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Volume 7 Now Available in E-Book Formats

Volume 7 is now available in several digital e-book formats. They are available for downloading at the following links, or directly from your electronic device in its respective e-book store:

  • PDF (free) – can be read on most computers and devices, but text size cannot usually be adjusted.
  • EPUB (free) – can be read on Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Barnes & Noble Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including iBooks, Stanza, Aldiko, and Adobe Digital Editions.  This file must be transferred to your device.
  • MOBI (free) – can be read on Amazon Kindle devices and Kindle apps. This file must be transferred to your device.
  • Apple’s iBookstore (free) – can be read on Apple iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Downloads automatically to your device.
  • Nook Books ($0.99*) – Barnes & Noble’s Nook Books store, can be read on Barnes & Noble Nook devices. Downloads automatically to your device.
  • Kindle Store ($0.99*) – Amazon’s Kindle store, can be read on Amazon Kindle devices and Kindle apps on tablet devices. This Kindle edition is free with your paperback purchase (see the Kindle Matchbook service). Downloads automatically to your device.
  • Google BooksGoogle Play (free) – Google’s e-book bookstores, can be read on a variety of devices, including Android phones and tablets. Downloads automatically to your device.

*Note, this is the minimum we are allowed to charge for these formats.

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The Interpreter Foundation
The Interpreter Foundation
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