readers, and that it provides a useful format to engage the content we provide and publish. Please let us know what you think of Interpreter’s audio podcast. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please let us know in the comments below.

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The Interpreter Foundation
The Interpreter Foundation
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