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Today’s Interpreter Milestone

Today marks the four hundreth (400th) consecutive Friday on which Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship has published at least one new article. That’s not a bad record, especially in view of the fact that the Interpreter Foundation was launched, and its journal conceived, just 401.5 weeks ago. This success could not have happened without the contributions given by very many people, contributions of both money and effort.

I cannot hope to adequately thank all of those who stepped forward from the very beginning, such as Bryce Haymond and my dear late friend Bill Hamblin. David Bokovoy generously contributed our very first article. Jeffrey Mark Bradshaw eventually stepped in and took over weekly management of Journal publication. And then, when he and his wife left for the first of their two lengthy assignments to the Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa Mission, Allen Wyatt accepted that responsibility, in which he continues to do remarkable work still today. And, of course, I’m grateful to all of our article authors, who receive no compensation for their labor, and to source checkers and audio readers and all of the others who make the thing work. And, beyond the Journal, I’m thankful to the folks who do our radio programs and contribute to our blog and track our finances and help me stay on top of writing thank-you notes and take notes at our board meetings and ensure that the money that has been entrusted to our care is prudently managed and help to organize our conferences and to film them and who provide us with technical support and . . . well, I’m sure that I’m forgetting vital people and essential contributions.

But thank you!

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The Interpreter Foundation
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