Volume 61 of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
is Now Available for Ordering in Paperback and E-book Formats

The Interpreter Foundation is pleased to announce that Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship, Volume 61 (2024) is now available in paperback and digital formats for ordering and downloading.

The 576 page paperback of Volume 61 can be ordered online at Amazon for $13.19 plus shipping. This bound volume includes all of the peer-reviewed articles that have been published in Volume 61 online at https://journal.interpreterfoundation.org/volume-61-2024/. The Kindle version is available for $0.99 at Amazon while the ePub version is available for free at Barnes & Noble.

If you purchase the above print edition through Amazon, you can also receive a free copy of the digital Kindle edition through the Kindle Matchbook service.  Those who have purchased the paperback volumes in the past from Amazon can also access the Kindle edition of those same volumes for free.

Volume 61 is also now available in several digital e-book formats. They are available for downloading from the Volume page (https://journal.interpreterfoundation.org/volume-61-2024/), as follows:

  • PDF (free) – can be read on most computers and devices, but text size cannot usually be adjusted.
  • ePub (free) – can be read on Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Barnes & Noble Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including iBooks, Stanza, Aldiko, and Adobe Digital Editions.
  • AZW3 (free) – can be read on Amazon Kindle devices and Kindle apps.

We thank all of the many people who have made Interpreter possible, and the many hours of volunteer work and generous donations which have been given.

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Administration, "Volume 61 of Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship is Now Available for Ordering in Paperback and E-book Formats." Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture (): , https://dev.interpreterfoundation.org/volume-61-of-interpreter-a-journal-of-latter-day-saint-faith-and-scholarship-is-now-available-for-ordering-in-paperback-and-e-book-formats/.

About Administration

Allen Wyatt, an internationally recognized expert in small computer systems, has been working in the computer and publishing industries for over two decades. He has written more than 60 books explaining many different facets of working with computers, as well as numerous magazine articles. He has been publishing free weekly newsletters about Microsoft Word, Excel, and Windows since 1997. Besides writing books, articles, and newsletters, Allen has helped educate thousands of individuals through seminars and lectures throughout the United States, as well as throughout Mexico and Costa Rica. His books have been translated into many languages besides English, including Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish. Allen has served as vice president of FAIR and founding president of the More Good Foundation. He has written articles for the FARMS Review and various online venues, including Meridian Magazine. He is the president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services company located in Orem, Utah.

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