This is Scripture Roundtable 181 from The Interpreter Foundation, in which we discuss the Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson #37, Whosoever Will Come, Him Will I Receive, focusing on scriptures in 3 Nephi 8-11, bringing in various insights to help us better understand the scriptures. These roundtables will generally follow the 2016 Gospel Doctrine schedule of scriptures, a few weeks ahead of time.
Panelists for this roundtable are Martin Tanner and Bruce Webster.

This roundtable is also available as an audio podcast, and will be included in the podcast feed. You can listen by pressing the play button or download the podcast below:
Podcast: Download (Duration: 53:37 — 18.4MB)
“Sacbe”= “white roads” on Wikipedia. Also note that the book “Geology of the Book of Mormon” is available on the Book of Mormon Central website.
Re: BoM lesson 37
At one point in the video Bruce Webster comments that the voice of Jersus (Jehovah) speaking after the destruction is apparently post crucifixion and prior to resurrection. Bruce pauses while he scans the versus looking for the verse(s) confirming that is the case, which apparently he does find but he never says what verse(s) he was looking at or that he found. Would be helpful to know