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Book of Mormon Bibliography
Alphabetical by Title

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 — 9
Pledger, Arthur G. “The W and I.” Ensign, September 1976.
ID = [43339]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1976-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5732  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:45
Parry, Donald W. “Wade Brown, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon: Structuring and Commentary.” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1 (1989): Article 4.
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Review of The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon: Structuring and Commentary (1988), by Wade Brown.

ID = [43]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-review  Size: 11089  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:23
Wright, David P. “Wade Brown, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon: Structuring and Commentary.” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1 (1989): Article 5.
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Review of the God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon: Structuring and Commentary (1988), by Wade Brown.

ID = [44]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-review  Size: 19762  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:23
Callister, Jerry E. “The Wagon Pulled Us Together.” Ensign, December 1994.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [51755]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1994-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 4366  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:47:22
Gaunt, LaRene Porter. “Walking the Trail of Hope—Together.” Ensign, July 2013.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [60257]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2013-07-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2258  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:37
Wallace, Henry A. “Wallace Extols Power of Great Books As National Fair Is Opened by Publishers.” New York Times (5 November 1937): 3.
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Many books, including the Bible, are cited for their powerful influence, and the Book of Mormon is extolled as “the most powerful” American religious book to come forth in the nineteenth century. Though it has affected only one percent of the people, that percentage was affected in such a profound way as to affect the whole of the United States.

ID = [80781]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1937-11-05  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:45
Boehm, Bruce J. “Wanderers in the Promised Land: A Study of the Exodus Motif in the Book of Mormon and Holy Bible.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3, no. 1 (1994): 187–203.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Old Testament Topics > Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
ID = [29728]  Status = Type = article  Date = 1994-01-01  Collections:  bom,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:29
Boehm, Bruce J. “Wanderers in the Promised Land: A Study of the Exodus Motif in the Book of Mormon and Holy Bible.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3 no. 1 (1994).
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Lehi’s exodus to the promised land is only the first of a series of exoduses occurring throughout the Book of Mormon. Indeed, Lehi’s exodus becomes mere precedent for later flights into the wilderness by Nephi, Mosiah, Alma1, Limhi, and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. For the Nephites, continuing exodus is not merely historical fact. Understanding the biblical exodus as a type and shadow, the Nephites come to see their wandering as a metaphor of their spiritual condition. Thus, even centuries after Lehi’s arrival in the promised land, Nephite prophets recognize their status as “wanderers in a strange land” (Alma 13:23). As did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Nephites also looked beyond their temporal land of promise “for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10).

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Topics > Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
ID = [2865]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1994-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms,old-test  Size: 38547  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:10
Unattributed. Wanted! One Hundred Thousand Men and Women to Read the American Volume of Scripture. Chicago, IL: The Northern States Mission,n.d.
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This pamphlet makes a plea to read the Book of Mormon, with a brief overview of the book and the testimonies of the witnesses.

ID = [78757]  Status = Type = book  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Smith, Troy J. The War Against Christianity: History and Geography of Ancient America in the Book of Mormon. Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, Inc., 2015.
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In ancient America, one small band of Christians spent centuries on the brink of annihilation. This fascinating look at the geographical, political, and religious subcultures of the Book of Mormon shows how Nephite Christianity fared against the barbaric paganism that dominated that part of the world. Backed by scriptural evidence, this book will profoundly change the way you read the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, origins; Book of Mormon, literary context; Book of Mormon
ID = [81519]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:25
Relief Society Magazine. “War and the Art of War among Book of Mormon Peoples.” Relief Society Magazine 5 (October 1918): 592-96.
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Methods of warfare in the Book of Mormon were elementary in the beginning but became more sophisticated with time and under Moroni grew to an art. Still the weapons were crude and the armaments were fairly ineffective and many people were killed, ravaged, and raped.

ID = [80782]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1918-10-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:45
Hull, Kerry. “War Banners: A Mesoamerican Context for the Title of Liberty.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 24, no. 1 (2015): 84-118.
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The title of liberty fashioned by Moroni represented a rallying point for those who would defend the most cherished aspects of Nephite culture: families, religion, peace, and freedom. A key facet of the title of liberty incident is its deep-rooted martial setting, suggesting that the title of liberty functioned as a war banner. Numerous aspects of the title of liberty episode related to warfare and battle standards fit comfortably in an ancient Mesoamerican context. Additionally, various linguistic and poetic features in the details surrounding the title of liberty in Alma 46 closely correlate to Mesoamerican traditions, indicative of a common cultural origin.

Keywords: Culture; Mesoamerica; Title of Liberty; War Banners; Warfare
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [3322]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 75218  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:39
Rappleye, Neal. “‘War of Words and Tumult of Opinions’: The Battle for Joseph Smith’s Words in Book of Mormon Geography.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 11 (2014): 37-95.
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Review of John L. Lund. Joseph Smith and the Geography of the Book of Mormon. The Communications Company, 2012. 209 pp. + xviii, including index.In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be done? Who of all these parties are right; or, are they all wrong together? If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know it?
–Joseph Smith Jr.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [4286]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2014-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 64694  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:21
Thomasson, Gordon C., ed. War, Conscription, Conscience, and Mormonism. Santa Barbara: Mormon Heritage, 1971.
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A collection of essays by recognized authorities and scholars of the Church that reflect individual opinions on the subjects of war, conscription, conscience, and Mormonism. Cites relevant Book of Mormon precedents, such as Anti-Nephi-Lehies.

ID = [78758]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1971-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Peterson, Kathleen Lubeck. “The Ward Family: Pulling Together.” Ensign, July 1995.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [52032]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1995-07-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 14232  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:51:06
Church News. “Ward Heeds Council to Read Book of Mormon.” Church News 60 (20 October 1990): 13.
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The Applewood Ward completed a program to read the Book of Mormon in ninety days, helping those who were reading it for the first time.

ID = [80783]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1990-10-20  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Nibley, Hugh W. “Warfare and the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 127—45. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1990.
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Originally presented at the FARMS Symposium on Warfare, 24 March 1989.
Compares the descriptions of warfare in the Book of Mormon with the writings and axioms of Karl von Clausewitz’s military treatise, Vom Kriege, that served the military as a bible for 150 years and was published in 1833. Descriptions of Book of Mormon warfare match von Clausewitz’s principles very well. Again the internal evidence of the Book of Mormon establishes its accuracy in describing technical subjects unknown to Joseph Smith.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > War, Peace
ID = [822]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,nibley  Size: 34609  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:13
Nibley, Hugh W. “Warfare and the Book of Mormon.” In Brother Brigham Challenges the Saints, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, vol. 13. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1994.
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Descriptions of Book of Mormon warfare match von Clausewitz’s principles very well. Again the internal evidence of the Book of Mormon establishes its accuracy in describing technical subjects unknown to Joseph Smith.
Compares the descriptions of warfare in the Book of Mormon with the writings and axioms of Karl von Clausewitz’s military treatise, Vom Kriege, that served the military as a bible for 150 years and was published in 1833.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Warfare
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Brigham Young
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > War, Peace
ID = [2181]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1994-01-01  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:30
Palmer, David A. “Warfare and the Development of Nephite Culture in America.” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1985.
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David Palmer discusses the persistent military conflict during Nephite times, exploring the economic, political, and religious causes of ancient warfare. He also examines the role of the war captain, battle tactics, and how archaeological remains in Mesoamerica support the existence of a military class and fortifications. Details from the Book of Mormon accounts appear to weave in very well with information archaeologists have found on the role of warfare in Mesoamerican society.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Warfare
ID = [8549]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1985-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-reports  Size: 998  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:44
Ricks, Stephen D., and William J. Hamblin, eds. Warfare in the Book of Mormon. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book Company, 1990.
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“People may well ask: Why study warfare in the Book of Mormon? There are so many answers, among which are these: to understand better the events in the Book of Mormon, to develop a perspective against which to understand its teachings and messages, to enjoy the interesting lives of a remarkable people, and to aid in assaying the historicity of the book, ” writes John W. Welch at the beginning of Warfare in the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Scholarship; Warfare
ID = [6979]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size: 895383  Children: 22  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:37


Welch, John W. “Why Study Warfare in the Book of Mormon?” In Warfare In the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 3-24. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
ID = [81060]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:02
Phillips, R. Douglas. “Why Is So Much of the Book of Mormon Given Over to Military Accounts?” In Warfare In the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 25-28. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Book of Mormon wars fulfill Lehi’s prophecies about the terms and conditions for people to remain in the promised land.

ID = [81059]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:02
Rust, Richard Dilworth. “Purpose of the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 29-32. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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This chapter considers the inconsistent amount of detail given to wars in the Book of Mormon, with some important conflicts receiving a mere sentence while several pages are dedicated to less important battles. The author concludes that the wars in the Book of Mormon are intended to prepare us for the spiritual conflict we face in our day.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, use and influence; Book of Mormon; Mormon (Book of Mormon figure)
ID = [82130]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Szink, Terry L. “An Oath of Allegiance in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 35-45. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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“An important element in any military endeavor is the loyalty of the soldiers. Obviously, even the most brilliant military tactics will fail if the troops are unfaithful in fulfilling their duty. Often, to instill this loyalty, an oath of allegiance is administered to recruits. The well-known title-of-liberty episode in Alma 46 of the Book of Mormon includes an interesting example of just such an oath. This paper will examine that oath, drawing upon parallels from the ancient Near East for comparison.” [Author]

Keywords: Book of Mormon, parallels with ancient Near East; Book of Mormon; Moroni (Book of Mormon figure)
ID = [82131]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Welch, John W. “Law and War in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 46-102. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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“The present study explores internally and comparatively several points of interaction between law and war in the Book of Mormon. Within the Book of Mormon, one can observe the effects of war on the normal affairs of Nephite government, the nature of their laws and norms pertaining to the conduct of war itself, and the use of armed forces in maintaining domestic order. One may also compare and contrast the Nephite experience with that of their Israelite relatives.” [Author]

Keywords: Book of Mormon, parallels with ancient Near East; Law and order; Book of Mormon
ID = [82132]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Ricks, Stephen D. “‘Holy War’: The Sacral Ideology of War in the Book of Mormon and in the Ancient Near East.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 103-117. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ammonihah (Polity); Ancient Near East; Law of Moses; Warfare
ID = [82133]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Tvedtnes, John A. “The Sons of Mosiah: Emissaries of Peace.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 118-123. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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This chapter examines missionary work in the Book of Mormon as a means to stop warfare with unbelieving groups. The author cites examples from the missions of the sons of Mosiah, as well as the mission to the Zoramites and the preaching of Nephi and Lehi. In each case, war ceased and prosperity was regained after the gospel was preached to the instigators of war.

Keywords: Missiology; Doctrinal history, peace; Book of Mormon
ID = [82134]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Peterson, Daniel C. “The Gadianton Robbers as Guerrilla Warriors.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 146-173. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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This chapter compares the war tactics of the Gadianton robbers in the Book of Mormon to Guerrilla warfare utilized by various groups throughout military history.

Keywords: Doctrinal history, Gadianton robbers; Book of Mormon; Politics, Book of Mormon
ID = [82135]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Peterson, Daniel C. “Notes on ‘Gadianton Masonry’” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 174-224. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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This chapter examines the claims of authors such as Fawn Brodie and David Persuitte that Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon as a piece of anti-Masonry literature. It concludes that, while there are similarities between the Gadianton robbers and Freemasons, it cannot be determined that the similarities were intentional. Additionally, the early Saints did not take an anti-Masonry stance or use the Book of Mormon to promote anti-Masonry sentiment.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, anti-Masonry; Book of Mormon, use and influence; Book of Mormon; Freemasonry
ID = [82136]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Warren, Bruce W. “Secret Combinations, Warfare, and Captive Sacrifice in Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 225-236. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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This chapter examines similarities between the warfare and war-related rituals of ancient Mesoamericans and of the Jaredites in the Book of Mormon. It draws comparisons between secret combinations and treatment of captive kings in both societies.

Keywords: Mesoamerica; Book of Mormon; Cultural anthropology
ID = [82137]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Hilton, Matthew M. F., and Neil J. Flinders. “The Impact of Shifting Cultural Assumptions on the Military Policies Directing Armed Conflict Reported in the Book of Alma.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 237-265. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Lamanite Culture; Nephite Government; Politics; Warfare
ID = [82138]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Merrill, Brent. “Nephite Captains and Armies.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 266-295. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Captain Moroni; Chief Captain; Warfare
ID = [82139]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Tvedtnes, John A. “Book of Mormon Tribal Affiliation and Military Castes.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 296-326. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica; King-Men; Lamanite; Lamanite Culture; Mulekite; Nephite; Nephite Culture; Order of Nehor; People of Ammon; Warfare
ID = [82140]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hamblin, William J., and Brent Merrill. “Swords in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 329-351. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica; Metallurgy; Warfare; Weaponry; Weaponry – Sword
ID = [82141]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “Scimitars, Cimeters! We Have Scimitars! Do We Need Another Cimeter?” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 352-359. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient Near East; Metallurgy; Warfare; Weaponry - Cimeter; Weaponry - Scimitar
ID = [82142]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hamblin, William J., and Brent Merrill. “Notes on the Cimeter (Scimitar) in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 360-364. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient Near East; Metallurgy; Warfare; Weaponry - Cimeter; Weaponry - Scimitar
ID = [82143]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hamblin, William J. “The Bow and Arrow in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 365-399. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient Near East; Warfare; Weaponry - Arrow; Weaponry - Bow
ID = [82144]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hamblin, William J. “Armor in the Book of Mormon.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 400-424. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient Near East; Warfare; armor
ID = [82145]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Sorenson, John L. “Fortifications in the Book of Mormon Account Compared with Mesoamerican Fortifications.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 425-444. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica; Fortifications; Warfare
ID = [82146]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Sorenson, John L. “Seasonality of Warfare in the Book of Mormon and Mesoamerica.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 445-477. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Warfare; Weather
ID = [82147]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hamblin, William J. “The Importance of Warfare in Book of Mormon Studies.” In Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, 481-499. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
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Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica; Ancient Near East; Economics; Warfare
ID = [82148]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:00
Hamblin, William J. “Warfare in the Book of Mormon.” In Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, edited by John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne, 241-248. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1991.
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The wars and battles described in the Book of Mormon include some of the most detailed narratives of the book. Those accounts provide us with an excellent chance to examine how consistent and complex the text is. Joseph Smith lived in an age of warfare with guns, yet the Book of Mormon displays patterns of warfare that made sense only before gunpowder was used. This can be seen in both the general patterns and in the tiny details of the text. Descriptions of weapons and tactics in the Book of Mormon are definitely ancient. Furthermore, the warfare in the Book of Mormon differs from what we read about in the Bible. It differs in the same way that war in ancient Mesoamerica differed from biblical warfare.

Keywords: Ancient America; Mesoamerica; Strategy; Warfare
ID = [75638]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1991-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size: 15173  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:54
Church News. “‘Warm Heart’ Is Answer to Child’s Prayer about Book.” Church News 58 (31 December 1988): 8-9.
Display Abstract  

A child’s testimony of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78839]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1988-12-31  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Robinson, Stephen E. “Warring against the Saints of God.” Ensign, January 1988.
ID = [48402]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1988-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 26465  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:13
Kelson, John H. “Wars of the Nephites and Lamanites.” Deseret Weekly 43 (17, 24, 31 October 1891; 14November 1891): 521-22, 561-62, 593-94, 657-58.
Display Abstract  

Gives ethnic descriptions of Book of Mormon peoples and discusses them as inventors, explorers, and warriors. Cites archaeological findings that relate to the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80784]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1891-10-17  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Lindsay, Jeff. “Was a Rare Book on the Hindu Religion a Source for the Book of Ether?” The Interpreter Foundation website. December 9, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [4950]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-12-09  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 47108  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:13:11
Roper, Matthew P. “Was Aminadab a Zoramite?” Insights 24, no. 1 (2004).
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

In one of the more moving narratives found in the Book of Mormon, a group of Lamanites are miraculously prevented from killing the prophets Nephi and Lehi in a prison. The Lamanites and Nephite dissenters are then redeemed from their own spiritual bondage when they are converted to Christ.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Lehi; Nephite; language
ID = [66735]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:47
Scripture Central. “Was Chiasmus Known to Ancient American Writers?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #346. July 31, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Poetry; Mesoamerica; Maya; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7990]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 19604  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Welch, John W. “Was Helaman 7-8 an Allegorical Funeral Sermon?” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Allegory; Death; Nephi (Son of Helaman)
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [66512]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:39
Widtsoe, John A. “Was Iron Known in Ancient America?” Improvement Era 53, no. 3 (1950): 175, 231.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The view of scholars in the field of American archaeology holds that the pre-Columbian inhabitants of America did not know of or use iron. However, this article, citing the Science Newsletter of November 12, 1949, recommends that this view may have to be reevaluated on the basis of new findings of iron in Ancient America.

Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica, Archaeology, External Evidence, Iron, Metal, Metallurgy
ID = [77083]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1950-03-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Sharp, Ryan H. “‘Was It Not So?’ Remembering the Contributions of Samuel the Lamanite.” In Samuel the Lamanite, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2021.
ID = [33907]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:13
Tvedtnes, John A. “Was Joseph Smith Guilty of Plagiarism?” FARMS Review 22, no. 1 (2010): 261-275.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Joseph Smith has been charged with plagiarism in the Book of Mormon and his own revelations, largely because of lengthy biblical quotations (which, in each instance, have been credited to the Old Testament prophet whose words are being cited). Numerous examples in the Old Testament show that prophets freely borrowed verbiage from another. In the nineteenth century, newspapers reprinted material, often without attribution.

Keywords: Early Church History; Joseph; Jr.; Old Testament; Plagiarism; Quotation; Revelation; Smith; Translation
ID = [653]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-review,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 33722  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:01
Pratt, Orson. “Was Joseph Smith Sent of God?” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 10, no. 16-19 (15 August; 1, 15 September; 1 October 1848): 247- 51, 257-60, 273-78, 289-93.
Display Abstract  

Pratt states that the Book of Mormon was revealed through Joseph Smith, that it contains the everlasting gospel and the writings of the tribe of Joseph. Explains Ezekiel 37:18-21 and Isaiah 29. Book of Mormon explains that America is the land of promise of Joseph. Thousands and tens of thousands of witnesses have accepted the Book of Mormon and witness concerning its truthfulness.

ID = [80920]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1848-08-15  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:53
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “Was Joseph Smith Smarter Than the Average Fourth Year Hebrew Student? Finding a Restoration-Significant Hebraism in Book of Mormon Isaiah.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 17 (2016): 151-158.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: The brass plates version of Isaiah 2:2, as contained in 2 Nephi 12:2, contains a small difference, not attested in any other pre-1830 Isaiah witness, that not only helps clarify the meaning but also ties the verse to events of the Restoration. The change does so by introducing a Hebraism that would have been impossible for Joseph Smith, the Prophet, to have produced on his own.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [4215]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2016-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal,old-test  Size: 18837  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:15
Scripture Central. “Was Joseph Smith the ‘Author’ of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #507. March 22, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation; Book of Mormon Authorship
ID = [7829]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-03-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 17753  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Was Korihor Really an Atheist?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #532. September 19, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Korihor; Alma; Amulek; Atheism; Anti-Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7804]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-09-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14995  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Was Lehi Familiar with Zenos’s Allegory of the Olive Tree?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #466. September 11, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zenos; Lehi; Tree of Life; Allegory of the Olive Tree; House of Israel; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [7870]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-09-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8173  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Tvedtnes, John A. “Was Mormon a Member of a Military Class?” Society for Early Historic Archaeology Newsletter 163 (April 1988): 3-5.
Display Abstract  

Suggests that Mormon became a military leader because he belonged to a military caste whose responsibility it was to lead the Nephite armies.

ID = [80785]  Status = Type = newsletter article  Date = 1988-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Aston, Warren P. “Was Nephi’s Bountiful Populated? Does It Matter?” Meridian Magazine, April 24, 2014.
ID = [66539]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2014-04-24  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:41
Scripture Central. “Was Nephi’s Slaying of Laban Legal?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #256. January 2, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Legal; Law; Ancient Law; Law of Moses; Nephi; Laban; Lehi; Jerusalem; Murder; Death; Drunkeness; Ancient Near East; Bible; Old Testament; Numbers; Judges; Ancient Israel
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Numbers
Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
ID = [8080]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10237  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Widtsoe, John A. “Was Steel Known When Lehi Left Jerusalem?” Improvement Era 50, no. 5 (1947): 304.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article argues that steel existed around the time Lehi left Jerusalem, about 600 B.C.

Keywords: Ancient Near East, Metal, Metallurgy, Steel, Sword of Laban
ID = [77096]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1947-05-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Voros, J. Frederic, Jr. “Was the Book of Mormon Buried with King Follett?” Sunstone 11, no. 2 (Spring, 1987): 15-18.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article discusses the evolution of Joseph Smith’s teachings on God and salvation. The author argues the Book of Mormon influenced Smith’s early views, which matured into the King Follett discourse.

Keywords: Doctrinal history, God and the Godhead; Smith, Joseph, Jr., teachings; Doctrinal history, salvation; Book of Mormon, use and influence; Doctrinal history, King Follett discourse
ID = [81965]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1987-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:50
Scripture Central. “Was the Book of Mormon Used as the First Church Administrative Handbook?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #72. April 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Early Church History; Church Organization; Joseph Smith; Restoration; Apostle
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8264]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8744  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Taylor, Joseph E. “Was the Declaration of Independence a Heavenly Inspiration?” Improvement Era 7, no. 9 (1904): 641-646.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Brother of Jared, Columbus, Christopher, Declaration of Independence, Inspiration, Jaredites, Promised Land, Prophecy, Smith, Joseph, Jr., United States History
ID = [77028]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1904-07-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Reynolds, Noel B., and Royal Skousen. “Was the Path Nephi Saw ‘Strait and Narrow’ or ‘Straight and Narrow’?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 10, no. 2 (2001): 30-33, 70.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The two spellings strait and straight are often considered synonymous; however, they come from different Middle English words and have different meanings. Strait means “narrow” or “tight,” whereas straight means “not crooked.” The difference in these meanings affects the interpretation of the scriptural phrase “strait/straight and narrow path” and others like it. Reynolds and Skousen explore possible meanings that the original Book of Mormon authors may have intended in their use of the two words.

Keywords: Middle English; Nephi; Straight; Strait
ID = [3070]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2001-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 17888  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:23
Scripture Central. “Was the Requirement of a ‘Broken Heart" Known Before the Time of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #27. February 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Broken Heart; Contrite Spirit; Sacrifice; Law of Moses; Psalms; Lehi; Bible; Nephi; Old Testament; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8309]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6423  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Welch, John W. “Was There a Library in Harmony, Pennsylvania?” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 283-284. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Early Church History; Translation
ID = [75704]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:58
Sorenson, John L. “Was There Hebrew Language in Ancient America? An Interview with Brian Stubbs.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 9 no. 2 (2000).
Display Abstract  

In an interview with John L. Sorenson, linguist Brian Stubbs discusses the evidence he has used to establish that at least one language family in Mesoamerica is related to Semitic languages. Stubbs explains how his studies of Near Eastern languages, coupled with his studies of Uto-Aztecan, helped him find related word pairs in the two language families. The evidence for a link between Uto-Aztecan and Semitic languages, or even Egyptian or Arabic, is still tentative, although the evidence includes all the standard requirements of comparative or historical linguistic research: sound correspondences or consistent sound shifts, morphological correspondences, and a substantial lexicon consisting of as many as 1,000 words that exemplify those correspondences.

ID = [3044]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2000-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 28283  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:22
Sorenson, John L. “Was There Leprosy Among the Nephites?” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 231-233. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ancient America; Ancient Near East; Disease; Mesoamerica
ID = [75691]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,sorenson  Size: 4447  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:57
Bednar, David A. “Watchful unto Prayer Continually (Alma 34:39; Moroni 6:4; Luke 21:36).” Ensign, November 2019.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [63130]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2019-11-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 12069  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:24
Hepworth, Joseph Thomas. “Watermelons, Alma 32, and the Experimental Method.” Brigham Young University Studies 23, no. 4 (1983): 497.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [9035]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1983-01-04  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:47
Moss, Robert H. The Waters of Mormon, A Novel of Alma the Elder. Bountiful, UT: Horizon, 1986.
Display Abstract  

A novel based on the writings of Alma the Elder in the Book of Mormon.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [78693]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1986-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Wilkinson, LaVern. “Waters of Sebus.” Improvement Era 30, no. 4 (1927): 346-347.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article describes how Ammon received the miraculous power of God as the result of obedience to God. It claims that individuals qualify for the Lord’s work by diligent study. and power is invested in them by prayer and fasting, and there must be a desire to serve.

Keywords: Ammon (Son of King Mosiah), Obedience, Sons of Mosiah, Waters of Sebus
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [76986]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1927-02-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:10
Fletcher, Rupert J. The Way of Deliverance. Independence, MO: Author, 1969.
Display Abstract  

Writes concerning the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the testimony of the Three and Eight Witnesses, the evils of the present world as presented in the scriptures, and the future establishment of the New Jerusalem.

ID = [78694]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1969-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Stirling, Mack C. “The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6, no. 2 (1997): 152-204.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The Book of Mormon describes a great division in mankind between the few who walk in the way of life and the many who walk in the way of death. This division results from the response of each individual to Christ or to the voice of God during probation. Men either hearken to the voice of Christ and progressively acquire spiritual life or they hearken to the voice of the devil and progressively descend into spiritual death. Nine Book of Mormon texts reveal detailed teachings on life and death. A diagram illustrates the ideas of each text. The conception and portrayal of spiritual reality in terms of two mutually exclusive, progressively diverging, and correspondingly opposite ways of life and death are clearly demonstrated. This dualistic conception of reality underlies the entire Book of Mormon. An understanding of this paradigm is critical, in order both to assimilate the essential message of the Book of Mormon on life and death and to understand its theological relationship to the Doctrine and Covenants.

Keywords: Agency; Death; Division; Life; Theology; Two Ways
ID = [2961]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1997-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,d-c,farms-jbms  Size: 103862  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:16
Nibley, Hugh W. “The Way of the Wicked.” In An Approach to the Book of Mormon, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, vol. 6, 3rd ed. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1988.
Display Abstract  

In this work the Book of Mormon is seen in a new perspective; we see it in a world setting, not in a mere local one. It takes its place naturally alongside the Bible and other great works of antiquity and becomes one of them.
An exploration of crime in the Book of Mormon.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon
ID = [2059]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1988-01-01  Collections:  bom,mi,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:23
Nibley, Hugh W. “The Way of the ‘Intellectuals’” In An Approach to the Book of Mormon, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, vol. 6, 3rd ed. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1988.
Display Abstract  

In this work the Book of Mormon is seen in a new perspective; we see it in a world setting, not in a mere local one. It takes its place naturally alongside the Bible and other great works of antiquity and becomes one of them.
A discussion of people throughout the Book of Mormon who appeal to “intellectuals” and how that is traced back to the “Jews of Jerusalem.”

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon
ID = [2058]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1988-01-01  Collections:  bom,mi,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:23
Howells, Rulon S. The Way to Happiness. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1967.
Display Abstract  

This full-color illustrated booklet begins with the organization of the primitive church by Christ, and moves through the Apostasy to the Restoration of the Latter-day Church. It presents the Joseph Smith story in Smith’s own words. Includes doctrines taught in the Book of Mormon on baptism, divine authority, the sacrament, and temple marriage.

ID = [78695]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1967-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Halverson, Jared M. “The Way, the Truth, and the Way to Truth: Harmony in Pursuit of Orthodoxy.” In I Glory in My Jesus: Understanding Christ in the Book of Mormon, eds. Hilton, John, III, Nicholas J. Frederick, Mark D. Ogletree, and Krystal V. L. Pierce. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2023.
ID = [81593]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2023-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:29
Midgley, Louis C. “The Ways of Remembrance.” In Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, edited by Sorenson, John L., and Melvin J. Thorne, 168-176. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1991.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Careful attention to one particular word used in the Book of Mormon yields some surprising dividends. For example, Lehi pled with his sons to remember his words: “My sons, I would that ye would remember; yea, I would that ye would hearken unto my words.” Such language may go unnoticed, or it may seem to be merely a request to recall some teachings. The word remember seems rather plain and straightforward. But when looked at more closely, the language about remembrance in the Book of Mormon turns out to be rich and complex, conveying important, hidden meaning.

Keywords: Covenant; Deliverance; Oath; Remembrance
ID = [75631]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1991-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-books  Size: 17548  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:54
Ensign. “‘We Add Our Witness’” Ensign March 1989.
ID = [48948]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1989-03-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 17407  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:17
Brown, Hugh B. “We Affirm Our Faith.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1958.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article celebrates that, after one hundred thirty years, the influence of the Book of Mormon continues to steadily increase. It is the word of God, a sacred record of ancient inhabitants of America, translated by the power of God. Though many have tried to discredit it, the Book of Mormon is probably the most influential and most widely discussed book in America. It is a witness of Christ.

Keywords: Articles of Faith; Book of Mormon; Book of Mormon Translation; Faith; Miracles; Missionary Work; Testimony
ID = [27253]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1958-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference  Size: 9955  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
McKeever, Bill. “We Also Believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God . . ”. El Cajon, CA: Mormonism Research Ministry, 1982.
Display Abstract  

An polemical tract that discusses contradictions and errors in the Book of Mormon. The Bible is the sole word of God.

ID = [77378]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1982-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:05
Bowen, Matthew L. “‘We Are a Remnant of the Seed of Joseph’: Moroni’s Interpretive Use of Joseph’s Coat and the Martial nēs-Imagery of Isaiah 11:11–12.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 41 (2020): 169-192.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: Genesis 30:23–24 offers a double etiology for Joseph in terms of “taking away”/“gathering” (ʾāsap) and “adding” (yāsap). In addition to its later narratological use of the foregoing, the Joseph cycle (Genesis 37–50) evidences a third dimension of onomastic wordplay involving Joseph’s kĕtōnet passîm, an uncertain phrase traditionally translated “coat of many colours” (from LXX), but perhaps better translated, “coat of manifold pieces.” Moroni1, quoting from a longer version of the Joseph story from the brass plates, refers to “Joseph, whose coat was rent by his brethren into many pieces” (Alma 46:23). As a military and spiritual leader, Moroni1 twice uses Joseph’s torn coat and the remnant doctrine from Jacob’s prophecy regarding Joseph’s coat as a model for his covenant use of his own coat to “gather” (cf. ʾāsap) and rally faithful Nephites as “a remnant of the seed of Joseph” (Alma 46:12–28, 31; 62:4–6). In putting that coat on a “pole” or “standard” (Hebrew nēs — i.e., “ensign”) to “gather” a “remnant of the seed of Joseph” appears to make use of the Isaianic nēs-imagery of Isaiah 11:11–12 (and elsewhere), where the Joseph-connected verbs yāsap and ʾāsap serve as key terms. Moroni’s written-upon “standard” or “ensign” for “gathering” the “remnant of the seed of Joseph” constituted an important prophetic antetype for how Mormon and his son, Moroni2, perceived the function of their written record in the latter-days (see, e.g., 3 Nephi 5:23–26; Ether 13:1–13).

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Book of Mormon Topics > Persons and Peoples > Joseph (Ancient Egypt)
Book of Mormon Topics > Doctrines and Teachings > Gather
ID = [3455]  Status = Checked by JA Type = journal article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal,old-test  Size: 56239  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:49
Clark, Kim B. “We Are as the Army of Helaman.” Devotional, Brigham Young University—Hawaii, February 28, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [71514]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2008-02-29  Collections:  bom,byuh-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:55:02
Belnap, Daniel L. “‘We Are Not Cut Off’: Separation and Reconciliation through Sacred Covenants.” In Living the Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, eds. Gaye Strathearn and Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Perhaps no theme in the Book of Mormon resonates so powerfully to modern readers as that of separation from and reconciliation with God. The sense of being cut off, isolated, or driven out is attested throughout the book. Similarly, messages from the Book of Mormon prophets of hope, reconciliation, and communion with God seek to alleviate the fears and depression that arise from loneliness or abandonment. This theme is particularly evident in Jacob’s great speech recorded in 2 Nephi 6–10 and the two “last” speeches from Moroni in Mormon 8 and Moroni 10. Jacob and Moroni both address separation from and reconciliation with God, providing a template for the reader to understand their own experiences. In particular, these prophets quote the words of Isaiah to teach how sacred covenants reconcile us to God.

Keywords: Covenant; Jacob (Son of Lehi); Moroni (Son of Mormon); Reconciliation; Separation
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
RSC Topics > A — C > Covenant
ID = [35807]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry,rsc-video  Size: 27701  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:05
Hield, Charles R. We Believe in Jesus Christ. Independence, MO: Herald Publishing,n.d.
Display Abstract  

The three standard books of the RLDS church give a complete account of the life and accomplishments of Jesus Christ. Those who accept Christ and are valiant will receive greater glory than those who do not.

ID = [78759]  Status = Type = book  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Seely, David Rolph. “‘We Believe the Bible to Be the Word of God, as Far as It Is Translated Correctly’: Latter-Day Saints and Historical Biblical Criticism.” Studies in the Bible and Antiquity 8 (2016): 64–86.
Display Abstract  

This study presents the basic Latter-day Saint beliefs about the Bible and documents the relationship between these beliefs and the approach and results of historical biblical criticism. Latter-day Saints believe the Bible is the word of God but do not believe it is inerrant or sufficient and thus is supplemented by other revealed ancient texts—most notably the Book of Mormon. Latter-day Saints believe in the pursuit of truth through “study and faith” and are thus not opposed to intellectual examination of scripture. In fact LDS scholars selectively use biblical critical methods in defending of their scripture. At the same time Mormons are defensive about the historicity of the Bible and the Book of Mormon—and thus find themselves with a tradition of conflict with the results of modern biblical criticism that challenge these assumptions. A growing number of LDS scholars in the church who are trained in the historical critical approach to scripture has resulted in renewed discussions and studies about the relationship between faith and scholarship. These discussions are enhanced by a greater openness in the church regarding the critical study of its history, and the results of this approach have also generated biblical and Book of Mormon studies relating to historical critical issues.

Topics:    Book of Moses Topics > Joseph Smith Translation (JST) > Historicity and Ancient Threads — General Issues
Book of Moses Topics > Source Criticism and the Documentary Hypothesis
ID = [2647]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2016-01-01  Collections:  bom,moses  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:59
LeFevre, David A. “‘We Did Again Take Our Journey’” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15, no. 2 (2006): 58-67, 120-122.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

David A. LeFevre analyzes the studies done by Warren Aston (see page 8), Richard Wellington and George Potter (see page 26), and Kent Brown (see page 44) and compares them, using the text of the Book of Mormon as a guide. These three studies take liberty in interpreting Nephi’s usage of specific terms; LeFevre, however, insists that such interpretations are unnecessary and inaccurate. He analyzes other phrases in a more conservative way in order to find additional information regarding Lehi’s trek. He specifically discusses Lehi’s life in Jerusalem, the route Lehi took from Jerusalem to the Red Sea, the Valley of Lemuel, the route from Shazer to Nahom, the route from Nahom to Bountiful, and the building of the ship at Bountiful.

Keywords: Bountiful; Jerusalem; Lehi’s Trail; Nahom; Nephi; Red Sea; Shazer; Valley of Lemuel
ID = [3192]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2006-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 55723  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:31
Cowan, Richard O. “‘We Did Magnify Our Office unto the Lord’” In The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy, eds. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr.,, 73–86. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1990.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church Organization
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
ID = [36847]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books  Size: 27018  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:59
Peterson, H. Donl. “We Had a Hope of His Glory.” Instructor 104 (August 1969): 300-301.
Display Abstract  

The ancient Israelites, the Jaredites, and the Nephites all knew of Christ and benefited from following his gospel. Jesus is the Savior of all mankind and hope and happiness come through living his teachings.

ID = [80786]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1969-08-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Beesley, Kenneth H. “We have been counseled to store a year’s supply of food, clothing, and, where possible, fuel. Can you explain what might be regarded as a discrepancy between this counsel and 3 Nephi 13:26?” Ensign, July 1982.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [45902]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1982-07-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3773  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:03
Reeve, Rex C., Jr. “We Labor Diligently to Persuade Our Children to Believe in Christ: 2 Nephi 25:21 to 26:11.” In The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., 259–67. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [36879]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books  Size: 16709  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:01
Ensign. “We learn in Mosiah 25:6 that the account of Alma’s group covered the time they left Zarahemla until they ‘returned again.’ Since Alma and his followers were presumably born in the land of Nephi and had never been to Zarahemla, how is this matter reconciled?” Ensign August 1992.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [50633]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1992-08-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5383  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:46:11
Scott, Richard G. “We Love You—Please Come Back.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1986.
ID = [15705]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1986-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 9027  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Scott, Richard G. “We Love You—Please Come Back.” Ensign, May 1986.
ID = [47569]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1986-05-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 8916  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:07
Bennion, Adam S. “We May Find Joy in Master’s Service.” Church News 31 (18 February 1961): 16.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon shows that we need to “center our thinking in the joys of living the gospel,” of service, and of living in the world.

ID = [80787]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1961-02-18  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Bowen, Matthew L. “‘We Might Have Enjoyed Our Possessions and the Land of Our Inheritance’: Hebrew yrš and 1 Nephi 17:21.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 50 (2022): 123-144.
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Abstract: The verbal expression “we might have enjoyed,” as used in a complaint that Nephi attributes to his brothers, “we might have enjoyed our possessions and the land of our inheritance” (1 Nephi 17:21), reflects a use of the Hebrew verb yrš in its progressive aspect, “to enjoy possession of.” This meaning is evident in several passages in the Hebrew Bible, and perhaps most visibly in the KJV translation of Numbers 36:8 (“And every daughter, that possesseth [Hebrew yōrešet] an inheritance [naḥălâ] in any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the children of Israel may enjoy [yîršû] every man the inheritance [naḥălat] of his fathers”) and Joshua 1:15 (“then ye shall return unto the land of your possession [lĕʾereṣ yĕruššatkem or, unto the land of your inheritance], and enjoy it [wîrištem ʾôtāh].” Examining Laman and Lemuel’s complaint in a legal context helps us better appreciate “land[s] of … inheritance” as not just describing a family estate, but as also expressing a seminal Abrahamic Covenant concept in numerous Book of Mormon passages, including the covenant implications of the resettlement of the converted Lamanites and reconverted Zoramites as refugees in “the land of Jershon” (“place of inheritance”).

Keywords: Abrahamic covenant; inherit; lands of inheritance; possess
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Numbers
Old Testament Scriptures > Joshua
Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [8441]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2022-00-00  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal,old-test  Size: 54978  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Van Orden, Bruce A. “‘We Prophesy of Christ’: The Law of Witnesses in 2 Nephi.” Ensign, February 1990.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [49394]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1990-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 12984  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:20
Faust, James E. “‘We Seek After These Things’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract  

We hope you are men who are “true at all times in whatsoever thing [you are] entrusted.” [Alma 53:20] … I plead for greater consistency between our beliefs and actions.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [18367]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 14515  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:51
Rasmus, Carolyn J. “‘Weak Things Made Strong’” In The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi Through Moroni, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., 251–62. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1995.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Faith
RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > G — K > Humility
ID = [36726]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1995-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books  Size: 27187  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:52
Phillips, W. Revell. “Weather Report from the Valley of Lemuel.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15 no. 2 (2006).
Display Abstract  

In his effort to correct and preserve the original text of the Book of the Mormon, Royal Skousen has also increased our understanding of and appreciation for this volume of sacred scripture. Skousen’s close examination of the use of words and phrases throughout the book highlights its intertextuality and demonstrates that Book of Mormon authors were aware of and influenced by the words of previous authors. Moreover, restoring the original text helps clarify some vague constructions and should also caution us against putting too much emphasis on the exact wording of the present Book of Mormon. Skousen’s analysis of how such changes occurred during a relatively modern transmission process can also further the understanding of more ancient textual transmission. Finally, Skousen’s work reveals that the original Book of Mormon may have been even more strikingly Semitic than the present text and that some characteristically Hebrew constructions have been edited out over the years, though many still remain.

ID = [3196]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2006-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 27661  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:31
Spencer, Joseph M. “Weeping for Zion.” In Christ and Antichrist: Reading Jacob 7, edited by Miller, Adam S., and Spencer, Joseph M. Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2018.
ID = [81823]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  bom,mi  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:42
Welch, John W. “Weighing and Measuring in the Worlds of the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8, no. 2 (1999): 36-45, 86.
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This article addresses the seemingly misplaced discussion of weights and measures in the middle of Alma 11 in the Book of Mormon. Although the interruption initially seems strange, John Welch offers new insights to explain its purpose in the Book of Mormon. For instance, knowledge of the Nephite monetary system supplements a reader’s comprehension of the bribery and corruption that occurred in that society. Evidence of this monetary system also shows a link between Near Eastern civilizations and Book of Mormon civilizations, thus providing further evidence for the divinity of Joseph Smith’s work.

Keywords: Ancient Near East; Bribery; Corruption; Economic; Economy; Money; Nephite; Weights and Measures
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [3008]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms,welch  Size: 47943  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:19
Lambert, Roy. The Weight of an Angel. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1961.
Display Abstract  

A biography of Moroni, based on the Book of Mormon and comments from LDS authorities.

ID = [78696]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1961-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Welcome to Conference.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1998.
Display Abstract  

With prayer and faith and in humility, testimony is borne to you. May we all be inspired together. May our hearts be lifted in praise to our Redeemer.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [18430]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 4122  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:52
Cowley, Matthias F. “Were All the Unsealed Records of the Book of Mormon Translated?” Improvement Era 5, no. 5 (1902): 393-395.
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This article gives a description of the gold plates, discusses the Urim and Thummim that were used by Joseph Smith to translate the Book of Mormon, and believes that the entire unsealed portion of the gold plates was translated.

Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation, Gold Plates, Sealed Portion, Seer stone, Smith, Joseph, Jr., Urim and Thummim
ID = [76939]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1902-03-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:07
Scripture Central. “Were Any Ancient Israelite Women Named Sariah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #8. January 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sariah; Elephantine; Etymology; Book of Mormon Names; Names; Hebrew; Archaeology; Dead Sea Scrolls; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Language; Women; Onomastics; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8328]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5424  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Were Joseph Smith’s Translation Instruments Like the Israelite Urim and Thummim?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #417. March 20, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Urim and Thummim; Ancient Israel; High Priest; Seer Stone; Book of Mormon Translation
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7919]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-03-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 14650  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Were Nephite Prophets Familiar with the Passover Tradition?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #420. March 29, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Easter; Passover; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7916]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-03-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12676  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Were Plain and Precious Doctrines Lost?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #15. January 20, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Apocalypse; Apostasy; Plain and Precious; Prophecy; Early Christian Church; Baptism; Doctrine; Sacrament; Prayer Circles; Bible
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8321]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9241  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Boyce, Duane. “Were the Ammonites Pacifists?” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 18, no. 1 (2009): 32-47.
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One of the most moving accounts in the Book of Mormon is of the people of Ammon, their covenant to bury and never use again their weapons of war, their faith to sacrifice themselves instead of fighting back against their Lamanite brethren, and their sacrifice to send their children to war to aid the Nephites. Some interpret the stance that the Ammonites took against war to be pacifist. Some indications point toward this conclusion: their burying their weapons, covenanting never to fight again, allowing themselves to be slaughtered twice, and being motivated in these actions out of love for their Lamanite kin. However, when the text is read more carefully, it can easily be seen that further actions would not necessarily have reflected a pacifist view toward war: not objecting to the Nephite war in their defense, providing Nephite soldiers with food and supplies, and sending their own sons into battle would surely indicate that their personal opposition to war stemmed from the covenants they made during repentance.

Keywords: Ammonite; Conversion; Covenant; Lamanite; Pacifism; People of Ammon; Repentance; Sacrifice; Warfare
ID = [3231]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 59523  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:33
Brookbank, Thomas W. “Were the Brass Plates Written in Egyptian?” Young Woman’s Journal32 (April, May, June 1921): 204-8, 292-95, 368-70.
Display Abstract  

Looking at a variety of cultural and linguistic aspects to support his point of view, the author defends the Mormon belief that the brass plates were written in Egyptian.

ID = [80788]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1921-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Putnam, Reed H. “Were the Golden Plates Made of Tumbaga?” In Papers of the Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Archaeology of the Scriptures, ed. Ross T. Christensen, 101-9. Provo, Utah: Extension Publications, BYU, 1964.
Display Abstract  

Considers the physical properties of the golden plates of Nephi, the engraving of metal plates, and the stone box that stored the plates. Suggests that the plates may have been made of tumbaga, an alloy of gold and copper.

ID = [81061]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1964-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:02
Putnam, Reed H. “Were the Golden Plates Made of Tumbaga?” Improvement Era 69, no. 9 (1966): 788-789, 828-831.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article considers the physical properties of the golden plates of Nephi, the engraving of metal plates, and the stone box that stored the plates. The author suggests that the plates may have been made of tumbaga, an alloy of gold and copper.

Keywords: Gold Plates, Metal, Metal Plates, Metallurgy, Tumbaga
ID = [76926]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1966-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:06
Putnam, Reed H. “Were the Golden Plates Made of Tumbaga?” Improvement Era 69, no. 9 (September 1966): 788-89, 828-31.
Display Abstract  

Considers the physical properties of the golden plates of Nephi, the engraving of metal plates, and the stone box that stored the plates. Suggests that the plates may have been made of tumbaga, an alloy of gold and copper.

ID = [81290]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1966-09-01  Collections:  bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:12
Sperry, Sidney B. “Were There Two Cumorahs?” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1984. Religion-622 March 31, 1964. A section of the chapter “The Book of Mormon,” reprinted with permission from Book of Mormon Compendium, 447-51. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968.
Display Abstract  

Sidney Sperry discusses whether the Cumorah in New York is the only one or whether there is another Cumorah somewhere in Central America. He looks at evidence in the books of Ether, Mormon, Mosiah, and Omni, as well as various scholarly opinions about the matter. There is no explanation of how the Hill Cumorah in New York came to be called Cumorah or how, if there are indeed two Cumorahs, the plates were transported from one to the other.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8599]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1984-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-reports  Size: 209  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:44
Sperry, Sidney B. “Were There Two Cumorahs?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 no. 1 (1995).
Display Abstract  

No one doubts that the hill where Joseph Smith received the plates is known as Cumorah, but is the hill where the final battles between the Nephites and Lamanites took place another Cumorah? The book of Ether tells us that Omer traveled to this place of the last battles of the Nephites, and that the relatively short duration of this journey would not account for the three thousand miles from Middle America to New York. A similar journey was undertaken by Limhi’s men, of equally short duration. The description of the geographical features around the final battle site is also at odds with the topography of present-day Cumorah.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [2890]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1995-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 20667  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:12
Scripture Central. “Were There ‘Fiery Flying Serpents’ along Lehi’s Trail?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #646. September 13, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; Nephi; Journey to the Promised Land; Serpents; Seraphim; Bountiful; Arabia; Lehi; Fiery Flying Serpents; Negev; Assyria; Brazen Serpent; Moses; Numbers
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Numbers
ID = [12598]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-09-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12729  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:12
Thompson, A. Keith. “Were We Foreordained to the Priesthood, or Was the Standard of Worthiness Foreordained? Alma 13 Reconsidered.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 21 (2016): 249-274.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: Alma 13:3–4 is often interpreted as Book of Mormon confirmation of the doctrine that all those who are ordained to the Priesthood on the earth were foreordained to receive that Priesthood in the pre-existence as a result of their exceeding faith and good works. That interpretation is inconsistent with the 1978 revelation on Priesthood. A contextual reading of the account of Alma2’s ministry to the people of Ammonihah also suggests that Alma2 was not telling the men of Ammonihah that they (or anyone else) had been foreordained to receive the Priesthood. Rather, Alma2 was teaching that what we now call worthiness was ordained as the standard for ordination to the Priesthood before the foundations of this earth were laid. If the people of Ammonihah demonstrated their worthiness by repenting of their sins, they could qualify to receive the ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood and enter into the rest of the Lord as many of the ancients had done. The manner in which men were ordained to the Priesthood and in which its ordinances were administered was intended to show the people how they should look to Christ for redemption.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [3738]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2016-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 61899  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:11
Tvedtnes, John A. “Wesley P. Walters, The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon.” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 4 (1992): Article 63.
Display Abstract  

Review of The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon (1990), by Wesley P. Walters.

ID = [138]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-review,old-test  Size: 36895  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:29
Newquist, Jerreld L. “The Western Standard.” Improvement Era 62, no. 4 (1959): 238-239, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282.
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This article discusses how George Q. Cannon, who established The Western Standard newspaper for the purpose of publishing items of interest to Latter-day Saints, published the Book of Mormon in the Hawaiian language, which received a great deal of opposition from members of the Church in San Francisco.

Keywords: Foreign Language Translation, Hawaii, Missionary Work, Translation
ID = [77025]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1959-04-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Burton, Linda K. “We’ll Ascend Together.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2015.
Display Abstract  

Linda K. Burton teaches that as men and women keep their covenants and strengthen each other, all can reach their full potential.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [22309]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 366  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Burton, Linda K. “We’ll Ascend Together.” Ensign, May 2015.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [60980]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2015-05-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 12196  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:42
Van Orden, Bruce A. We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout: The Life and Times of W. W. Phelps. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Display Abstract  

In this comprehensive and compelling biography, learn of the trials and triumphs of W. W. Phelps, early Latter-day Saint leader, printer, scribe, ghostwriter, and monumental hymn writer. He printed the Book of Commandments and other early standard works. He was one of the “council of presidents” that guided the Church in Kirtland in 1835–36. Phelps continued to be the leading light in newspaper publishing in Nauvoo and was Joseph Smith’s political clerk in governing Nauvoo and running for the US presidency, also playing a key role in the Council of Fifty. He went west with the Saints, helped propose the “State of Deseret,” and published prose and poetry in the Deseret News and his Deseret Almanac. Phelps’s strong feelings sometimes put him at odds with Church leaders, and he was excommunicated three times, rejoining each time. ISBN 978-1-9443-9436-3

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [33200]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size:   Children: 38  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:51


Van Orden, Bruce A. “Acknowledgments.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34215]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 2519  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:29
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Abbreviations.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34216]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 8727  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:29
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Introduction.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34217]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 11591  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Man, The Church, And Seeking Zion.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34218]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 15498  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Youth In Rural New Jersey And New York.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > Youth
ID = [34219]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 33551  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Young Adult Life And Marriage.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [34220]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 21961  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Anti-Masonic Partisan And Newspaper Editor.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34221]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 27783  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Conversion To Mormonism.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Conversion
ID = [34222]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 24565  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Dedicating The Land Of Zion.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34223]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 33070  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “‘Printer Unto The Church’” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bishop
RSC Topics > A — C > Consecration
ID = [34224]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 33434  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “‘Zion Must Increase In Beauty’” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bishop
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34225]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 27228  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Evening And The Morning Star.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34226]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 34501  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Challenges Mount In Missouri.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34227]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 23056  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Terror In Jackson County.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34228]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 43669  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Driven From Jackson County.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
ID = [34229]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 38736  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Importuning The Government.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34230]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 35522  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Attempting To Redeem Zion.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34231]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 45093  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Joseph’s Scribe And Associate In Kirtland.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine and Covenants
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34232]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 55701  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Phelps Family.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
RSC Topics > D — F > Family
RSC Topics > L — P > Parenting
RSC Topics > T — Z > Women
ID = [34233]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 48840  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:30
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Book of Abraham.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Abraham
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34234]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  abraham,rsc-books  Size: 50658  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Doctrinal Exponent, 1831-1836.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Second Coming
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34235]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 43345  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Kirtland Temple And Endowment of Power.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > L — P > Ordinances
RSC Topics > T — Z > Temples
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [34236]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 49173  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Return To Missouri.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bishop
RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
ID = [34237]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 41168  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Bottom Falls Out.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bishop
RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34238]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 59942  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Hell To Pay In Missouri.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [34239]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 68655  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “The Returning Prodigal.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34240]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 50889  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Historical Scribe In Nauvoo.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34241]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 29109  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Newspaper Editing And Ghostwriting.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Abraham
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34242]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 64553  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Political Clerk In Nauvoo.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [34243]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 77561  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Martyrdom And Succession.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [34244]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 70365  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Interpreter Of Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo Doctrines.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > Q — S > Revelation
RSC Topics > Q — S > Spiritual Gifts
ID = [34245]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 59983  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Aide To The Apostles.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
RSC Topics > L — P > Ordinances
RSC Topics > L — P > Prayer
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
ID = [34246]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 88274  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Helping Create Deseret.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34247]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 57613  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Declining Years And Death.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [34248]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 74160  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Prolific Hymnist.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34249]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 38557  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:31
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Epilogue.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34250]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 5943  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:32
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Index.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34251]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 44378  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:32
Van Orden, Bruce A. “About the Author.” In We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2018.
ID = [34252]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books  Size: 675  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:32
Thayne, Stanley J. “‘We’re Going to Take Our Land Back Over’: Indigenous Positionality, the Ethnography of Reading, and The Book of Mormon.” In Americanist Approaches to the Book of Mormon, edited by Elizabeth Fenton, and Jared Hickman. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This chapter argues that Indigenous Americans-- by virtue of being Indigenous-- are positioned significantly in relation to the Book of Mormon. The chapter provides a reading of the Book of Mormon by a Catawba woman, examining her perspective on passages regarding Gentiles, Zionism, and geography.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, Native Americans and; Native Americans, origins of; Native Americans, Catawba
ID = [82107]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:58
Unattributed. “What about Archaeology and the Book of Mormon?” Utah Christian Tract Society 11 (January-February 1978): 2.
Display Abstract  

Refers to the Smithsonian position of the time on the Book of Mormon and asserts that the Book of Mormon cannot be proven through archaeology.

ID = [80789]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1978-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Swift, Hales. “What are Hard Hearts in the Scriptures? (1 Nephi 15).” The Interpreter Foundation website. January 24, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [6450]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-24  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 6813  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:34
Rasmussen, Ellis T. “What are the best evidences to support the authenticity of the Book of Mormon?” Ensign, January 1987.
ID = [47935]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1987-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 12958  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:10
Scripture Central. “What Are the Nephite Articles of Faith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #141. July 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Articles of Faith; Moses; Nephites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8195]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7246  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What are the Origins of Lehi’s Understanding of the Fall?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #28. February 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Fall; Lehi; Atonement; Plan of Salvation; Nephi; Bible; Old Testament; Apocrypha; Pseudepigrapha; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israelite Religion; Afterlife; Ancient Judaism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [4692]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-08  Collections:  bom,moses,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:49
Scripture Central. “What are the Origins of Lehi’s Understanding of the Fall?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #28. February 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Fall; Lehi; Atonement; Plan of Salvation; Nephi; Bible; Old Testament; Apocrypha; Pseudepigrapha; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israelite Religion; Afterlife; Ancient Judaism
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [12409]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9824  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:12
Scripture Central. “What are the Roots of Zenos’s Allegory in the Ancient World?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #70. April 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Allegory of the Olive Tree; Zenos; Jacob; Ancient Near East; Paul; Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; Ancient Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [8266]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6365  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What are the ‘Fiery Darts of the Adversary’ Spoken of by Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #18. January 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Fiery Darts; Adversary; Satan; Psalms; Assyria; Lachish; Ancient Warfare; Ancient Near East; Bible; Old Testament; Archaeology; Ancient Israel; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8318]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 4202  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Can an Ancient Christian Text Tell us About the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #450. July 17, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Didache; Early Christian Church; Bible; New Testament; Moroni; Sacrament; Priesthood; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7886]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8395  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Can Readers Learn from Lamanite Traditions?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #559. April 28, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lamanites; Nephites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7777]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-04-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11422  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “What Can Stylometry Tell Us about Book of Mormon Authorship?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #389. December 12, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Stylometry; Book of Mormon Authorship; Joseph Smith; Oliver Cowdery; Solomon Spalding; Word Print Studies; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7947]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-12-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 28660  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Smith, Hank R. “What Can the Book of Mormon Teach Us about Happiness?” Ensign, February 2016.
ID = [61354]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2016-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 10865  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:44
Scripture Central. “What Can We All Learn about Repentance from the Tragic Loss of the 116 Book of Mormon Pages?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #504. March 1, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Martin Harris; Joseph Smith; 116 pages; Book of Mormon Translation; Atonement; Repentance; Witnesses
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7832]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-03-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13068  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Spencer, Joseph M. “What Can We Do? Reflections on 2 Nephi 25:23.” Religious Educator Vol. 15 no. 2 (2014).
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > Q — S > Salvation
ID = [38152]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2014-01-02  Collections:  bom,rel-educ  Size: 39989  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:19
Scripture Central. “What Can We Learn from 10 of the Best Chiasms in the Book of Mormon? Part 1.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #349. August 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Hebrew; Poetry; Atonement; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7987]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-08-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13207  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Can We Learn from 10 of the Best Chiasms in the Book of Mormon? Part 2.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #352. August 14, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Hebrew; Poetry; King Benjamin; Alma; Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7984]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-08-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 16056  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Can We Learn from 10 of the Best Chiasms in the Book of Mormon? Part 3.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #355. August 20, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Hebrew; Poetry
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7981]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-08-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13258  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Can We Learn From Abish’s Member-missionary Work?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #374. October 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma the Younger; Ammon; King Lamoni; Abish; Missionary Work
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7962]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8180  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Ensign. “What can we learn from the book of Moroni?” Ensign December 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [63720]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1349  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:58
Scripture Central. “What Can We Learn from the Savior’s First Words at Bountiful?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #341. July 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Nephites; Lamanites; Bountiful; Messiah; Light of the World; Light; Atonement
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7995]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8779  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Caused the Darkness and Destruction in the 34th Year?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #197. September 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Lehi; Death of Christ; Destruction; Earthquake; Darkness; Lightning; Thunder; Zenos; Samuel the Lamanite; Mormon; Prophecy; Volcano; Geology; Geography; Mesoamerica; Jesus Christ; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8139]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13836  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Svensson, Sissa. “What Church at Home Taught Me about Meeting Together.” Ensign, COVID-19: Messages of Faith.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [63392]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-03-02  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3392  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:39
Ensign. “What Church Leaders Are Saying about the Book of Mormon.” Ensign January 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Topics > General Topics > Quotes
ID = [63253]  Status = Checked by JA Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 8094  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:31
Aston, Warren P. “What Columbus Discovered 520 Years Ago: Geography Made America Exceptional.” Meridian Magazine, October 17, 2012.
ID = [66549]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2012-10-17  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:41
Carmack, Stanford A. “What Command Syntax Tells Us About Book of Mormon Authorship.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 13 (2015): 175-217.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: The variety of command syntax found in the Book of Mormon is very different from what is seen in the King James Bible. Yet it is sophisticated and principled, evincing Early Modern English linguistic competence. Interestingly, the syntactic match between the 1829 text and a prominent text from the late 15th century is surprisingly good. All the evidence indicates that Joseph Smith would not have produced the structures found in the text using the King James Bible as a model, nor from his own language. The overall usage profile of command syntax seen in the Book of Mormon strongly supports the view that the Lord revealed specific words to Joseph Smith, not simply ideas.

ID = [4272]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 65264  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:19
Scripture Central. “What Converted Sidney Rigdon to the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #601. April 13, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; Sidney Rigdon; Joseph Smith
ID = [7735]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-04-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 10371  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “What Counts as Chiasmus?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #337. July 10, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Criteria; Ancient Near East; Methodology; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7999]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17313  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Did Alma Reveal about the Savior’s Mission?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #323. June 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Gideon; Chiasmus; Atonement; Hebrew; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8013]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7381  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Smith, Robert F., John W. Welch, and Gordon C. Thomasson. “What Did Charles Anthon Really Say.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Anthon; Charles; Book of Mormon Translation; Harris; Martin; Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846)
ID = [66462]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:36
Scripture Central. “What Did It Mean for Lehi to be a Visionary Man?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #457. August 9, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Visions; Seer; Hebrew; Hebraism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7879]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-08-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8158  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Did it Mean to be ‘King Over All the Land’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #128. June 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zeniff; Mosiah; Sons of Mosiah; Mesoamerica; Ancient Near East; Kingship; Monarchy; Ancient Israel; Lamoni; Alma; Lamanites; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [8208]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12514  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Barker, Margaret. “What Did King Josiah Reform?” In Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem, eds. John W. Welch, David Rolph Seely, and Jo Ann H. Seely, 523—42. Provo, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2004.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [39701]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
Scripture Central. “What Did the Book of Mormon Teach Early Church Leaders about the Order and Offices of the Priesthood?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #330. June 23, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Priesthood; Aaronic Priesthood; Melchizedek Priesthood; Jesus Christ; Christ in America
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8006]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Did the Book of Mormon Teach the Early Saints about Enduring Persecution?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #339. July 14, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Persecution; Joseph Smith; Hyrum Smith; Alma; Amulon; Mormon; Nehor
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7997]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6817  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Did the Early Saints Learn about the Second Coming from the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #318. May 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Second Coming; Church History; Joseph Smith; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Prophecy; Restoration; Missionary Work; Tribes of Israel; House of Israel; Jerusalem; New Jerusalem; Secret Combinations
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8018]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10496  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Spencer, Stan. “What Did the Interpreters (Urim and Thummim) Look Like?” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 33 (2019): 223-256.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Abstract: The interpreters were a pair of seer stones used by Book of Mormon prophets and provided to Joseph Smith for translating the Nephite record. Martin Harris described them as two white, marble- like stones that could be looked into when placed in a hat. Joseph Smith described them as spectacles with which he could read the record and later as two transparent stones set in the rim of a bow. Others described them as smooth stones, diamonds, or glasses. Reconciling these various descriptions and determining the actual appearance of the interpreters requires an assessment of the credibility of each source and an understanding of how the interpreters were used in translating. It also requires an understanding of how words such as glasses, transparent, and diamonds were used in Joseph Smith’s day, particularly in reference to seer stones. An assessment of the various descriptions of the interpreters in light of these factors lends support to both Martin Harris’s and Joseph Smith’s accounts. By these accounts, the interpreters were smooth, mostly white, perhaps translucent stones set in a long metal frame. Although they superficially resembled eyeglasses, the stones were set much too far apart to be worn as such. They were not clear like eyeglasses but were transparent in the sense that they, like other seer stones, could be “looked into” by a person gifted as a seer of visions.

Keywords: Early Church History; Nephite Interpreters; Seer stone; Translation; Urim and Thummim
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [3566]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 64250  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:58
Aston, Warren P. “What Did the River of Filthy Water and the River of Laman Look Like?” Book of Mormon Central Blog, January 22, 2020.
ID = [66565]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-22  Collections:  bom  Size: 2773  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:42
Scripture Central. “What Do Nephi and Isaiah Say about the End Times?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #46. March 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; End Times; Nephite Prophetic View; General Conference; General Authority; Afterlife; Final Judgment; Judgment of God; Last Dispensation; Restoration
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8290]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7240  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Do the Jaredites Have to Do With the Reign of the Judges?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #106. May 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Sons of Mosiah; Jaredites; Limhi; Ether; Alma; Mormon; Moroni; Zarahemla; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8230]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7760  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Do the Kinderhook Plates Reveal About Joseph Smith’s Gift of Translation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #454. July 31, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Kinderhook Plates; Church History; Joseph Smith; Frauds; Hoaxes; Translation; Egyptian
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7882]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14224  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Do We Know about Mormon’s Upbringing?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #226. November 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Ammaron; Prophets; Historian; Abridgment; Nephi; Gold Plates; Youth; Nephites; Military; Warfare
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [8110]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14628  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Do We Know About Nephite Language?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #583. November 3, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Uto-Aztecan; Language; Hebrew; Egyptian; Semitic; Linguistics; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [7753]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-11-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17704  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “What Do We Know About the ‘Anthon Transcript’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #515. May 9, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Egyptian; Caractors Document; Anthon Transcript; Charles Anthon; Martin Harris; Samuel Mitchell; Book of Mormon Translation; Joseph Smith; Church History
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
ID = [7821]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-05-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 16636  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Do We Learn About Ministering from the Account of Sherem?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #534. October 3, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sherem; Anti-Christ; Ministering; Jacob
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7802]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-10-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9947  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “What Does Alma Say about Avoiding Sexual Sin?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #326. June 14, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Alma the Younger; Corianton; Sexual Transgression; Immorality; Law of Moses; Self Mastery
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8010]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11458  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does an Ancient Book About Enoch Have to Do With Lehi’s Dream?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #404. February 1, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Tree of Life; Enoch; Book of Moses; Book of Enoch; Mist of Darkness; Hell; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [4693]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-02-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,moses,old-test  Size: 7191  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:49
Scripture Central. “What Does Archaeology Reveal about Warfare During Early Nephite Times?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #328. June 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Archaeology; Evidence; Mesoamerica; War; Warfare; Weapons; Nephites; Jarom
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jarom
ID = [8008]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12856  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Welch, John W. “What Does Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon Prove?” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited: The Evidence for Ancient Origins, edited by Noel B. Reynolds, 199-224. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1997.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Authorship; Book of Mormon Translation; Chiasmus; Parallelism
ID = [75472]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1997-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:47
Holland, Jeffrey R. “What does Ether 3:15 imply about Adam and other earlier prophets who walked and talked with God?” Ensign, April 1974.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [42146]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1974-04-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:49
Scripture Central. “What Does It Mean to Be a Martyr?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #1. January 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Hyrum Smith; Martyr; Martyrdom; Witness; Testimony; Church History; Restoration
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8335]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 8681  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Does it Mean to be a White and Delightsome People?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #57. March 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Joseph Smith; Textual Variants; Critical Text; Book of Mormon Translation; White; Purity; Race; Racism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8279]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12412  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Does It Mean to Be Perfect?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #335. July 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Perfection; New Testament; Jesus Christ; Sermon on the Mount; Matthew
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8001]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15257  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does It Mean to Be ‘Born Again?’” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #501. February 7, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Baptism; Alma the Younger; Born Again; Jesus Christ; Repentance; Atonement
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7835]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-02-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15002  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does It Mean to Love God with ‘All Thy Mind’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #517. May 23, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Come Follow Me; Ancient Judaism; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7819]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-05-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10916  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does It Mean to ‘Apply Your Heart to Understanding’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #644. August 30, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Old Testament; Bible; Proverbs; Book of Mormon; Mosiah; Abinadi; Wisdom; Sophia; Heart; Understanding; Knowledge; Mind; Law
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [12600]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-08-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9566  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:12
Scripture Central. “What does it Mean to ‘Prosper in the Land’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #116. June 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Ammonihah; Prosperity; Parallelism; Nephi; Lehi; Hebrew; Poetry; Blessings; Riches; Wealth
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8220]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6700  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Does It Really Mean to Be a Good Person?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #499. January 24, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; God; Jesus Christ; Heavenly Father
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7837]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-01-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6037  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does it Really Mean to be Blessed For Keeping the Commandments?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #367. September 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Commandments; King Benjamin; Mosiah; Happiness; Joy; Blessings; Trials; Adversity; Bible; Old Testament; Proverbs; Hebrew
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7969]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9018  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does It Really Mean to Have Charity?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #361. September 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Charity; Moroni; Love; Love of God; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7975]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7804  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Swift, Hales. “What Does King Benjamin Teach about Leadership? (Mosiah 2).” The Interpreter Foundation website. April 8, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [6462]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-04-08  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 3788  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:34
Scripture Central. “What Does Mary Whitmer Teach Us About Enduring Trials?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #455. August 2, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mary Whitmer; Church History; Witnesses; Gold Plates; Angel Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7881]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-08-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9134  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does Mormon Teach Us about Ministering as Angels?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #425. April 17, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Angels; Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7911]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-04-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7370  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does the Abish Story Signal About the Resurrection?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #449. July 12, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ammon; Abish; King Lamoni; Resurrection; Ancient Near East; Mesoamerica
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7887]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7717  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Say About Polygamy?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #64. March 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Polygamy; Jacob; Abraham; King David; Solomon; Mesoamerica; Women; Marriage; Chastity; Law; Legal
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8272]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7016  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Say about the Armor of God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #378. November 2, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Armor of God; Warfare; Military
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7958]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-11-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13229  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Teach about Families?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #382. November 16, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Family; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Israelites; Tribes of Israel; Moses; Nephites; Mulekites
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7954]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-11-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11407  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Teach about Prophets?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #284. March 8, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophets; Prophecy; Samuel the Lamanite; Nephi; Alma the Younger; Bible; Old Testament; Miriam; Deborah; Huldah; Ancient Near East; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8052]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9890  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Teach about the Afterlife?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #315. May 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Death; Plan of Salvation; Church History; Alma; Corianton; Final Judgment; Resurrection
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8021]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8054  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Teach about the Priesthood?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #289. March 20, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Priesthood; Nephi; Alma; Limhi; Church History; Restoration
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8047]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12666  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Teach about the Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #309. May 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Temples; Nephites; Ancient Israel; Solomon’s Temple; Christ in America; Jacob; King Benjamin; Alma; Revelation; Ordinances
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8027]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 15719  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Does the Book of Mormon Teach Us about the Resurrection?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #511. April 20, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Easter; Resurrection; New Testament; Come Follow Me; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7825]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-04-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8083  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Fraser, Gordon H. What Does the Book of Mormon Teach? An Examination of the Histor-ical and Scientific Statements of the Book of Mormon. Chigago, IL: Moody Press, 1964.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

“This careful examination of the contents of the Book of Mormon is an inquiry into the findings of historians as compared with the statements and claims of the Mormon sacred writings. Mr. Fraser compares and contrasts the teachings of the Book of Mormon with anthropological, archaeological and historical facts. He scrutinizes the utterances of that book and draws attention to errors contradictions and inaccuracies.”

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Book of Mormon, American setting; Book of Mormon, historicity
ID = [81478]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1964-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:22
Fraser, Gordon H. What Does the Book of Mormon Teach? An Examination of the Historical and Scientific Statements of the Book of Mormon. Chicago: Moody, 1964.
Display Abstract  

Presents a detailed polemic against the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is full of blunders and anachronisms. Discusses fine-twined linen, reformed Egyptian, the migrations to America, the concept of a dark and loathsome people, warfare, the so called biblical prophecies of the Book of Mormon, and other items. There are many contradictory accounts as to who wrote the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78760]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1964-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Ensign. “What Does the Fruit in Lehi’s Vision Symbolize?” Ensign January 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Topics > Doctrines and Teachings > Symbolism
ID = [63256]  Status = Checked by JA Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1383  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:31
Scripture Central. “What Does the Virgin Mary Have to Do with the Tree of Life?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #13. January 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Divine Mother; Mary; Jesus Christ; Tree of Life; Lehi’s Dream; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Canaanite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Near East; Asherah; Heavenly Mother
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8323]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6834  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Perrie, C. Johann. What Every Christian Should Know About—The Restoration of Christ’s True Gospel. Provo, UT: Author, 1990.
Display Abstract  

Complete apostasy in the early Church created the need for a restoration. The events that led to the Restoration were orchestrated by the Lord. Joseph Smith’s own words tell of his calling to translate and publish the Book of Mormon. Books that have been written to discredit Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon are listed by title and author. The Book of Mormon and modern revelation identify false teachings concerning revelation, the Godhead, the eternal nature of man, priesthood authority, original sin, infant baptism, authority, mode of baptism, paid clergy, eternal marriage, heaven and hell, and Church politics.

ID = [78761]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Gruss, Edmond C. What Every Mormon Should Know. Denver: Accent, 1976.
Display Abstract  

An evangelical booklet that claims that the Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible and contains false prophesies.

ID = [78762]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1976-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Thomasson, Gordon C. “‘What exactly does the word Lamanite mean?’” Ensign, September 1977.
ID = [43797]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1977-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 7635  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:48
Nibley, Hugh W. “What Frontier, What Camp Meeting?” In “Mixed Voices” on Book of Mormon Criticism series, Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (August 1959): 590–92, 610, 612, 614–15.
Display Abstract  

Sixth of the series “Mixed Voices” on Book of Mormon criticism
This article responds to the assertion that the Book of Mormon is a product of the religious and political milieu of the American frontier.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Joseph Smith > Criticisms, Apologetics
ID = [926]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1959-03-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,nibley  Size: 30116  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:19
Nibley, Hugh W. “What Frontier, What Camp Meeting?” Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (August 1959): 590—92, 610, 612, 614—15.
Display Abstract  

Sixth of the series “Mixed Voices” on Book of Mormon criticism
This article responds to the assertion that the Book of Mormon is a product of the religious and political milieu of the American frontier.

ID = [77274]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1959-08-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Nibley, Hugh W. “Chapter 7: What Frontier, What Camp Meeting?” In The Prophetic Book of Mormon, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, vol. 8. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1989.
Display Abstract  

Reprinted from the article by the same name.
This article responds to the assertion that the Book of Mormon is a product of the religious and political milieu of the American frontier.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Joseph Smith > Criticisms, Apologetics
ID = [2087]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:25
Scripture Central. “What Fruit is White?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #10. January 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi’s Dream; Fruit; White; Tree of Life; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Pseudepigrapha; Apocrypha; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8326]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5709  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Hinckley, Gordon B. “What God Hath Joined Together.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1991.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [16711]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1991-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 16605  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Hinckley, Gordon B. “What God Hath Joined Together.” Ensign, May 1991.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [50005]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1991-05-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 16464  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:45:35
Friend. “What Happens in the Book of Mormon.” Friend 14 (January 1984): 28-29.
Display Abstract  

Eleven pictures for children depicting events of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80790]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1984-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Frederick, Nicholas J. “What Has Moroni to Do with John?” Religious Educator Vol. 14 no. 3 (2013).
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bible
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
RSC Topics > Q — S > Scriptures
ID = [38171]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2013-01-03  Collections:  bom,rel-educ  Size: 45301  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:20
Berrett, Lyman C. “What I Like to Teach About the Book of Mormon.” Improvement Era 67, no. 2 (1964): 92-93, 116-117.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Nephi warned future readers that the Book of Mormon was not a history (2 Nephi 5:32-33). Rather, the book is an instrument to bring people to Christ. Nephi, Lehi, Abinadi, Jacob, Alma, and other prophets knew the mission of Christ and taught it.

Keywords: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ, Prophecies about, Purpose of the Book of Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [76818]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1964-02-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:00
Scripture Central. “What if Martin Harris Didn’t Lose all of the 116 Pages?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #331. June 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Martin Harris; Words of Mormon; Mosiah; King Benjamin; Printer’s Manuscript; Book of Mormon Translation; 116 pages
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8005]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10075  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Preece, Derek. “‘What If This Is Really True?’” Ensign, September 1990.
ID = [49674]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1990-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 6390  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:22
Scripture Central. “What Impact Do My Actions Have on Others?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #390. December 14, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zoramites; Alma the Younger; Corianton; Seven Tribes; Missionary Work; War Chapters; Warfare
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7946]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-12-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8572  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Brown, Harold C. “What Is a Lamanite?” Ensign, September 1972.
ID = [41403]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1972-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 9322  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:43
Treat, Raymond C. “What is in the Book of Mormon is There for a Purpose.” Zarahemla Record 24-26 (Spring, Summer, Fall 1984): 12-15, 21-22.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon was written for today. The article contains three charts—one showing how the Book of Mormon contents were divinely controlled, one illustrating that we have less than one percent of what was written, and a chart of the eight tribes of Nephites.

ID = [80791]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1984-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Brown, S. Kent. “What Is Isaiah Doing in First Nephi? Or, How Did Lehi’s Family Fare So Far from Home?” In From Jerusalem to Zarahemla: Literary and Historical Studies of the Book of Mormon, 9–27. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1998.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [36645]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1998-01-01  Collections:  bom,old-test,rsc-books  Size: 46325  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:47
Ensign. “‘What is it that ye shall hope for?’ (Moroni 7:41).” Ensign December 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [63721]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 167  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:58
Ensign. “‘What is it that ye shall hope for?’ (Moroni 7:41).” Ensign December 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [63723]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1127  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:58
Scripture Central. “What is it to Speak with the Tongue of Angels?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #60. March 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Heavenly Ascent; Jesus Christ; Divine Council; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israelite Religion; Angels; Endowment; Temples; Lehi; Isaiah; Theophany; Holy Ghost
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8276]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10546  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Talmage, James E. “What is Mormonism?” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 87, no. 4 (22 January 1925): 58-64.
Display Abstract  

Presents an overview of the contents of the Book of Mormon, emphasizing the fact that Jesus Christ is the central character of the book, and that the LDS church is clearly distinguished from other Christian sects by the manner in which it believes in modern revelation. The Book of Mormon is an example of such revelation.

ID = [81384]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1925-01-22  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:17
Scripture Central. “What Is So Good about Nephi’s Name?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #445. June 28, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Pun; Hebrew; Egyptian; Ancient Near East; Word Play; Names; Onomastics; Etymology; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7891]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-06-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12854  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Morris, George Q. “What Is the Book of Mormon.” Deseret News Church Section (7 December 1940): 8.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon is not an ordinary history, it is a book with a purpose. It is a “new witness” for Jesus Christ. Its greatest purpose is to convince Jews and Gentiles that Jesus is the Christ. Out of 239 chapters only seventy-five have no relationship with the things of God. The testimony of Nephi and Jacob sustain the idea that the Book of Mormon was written to bear testimony of Jesus Christ.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [80792]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1940-12-07  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Kirkham, Francis W. “What Is the Book of Mormon?” Deseret News Church Section (21 March 1936): 2, 8.
Display Abstract  

The actual translation of the Book of Mormon took place in just under ninety days, though Joseph Smith had the plates from September 22, 1827, to July 1, 1829. The printing contract was made August 25, 1829. The author’s research of 700 items regarding the origin of the Book of Mormon found in the New York City Library confirmed his testimony. A newspaper article is included from the Wayne Sentinel about Martin Harris mortgaging his farm and a quote from Mormonism Unvailed stating that there are affidavits from 60 persons to prove Joseph’s inability to write the book.

ID = [80794]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1936-03-21  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Morris, George Q. What Is the Book of Mormon?. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1940.
Display Abstract  

A KSL radio presentation presenting an overview of the contents of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78764]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1940-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Unattributed. “What Is the Book of Mormon?” Utah Christian Tract Society 12 (September/October 1979): 2.
Display Abstract  

Contains several criticisms of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80793]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1979-09-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What is the Book of Mormon?. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1982.
Display Abstract  

A missionary tract explaining the coming forth and background of the Book of Mormon. Contains photographs of ancient ruins in Central and South America as evidence for the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78763]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1982-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Parsons, Robert E. “What is the condemnation we are under that President Benson speaks of regarding the Book of Mormon?” Ensign, February 1991.
ID = [49873]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1991-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 9582  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:23
Norman, V. Garth. “What is the current status of research concerning the ‘Tree of Life’ carving from Chiapas, Mexico?” Ensign, June 1985.
ID = [47148]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1985-06-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 7509  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:05
Scripture Central. “What is the Day of the Gentiles?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #44. March 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gentiles; Isaiah; Nephi; Jews; Nephite Prophetic View; Early Christian Church; Christianity; Promised Land; Restoration
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8292]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 5906  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What is the Difference Between ‘Robbers" and ‘Thieves" in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #432. May 10, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gadianton Robbers
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7904]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-05-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7249  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What is the Doctrine of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #58. March 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Nephi; Doctrine of Christ; First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel; Fourth Article of Faith; Faith; Repentance; Baptism; Holy Ghost; Laying on of Hands; Endure to the End
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8278]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6215  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Ensign. “What is the meaning of Luke 16:18 and 3 Nephi 12:32?” Ensign January 1993.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [50850]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1993-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 4828  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:46:24
Peterson, H. Donl. “What is the meaning of the Book of Mormon scriptures on eternal hell for the wicked?” Ensign, April 1986.
ID = [47535]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1986-04-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 11570  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:07
Sperry, Sidney B. “What Is the Meaning of the Urim and Thummim? And How Did the Instrument Function?” Improvement Era 43, no. 11, November 1940, 657, 690, 692–93.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Topics > Urim and Thummim
ID = [67517]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1940-11-01  Collections:  bom,improvement-era,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:26
Ensign. “What is the meaning or known fulfillment of the prophecy, ‘Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers’? (1 Ne. 21:23.).” Ensign August 1994.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [51611]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1994-08-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 8221  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:47:11
Scripture Central. “What is the Nature and Use of Chariots in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #126. June 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chariots; Ancient Near East; Mesoamerica; Ammon; King Lamoni; Warfare; Bible; Old Testament; Hebrew; Maya; Wheels; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8210]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 16578  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What is the Purpose of Baptism in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #59. March 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Baptism; Nephi; Jesus Christ; John the Baptist; Covenants; Repentance; Holy Ghost
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8277]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8264  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What is the Purpose of Democracy in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #380. November 9, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Democracy; Reign of the Judges; King Benjamin; King Mosiah; King Noah
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7956]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-11-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8929  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What is the Significance of the Great and Spacious Building?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #546. January 17, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Great and Spacious Building; Tree of Life; Lehi; Lehi’s Dream; Jeremiah; Bible; Old Testament; Pride
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [7790]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10745  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Godfrey, Kenneth W. “What is the Significance of Zelph in the Study of Book of Mormon Geography?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8, no. 2 (1999): 70-79, 88.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

In June 1834, members of Zion’s Camp discovered skeleton bones that Joseph Smith reportedly revealed as belonging to a “white Lamanite” named Zelph. Many Latter-day Saints have referenced this unearthing as evidence that the Book of Mormon took place in North America, rather than in Mesoamerica. This article explores the significance and reliability of the accounts concerning Zelph’s existence, and it claims that although such a discovery is exciting and insightful, many of the accounts are inconsistent and most of the details surrounding Zelph and his life remain unknown. The skeleton cannot, therefore, provide conclusive evidence for anything, and Latter-day Saints should remember that more important than identifying the location of Book of Mormon events is strengthening their belief in the book’s divinity.

Keywords: Ancient America; Archaeology; Book of Mormon Geography; Book of Mormon Geography – Heartland; Early Church History; Joseph; Jr.; Lamanite; Mesoamerica; Smith; Zelph; Zion’s Camp
ID = [3013]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 36821  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:19
Scripture Central. “What is the Symbolism of the Stained Swords of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #132. June 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Amlicites; Mesoamerica; Amulonites; Law of Moses; Law; Death; Murder; War; Weapons; Stain; Blood; Swords; Day of Atonement; Seven; Covenants; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Repentance
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8204]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7615  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Mickelsen, Lynn A. “What Is Truth?” Ensign, November 1990.
ID = [49760]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1990-11-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 7880  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:23
Reeve, Rex C., Jr. “What is ‘Manuscript Found’?” In Manuscript Found, ed. Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1996.
ID = [36674]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1996-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size: 46081  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:49
Brown, S. Kent, and Peter N. Johnson, eds. “What Joseph Smith Could Not Have Known.” In Journey of Faith: From Jerusalem to the Promised Land
ID = [75526]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 2006-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:51
Scripture Central. “What Kind of Earthquake Caused the Prison Walls to Fall?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #121. June 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Ammonihah; Prison; Earthquake; Mesoamerica; Geology; Miracles; Moses; Exodus
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8215]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6999  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Kind of Ore did Nephi Use to Make the Plates?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #22. January 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gold Plates; Tumbaga; Nephi; Ore; Metallurgy; Temples; Mesoamerica; Silver; Gold; Archaeology; New World; Promised Land; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8314]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9478  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Makes 3 Nephi the Holy of Holies of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #206. October 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Holy of Holies; Temples; Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Israel; Ancient Near East; Sermon on the Mount; Mountain; Bountiful; Heavenly Ascent; Priesthood; High Priest; Priest
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8130]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8806  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Makes Mankind an Enemy to God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #505. March 7, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Natural Man; Adam and Eve; The Fall; Atonement; Jesus Christ; King Benjamin
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7831]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-03-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10283  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Bowen, Matthew L. “What Meaneth the Rod of Iron?” Insights 25, no. 2 (2005): 2–3.
Display Abstract  

Latter-day Saint scholars Hugh W. Nibley and John A. Tvedtnes have discussed at length how a staff, rod, and sword came to be commonly identified with the word of God in the ancient Near East. The evidence they cite from the Bible, the earliest Hebrew commentators, modern biblical scholarship, and elsewhere affirms Nephi ’s unambiguous assertion that the “word of God” is a “rod.”

Topics:    Book of Moses Topics > Chapters of the Book of Moses > Moses 1 — Visions of Moses
ID = [2572]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2005-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,moses  Size: 30009  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:55
Bowen, Matthew L. “‘What Meaneth the Rod of Iron’?” Insights 25, no. 2 (2005).
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Latter-day Saint scholars Hugh W. Nibley and John A. Tvedtnes have discussed at length how a staff, rod, and sword came to be commonly identified with the word of God in the ancient Near East.¹The evidence they cite from the Bible, the earliest Hebrew commentators, modern biblical scholarship, and elsewhere affirms Nephi’s unambiguous assertion that the “word of God” is a “rod.”

Keywords: Nephi; Book of Mormon; translation; languages
ID = [66780]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2005-01-02  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:49
Madsen, Ann N. “What Meaneth the Words That Are Written?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 10 no. 1 (2001).
Display Abstract  

When the prophet Abinadi preached repentance to the Nephites, the people were upset and turned him over to King Noah. While in the king’s presence, Abinadi explained to the king and to the priests the meaning of Isaiah’s messianic prophecies. Although they did not heed Abinadi’s teaching, modern readers of the Book of Mormon are now able to better understand the life of Jesus Christ and the key principles of the atonement through Abinadi’s teachings.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Topics > Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
ID = [3051]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2001-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms,old-test  Size: 46908  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:22
Barber, Ian. What Mormonism Isn’t: A Response to the Research of Jerald and Sandra Tanner. Aukland, New Zealand: Pioneer, 1981.
Display Abstract  

A response to Jerald and Sandra Tanner, who oppose the teachings of the Book of Mormon. Pages 4-11 discuss issues relating to the translation of the Book of Mormon and describe how it relates to the language of the text.

ID = [78765]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1981-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Ryser, Elizabeth K. “What Nephi Teaches about Overcoming Discouragement.” Ensign, July 1986.
ID = [47675]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1986-07-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 6783  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:08
Judd, Frank F., Jr. “What Nephi’s Vision Teaches about the Bible and the Book of Mormon.” In The Things Which My Father Saw, eds. Daniel L. Belnap, Gaye Strathearn, and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bible
ID = [35272]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size: 48026  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:32
Anderson, Kenneth W. “What Parents Should Teach Their Children from the Book of Mosiah.” In The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only Through Christ eds. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 23–36. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1991.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
RSC Topics > T — Z > Teaching the Gospel
RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [36829]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1991-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books  Size: 26883  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:58
Scripture Central. “What Parts of the Old Testament Were on the Plates of Brass?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #410. February 22, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Melchizedek; Pentateuch; Books of Moses; Plates of Brass; Bible; Old Testament; Moses; Alma
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7926]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-02-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12064  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Ensign. “What Plain and Precious Truths Were Restored by the Book of Mormon?” Ensign January 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Topics > Doctrines and Teachings > Plainness
ID = [63257]  Status = Checked by JA Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 585  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:31
Bennion, Kenneth S. “What Plates Came from Cumorah?” Instructor 89 (January 1954): 64-65.
Display Abstract  

Provides a description of the various sets of plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated and includes a serviceable diagram of the plates.

ID = [80795]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1954-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Morris, Nephi Lowell. “What Prophecy Asserts, History Affirms.” Improvement Era 4, no. 12 (1901): 895-900.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The Monroe Doctrine states that the United States government will overthrow any type of monarchy set up on the western continent. This corresponds with the Book of Mormon in 2 Nephi 10:11-14 where it says that no king will be set upon the American continent. The south side of the pyramid of Zochicako tells of a destruction in the land that Morris relates to the destruction before Christ appeared on the American continent (3 Nephi 8-9).

Keywords: 2 Nephi, 3 Nephi, Prophecy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [76865]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1901-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:03
Scripture Central. “What Role Does the Book of Mormon Play in Missionary Work?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #288. March 17, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Missionary Work; Gentiles; Nephi; Joseph Smith; Church History; Book of Mormon Printing
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8048]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11930  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Role Should Scholarship Play in Studying the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #487. November 22, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Scholarship; History; Geography; Literature; Book of Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7849]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-11-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15707  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Sacrifices did Lehi Offer to God in the Wilderness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #545. January 9, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Lehi; Sacrifice; Law of Moses; Atonement; Temple; Priesthood; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7791]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7936  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Unattributed. What Shall We Believe?. Phoenix, AZ: Visual Arts Co.,n.d.
Display Abstract  

Shows the organization of the Church, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon as the stick of Joseph, the plan of salvation, and the first principles of the gospel. Contains charts of the chronology of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78766]  Status = Type = book  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
McKim, B. L. “What Shall We Do with the Book of Mormon?” Independence, MO: n.p.,n.d.
Display Abstract  

Contends that the Book of Mormon has greater authority than the living oracles of the Church. “Other things, which were added to the Church after the translation of that book may be proven not true and still the Church stand, but not so with the Book of Mormon”

ID = [78767]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Bowen, Matthew L. “‘What Thank They the Jews’? (2 Nephi 29:4): A Note on the Name ‘Judah’ and Antisemitism.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 12 (2014): 111-125.
Display Abstract  

The Hebrew Bible explains the meaning of the personal and tribal name “Judah”—from which the term “Jews” derives—in terms of “praising” or “thanking” (*ydy/ydh). In other words, the “Jews” are those who are to be “praised out of a feeling of gratitude.” This has important implications for the Lord’s words to Nephi regarding Gentile ingratitude and antisemitism: “And what thank they the Jews for the Bible which they receive from them?” (2 Nephi 29:4). Gentile Christian antisemitism, like the concomitant doctrine of supersessionism, can be traced (in part) to widespread misunderstanding and misapplication of Paul’s words regarding Jews and “praise” (Romans 2:28-29). Moreover, the strongest scriptural warnings against antisemitism are to be found in the Book of Mormon, which also offers the reassurance that the Jews are still “mine ancient covenant people” (2 Nephi 29:4-5) and testifies of the Lord’s love and special concern for them.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [4279]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2014-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 30998  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:20
Sperry, Sidney B. “What the Book of Mormon Is.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4 no. 1 (1995).
Display Abstract  

The records of the Nephite, Jaredite, and Mulekite peoples comprise the Book of Mormon, of which Mormon is the principal editor. Four divisions are evident—namely, the small plates of Nephi, Mormon’s explanatory notes, the literary labors of Mormon, and the literary labors of Moroni. The first division, the small plates of Nephi, is analyzed in this chapter.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [2897]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1995-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 24301  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:12
Sperry, Sidney B. “What the Book of Mormon Is (Concluded).” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4, no. 1 (1995): 28-40.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

An analysis of the text of 3 Nephi to Moroni. Third Nephi was written by Nephi, the son of Nephi, the son of Helaman. Fourth Nephi in turn was written by the son of Nephi3, also called Nephi, and Nephi’s son Amos and grandsons Amos and his brother Ammaron. The book of Mormon was principally inscribed by Mormon and Moroni. The book of Ether exposes the terrible end of a people persisting in wickedness. The book of Moroni shows his love for his enemies.

Keywords: 3 Nephi; 4 Nephi; Abridgment; Ammaron; Amos (Son of Amos); Amos (Son of Nephi); Ether; History; Mormon; Moroni; Nephite
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 4 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [2899]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1995-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 25705  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:12
Sperry, Sidney B. “What the Book of Mormon Is (Continued).” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4, no. 1 (1995): 18-27.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

An analysis of the Words of Mormon to Helaman, including Mormon’s abridgment between the small and large plates of Nephi. The teachings of Benjamin, Mosiah, Abinadi, Alma, and his son, Alma the Younger. Helaman’s and Shiblon’s writings in the book of Alma are set forth. Alma the Younger is to the Book of Mormon as Paul is to the New Testament. The book of Helaman covers fifty years of Nephite history.

Keywords: Abinadi (Prophet); Abridgment; Alma the Elder; Alma the Younger; Helaman (Son of Alma the Younger); King Benjamin; King Mosiah; Shiblon (Son of Alma the Younger)
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [2898]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1995-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 11747  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:12
Bailey, George H. “What the Book of Mormon Means to Me.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 90, no. 18 (3 May 1928): 286-88.
Display Abstract  

A testimonial of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Provides a very brief account of the contents of the Book of Mormon and shares the lessons learned and the spiritual strength received by the author from the Book of Mormon.

ID = [81403]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1928-05-03  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:18
Hansen, Hans H. What the Book of Mormon Means to Me. Hammond, IN: Church of Christ, 1970.
Display Abstract  

A tract in which the author bears testimony about the value of the Book of Mormon and provides comments about secret oaths and priesthood.

ID = [78768]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1970-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Nelson, Russell M. “What the Book of Mormon Teaches about the Love of God.” Ensign, October 2011.
ID = [59426]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5854  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:13
Matthews, Robert J. “What the Book of Mormon Tells Us about Jesus Christ.” In The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture, ed. Paul R. Cheesman, 21–43. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1988.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [36971]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1988-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-bom,rsc-books  Size: 49543  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:06
Matthews, Robert J. “What the Book of Mormon Tells Us about the Bible.” In Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 20th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, edited by Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top, 93-113. Salt Lake City: Randall Book, 1992.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon declares the Bible to be a sacred and true record, but it sustained serious losses in its early stages, which has caused considerable stumbling. Many biblical scholars today reject the authenticity of many of the teachings of Jesus. The Book of Mormon confirms the truthfulness of the Bible.

ID = [81058]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:01
Edwards, Kay P. “What the Doctrine and Covenants Says about the Book of Mormon.” Ensign, January 1989.
ID = [48887]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,d-c,ensign  Size: 11810  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:17
Scripture Central. “What the Exodus Teaches Us about the Atonement.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #419. March 27, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Alma; Exodus; Moses
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7917]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-03-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6813  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Welch, John W. “What the Original Book of Mormon Manuscript Is Not.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 293-295. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon; Translation
ID = [75707]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size: 4321  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:58
Marlowe, Eric-Jon K. “‘What Therefore God Hath Joined Together, Let No Man Put Asunder’” In The Sermon on the Mount in Latter-day Scripture, eds. Gaye Strathearn, Thomas A. Wayment, and Daniel L. Belnap. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
ID = [35320]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size: 30133  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:35
Caldwell, C. Max. “‘What Think Ye of Christ?’” Ensign, February 1984.
ID = [46536]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1984-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 15589  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:08
Oaks, Dallin H. “‘What Think Ye of Christ?’” Ensign, November 1988.
ID = [48815]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1988-11-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 16141  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:16
McConkie, Bruce R. “What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1983.
ID = [15294]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1983-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference,mcconkie  Size: 12453  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
McConkie, Bruce R. “What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?” Ensign, November 1983.
ID = [46455]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1983-11-01  Collections:  bom,ensign,mcconkie  Size: 12315  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:07
Scripture Central. “What Unique Doctrines Did the Lord Reveal through the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #293. March 29, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Restoration; Joseph Smith; Plain and Precious; Godhead; Plan of Salvation; Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ; Holy Ghost; Priesthood; Fall; Atonement; House of Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8043]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15990  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “What Vision Guides Nephi’s Choice of Isaiah Chapters?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #38. February 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Bible; Old Testament; Nephite Prophetic View; Jews; Gentiles; Jesus Christ; Prophecy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8298]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7394  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Welch, John W. “What Was a ”Mosiah”?” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Mosiah; Language - Hebrew; Mosiah (Book); Mosiah the Elder; Name; Onomastics; Redeemer; Savior
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [66471]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:37
Bradshaw, Jeffrey M. “What Was Hugh Nibley Thinking About When He Landed His Jeep on the Beach on D-Day?” In “Insight Videos about Hugh Nibley Interpreter Foundation,” by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Interpreter Foundation, Book of Mormon Central, FAIR. 8 April 2021. Video.
Display Abstract  

On the dawn of one of the most daring and dangerous events of World War II, the typical soldier would hardly be thinking deep thoughts about puzzling intellectual problems. But then again, Hugh Nibley was not the typical World War II soldier. He said, “As we were a couple of feet under water, then it really hit me—how astonishing the Book of Mormon truly is.”
In this video, we will show how Nibley’s pioneering research on Lehi’s trail in Arabia provided the foundation for additional discoveries by other researchers generally confirming and enriching his early hunches.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Hugh Nibley > Scholarship, Footnotes, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, CWHN, Editing > Book of Mormon
ID = [2380]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2021-04-03  Collections:  bom,bradshaw,nibley  Size: 17441  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:42
Ensign. “What Was Jerusalem Like in Lehi’s Time?” Ensign January 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Topics > Places > Ancient Near East > Jerusalem
ID = [63255]  Status = Checked by JA Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1584  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:31
Scripture Central. “What Was Mormon’s Purpose in Writing the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #230. November 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Editor; Redaction; Abridgment; Prophecy; Prophets; Promised Land; Holy Ghost; Jesus Christ; Testimony
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [8106]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12904  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Was on the Lost 116 Pages?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #452. July 24, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Martin Harris; 116 pages; Book of Lehi; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7884]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 11065  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “What Was One of the Main Causes of Warfare in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #523. July 5, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Warfare; War Chapters; Nehor; Kishkumen; Leadership; King
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7813]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-07-05  Collections:  bmc-archive,bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8860  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Doxey, Roy W. “What was the approximate weight of the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated?” Ensign, December 1986.
ID = [47908]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1986-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3906  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:10
Scripture Central. “What was the Great and Terrible Gulf in Lehi’s Dream?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #14. January 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gulf; Lehi’s Dream; Tree of Life; Wadi; Water; Desert; Hell; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Ancient Near East; Geography; Ancient Israel; Arabia; Top KnoWhys; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8322]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5918  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “What Was the Nature of Nephite Fortifications?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #158. August 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Lamanites; War Chapters; Warfare; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Fortifications; Military; Mesoamerica; Archaeology; Heartland; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8178]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11835  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “What Was the Sword of Laban Like?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #401. January 23, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Archaeology; Evidence; Metallurgy; Ancient Israel; Laban; Nephi; Sword of Laban
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7935]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-01-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14062  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Widtsoe, John A. “What Was the Vocabulary of Joseph Smith?” Improvement Era 54, no. 6 (1951): 399, 476.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article argues that any translation will reflect the vocabulary of the translator, and such was the case with Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. An average “fairly well-educated” person possesses an 8,000 word vocabulary. Joseph Smith as a youth would have had a substantially smaller vocabulary. Interestingly, the Book of Mormon has a total vocabulary (including person and place names) of 3,307 words.

Keywords: Authenticity, Authorship, Book of Mormon Authorship, Book of Mormon Names, Book of Mormon Translation
ID = [76947]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1951-06-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:07
Millet, Robert L. “What We Believe.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, February 3, 1998.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Our conduct and our way of life cannot be separated from our doctrine, for what we believe empowers and directs what we do.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Christianity; Church Doctrine; Communication; Eternal Life; Gospel; Progression; Questions; Truth; Podcast: Classic Speeches; Podcast: Come; Follow Me
ID = [69144]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1998-02-03  Collections:  bom,byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:46
Moore, Richard G. “What We Learn from Alma’s Messages to His Sons.” Religious Educator Vol. 20 no. 2 (2019).
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
RSC Topics > A — C > Conversion
RSC Topics > D — F > Faith
RSC Topics > Q — S > Repentance
ID = [38364]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2019-01-02  Collections:  bom,rel-educ  Size: 43825  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:31
Hoppe, Edward W. “What We Learned from Our Book of Mormon Project: Report from the Field.” Ensign, March 1973.
ID = [41618]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1973-03-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3742  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:45
Ensign. “What were the ages of Helaman’s ‘stripling warriors’?” Ensign September 1992.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [50665]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1992-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2877  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:46:13
Scripture Central. “What Were the ‘Other Records’ Nephi Saw in Vision?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #376. October 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Records; History; Nephi; Lehi; Bible; Manuscripts; Dead Sea Scrolls; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7960]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8310  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Brown, S. Kent. “What Were Those Sacrifices Offered by Lehi?” In From Jerusalem to Zarahemla: Literary and Historical Studies of the Book of Mormon, 1–8. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1998.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [36646]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1998-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size: 18652  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:48
Christensen, Craig C. “What Would Mormon and Moroni Say to You Today?” Graduation, Brigham Young University—Idaho, May 21, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [72095]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2020-05-21  Collections:  bom,byui-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:55:07
Walters, Wesley P. “Whatever Happened to the Book of Mormon?” Eternity 31 (May 1980): 32-34.
Display Abstract  

An evangelical approach to the Book of Mormon criticizing the work for various alleged anachronisms found in it.

ID = [80796]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Tvedtnes, John A. “What’s in a Name? A Look at the Book of Mormon Onomasticon.” FARMS Review of Books 8, no. 2 (1996): 34-42.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Review of I Know Thee by Name: Hebrew Roots of Lehi-ite Non-Biblical Names in the Book of Mormon (1995), by Joseph R. and Norrene V. Salonimer

Keywords: Language - Hebrew; Onomastics; Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
ID = [243]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1996-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-review  Size: 12344  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:35
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “What’s in a Name? Alma as a Hebrew Name.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 7, no. 1 (1998): 72-73.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The name Alma appears more frequently in the Book of Mormon than any other name besides Nephi. The name has a logical derivation from a Hebrew root that means “youth” or “lad.”

Keywords: Alma the Elder; Alma the Younger; Language - Hebrew; Name; Onomastics
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [2982]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1998-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 6921  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:17
Thomasson, Gordon C. “What’s in a Name? Book of Mormon Language, Names, and [Metonymic] Naming.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3, no. 1 (1994): 1-27.
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Anthropological perspectives lend insight on names and on the social and literary function of names in principle and in the Book of Mormon. A discussion of the general function of names in kinship; secret names; and names, ritual, and rites of passage precedes a Latter-day Saint perspective. Names and metonymy are used symbolically. Examples include biblical and Book of Mormon metonymic naming, nomenclature, and taxonomy. Biblical laws of purity form the foundation for a pattern of metonymic associations with the name Lamanite, where the dichotomy of clean/unclean is used to give name to social alienation and pollution.

Keywords: Anthropology; Lamanite; Language; Literature; Metonymic; Name
ID = [2855]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1994-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 59217  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:09
Hoskisson, Paul Y., Brian M. Hauglid, and John Gee. “What’s in a Name? Irreantum.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 11, no. 1 (2002): 90-93, 114-115.
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The Book of Mormon was written in a language that was grounded in Hebrew and Egyptian; the people of the Book of Mormon most likely spoke this same language. It is interesting, then, that the Book of Mormon authors periodically included definitions for certain terms that they used in their writing, as if their audience did not understand them. This technique, known as a gloss, suggests that those terms may not have been a part of that ancient language. In an attempt to uncover the true origin of such words, this article dissects the Book of Mormon term Irreantum and delves into its linguistic characteristics to determine whether the term could have originated from Hebrew, Egyptian, ancient South Semitic, or another language.

Keywords: Egyptian; Gloss; Irreantum; Language; Language - Hebrew; Name; Onomastics; Reformed Egyptian; Semitic
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [3091]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2002-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 21817  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:24
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “What’s in a Name? Mormon—Part 1.” Insights 32, no. 2 (2012).
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Despite sporadic attempts to sideline the name Mormon in favor of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter­day Saints,” it continues to be used as the most ubiquitous moniker for the Church. Members of the Church are known as “Mormons.” It appears in the title of the keystone publication of the Restoration, The Book of Mormon. Within the book bearing this name, Mormon is, firstof all, the name of the waters in the forest of Mormon (Mosiah 18:8; Alma 5:3) in the land of Mormon (Mosiah 18:30). Of course, Mormon is also the name of the military leader who abridged the Nephite records (Words of Mormon 1:1, 3; Mormon 1:1; 2:1).

Keywords: Mormon; Mormons; name; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [66990]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-02  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:59
Barney, Kevin L. “What’s in a Name? Playing in the Onomastic Sandbox.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 29 (2018): 251-272.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: Name as Key-Word brings together a collection of essays, many of them previously published, whose consistent theme is exploring examples of onomastic wordplay or puns in Mormon scripture in general and the Book of Mormon in particular. Without a knowledge of the meaning of these names, the punning in the scriptural accounts would not be recognized by modern English readers. Exploring the (probable) meanings of these names helps to open our eyes to how the scriptural authors used punning and other forms of wordplay to convey their messages in a memorable way.
Review of Matthew L. Bowen, Name as Key-Word: Collected Essays on Onomastic Wordplay and the Temple in Mormon Scripture (Salt Lake City: The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books, 2018). 408 pp., $24.95.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [3636]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 51149  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:04
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “What’s in a Name? Sebus.” Insights 32, no. 1 (2012).
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When I first began studying Book of Mormon proper names more than 30 years ago, the name Sebus appeared to present a Gordian knot. Hebrew words, like other Semitic words in gen- eral, are most often built on a structure of three different consonants. This language feature emphasizes the consonants and their sequence and order. The problem with Sebus is that its first and third consonants, /s/ and /s/, are the same— something that is extremely rare in any Semitic language. That being the case, for a long time I shelved any attempt to etymologize Sebus.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Sebus; language; consonants
ID = [66985]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:59
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “What’s in a name?: Nephi.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 9 no. 2 (2000).
Display Abstract  

Though the name Nephi conforms in some ways to common Semitic patterns, none of the possible consonantal roots that appear in Hebrew can be applied to the name. Other possible sources such as Ugaritic or Egyptian may be considered.

ID = [3046]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2000-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 18478  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:22
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “What’s in a Name?: The Name Cumorah.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 13 no. 1 (2004).
Display Abstract  

Unlike the case of some place-names in the Book of Mormon, the book does not explain how the land and the hill Cumorah received their designation in the Nephite record. The name Cumorah lends itself to several possible etymological explanations, which Hoskisson discusses in this article.

ID = [3150]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 26624  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:28
Hallen, Cynthia L. “What’s in a Word?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 10 no. 1 (2001).
Display Abstract  

This article explains the benefits of studying specific words in the context of the Book of Mormon. Focusing on the origin of a word provides additional meaning and insight to a particular verse of scripture and helps the reader better understand the intended meaning of the author.

ID = [3061]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2001-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 19766  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:23
Hallen, Cynthia L. “What’s in a Word? Tender and Chaste and Delicate Feelings Are Pleasing to the Lord.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 11 no. 1 (2002).
Display Abstract  

The word tender is used repeatedly throughout the Book of Mormon, but the modern connotations of the term may skew readers’ understanding of what Book of Mormon authors intended to convey when employing it in their writing. By examining the etymology of tender and the etymologies of similar words, readers can better comprehend the intended meaning of the ancient Book of Mormon authors.

ID = [3092]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2002-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 16565  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:25
Hallen, Cynthia L., and Josh Sorenson. “What’s in a Word?: Pairs and Merisms in 3 Nephi.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 13 no. 1 (2004).
Display Abstract  

Cynthia Hallen invited students in her History of the English Language course to search for conjoined word pairs in the scriptures as a term project. They searched for pairs of words linked with conjunctions in order to better understand the meaning of selected set expressions in the King James Bible and the Book of Mormon. Hallen summarizes and comments on their research.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [3149]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 31770  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:28
Hallen, Cynthia L. “What’s in a Word?: The Language of Scriptures.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12 no. 2 (2003).
Display Abstract  

A two-pronged approach to studying the scriptures emphasizes language as well as doctrine. Some typical syntactic structures that appear in 19th-century Book of Mormon English include word-order variation, interruption, parenthesis, ellipsis, fragment, conjunctions, and parallel structure.

ID = [3130]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 18562  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:27
Talbot, Louis T. What’s Wrong with Mormonism?. Findlay, OH: Dunham, 1957.
Display Abstract  

A polemical tract against Mormonism. The writer considers the Book of Mormon to be “the greatest religious hoax ever perpetrated in America” Among other things he discusses the Anthon incident, the testimonies of the Book of Mormon witnesses, the alleged lack of archaeological evidence, the Spaulding theory, and other items.

ID = [78769]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1957-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Treat, Raymond C. “Wheat and Barley: Problem or Opportunity.” Zarahemla Record 2 (September 1978): 7-8.
Display Abstract  

Because of scarcity of evidence, lack of interest, and faulty research design evidence of wheat and barley in the New World prior to the 1500s has not been located. With new technology, phytoliths (fossilized plant cells) will show the presence of these grains during Book of Mormon time periods.

ID = [80797]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1978-09-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Pierce, Norman C. “The Wheel among the Indians.” Deseret News Church Section (18 March 1933): 3.
Display Abstract  

In order to support claims by the Book of Mormon, the author presents archaeological evidence that the wheel existed in ancient America.

ID = [80702]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1933-03-18  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Ferguson, Thomas Stuart. “The Wheel in Ancient America.” Improvement Era 49, no. 12 (1946): 785, 818-819.
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This article argues against those that believe that the Ancient Americans had no knowledge of the wheel by presenting five reproductions of wheeled toys and several scholarly views on the existence of such in Mesoamerica.

Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica, Ancient Near East, Archaeology, External Evidence, Mesopotamia, Wheels
ID = [76857]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1946-12-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:02
Cheesman, Paul R. “The Wheel in Ancient America.” BYU Studies Quarterly 9, no. 2 (1968): 185-197.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The wheel is a basic mechanical device regarded by most scholars as one indication of a higher civilization. The earliest known use of the wheel is depicted on a limestone relief in Mesopotamia and indicates the use of a cart dating c. 3500 BC. For many years, scientific investigation has failed to produce information supporting the use of the wheel in Ancient America. Lately, however, there have been some artifacts found which are of serious interest to the student in this field, which is further supported by

Keywords: Ancient America; Wheels
ID = [9740]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1969-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,byu-studies  Size: 603  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:52
Sorenson, John L. “Wheeled Figurines in the Ancient World.” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1981.
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John Sorenson offers a survey and interpretation of the evidence that the wheel was known in the New World before the arrival of European explorers in the early sixteenth century. He discusses Mesoamerican and Old World wheeled figurines, wheels and movement in Mesoamerican belief, and the similarities between figurines in the New World and the Old.

Keywords: Ancient America; Mesoamerica; Wheels
ID = [1516]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1981-08-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-reports,sorenson  Size: 61911  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:54
Millennial Star Staff. “When a Book of Mormon Witness Passed On.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 98, no. 9 (27 February 1936): 138-39.
Display Abstract  

Brief life story of Oliver Cowdery. He was a special witness for the Book of Mormon and never denied the Book of Mormon even though he was once excommunicated but later rebaptized.

ID = [81443]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1936-02-27  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:21
Talmage, James E. “When Christ Stood on American Soil.” Deseret News Church Section (11 March 1933): 6.
Display Abstract  

According to prophecy, Jesus Christ visited many persons on the American continent shortly after his resurrection. He established his Church and taught the people his gospel.

ID = [80798]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1933-03-11  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Scripture Central. “When Did Cement Become Common in Ancient America?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #174. August 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Cement; Mormon; Nephites; Land Northward; Industry; Building; Mesoamerica; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8162]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10573  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Brown, S. Kent, and John A. Tvedtnes. “When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites in Bountiful?” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1989.
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Kent Brown and John Tvedtnes examine the question of when Christ appeared to the Nephites in Bountiful, offering different interpretations of 3 Nephi 10:18. Brown asserts that Jesus appeared near the end of the thirty-fourth year after Christ’s birth, almost a full year after the crucifixion. Tvedtnes proposes an earlier date, possibly as early as the same day of or the day following Jesus’ resurrection in Jerusalem.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8584]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-reports  Size: 209  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:44
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites?” Improvement Era 64, no. 5 (1961): 296-297.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article argues that the appearance of Christ in America occurred shortly after his ascension from the Mount of Olives into heaven.

Keywords: Jesus Christ, Postmortal Appearances of, Mount of Olives, Savior in America, Sermon at the Temple
ID = [76860]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1961-05-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era,smith-joseph-fielding  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:02
Scripture Central. “When Did Lehi Leave Jerusalem?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #475. October 11, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Chronology; Jerusalem; Calendar
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7861]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13416  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “When Did Mormon Write His Letter Recorded in Moroni 9?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #477. October 18, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Records; Dating
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7859]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Welch, John W. “When Did Nephi Write the Small Plates.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 75-77. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Plates
ID = [75658]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:55
Scripture Central. “When Does the Book of Mormon First Talk About the Plan of Salvation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #33. February 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Lehi; Alma; Plan of Salvation; Temples; Jesus Christ; Fall; Atonement; Death; Hell; Judgment of God; Final Judgment; Afterlife; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; God; Heavenly Father
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8303]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10625  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Weldon, Roy E. “When God Moves, Satan Moves.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 66 (Fall 1989): 14-15.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormons tells of the struggle between God’s servants and Satan’s servants. Every time the Lord gives revelation and prophecy, Satan tries to intervene.

ID = [80799]  Status = Type = newsletter article  Date = 1989-10-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:46
Gardner, Brant A. “When Hypotheses Collide: Responding to Lyon and Minson’s ‘When Pages Collide’” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 5 (2013): 105-119.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: At the end of 2012, Jack M. Lyon and Kent R. Minson published “When Pages Collide: Dissecting the Words of Mormon.” They suggest that there is textual evidence that supports the idea that Words of Mormon 12-18 is the translation of the end of the previous chapter of Mosiah. The rest of the chapter was lost with the 116 pages, but this text remained because it was physically on the next page, which Joseph had kept with him.
In this paper, the textual information is examined to determine if it supports that hypothesis. The conclusion is that while the hypothesis is possible, the evidence is not conclusive. The question remains open and may ultimately depend upon one’s understanding of the translation process much more than the evidence from the manuscripts.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [4351]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 28545  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:25
Hart, John L. “‘When I Pray about It, I Feel All Warm Inside’” Church News 58 (30 July 1988): 5.
Display Abstract  

When children send their testimonies in copies of the Book of Mormon, people respond more positively to the book and the door is opened for conversion.

ID = [78840]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1988-07-30  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Cowan, Richard O. “When Jesus Visited Some ‘Other Sheep’” Instructor 96 (December 1961): 444-45.
Display Abstract  

The “American Gospel” (3 Nephi), as recorded in the Book of Mormon, clariies, and supports the teachings of the Bible and testiies of its authenticity. When Jesus Christ visited the American continent he blessed his people, organized his Church, and taught the gospel.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [80800]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1961-12-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Scripture Central. “When Lehi’s Party Arrived in the Land, Did They Find Horses There?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #649. October 17, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon, Horses, Evidence, Archaeology, Stratigraphy, Anachronism, Evidences, Tapir
ID = [82303]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-10-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:09
Sorenson, John L. “When Lehi’s Party Arrived in the Land, Did They Find Others There?” In Nephite Culture and Society: Collected Papers, 65-104. Salt Lake City: New Sage Books, 1997.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

A number of statements in the Book of Mormon text indicate the presence in Lehi’s promised land of peoples other than those descended from Lehi’s party. Reasons the topic is not addressed more explicitly in the record include a focus on the Nephites (and not on other people), a generic treatment of Lamanites, an a desire not to waste space on something obvious or insignificant. Clear evidence for the presence of others in substantial populations is present in the Book of Mormon. The demographic or cultural history of Lehi’s literal descendants must take into account these other groups.

Keywords: Ancient America; Lehi (Prophet); Mesoamerica; Others in the Land; Population Size; Promised Land; Sailing; Transoceanic Voyage
ID = [2813]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms,sorenson  Size: 87480  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:06
Swift, Charles. “When Less Is More: The Reticent Narrator in the Story of Alma and Amulek.” Religious Educator Vol. 13 no. 1 (2012).
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [38208]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2012-01-01  Collections:  bom,rel-educ  Size: 30924  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:22
Lyon, Jack M. “When Pages Collide: Dissecting the Words of Mormon.” BYU Studies Quarterly 51, no. 4 (2012): 120.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [10994]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-04  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 29369  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:01
Snow, Leroi C. “When Queen Victoria Received a Book of Mormon.” Improvement Era 40, no. 7 (1937): 417.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article describes how in 1842 Lorenzo Snow made the presentation of a richly bound Book of Mormon to Queen Victoria, Queen of England.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846), Missionary Work, Snow, Lorenzo
ID = [77092]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1937-07-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Nibley, Hugh W. When the Lights Went Out: Three Studies on the Ancient Apostasy. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2001. 149 pp.
Display Abstract  

These essays were originally published together in the 1970 Deseret Book publication by the same title and are all included in Mormonism and Early Christianity, The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 4. 10–44, 168–208, 391–434.
Three of Nibley’s important essays on the fate of the primitive Christian church and its institutions and beliefs previously available only in academic journals in 1959-60, 1961, and 1966 are reprinted and indexed for the Mormon audience.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > History > Christian History, Apostasy
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Jesus Christ > Forty-Day Ministry
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Temples > Ancient Temples
ID = [716]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2001-01-01  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:07
Matthews, Robert J. “When the Prophet Joseph Smith intently studied the Bible and made his inspired translation, did he say anything concerning the various books of the Old Testament that would suggest either their special importance or lesser value?” Ensign, October 1973.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Bible: Joseph Smith Translation (JST)
ID = [41876]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1973-10-01  Collections:  bom,ensign,old-test  Size: 1193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:47
Tvedtnes, John A. “When Was Christ Born?” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 10 (2014): 1-33.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: Many people still believe that Jesus Christ was born on 25 December, either in 1 bc or ad 1. The December date is certainly incorrect and the year is unlikely.Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets. Behold, I come unto my own, to fulfil all things which I have made known unto the children of men from the foundation of the world, and to do the will, both of the Father and of the Son—of the Father because of me, and of the Son because of my flesh. And behold, the time is at hand, and this night shall the sign be given. (3 Nephi 1:13–14).

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [4292]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2014-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 64815  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:21
Paustenbaugh, Jennifer. “When Your Bow Breaks.” Devotional, Brigham Young University, July 7, 2015.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Like Nephi, each one of us is likely to experience the breaking of a bow—a major life challenge that has all the makings of a personal or family disaster or one that has all the makings of an opportunity to grow.

Keywords: Trials; Collection: Overcoming Adversity; Podcast: Come; Follow Me; Podcast: Overcoming Adversity
ID = [69974]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2015-07-07  Collections:  bom,byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:52
Talmage, James E. “Whence Came the American Indians?” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 87, no. 5 (29 January 1925): 74-76.
Display Abstract  

Briefly presents the history of Lehi and his family, including the separation between the Nephites and Lamanites. Descendants of the Lamanites became the American Indians.

ID = [81385]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1925-01-29  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:17
Hancock, Pauline. Whence Came the Book of Mormon. Independence, MO: 1958.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon is from God and its teachings are harmonious with the Bible. The grammatical and editorial changes in the Book of Mormon deny the power of God and corrupt the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78770]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1958-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Church of Christ (Temple Lot). Whence Came the Book of Mormon?. Independence, MO: Church of Christ, n.d.
Display Abstract  

Booklet seeking to prove that the Book of Mormon is true but the LDS church is false. Discusses the translation and witnesses of the Book of Mormon and the ways in which the Book of Mormon conirms the Bible. The Book of Mormon teaches doctrines different from those taught in the LDS church concerning God, the afterlife, and the Atonement.

ID = [78771]  Status = Type = book  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Ricks, Joel E. “Whence Came the Mayas.” Salt Lake City: n.p., 1943.
Display Abstract  

Uses archaeological, geographical, scriptural, and historical information to theorize that the Mayan culture was related to the cultures of the Nephites and Jaredites. Desires to prove that advanced civilizations lived on the American continent before the arrival of Columbus.

ID = [78772]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1943-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Unattributed. Whence Came the Red Man?. Independence, MO: Herald House, 1940.
Display Abstract  

A 13-page pamphlet that describes the provenance of the Indians. It describes how Lehi left Jerusalem to come to America. The RLDS church is the church that brings the Book of Mormon to the Indians.

ID = [78773]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1940-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Frederick, Nicholas J. “Whence the Daughter of Jared?: Text and Context.” In Illuminating the Jaredite Records, ed. Daniel L. Belnap. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2020.
ID = [34010]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:19
Jenson, Andrew. “Whence the Names of These Towns Here in ‘Mormondom’?” Deseret News Church Section (28 December 1935): 1, 6.
Display Abstract  

Gives the historical background of Utah towns that were given names from the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80801]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1935-12-28  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Fry, Evan A. “Where Are the Book of Mormon Plates?” Saints’ Herald 92 (15 September 1945): 874-75.
Display Abstract  

Provides three reasons why the gold plates were returned to the angel Moroni: the gold from which the plates were made was of great value and could not have been protected in a “backwoods pioneering community”

ID = [80802]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1945-09-15  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Instructor. “Where Are the Hills of Ramah and Cumorah?” Instructor 75 (January 1940): 8.
Display Abstract  

In an article published by the Messenger and Advocate in Kirtland, Ohio, July, 1835, a quote attributed to Joseph Smith appeared. It described the Hill Ramah as being about one mile west of the Hill Cumorah (in New York). Between these two hills was the final battleground of both the Nephite and Jaredite nations.

ID = [80803]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1940-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Zobell, Albert L., Jr. “Where Are the Original Manuscripts?” Improvement Era 63, no. 11 (1960): 802-803, 826, 828.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article traces the history of two Book of Mormon manuscripts—the original manuscript and the printer’s manuscript. Joseph Smith deposited the original manuscripts in the cornerstone of the Nauvoo House October 2, 1841. It was recovered in 1882. The printer’s manuscript is now in the possession of the RLDS church.

Keywords: Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846), Nauvoo House, Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon
ID = [76874]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1960-11-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:03
Christensen, Ann Nicodemus. “‘Where Are the Prophets?’” Ensign, September 1989.
ID = [49210]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1989-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2472  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:19
Scripture Central. “Where Can You Best Learn about God’s Plan of Salvation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #272. February 8, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Plan of Salvation; King Lamoni; Alma; Ammon; Benjamin; King Benjamin; Abinadi; Jacob; Nephi; Lehi; Brother of Jared; Creation; Fall; Atonement; Adam; Eve; Resurrection
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8064]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10836  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Where Did Alma Get His Authority?” Improvement Era 63, no. 7 (1963): 582-583.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article explains that, since there were no members of the tribe of Levi among the Nephites, the Nephites officiated by virtue of the Melchizedek Priesthood rather than the Aaronic. It concludes that Alma received the priesthood before Noah became king and remained righteous enough to retain this authority, although he immersed himself while baptizing Helam as part of the repentance process.

Keywords: Aaronic Priesthood, Levites, Levitical Priesthood, Melchizedek Priesthood, Priesthood Authority, Priesthood Keys
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [77026]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1963-07-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era,smith-joseph-fielding  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Scripture Central. “Where Did Joseph Smith Get His Doctrinal Ideas About Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #261. January 13, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Wentworth Letter; Articles of Faith; God; Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ; Holy Ghost; Godhead; King Benjamin; Atonement; Salvation; Doctrine and Covenants; Nehor
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8075]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 7786  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where Did Joseph Smith Get His Ideas about the Physical and Spiritual Gathering of Israel?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #290. March 22, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Gathering of Israel; Gathering; Scattering of Israel; Assyria; Babylon; Zion; Ancient Israel; House of Israel; Tribes of Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8046]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10228  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where Did Joseph Smith Get His Teachings on the Family?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #285. March 10, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Restoration; Joseph Smith; Family; Marriage; Children; Emma Smith; Love; Lehi; Sariah; Nephi; Daughters of Ishmael; Lineage History
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8051]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9403  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where did Moroni Get the Sacramental Prayers from?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #250. December 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Nephites; Sacrament; Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Intertextuality; King Benjamin; Mosiah; Prayer
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8086]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7084  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where Did the Book of Mormon Happen?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #431. May 8, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Geography; Book of Mormon; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7905]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-05-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14906  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Where did the Brother of Jared Get the Idea of Shining Stones?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #240. November 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Brother of Jared; Shining Stones; Tzohar; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Near East; Noah’s Ark; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis; Tower of Babel; Urim and Thummim; Talmud; Midrash; Liahona; Faith; Jesus Christ; Light of the World
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8096]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13572  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where Does the Book of Mormon Declare the First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #276. February 17, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Wentworth Letter; Articles of Faith; Baptism; Repentance; Gift of the Holy Ghost; Holy Ghost; Endure to the End; Bible; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8060]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8770  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where Does the Name Nauvoo Come From?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #342. July 21, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Nauvoo; Joseph Smith; Hebrew; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Abinadi; Zion; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [7994]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10233  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Where Does the Word ‘Deseret’ Come From?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #236. November 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Jared; Brother of Jared; Deseret; Bee; Ancient Near East; Egyptian; Hebrew; Etymology; Mesopotamia; Industry; Utah; Mormon; Moroni; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8100]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8453  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Bailey, J. W. A. “Where Hill Cumorah is Located.” Saints’ Herald 79 (18 May 1932): 478.
Display Abstract  

Provides a list of references from the Book of Mormon concerning the location of the Hill Cumorah.

ID = [80804]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1932-05-18  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Miasnik, Chris. “Where in Cincinnati Was the Third Edition of the Book of Mormon Printed?” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 14 (2015): 35-53.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Abstract: The third edition of the Book of Mormon was stereotyped and printed in Cincinnati in 1840. The story of the Church’s printer, Ebenezer Robinson, accomplishing this mission has been available since 1883. What has remained a mystery is exactly where in Cincinnati this event took place; there is no plaque marking the spot, no walking tour pamphlet, no previous images, and its history contains conflicting documentation. This article will attempt to untangle the mystery by using old descriptions, maps of the area, and images. I also honor the printer, Edwin Shepard, whose metal and ink made this edition a reality.

Keywords: Early Church History
ID = [4253]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 37677  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:18
Sorenson, John L. “Where in the World? Some Views on Geography, Part 1.” Book of Mormon Working Paper, No. 2, September 1963.
Display Abstract  

Basics later given in chapter 1 of An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80805]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1963-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Where Is the Hill Cumorah?” Deseret News Church Section (10 September 1938): 1, 6.
Display Abstract  

The Hill Cumorah was the same as the Jaredite hill Ramah. It seems that the Hill Cumorah of New York is the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80806]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1938-09-10  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Davis, H. N. “Where Is the Land of Cumorah.” Saints’ Herald 49 (22 October 1902): 1030-33.
Display Abstract  

Attempts to locate the Hill Cumorah in the Northeastern United States, arguing that such a location more fully fits the criteria of the Book of Mormon than other areas of the continent.

ID = [80807]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1902-10-22  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Scripture Central. “Where is the Land of Promise?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #497. January 8, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Geography; Promised Land; Zion; American Continent; Mesoamerica; North America; South America; Heartland
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7839]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-01-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11775  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Where is the Location of the Hill Cumorah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #489. November 29, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hill Cumorah; Geography; Angel Moroni; Final Nephite Battle; Gold Plates; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7847]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-11-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 18001  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Where Is the Narrative Transition in 1 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #461. August 23, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Small Plates; Gold Plates
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7875]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-08-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9914  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Smith, Joseph F. “Where Is the Original Manuscipt of the Book of Mormon?” In A Book of Mormon Treasury: Significant Articles from the Pages of the Improvement Era, eds. Doyle L. Green, and Marba C. Josephson, 11-15. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1959.
Display Abstract  

Refutes a claim made in an article printed in the St. Louis Republic concerning the whereabouts of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon by arguing that the manuscript was placed in the southwest corner of the Nauvoo house.

ID = [81026]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1959-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:00
Kotchongva, Dan. “Where Is the White Brother of the Hopi Indian.” Improvement Era 39, no. 2 (1936): 82-84, 116, 118-119.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article discusses the Hopi Indians and their connection with the Book of Mormon and includes an interpreted version of the Hopi Indian story as told by their chief in Salt Lake City.

Keywords: Ancient America – North America, Arizona, Mythology, Native Americans – Hopi
ID = [76999]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1936-02-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:10
Gardner, Brant A. “Where Much Is Promised, Less is Given.” The FARMS Review 20, no. 1 (2008): 15-32.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Review of Diane E. Wirth. Decoding Ancient America: A Guide to the Archaeology of the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Ancient America; Archaeology; Art; Book of Mormon Geography; Mesoamerica; Methodology
ID = [592]  Status = Type = review  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-review  Size: 42057  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:56
Howells, Rulon S. Where the Book of Mormon Story Took Place. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1961.
Display Abstract  

A fold-out map of the Americas marked with Book of Mormon story events and dates showing the location where Book of Mormon peoples landed in South and Central America. To be used as a teaching aid.

ID = [78774]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1961-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Ensign. “Where the Book of Mormon Went to Press.” Ensign February 1989.
ID = [48923]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1989-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2981  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:17
Burgess, S. A. “Where the Plates Were Found.” Saints’ Herald 74 (3 August 1927): 893-94.
Display Abstract  

Oliver Cowdery provides a description of the Hill Cumorah area where the gold plates were found and the sacred events that took place there.

ID = [80808]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1927-08-03  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Burgess, S. A. “Where Was the Book of Mormon Translated?” Saints’ Herald 88 (19 April 1941): 491-92.
Display Abstract  

Sets forth the places where the Book of Mormon was translated, beginning in Harmony, Pennsylvania, to its completion in the home of Peter Whitmer, Sr. The role of Martin Harris and the lost 116 manuscript pages are also discussed.

ID = [80809]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1941-04-19  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Rich, Russell R. “Where Were the Moroni Visits?” Brigham Young University Studies 10, no. 3 (1970): 255-258.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article deals with defining the exact date of Alvin Smith’s death which helps the author to pinpoint the visits of Moroni.

Keywords: Alvin; Angel Moroni; Early Church History; Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [9667]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1970-01-02  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,byu-studies  Size: 127  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:52
Kleinman, Curtis. “Where Would I Find Another Book of Mormon?” Ensign, June 2008.
ID = [57909]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2008-06-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2510  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:03
Stenson, Matthew Scott. “‘Wherefore, for This Cause’: The Book of Mormon as Anti-type of the Brass Serpent.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 43 (2021): 291-318.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: Nephi1 represents the sacred record that becomes the Book of Mormon as a new brass serpent to heal the nations. Nephi’s typological project is reasonable given that he self-identifies with Moses, his family’s scriptures and compass are made of brass, and he consistently describes reading as an act of seeing, looking, or believing. Nephi understands from Isaiah that the book he (Nephi) prepares — and that he has so much to say about — will become an ensign, or sign, that will be lifted up and heal the nations that have stumbled in blindness. Nephi’s project emerges most fully in 2 Nephi 25, the introductory material to an extended prophecy wherein he points the Jewish people to their Messiah, a figure he equates with Moses’s raised serpent and Jesus Christ.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [3430]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 64045  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:48
Jakeman, M. Wells. “Which Is the Way? A Reply to Dee F. Green’s Book of Mormon Archaeology: The Myths and the Alternatives.” Society for Early Historic Archaeology Newsletter 117 (December 1969): 1-6.
Display Abstract  

A response to Green’s 1969 attack (in Dialogue) on the “geographical-historical” approach to the Book of Mormon, which he attributed to Jakeman. Jakeman defends the logic and accomplishments of his approach (that he prefers to call “historic-archaeological”), taking umbrage at Green’s implications of intellectual dishonesty in his labor. Ends by emphasizing his aim “for a conclusive determination of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon,” which can only be done his way.

ID = [80810]  Status = Type = newsletter article  Date = 1969-12-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Scripture Central. “Which Nephite King Had the Gift of Interpretation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #99. May 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Limhi; King Benjamin; Seer; Jaredites; Critical Text; Textual Criticism; Gold Plates
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8237]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8536  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Cramer, Barbara. “Which Path Do We List?” Insights 24, no. 6 (2004).
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Reading King Benjamin’s speech, we come upon a passage in which the verb list is used four times: “Beware lest there shall arise contentions among you, and ye list to obey the evil spirit. . . . For behold, there is a wo pronounced upon him who listeth to obey that spirit; for if he listeth to obey him, and remaineth and dieth in his sins, the same drinketh damnation to his own soul. . . . The man that doeth this, the same cometh out in open rebellion against God; therefore he listeth to obey the evil spirit, and becometh an enemy to all righteousness” (Mosiah 2:32, 33, 37).

Keywords: speech; passage; list; meanings; commentary
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [66771]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2004-01-06  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:49
Ensign. “Which Plates Did the Book of Mormon Come From?” Ensign January 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Topics > Translation and Publication > Gold Plates
ID = [63254]  Status = Checked by JA Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1573  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:31
Zobell, Albert L., Jr. “Which Translation Did Your Ancestors Read?” Improvement Era 64, no. 5 (1961): 318-319.
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This article gives the dates that the Book of Mormon was translated into each language. By May 1961 the Book of Mormon had been translated into 29 different languages.

Keywords: Foreign Language Translation, Missionary Work, Translation
ID = [76861]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1961-05-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:02
Tiffin, Dalton A. “While God’s Revealed Plans for Revolutionizing the American Continent Are Unfolding . . . The Original New Testament Church of Christ of the Bible and Book of Mormon is Defended.” Weston, Ontario: n.p., 1948.
Display Abstract  

Contends that the church of Christ existed in the New Testament and Book of Mormon but that Mormonism is not in harmony with this ideal. Quotes Joseph Smith’s history relevant to receiving and translating the Book of Mormon; reinterprets Book of Mormon prophecies to show that Lamanites will join the resurrected members of Christ’s church in a revolution against American Gentiles as Moroni returns and rules as God’s spokesman.

ID = [78775]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1948-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Gee, John. “Whither Mormon Studies?” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 4 (2013): 93-130.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: The proliferation of Mormon Studies is surprising, considering that many of the basic questions about the field have never been answered. This paper looks at a number of basic questions about Mormon Studies that are of either academic concern or concern for members of the Church of Jesus Christ. They include such questions as whether Mormon Studies is a discipline, whether those who do Mormon Studies necessarily know what is going on in the Church, or if they interpret their findings correctly, whether there is any core knowledge that those who do Mormon Studies can or should have, what sort of topics Mormon Studies covers or should cover and whether those topics really have anything to do with what Mormons actually do or think about, whether Mormon Studies has ulterior political or religious motives, and whether it helps or hurts the Kingdom. Is Mormon Studies a waste of students’ time and donors’ money? Though the paper does not come up with definitive answers to any of those questions, it sketches ways of looking at them from a perspective within the restored Gospel and suggests that these issues ought to be more carefully considered before Latter-day Saints dive headlong into Mormon Studies in general.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [4360]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 64607  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:26
Simmons, Dana A. “The Whitmer Transcript.” Zarahemla Record 9 (Summer 1980): 1-2, 4, 8.
Display Abstract  

Reports the find of a document “thought to be the original Anthon transcript” (Editor’s note: this document has since been shown to be a forgery.)

ID = [80703]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-07-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Perkins, Keith W. “Whitmer, David.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, vol. 4. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Early Church History, Three Witnesses, Translation, Whitmer, David
ID = [75182]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,eom  Size: 6483  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:31
Anderson, Richard Lloyd. “The Whitmers: A Family That Nourished the Church.” Ensign, August 1979.
ID = [44615]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1979-08-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 29173  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:54
Friend. “Who Am I? A Book of Mormon Quiz.” Friend 4 (March 1974): 38-39.
Display Abstract  

A quiz for children on different characters in the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80811]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1974-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Johnson, Lane. “Who and Where Are the Lamanites?” Ensign, December 1975.
ID = [42966]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1975-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5629  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:54
Meldrum, D. Jeffrey, and Trent D. Stephens. “Who Are the Children of Lehi?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12, no. 1 (2003): 38-51, 116.
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By covenanting with Abraham, God promised him that through his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed—his seed would be as leaven within bread. This metaphor can likewise be applied to the children of Lehi, who introduced the Abrahamic covenant to the much larger indigenous Mesoamerican population. The larger gene pool with which the children of Lehi assimilated makes it very likely that no genetic evidence will ever substantiate an American–Middle Eastern link, although Native American populations show a strong affinity with Asian populations. The assumption that all modern-day Native Americans are descended exclusively from Book of Mormon peoples is not required by the scriptures. The genetic link, however, may be less important than the nongenetic transmission of memes, including ideas, behaviors, information, languages, and divine kinship.

Keywords: DNA; Genetics; Lineage; Abrahamic Covenant; Ancient America; Mesoamerica
ID = [3111]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 66416  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:26
Meldrum, D. Jeffrey, and Trent D. Stephens. Who Are the Children of Lehi? DNA and the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2007.
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“In Who Are the Children of Lehi? Meldrum and Stephens, professors and researchers, provide a solidly scientific guide for the layperson, beginning with the basics. The scientific method works by proposing testable hypotheses and eliminating those that are incorrect. But the scientific method cant falsify untestable hypotheses (for example, is there a Lehite genetic marker in the Americas?) nor can it prove a negative (for example, if we cant find Lehite DNA, then it never existed). They also explain the fascinating process of genetic inheritance itself, illuminating technical points with easy-to-grasp examples and using their own family histories to show how DNA sequence data captures only a fraction of the 1,024 ancestral slots on a ten-generation pedigree chart. This discussion lays the foundation for a fascinating overview of DNA studies on existing Native American populations, which does indeed confirm Asian origins for most current Native Americans sampled by such methods. However, that discussion leads to a sober analysis of the genocide that swept Native American populations with the arrival of Europeans. In vivid historical examples and reports of contemporary studies, the authors explain how simplistic assumptions about DNA survival must be qualified by the often drastic effects of swamping out, bottlenec ks, founder effects, genetic drift, and admixture. The result is a rich and complex view of the realities of genetic transmission. They also offer diffusionism, a hypothesis with mounting evidence of numerous transoceanic contacts, as an alternative to the crossing the Bering land bridge paradigm.In their conclusion, they return to the foundations laid out in their introduction: The ultimate issues of the veracity of the Book of Mormon record as it relates to Native American ancestry lie squarely in the arena of faith and personal testimonybeyond the purview of scientific empiricism. In the end, Lehis legacy is one of kinship through covenant, rather than through bloodlines or genes.” [Abstract from book cover]

Keywords: Book of Mormon, controversies; Book of Mormon, miscellaneous; Native Americans, origins of; Native Americans, Mormon views of; Genetics; Book of Mormon, historicity
ID = [81491]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:23
Cannon, George Q. “Who are the Indians?” Juvenile Instructor 1, no. 1 (1866): 1-2.
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Cannon believes that “all the Indians in North and South America, and the inhabitants of some of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, are descendants of [the Lehite] family, who came away from Jerusalem about 2,400 years” ago.

Keywords: Ancient America, Lehite, Native Americans, North America, South America
ID = [75793]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1866-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:02
Cannon, George Q. “Who Are the Indians?” Juvenile Instructor 1 (1, 15 January, 1, 15 February, 1 April, 1 June 1866): 1, 2, 12, 15, 28, 43.
Display Abstract  

Believes that “all the Indians in North and South America, and the inhabitants of some of the islands in the Paciic Ocean, are descendants of [the Lehite] family, who came away from Jerusalem about 2,400 years” ago.

ID = [80812]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1866-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Cannon, George Q. “Who are the Indians?” Juvenile Instructor 1, no. 2 (1866): 2.
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Cannon believes that “all the Indians in North and South America, and the inhabitants of some of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, are descendants of [the Lehite] family, who came away from Jerusalem about 2,400 years” ago.

Keywords: Lehi (Prophet), Nephi (Son of Lehi)
ID = [75794]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1866-01-15  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:02
Cowan, Richard O. “Who Are the Lamanites?” Instructor 103 (May 1968): 211.
Display Abstract  

The history of the term Lamanite is traced through the scriptures. “The ‘Lamanite’ nation, which was preserved, included descendants not only of Laman and Lemuel, but also of Nephi and his righteous brethren” A helpful chart shows the intermingling of family lines.

ID = [80813]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1968-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Frye, Frank Evan. “Who Are the Lamanites?” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 79 (Winter 1992): 5-9, 14.
Display Abstract  

Presents a concise summary of the origins and migrations of the three Book of Mormon peoples (Jaredites, Nephites, Mulekites). Describes the religious and political divisions of the Nephites that gave rise to the Lamanites.

ID = [80814]  Status = Type = newsletter article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Scripture Central. “Who Are the Lamanites?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #486. November 20, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lamanites; Early Church History; Restoration; Ancestors
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7850]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-11-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 20155  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Who Are the Witnesses of Christ in 2 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #37. February 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Witness; Nephi; Isaiah; Jesus Christ; Jacob; Law of Witnesses; Law; Legal; Testimony; Three Witnesses; Jeffrey R. Holland; Christianity
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8299]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 4939  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Who Are the ‘Few" Who Were Permitted to See the Plates?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #54. March 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Gold Plates; Joseph Smith; Witnesses; Law of Witnesses; Law; Legal; Three Witnesses; Eight Witnesses; Martin Harris; Oliver Cowdery; David Whitmer; Jacob Whitmer; John Whitmer; Peter Whitmer; Christian Whitmer; Samuel H. Smith; Joseph Smith Sr; Hyrum Smith; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
ID = [8282]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11932  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Who Called Ishmael’s Burial Place Nahom?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #19. January 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nahom; Marib; Archaeology; Arabia; Saudi Arabia; Nephi; Lehi; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Names; Book of Mormon Names; Etymology; Hebrew; Altar; Desert; Arabic; Language; Top KnoWhys; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8317]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8728  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Ludlow, Jared W., Brian M. Hauglid, and Fred E. Woods. Who Controls the Water? Yahweh vs. Baal/Justice and Mercy in the Book of Deuteronomy (Is There Mercy in the Old Testament?)/Garment of Joseph: An Update. Vol. 4 of Occasional Papers, edited by William J. Hamblin. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2003.
Display Abstract  

Includes three papers: \"Who Controls the Water? Yahweh vs. Baal\" (Fred E. Woods), \"Justice and Mercy in the Book of Deuteronomy (Is There Mercy in the Old Testament?)\" (Jared W. Ludlow) and \"Garment of Joseph: An Update\" (Brian M. Hauglid).

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
ID = [8424]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Church News. “Who Is Book’s Author?” Church News 58 (2 January 1988): 16.
Display Abstract  

Church News editorial arguing that Jesus Christ was the ultimate author of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80815]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1988-01-02  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Scripture Central. “Who is the Servant of Isaiah 49/1 Nephi 21?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #24. February 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Nephi; Joseph Smith; Jesus Christ; Servant; Ancient Israel; Prophecy; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8312]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7906  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Who is the Servant Spoken of by Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #215. October 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Servant; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Moses; Tree of Life; Witnesses; Witness; Restoration; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8121]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11065  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Davis, Howard A., D. R. Scales, W. L. Cowdery, and G. Passantino. Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?. Santa Ana: Vision House, 1977.
Display Abstract  

A detailed polemic against the Book of Mormon that claims that the Spaulding manuscript was the primary source of the Book of Mormon. Includes background historical material, a brief bibliography, and eight appendices. Attempts to demonstrate a connection between Sidney Rigdon and Solomon Spaulding.

ID = [78776]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1977-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Plowman, Edward E. “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?” Christianity Today 21 (8 July 1977): 32-34.
Display Abstract  

Contains a brief discussion of the work of Davis, Cowdery, and Scales in attempting to demonstrate a connection between the Spaulding manuscript and the writing of the “unknown scribe” in the Book of Mormon manuscript. The writer notes further that archaeologists have generally scoffed at the historical sections of the book, and they say there never has been such a language as “reformed Egyptian”

ID = [80816]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1977-07-08  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Plowman, Edward E. “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?” Christianity Today 21 (8 July 1977): 32–34.
ID = [77238]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1977-07-08  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Midgley, Louis C. “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?: The Critics and Their Theories.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited: The Evidence for Ancient Origins, edited by Noel B. Reynolds, 101-139. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1997.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Authorship; Book of Mormon Historicity; Criticism; Howe, Eber D.; Manuscript Found; Smith, Ethan; Smith, Joseph, Jr.; Spaulding, Solomon; View of the Hebrews
ID = [75468]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1997-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:47
Cowdrey, Wayne L., Howard A. Davis, and Arthur Vanick. Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?: The Spalding Enigma. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2005.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Authors determine that The Book of Mormon is an “adaptation of an obscure historical novel.”

Keywords: Book of Mormon, authorship, Spaulding theory; Authorship, stylometric analysis; Book of Mormon, authorship
ID = [81472]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2005-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:22
Widtsoe, John A. “Who Saw the Book of Mormon Plates.” Deseret News (9 March 1949): 23.
Display Abstract  

The only material background upon which we may base our faith in the Book of Mormon are the testimonies of the Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses.

ID = [80817]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1949-03-09  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:47
Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship In the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The Psalms were originally the text of the ancient Israelite temple services. Their poetry was woven into a magnificent eight day pageant-like temple drama that depicted the full eternal sweep of the Savior’s mission and his Atonement. The principles taught in that drama were accurately preserved on the brass plates and taught by Nephite prophets throughout the Book of Mormon. Soon after Lehi and his family left Jerusalem, the city and its temple were destroyed and the Jews were taken captive into Babylon. While there, they modified their religion in order to fit their new situation. But in doing so, they lost much that was most important. Even after their return from the Babylonian captivity, the Jews did not restore their original ancient temple worship. The order of the Psalms was rearranged so they no longer could be read from first to last to learn the story they once told. Consequently, in the Savior’s time the temple at Jerusalem was not used in the same way as the Temple of Solomon. However, neither the story told in the ancient drama nor its teachings were entirely lost. Some of the people recognized them in the teachings of John the Baptist and the Savior, and the authors of the New Testament frequently quoted the Psalms to remind their readers that the ancient fathers once understood the Savior’s mission and Atonement. Now, using the New Testament, with the Book of Mormon and modern revelation as keys, Baker and Ricks have sought to reconstruct the original order of the Psalms and uncover the story they once told in the ancient Israelite temple drama.

Keywords: Psalms (Book), Temple Worship
ID = [75452]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:46
Hilton, John, III, and Jana Johnson. “Who Uses the Word Resurrection in the Book of Mormon and How Is It Used?” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 21 no. 2 (2012).
Display Abstract  

The word resurrection is employed at varying frequencies in specific books and by individual writers in the Book of Mormon. Although Alma uses resurrection most often overall, Abinadi uses it more often per thousand words spoken. Some phrases in which resurrection is used in unique patterns by different speakers include power of the resurrection, first resurrection, and resurrection with the words time or with body. Some phrasal uses of resurrection in the Book of Mormon are not found in the Bible (such as resurrection and presence appearing together). This study of the usage of one individual word appears to show that individual voices are preserved in the Book of Mormon.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [3281]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 32597  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:36
Yarrington, Roger. “Who was Professor Anthon?” Saints’ Herald 113 (1 July 1966): 442-43.
Display Abstract  

Explains the background of Martin Harris’s visit to Charles Anthon, and gives a brief biography of Professor Anthon. Discusses two accounts of the visit and concludes that Harris’s simple testimony is the true version.

ID = [80818]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1966-07-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Allred, Keith J. “Who Was Second Nephi?” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 42, no. 4 (Winter, 2009): 1-17.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The story of Nephi occupies a prominent place in the hearts of the Latter-day Saint people. As a young man, he was singularly affected by his father’s teachings and, despite his relative youth, became the de facto leader of the extended families of Lehi and Ishmael even before his father’s death. Later, as a prophet in his own right, he led a people who called themselves “Nephites” in his honor; and nine centuries after his death, hundreds of thousands of Nephites still honored his name and legacy. He belongs to the ages as the namesake of an ancient nation.

ID = [81997]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2009-12-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:51
Thompson, A. Keith. “Who Was Sherem?” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 14 (2015): 1-15.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Abstract: The Book of Mormon’s first anti-Christ, Sherem, “came among” the Nephites before their first generation was ended. Because he was an eloquent believer in the Law of Moses, there has been a variety of surmise as to his background. Was he a Lamanite, or a Jaredite or Mulekite trader? Was his presence among the separated Nephites evidence of early interaction between the Nephites and other civilisations in Nephite lands from the time of their first arrival? This short article reviews the various suggestions about Sherem’s identity and suggests he was most likely a descendant of the original Lehite party but that his identity was purposely suppressed so as not to give him more credibility than he deserved.

Keywords: Antichrist; Jacob (Son of Lehi); Sherem
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [4251]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 37559  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:18
Scripture Central. “Who Was the Angel in Heaven with the Everlasting Gospel that John Saw?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #703. December 12, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon, Gospel, John, Revelation, Angel Moroni, Moroni, Angels
ID = [82249]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2023-12-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,new-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:06
Petersen, Mark E. “Who Was the Great White God?” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1970.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article discusses various native traditions of the Western Hemisphere and Pacific region that refer to a “Great White God.” Several sources are cited and their common points are discussed and compared to 3 Nephi 11. Jesus Christ was the Great White God referred to in all instances.

Keywords: 3 Nephi; Ancient America – Mesoamerica; Mythology; Polynesia; Quetzalcoatl
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [26385]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference  Size: 15866  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Scripture Central. “Who Was Zelph?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #336. July 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Zion’s Camp; Zelph; Geography; Final Nephite Battle; Nephites; Lamanites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8000]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17479  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Sutherland, George C. “Who Were the Builders of the Lost City of Nevada?” Improvement Era 28, no. 6 (1925): 529-534.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article is an examination of archaeological discoveries unearthed in the Moapa Valley of southern Nevada. The author compares the demise of the culture that built the Lost City to Book of Mormon descriptions of similar cultural deteriorations.

Keywords: Archaeology, Native Americans – Pueblo, Pre-Columbian American History
ID = [77055]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1925-04-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Jakeman, M. Wells. “Who Were the Mayas?” Improvement Era 43, no. 2 (1940): 78-79, 117, 119-120.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article recounts some of the archaeological discoveries found in Central and South American sites that date before the advent of the Aztecs and the Mayas. Archaeological exploration and the Book of Mormon provide clues as to the origin of the Maya people.

Keywords: Ancient America – Mesoamerica, Ancient America – South America, Archaeology, Native Americans – Maya, Pre-Columbian American History
ID = [77034]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1940-02-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Scripture Central. “Who Were the ‘Elders of the Jews’ Mentioned by Zoram?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #464. September 4, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ancient Israel; Ancient Judaism; Zoram; Nephi; Laban; Jerusalem
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7872]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-09-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8061  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Who Were the ‘Many Prophets’ in Jerusalem During Lehi’s Time?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #441. June 14, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Prophets; Lehi; Jeremiah; Jerusalem; Ancient Israel; Zedekiah
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [7895]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-06-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6209  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Unattributed. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon.” Utah Christian Tract Society 10 (July-August 1976): 2.
Display Abstract  

Disputes the view that the Book of Mormon is of divine origin, seeing it rather as a modern composition written by Solomon Spaulding, Sidney Rigdon, and Joseph Smith.

ID = [80819]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1976-07-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Techter, David. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon.” Fate Magazine 30 (March 1977): 38-46, 73-77.
Display Abstract  

Briefly tells of the origin and story of the Book of Mormon. Outside of the circle of Mormonism, scholars cannot share the enthusiasm. Martin Harris’s approach to Professor Anthon reveals a “country bumpkin” whose claims are spurious. D. P. Hurlburt alleged that the manuscript was based on Spaulding’s writings. The author claims the Mormons get around any sensible claims by way of their “extravagant tale” and their witnesses. Lists James E. Talmage’s five “proofs” of authenticity, and then claims that three of these are proof that the Book of Mormon is an intentional fraud.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [80820]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1977-03-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Smith, John L. Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?. Marlow, OK: Utah Missions,n.d.
Display Abstract  

A brief polemical pamphlet attempting to discredit the Book of Mormon. The critic enumerates various anachronisms in the Book of Mormon such as poor grammar, repetitive expressions such as “and it came to pass,” the method of translating, and plagiarisms from the Bible.

ID = [78778]  Status = Type = book  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Patterson, Robert S. Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?. Philadelphia: Everts, 1882.
Display Abstract  

Spaulding is responsible for the authorship of the Book of Mormon as is clear from the affidavits of those who were familiar with his work and later read the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon must have come about through the agency of Rigdon who probably knew Spaulding.

ID = [78777]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1882-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Fry, Evan A. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?” Saints’ Herald 91 (2 September 1944): 6-7, 11.
Display Abstract  

Reasons that Joseph Smith could not have utilized the Spaulding manuscript to create the Book of Mormon, but that he translated the book by the gift of God.

ID = [80821]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1944-09-02  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Larsen, Wayne A., and Alvin C. Rencher. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?” In Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins, ed. Noel B. Reynolds, 157–88. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1982.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Mormon
RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [37106]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1982-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size: 55802  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:14
Ensign. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?” Ensign October 2011.
ID = [59429]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1524  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:13
Larsen, Wayne A., Alvin C. Rencher, and Tim Layton. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? An Analysis of Wordprints.” In Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins, edited by Noel B. Reynolds, 157-88. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center, 1982.
Display Abstract  

Tests the claim that the Book of Mormon was written by a number of ancient authors using an analysis called “wordprint” or the science of stylometry. Discusses potential non-Book of Mormon authors, Manova, cluster analysis, and classification analysis.

ID = [81075]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1982-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:03
Larsen, Wayne A., and Alvin C. Rencher. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? An Analysis of Wordprints.” In Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins, edited by Reynolds, Noel B. Reprint Edition. Provo, UT: The Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1996.
ID = [81803]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1996-01-01  Collections:  bom,mi  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:41
Larsen, Wayne A., Alvin C. Rencher, and Tim Layton. “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?: An Analysis of Wordprints.” Brigham Young University Studies 20, no. 3 (1980): 225.
ID = [9189]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-01-02  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:49
Pratt, Parley P. “Wholesale Conversion of Methodists to Infidelity.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 2, no. 8 (December 1841): 114-15.
Display Abstract  

Replies to several objections to the Book of Mormon listed by a minister, including that God commanded Nephi to kill Laban, that 3,000 Lamanites were killed in a battle and only seventy Nephites, that in John 17:4 Jesus says he had finished all that he was sent to do but the Book of Mormon attributed to him further duties. Pratt chides the minister for rejecting the Bible while trying to discredit the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80931]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1841-12-01  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:54
Scripture Central. “Whom Did Nephi Quote in 1 Nephi 22?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #25. February 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Nephi; Zenos; Intertextuality; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8311]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 4898  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Whose ‘Word’ Was Fulfilled by Christ’s Suffering ‘Pains and Sicknesses’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #564. June 2, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Bible; Old Testament; Suffering Servant; Servant Songs; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Alma the Younger
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [7772]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-06-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11389  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Ricks, Eldin. “Who’s Who in the Book of Mormon (revised ed.).” Brigham Young University Studies 8, no. 3 (1968): 353.
ID = [9785]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1968-01-02  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 1846  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:53
Matthews, Robert J. Who’s Who in the Book of Mormon?. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1964, [R]1976.
Display Abstract  

A Who’s Who

ID = [78779]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1976-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Church News. “Why Ancient Records?” Church News 46 (30 October 1976): 16.
Display Abstract  

For many reasons the Lord commanded ancient peoples to keep records—to preserve language, to keep histories, and to teach the gospel. Another reason was to keep future generations from making the same mistakes.

ID = [80822]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1976-10-30  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Scripture Central. “Why and How Did Alma Explain the Meaning of the Word ‘Restoration"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #149. July 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Corianton; Alma; Resurrection; Restoration; Nehor; Ancient Law; Law of Moses; Justice; Final Judgment; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Ancient Near East; Chiasmus; Parallelism; Poetry; Hebrew
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8187]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8332  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Aston, Warren P. “Why Arabia’s Hidden Valley is the Best Candidate for Bountiful.” Meridian Magazine, May 28, 2013.
ID = [66547]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2013-05-28  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:41
Scripture Central. “Why Are Certain Biblical Psalms Used by Book of Mormon Authors?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #439. June 7, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Psalms
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7897]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-06-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 18838  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Are Children So Prominent in 3 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #220. October 31, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Children; Plan of Salvation; Isaiah; Malachi; Ancient Near East; King Benjamin; King Benjamin’s Speech; Miracles; Death; Sickness; Afflictions; Deaf; Humility; Patience; Angels; Parents; Family; Ordinances; Sealing Power; Zion; Heavenly Father
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8116]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9210  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Are Horses Mentioned in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #75. April 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Horses; Enos; Book of Mormon Translation; Archaeology; Anachronism; Mesoamerica; Top KnoWhys
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [8261]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17681  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Are Later Jewish Sources Relevant to Texts in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #478. October 23, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ancient Judaism; Zemnarihah; Gadianton Robbers; Rabbinics
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7858]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9983  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Are Lehi’s First Visions So Similar to Much Later Apocalyptic Writings?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #459. August 16, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Apocalypse; Lehi; Visions; Divine Council
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7877]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-08-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11775  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Are Lehi’s Visions Like Those of Other Prophets in His Day?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #469. September 20, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Visions; Prophets; Ezekiel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [7867]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-09-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13762  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Are Mormon’s Extensive Quotations of Limhi Significant?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #85. April 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Limhi; Mosiah; Joseph Smith; Ancient Near East; Ancient History; Speeches; Mormon; Gold Plates; Redaction
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8251]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 4702  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Are Ordinances So Important?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #296. April 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ordinances; Ancient Israel; Hebrew; Law; Legal; Law of Moses; Bible; Old Testament; King David; Solomon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8040]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-04-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10188  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Are People Exhausted by Powerful Spiritual Experiences?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #460. August 21, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; First Vision; Lamoni; Lehi; Ammon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7876]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-08-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 9666  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Are Secret Combinations Associated with Cain and Getting Gain?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #585. November 17, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Cain and Abel; Cain; Hebrew; Secret Combinations; Word Play
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7751]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-11-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11101  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Are So Few Women Mentioned in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #391. December 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Women; Literacy; Bible; Old Testament; Gender; Ancient Near East; Ancient America
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7945]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-12-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9603  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Brandt, Edward J. “Why are the words adieu, bible, and baptize in the Book of Mormon? These words weren’t known in Book of Mormon times.” Ensign, October 1985.
ID = [47289]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1985-10-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 6071  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:06
Scripture Central. “Why Are There Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #661. March 7, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Linguistics, Language, Book of Mormon, Book of Mormon Translation, Hebrew, Hebraism, Egyptian, Translation, Apocalypse of Abraham
ID = [82291]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2023-03-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:08
Scripture Central. “Why Are there Multiple Accounts of Joseph Smith&’s and Alma’s Visions?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #264. January 20, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; First Vision; History; Alma the Younger; Conversion; Restoration; Bible; New Testament; Paul
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8072]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14783  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Are There So Many Different Names for the Plan of Salvation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #312. May 12, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Plan of Salvation; Names; God; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Alma; Amulek; Death; Church History; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8024]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10703  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Are There So Many Similarities between the Dreams of Lehi and Joseph Smith, Sr.?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #474. October 9, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Tree of Life; Joseph Smith Sr; Lucy Mack Smith; Visions; Iron Rod
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7862]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 18709  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why are There So Many War Chapters in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #157. August 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Nephites; Lamanites; Alma; Zarahemla; Amlici; Ammonihah; Nehor; People of Ammon; Jershon; Zoramites; Antionum; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Paanchi; Pahoran; Helaman; Kishkumen; Tubaloth; Gadianton Robbers; Moronihah; Cezoram; Giddianhi; Zemnarihah; Jacob; Lachoneus
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8179]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12275  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Parson, Michael K. “Why Are These Things Not Recorded in Your Journal?” Ensign, October 1989.
ID = [49231]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1989-10-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 4939  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:19
Hanks, Marion D. “Why Are They Not Chosen?” Improvement Era 65, no. 4 (1962): 260-261.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article discusses how Alma 31:16-18 contains the prayer offered by the apostate Zoramites. They declare themselves the chosen and elect of God. 1 Nephi 1:20 tells us that the chosen are such because of their faith. Alma adds repentance and good works to faith (Alma 13:1, 3-4, 10). “The Lord chooses those who in faith choose him!”

Keywords: Discipleship, Faith, Good Works, Repentance, Zoramites (Nephite Apostate Group)
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [76938]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1962-04-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:07
Walker, Jennifer Day. “Why become a Nephite?: the Book of Mormon and conversion.” Thesis, Portland, OR: Reed College, 1999.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Religiosity in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Book of Mormon as a tool of conversion.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, use and influence; Book of Mormon; Conversion experience; Book of Mormon, importance of
ID = [81576]  Status = Type = thesis  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:28
Scripture Central. “Why Bother Studying the Textual Variants in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #388. December 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Oliver Cowdery; David Whitmer; Printer’s Manuscript; Original Manuscript; Book of Mormon Translation; Miracles
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [7948]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-12-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9343  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Can Nephi’s Vision Be Called an Apocalypse?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #471. September 27, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Apocalypse; Assyria; Visions; Underworld
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7865]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-09-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9806  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Can Wickedness Never Bring Happiness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #329. June 21, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Corianton; Missionary Work; Sexual Transgression; Sin; Joy; Happiness; Chiasmus; Hebrew; Bible; Old Testament; Cain and Abel; Commandments; Obedience; Atonement
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8007]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9332  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Could Seantum be Convicted Without Any Witnesses?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #180. September 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Legal; Helaman; Nephi; Chief Judge; Seezoram; Seantum; Reign of the Judges; Murder; Death; Blood; Law of Moses; Witnesses; Law of Witnesses; Bible; Old Testament; Deuteronomy; Ancient Israel; Joshua; Obedience; Ancient Law; Mormon; Gadianton Robbers
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Old Testament Scriptures > Joshua
Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8156]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6163  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Abinadi Stretch Forth His Hand as He Prophesied?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #94. May 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; King Noah; Hands; Gestures; Ancient Near East; Moses; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8242]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 4760  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Abinadi Talk About the Suffering Messiah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #91. May 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; King Noah; Mosiah; Isaiah; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8245]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8930  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Abinadi Use a Disguise?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #310. May 8, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; King Noah; Disguise; Bible; Old Testament; Moses; Saul
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8026]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13251  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Abinadi Warn the People of an East Wind?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #560. May 5, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: East Wind; Mesoamerica; Abinadi; King Noah; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Moses; Plagues; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7776]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-05-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13697  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Abraham and Sarah Receive New Names and Tokens?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #630. February 22, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Names; Abrahamic Covenant; Covenants; Names; Abraham; Sarah; Abram; Sarai; Tokens; Circumcision
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7706]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-02-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9063  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Add ‘Chains of Hell’ to Abinadi’s Phrase ‘Bands of Death’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #111. May 31, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; Alma; Bands of Death; Death; Bible; Psalms; Old Testament; Hebrew; Chains of Hell; Hell
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8225]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9384  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma and Amulek Preach in Synagogues?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #124. June 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Synagogues; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Alma; Amulek; Ammonihah; Zoramites; Etymology; Hebrew; Greek; Temples
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8212]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10375  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Ask about Having God’s Image Engraven upon One’s Countenance?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #295. April 3, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Jesus Christ; Mesoamerica; Deity Masks; Engraven in your Countenance; North America; South America; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8041]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-04-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15252  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Ask Church Members Fifty Probing Questions?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #112. June 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Covenants; Psalms; Bible; Old Testament; Temples; Zarahemla; Ancient Israel; Ancient Israelite Religion; King Benjamin
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8224]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10513  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Bless and Thank God After Eating?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #115. June 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Ammonihah; Angels; Eating; Prayer; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Israel; Mishnah; Dead Sea Scrolls; Bible; Old Testament; Moses
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8221]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6407  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Draw on the Teachings of Abinadi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #571. July 28, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Corianton; Alma the Younger; Abinadi; Intertextuality
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7765]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-07-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 19411  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Face Such Great Political Challenges as the Chief Judge?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #563. May 26, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma the Younger; Chief Judge; Legal; Nehor; Law; Warfare
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7773]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-05-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11510  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Need to ‘Establish the Order of the Church’ in Zarahemla Again?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #113. June 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; King Mosiah; Zarahemla; Nehor; Church; Nephite Church; Apostasy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8223]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9283  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Repeat the Lord’s Name Ten Times While in Prayer?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #139. July 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Korihor; Nephites; Zoramites; Lamanites; Prayer; God; Jehovah; Ancient Judaism; Repetition; Atonement; Jesus Christ; Covenants
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8197]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8200  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Respond in the Way He Did to the ‘Order of Nehor’ in Ammonihah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #566. June 16, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nehor; Ammonihah; Alma the Younger; Amulek; Priesthood
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7770]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-06-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9185  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma See God Surrounded by Angels?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #570. July 21, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Angels; Divine Council; Alma the Younger; Helaman; Repentance; Conversion
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7766]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-07-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10576  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Talk about Melchizedek?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #120. June 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Priesthood; Melchizedek; Melchizedek Priesthood; Alma; Ammonihah; Amulek; Repentance; Temples; Nehor; Apostasy; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8216]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10500  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Talk about Planting a Seed in the Heart?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #569. July 14, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Tree of Life; Faith; Mesoamerica; Maize God; Heart; Alma the Younger; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7767]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-07-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10787  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Teach His Opponents about the Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #119. June 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Zeezrom; Temples; Fall; Adam; Eve; Garden of Eden; Resurrection; Final Judgment; Ammonihah; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Priesthood; Melchizedek
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8217]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10924  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Use Creation Imagery in His Sermon on Faith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #140. July 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Zoramites; Antionum; Faith; Zenos; Isaiah; Light; Creation; Hebrew; Tree of Life; Fall; Atonement; Resurrection; Adam; Eve; Lamoni; Nephites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8196]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8690  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Alma Wish to Speak ‘with the Trump of God’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #136. July 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Angels; Missionary Work; Jubilee; Law of Moses; Ancient Israel; King Benjamin; Mosiah; Sabbatical; Day of Atonement; Trumpet; Horn; Joy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8200]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11729  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #133. June 30, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ammon; Intertextuality; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Jacob; King Benjamin; Alma; Joel; Allegory of the Olive Tree; Zenos; King Lamoni; Literacy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezra/Nehemiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Daniel
ID = [8203]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10333  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did an Angel Send Alma Back to Ammonihah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #565. June 10, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Ammonihah; Angels; Liberty; Politics
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7771]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-06-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7291  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Ancient Prophets Follow Literary Patterns?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #636. July 5, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; Alma the Younger; Prophets; Type Scene; Prophetic Call; Prophetic Commission; Recommission; Ammonihah; Elijah
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8856]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-07-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8203  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:46
Scripture Central. “Why Did Benjamin Give Multiple Names for Jesus at the Coronation of his Son Mosiah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #536. October 17, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Benjamin; Names; Egyptian; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7800]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-10-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13432  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Book of Mormon Authors Use Colophons?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #443. June 21, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Colophons; Ancient Near East; Egyptian; Nephi; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7893]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-06-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12653  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Book of Mormon Prophets Discourage Nephite-Lamanite Intermarriage?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #110. May 30, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Apostasy; Amlici; War; Lamanites; Curse; Race; Intermarriage; Marriage; Nehor; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8226]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9532  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Book of Mormon Prophets Quote Long Passages of Scripture?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #473. October 4, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Speeches; Old Testament; Literacy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7863]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7147  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Book of Mormon Prophets Speak of Future Events as if They Had Already Happened?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #95. May 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; King Noah; Abinadi; Isaiah; Bible; Old Testament; Literary Device; Ancient Near East
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8241]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8375  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Christ Perform Miracles?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #508. March 28, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Jesus Christ; Miracles
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7828]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-03-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11594  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Converted Lamanites Call Themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #131. June 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Alma; Conversion; Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Curse; Etymology; Egyptian; Greek; Ancient Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8205]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8511  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did David Whitmer Never Return to the Church?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #609. June 10, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: David Whitmer; Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Book of Mormon; Joseph Smith
ID = [7727]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-06-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10563  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Fasting and Prayer Accompany Nephite Mourning?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #135. July 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zarahemla; Lamanites; Nephites; Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Jershon; Warfare; Sorrow; Mourning; Fasting; Prayer; Ancient Israel; Bible; Old Testament; Esther; Psalms; Exodus; Parallelism
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Esther
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8201]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8142  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did God Support the Nephites in Battle?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #572. August 4, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Warfare; War Chapters; War; Nephites; Mesoamerica; Maya; Prophecy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7764]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-08-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9625  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Helaman Compare Christ to a Rock?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #176. August 30, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Helaman; Nephi; Lehi; Jesus Christ; Rock; Redeemer; Son of God; Old Testament; Bible; Psalms; Isaiah; Deuteronomy; Satan; Arrows; Weapons; Whirlwinds; Ancient Near East; Assyria; Moses; Refuge; Storm; Hail
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8160]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10335  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Helaman Want His Sons to Remember to Build upon the Rock?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #332. June 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Helaman; Nephi; Lehi; Jesus Christ; Rock; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Deuteronomy; Isaiah
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8004]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7836  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Hiram Page Remain Faithful to the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #599. March 16, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; Revelation; Hiram Page; Seer Stones; Joseph Smith; Oliver Cowdery; Church Organization; Witnesses; Eight Witnesses
ID = [7737]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-03-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 12855  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Isaiah Refer to the Heavenly Hosts as ‘Seraphim’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #645. September 6, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Seraph; Seraphim; Angels; Prophetic Call; Serpents
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [12599]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-09-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:12
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jacob Call his Record the ‘Plates of Jacob"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #65. March 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Nephi; Lehi; Gold Plates; Plates of Lehi; Plates of Nephi; Plates of Jacob; Martin Harris; 116 pages
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8271]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6750  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jacob Condemn ‘Deliberately’ Killing?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #549. February 13, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Nephi; Laban; Murder; Law of Moses; Ten Commandments; Ten Woes
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7787]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-02-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10158  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jacob Highlight Nephi’s Role as a Protector?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #553. March 11, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hebrew; Jacob; Nephi; Protector; Word Play
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7783]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-03-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7679  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jacob Include the Case of Sherem?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #554. March 17, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sherem; Jacob; Law of Moses; Law; Legal; Bible; Old Testament; Deuteronomy; Jeremiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [7782]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-03-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11769  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jacob Share the Allegory of the Olive Tree?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #66. March 30, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Allegory of the Olive Tree; Intertextuality; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8270]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6395  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Allude to the Priestly Blessing in Numbers 6?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #212. October 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Prayer; High Priest; Temples; Priestly Blessing; Moses; Aaron; Priest; Priesthood; House of Israel; Ancient Israel; Bible; Numbers; Archaeology; Jerusalem; Smile; Shine; Glory; Face; Countenance; Hebrew; Exodus; Covenants
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Scriptures > Numbers
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8124]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9702  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Christ Compare Himself to a Hen?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #200. October 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Destruction; Death of Christ; Darkness; Voice of the Lord; Jesus Christ; Animals; Hen; Chickens; Turkeys; House of Israel; Gathering; Covenants; Atonement; Love of God
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8136]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10785  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Deliver a Version of the Sermon on the Mount at the Temple in Bountiful?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #203. October 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Bible; New Testament; Sermon on the Mount; Matthew; Mark; Luke; Sermon at the Temple; Textual Variants; Temples; Mountain; Heavenly Father; God; Law of Moses; Covenants; Commandments
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8133]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10351  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Give the Nephites Malachi’s Prophecies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #218. October 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Malachi; Bible; Old Testament; Nephites; Scriptures; Second Coming; Prophets; Prophecy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [8118]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9415  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Minister to the People One by One?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #209. October 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Witnesses; Ministry; Resurrection; Bible; New Testament; Nephites; Bountiful; Priesthood; Temples; Holy of Holies; High Priest; Sermon at the Temple; Law of Moses
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8127]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8583  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Mix Together Micah and Isaiah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #214. October 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Bible; Old Testament; Micah; Isaiah; Covenants; Heavenly Father; God; House of Israel; Gentiles; Abraham; Jacob; Prophets; Temples; Hebrew; Poetry; Chiasmus; Mesoamerica; Ancient Near East
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [8122]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13012  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Quote All of Isaiah 54?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #216. October 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Covenants; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Ancient Near East; Blessings; Likening; Women; House of Israel; Ancient Israel; Gentiles; Nephites; Love; Kindness; Scriptures
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8120]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9836  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Quote the Words of Malachi 3-4 in 3 Nephi 24-25?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #370. October 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Bible; Old Testament; Malachi; Genealogy; Family History; Church History; Joseph Smith; Moroni; Elijah; Priesthood; Sealing Power; Covenants; Ordinances; Temples
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [7966]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 14084  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Say that Some Well-Intentioned People Will Be Told to Depart?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #205. October 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Sermon at the Temple; Bountiful; Nephites; Heavenly Father; New Testament; John; Old Testament; Psalms; Matthew; Hosea; Hebrew; Amos; Covenants; Knowing; House of Israel; Temples; Sermon on the Mount
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [8131]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10124  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Say That There Were ‘Other Sheep’ Who Would Hear His Voice?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #207. October 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Bible; New Testament; John; Sheep; Ministry; Gathering; Gathering of Israel; Ancient Israel; Scattering of Israel; Birth of Christ; Jerusalem; Galilee; Tribes of Israel; House of Israel; Assyria; Old Testament; Isaiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8129]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9169  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Say, ‘Never Have I Showed Myself unto Man’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #584. November 10, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Brother of Jared; Jaredites; Jesus Christ; Theophany; Son of God; Temples; Heavenly Ascent; Faith; Veil
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7752]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-11-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13244  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Jesus Tell All People to Sacrifice a Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #198. September 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Destruction; Death of Christ; Sacrifice; Animal Sacrifice; Broken Heart; Contrite Spirit; New Testament; Bible; Nephites; Lamanites; Nephi; Lehi; Old Testament; Psalms; Atonement; Law of Moses; Commandments
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8138]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9698  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did John Whitmer Continue to Testify of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #602. April 27, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; John Whitmer; Witnesses; Eight Witnesses; Book of Mormon Translation; Gold Plates
ID = [7734]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-04-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 12805  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Joseph and Oliver Seek Authority to Baptize?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #279. February 24, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation; Church History; Oliver Cowdery; Joseph Smith; Priesthood; Baptism; Aaronic Priesthood; John the Baptist; Christ in America; Mosiah; Alma the Younger
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8057]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12765  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Joseph Smith Attempt to Secure the Book of Mormon Copyright in Canada?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #556. April 7, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Copyright; Legal; Canada; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7780]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-04-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14432  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Joseph Smith Produce a New Translation of the Bible?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #628. January 18, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Joseph Smith Translation; Church History; King James Version; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Topics > Bible: Joseph Smith Translation (JST)
ID = [7708]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-01-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 12817  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Widtsoe, John A. “Why Did Joseph Smith, the Prophet, Need the Help of the Urim and Thummim?” Improvement Era 43, no. 1 (1940): 33, 37.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article describes how the Urim and Thummim were used in connection with priestly functions of the Old Testament and later were important in the translation process of the Book of Mormon. Historically they served to facilitate communication with the Lord.

Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation, Smith, Joseph, Jr., Urim and Thummim
ID = [76766]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1940-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:57
Scripture Central. “Why Did King Benjamin Say That His People Would be Sons and Daughters at God’s Right Hand?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #307. May 1, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; King Benjamin; Hebrew; Children; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Etymology
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8029]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9762  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did King Benjamin Use Poetic Parallels So Extensively?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #83. April 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; King Benjamin; Parallelism; Hebrew; Old Testament; Literary Device; Chiasmus; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8253]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8634  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did King Limhi Think Gideon’s Escape Plan Would Work?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #100. May 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Limhi; Gideon; Alcohol; Word of Wisdom; Mosiah; Bible; New Testament; Apocrypha; Judtih
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8236]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 6201  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Lehi and Jeremiah Find Themselves in a Dark and Dreary Wilderness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #544. January 3, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Tree of Life; Jeremiah; Nephi; Lehi; Dark and Dreary Waste
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [7792]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11049  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Lehi Divide His People into Seven Tribes?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #319. May 29, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Jacob; Joseph; Laman; Lemuel; Zoram; Ishmael; Nephites; Lamanites; Lemuelites; Jacobites; Ishmaelites; Josephites; Zoramites; House of Israel; Tribes of Israel; Testament of Lehi; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8017]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9684  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Lehi Quote from a Psalm of Repentance In His Dream?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #325. June 12, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi’s Dream; Tree of Life; Lehi; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Intertextuality; Repentance; Atonement; Joy; Fruit; Ancient Israel; Ancient Israelite Religion; Love of God
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8011]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7194  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Lehi Teach About the ‘Two Ways’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #287. March 15, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Jacob; Testament of Lehi; Two Ways; Agency; Jesus Christ; Devil; Church of the Lamb; Church of the Devil; Bible; Old Testament; Deuteronomy; Moses; Tree of Life; Satan; Adversary; Fall; Atonement
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
ID = [8049]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9879  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Lehi Teach that the Fall was Necessary?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #269. February 1, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Creation; Fall; Atonement; Adam; Eve; Temples; Ancient Israel; Ancient Near East; Genesis; Hebrew; Death; Tribes of Israel; Jesus Christ; Children; Family; Parallelism; Joy; Happiness
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8067]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11606  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Lehi ‘Suppose" the Existence of Satan?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #43. February 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Satan; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Lehi; Nephi; Ancient Near East; Lucifer; Devil; Hebrew; Etymology; Names; Book of Mormon Names; Adversary; Hell; Opposition
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8293]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10972  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Martin Harris Come Back to the Church?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #607. June 3, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Martin Harris; Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Book of Mormon; Excommunication; Baptism; Church History
ID = [7729]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-06-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15982  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Martin Harris Consult with Scholars like Charles Anthon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #514. May 7, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Charles Anthon; Anthon Transcript; Martin Harris; Luther Bradish; Samuel Mitchell; Joseph Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Gold Plates
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
ID = [7822]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-05-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 19070  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Martin Want a View of the Plates in March 1829?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #592. January 21, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Martin Harris; Church History; Gold Plates; Three Witnesses; Legal; Trial; Joseph Smith; Book of Mormon Translation
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7744]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-01-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11940  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon and Moroni Write in Reformed Egyptian?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #513. May 2, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Egyptian; Ancient Near East; Egypt; Hebrew; Demotic; Hieratic; Joseph Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Nephite Interpreters; Gold Plates; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7823]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-05-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 19119  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why did Mormon Emphasize the Zoramites’ Costly Apparel?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #283. March 6, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Zoramites; Rameumptom; Clothing; Jewelry; Pride; Humility; Nephites; Lamanites; Warfare; Military; Armor
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8053]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10092  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon End Third Nephi with Such Serious Woes?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #224. November 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Woes; Simile Curse; Curse; Satan; Prophets; Ancient Near East; Bible; Old Testament; Oracle; New Testament; Pharisees; Matthew; Mormon; House of Israel; Covenants; Gentiles; Repentance
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8112]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6615  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon Give So Many Details About Geography?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #130. June 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Geography; Zarahemla; Internal Geography; Mesoamerica; North America; South America; American Continent; Mormon’s Map; Consistency; Complexity; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8206]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17733  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon Include Flashbacks in His Narrative?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #129. June 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Flashback; Gideon; Alma; Zarahemla; Mosiah; Ammon; Lamoni; Aaron; Manti; Madoni; Mormon; Redaction; Ammonihah; Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Zoramites; Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8207]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 3944  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon Introduce Himself in 3 Nephi 5?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #194. September 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Editor; Redaction; 116 pages; Jesus Christ; Gold Plates; Witnesses
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8142]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11185  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon Mention Hagoth?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #171. August 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hagoth; Ship; Sailing; Nephites; Lamanites; Mormon; Zarahemla; Land Northward; Geography; Scattering of Israel; Pacific Islands; Polynesians; Mesoamerica
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8165]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12559  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon Say the Children of Men are Less than the Dust of the Earth?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #183. September 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Earth; Sun; Astronomy; Cosmology; Bible; Old Testament; Ancient Near East; Mesoamerica; Heliocentrism; Geocentrism
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8153]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8828  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon See Captain Moroni as a Hero?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #155. August 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Alma; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Nephites; Warfare; War Chapters; Amalickiah; Liberty; Title of Liberty; Freedom; Fortifications; Family; Military; Repentance; Hell
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8181]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8707  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Mormon Write So Little about His Own Time Period?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #227. November 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Nephi; Gold Plates; Abridgment; Wickedness; History; Historian; Prophets; Nephites; Lamanites; Military; Warfare; Death; Final Nephite Battle
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [8109]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7357  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Change His Mind about Exchanging Prisoners with Ammoron?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #163. August 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mulek; Bountiful; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Ammoron; Epistles; Prisoners; War Chapters; Warfare; Ancient Near East; Zoramites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8173]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7894  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Comment So Much Throughout Ether?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #242. November 30, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Jaredites; Moroni; Editor; Redaction; Mormon; Plates of Ether; Nephites; Lamanites; Jared; Brother of Jared; Witnesses; Joseph Smith; Abridgment
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8094]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6848  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Conclude His Father’s Record with 22 Commands?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #234. November 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Hebrew; Poetry; Acrostic Poem; Alphabet; Bible; Old Testament; Lamentations; Psalms; Egyptian; Covenants
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [8102]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10747  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Conclude with So Many Exhortations?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #588. December 15, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Exhortations
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7748]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-12-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8625  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Deliver the Plates on September 22?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #193. September 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Joseph Smith; Gold Plates; Feast of Tabernacles; Rosh Hashanah; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Law of Moses; New Year; Messiah; Jesus Christ; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8143]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10159  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Include Mormon’s Condemnation of Infant Baptism?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #253. December 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Mormon; Baptism; Infant Baptism; Nephites; Mesoamerica; Aztec; Epistles; Early Christian Church; Church Organization; Jesus Christ; Repentance; Children
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8083]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9647  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Keep Writing?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #249. December 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Moroni; Mormon; Redaction; Editor; Abridgment; Nephites; Lamanites; Jaredites; Death; Warfare; War; Christ in America; Holy Ghost; Priesthood
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8087]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5635  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Provide the Exact Wording of Priesthood Ordinances?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #587. December 1, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sacrament; Priesthood; Laying on of Hands; Holy Ghost; Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7749]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-12-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8544  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Quote from the Book of Joel?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #651. November 8, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni, Joel, Bible, Old Testament, Joseph Smith, Restoration
ID = [82301]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-11-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:09
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Quote Isaiah 11 to Joseph Smith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #50. March 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ensign; Nephi; Joseph Smith; Isaiah; Restoration; Last Dispensation; Prophecy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8286]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6526  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Quote Malachi about Elijah’s Coming?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #591. January 19, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Malachi; Angel Moroni; Joseph Smith; Church History; Kirtland Temple; Sealing; Elijah; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7745]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-01-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8403  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Quote the Patriarch Jacob about a Piece of Joseph’s Coat?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #154. July 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; War Chapters; Amalickiah; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Warfare; Title of Liberty; Joseph; Genesis; Garment; Joseph Smith; Bible; Old Testament; Ancient Israel; Mesoamerica; War Banners; Tribes of Israel
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8182]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6975  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Refer to Vessel Impurity in Condemning the Central Government?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #169. August 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pahoran; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Alma; Bible; Old Testament; Leviticus; Law of Moses; Ritual Purity; Ancient Judaism; Purity; Cleanliness; New Testament; Jesus Christ; Matthew; Mark; Psalms; Temples
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Leviticus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8167]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10445  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Speak of Pulling Down Pride?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #430. May 3, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pride; Ancient Near East; Bible; Old Testament; Mesoamerica; Stelae; Military
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7906]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-05-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11855  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Use Temple Imagery While Telling the Brother of Jared Story?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #237. November 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Jared; Brother of Jared; Temples; Moroni; Prophets; Ancient Israel; High Priest; Mountain; Fall; Garden of Eden; Finger of God; Hand of God; Moses; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Psalms; Leviticus; Daniel; Numbers; Isaiah; Proskynesis; Worship; Body of God; Veil; Creation; Jesus Christ; Jehovah; Urim and Thummim; Shining Stones; Endowment
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Scriptures > Leviticus
Old Testament Scriptures > Numbers
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
Old Testament Scriptures > Daniel
ID = [8099]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11130  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Moroni Write So Many Farewells?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #233. November 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Farewell; Editor; Redaction; Abridgment; Gold Plates; Ether; Conclusion; Final Nephite Battle; Cumorah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8103]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12219  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nehor Suffer an ‘Ignominious’ Death?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #108. May 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Reign of the Judges; Nehor; Nephite Government; Church Organization; Chief Judge; Alma; Mesoamerica; Priestcraft; Death; Law of Moses; Legal; Law; Ancient Israelite Religion
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8228]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8177  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Believe the Lord Would Prepare a Way?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #263. January 18, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Lehi; Laban; Commandments; Plates of Brass; Scriptures; Law of Moses; Chiasmus; Hebrew; Poetry; Jerusalem; Wilderness; Doctrinal Mastery; Seminary
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8073]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8811  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Clarify That the Messiah Was the Savior of the World?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #448. July 10, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Ancient Israel; Messiah; Savior; Hebrew; Greek; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7888]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7797  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Connect Isaiah’s Prophecies with Joseph Who Was Sold into Egypt?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #375. October 24, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Joseph of Egypt; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis; Nephi; Isaiah; Word Play; Hebrew; Mormon; Prophecy; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [7961]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10532  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi End His Sacred Record with His Testimony of the Redeemer?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #61. March 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Testimony; Witness; Jesus Christ; Atonement
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8275]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7437  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Include the Story of the Broken Bow?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #421. April 3, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Bow; Ancient Near East
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7915]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-04-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6770  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Prophesy Near ‘the Highway Which Led to the Chief Market?’” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #178. September 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Nephites; Lamanites; Helaman; Nephi; Tower; Prayer; Chief Market; Mesoamerica; Economy; Funeral; Death; Wealth; Pride; Secret Combinations; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8158]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10778  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Prophesy of Christopher Columbus?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #547. January 23, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christopher Columbus; Prophecy; Tree of Life; Nephi; American Continent; Gentiles; Promised Land
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7789]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12686  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Rely on Earlier Testimonies of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #179. September 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zarahemla; Nephi; Jesus Christ; Law of Moses; Helaman; Moses; Brazen Serpent; Old Testament; Bible; Psalms; Genesis; Isaiah; Zenos; Zenock; Ezias; Jeremiah; Mulek; Lehi; Deuteronomy
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [8157]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9250  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Say an Angel Had Revealed the Name Jesus Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #304. April 24, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Jesus Christ; Critical Text; Textual Criticism; Names of Christ; Book of Mormon Translation; Original Manuscript
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8032]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-04-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13004  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Say Serpents Could Fly?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #316. May 22, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Numbers; Deuteronomy; Moses; Ancient Israel; Brazen Serpent; Serpents; Egypt; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Numbers
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
ID = [8020]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9100  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Say That All Are Alike Unto God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #278. February 22, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Jews; Gentiles; Racism; Ancient Near East; Syria; Old Testament; Bible; Elisha; Naaman; Ancient Israel; Temples; Ten Commandments; Love of God
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8058]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7836  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Say That People Had to Learn Things Line Upon Line?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #292. March 27, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Lehi; Devil; Satan; Line Upon Line; Knowledge; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Hebrew
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8044]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10403  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Say the Devil Leads Sinners by a ‘Flaxen Cord’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #551. February 25, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Flax; Flaxen Cord; Freemasonry; Satan; Adversary
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7785]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-02-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8634  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Use Chiasmus to Testify of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #271. February 6, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Hebrew; Poetry; Bible; Old Testament; Nephi; Jesus Christ; Jacob; Isaiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8065]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9374  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Want to Know the Mysteries of God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #442. June 19, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mysteries; Divine Council; Nephi; Lehi; Theophany; Visions; God; Jesus Christ; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7894]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-06-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6956  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Work So Hard to Preserve the Wisdom He Had Received?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #262. January 16, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Plates of Nephi; Wisdom; Hebrew; Ancient Judaism; Egyptian; Ancient Near East; Wisdom Literature; Bible; Old Testament; Proverbs; Laban; Tree of Life; Knowledge; Scriptures
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8074]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9009  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi Write His Small Plates?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #11. January 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Small Plates; Politics; Kingship; Gold Plates; Plates of Nephi
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [8325]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 5777  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephite Authors Use Repetitive Resumption?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #415. March 13, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Literary Device; Repetitive Resumption; Ether; Ancient Near East; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7921]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-03-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10913  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Nephi’s ‘Fine Steel’ Bow Break?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #548. January 31, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bow; Nephi; Journey to the Promised Land; Lehi; Steel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7788]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-01-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9637  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Halverson, Taylor. “Why Did Northern Israel Fall to the Assyrians? A Weberian Proposal.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 30 (2018): 163-178.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: This article is centered on possible causes for the fall of Israel and, secondarily, Judah. The topic is not new. The very destruction of these ancient kingdoms may be the cause for the production of much of the Biblical literature that drives our interpretive enterprise. My proposal is that Max Weber’s socio-political theories of power and domination, sometimes called the tripartite classification of authority, may provide a fruitful lens by which to understand some of the reasons Judah persisted for more than a century after the fall of Israel. Specifically, I wish to investigate whether the lack of routinization of charismatic authority was a contributing factor in Israel’s fall.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [3612]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal,old-test  Size: 36288  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:03
Scripture Central. “Why Did Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni have Such Similar Sounding Names?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #574. August 18, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pahoran; Pacumeni; Paanchi; Egyptian; Names; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7762]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-08-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12572  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Rebecca Swain Williams Defend the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #612. July 27, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Women
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7724]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-07-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10102  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Riplakish Construct a Beautiful Throne?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #244. December 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mesoamerica; Olmec; Thrones; Riplakish; Ether; Jaredites; Archaeology; Altar; King; Politics; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8092]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11244  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Samuel Make Such Chronologically Precise Prophecies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #184. September 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Zarahemla; Samuel the Lamanite; Christmas; Lamanites; Prophecy; Jesus Christ; Birth of Christ; Death of Christ; Mesoamerica; Calendar; Baktum; Hotun; Katun; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8152]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 14128  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why did Samuel Rely So Heavily on the Words of Past Prophets?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #185. September 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophecy; Samuel the Lamanite; Nephites; Jesus Christ; Birth of Christ; Helaman; King Benjamin; Hebrew; Poetry; Zenos; Names of Christ; Lamanites; Zarahemla; Bible; Old Testament; Christmas
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8151]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8970  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Samuel Say the Lord ‘Hated’ the Lamanites?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #186. September 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Samuel the Lamanite; Helaman; Love; Hate; Covenants; Bible; Solomon; David; Ancient Near East; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8150]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8961  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did Samuel Say the Wealth of Some Nephites Would Become ‘Slippery’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #539. November 7, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Samuel the Lamanite; Treasures; Bible; Old Testament; Book of Enoch; 1 Enoch; Enoch; Treasure Seeking; Church History; Magic; Folk Magic
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7797]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-11-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 24825  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Sherem Die?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #73. April 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Sherem; Legal; Law; Law of Moses; Blasphemy; Death
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8263]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6504  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Snakes Infest Jaredite Lands During a Famine?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #243. December 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Heth; Ether; Jaredites; Famine; Serpents; Snakes; Drought; Rivers; Birds of Prey; Migration; Geography; Mesoamerica; Volcano; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8093]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10223  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did Some in Lehi’s Time Believe that Jerusalem Could Not Be Destroyed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #451. July 19, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Hezekiah; Assyria; Jerusalem
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7885]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7448  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did Teancum Slay Amalickiah on New Year’s Eve?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #160. August 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Captain Moroni; War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Amalickiah; Teancum; Bountiful; Nephites; Lamanites; Ammoron; New Year; Ancient Near East; Omen; Mesoamerica; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8176]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7338  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why did the Ammonites Covenant Not to Take Up Arms?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #567. June 30, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ammonites; Anti-Nephi-Lehi; Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Pacifism; Warfare; War; Swords
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7769]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-06-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11225  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Angel Speak to Alma With a Voice of Thunder?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #105. May 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma1; Mosiah2; Angels; Ancient Near East; God; Ancient Israelite Religion; Bible; Old Testament; Jehovah; Yahweh; Psalms; Mesoamerica; Jesus Christ; Thunder; Lightning
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8231]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-23  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7936  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Book of Mormon Come Forth as a Miracle?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #273. February 10, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation; Seer Stone; Seer; Oliver Cowdery; Emma Smith; Urim and Thummim; Martin Harris; Critical Text; Textual Criticism; Original Manuscript; Printer’s Manuscript; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8063]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 20261  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Gadianton Robbers Wear a Lamb Skin?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #191. September 20, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gadianton Robbers; Nephites; Lamanites; Lamb of God; Jesus Christ; Sheep; Mesoamerica; North America; Lambs; Law of Moses; Temples; Military; Warfare; War; Sacrifice; Names; Names of Christ; Animal Sacrifice; Atonement; Blood; Skin
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8145]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13594  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why did the Lamanites Break Their Treaty with King Limhi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #98. May 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; Alma1; Mosiah; King Noah; Lamanites; Ancient Near East; Legal; Hebrew; Covenants; Women
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8238]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7675  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Lamanites Sacrifice Women and Children to Idols?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #229. November 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lamanites; Nephites; Mesoamerica; Sacrifice; Human Sacrifice; Women; Children; Maya; Aztec; Archaeology; Ancient Near East; Egypt; Mesopotamia; Ancient Israel; Death; Burial; Jesus Christ; Atonement
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [8107]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14054  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Lord Allow Jerusalem to Be Destroyed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #637. July 12, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jerusalem; Destruction; Old Testament; Bible; 1 Kings; 2 Kings; Lehi; Nephi; Book of Mormon; Ezekiel; Jeremiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [12607]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-07-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8484  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:12
Ludlow, Daniel H. “Why did the Lord command Adam and Eve to multiply in the Garden of Eden when they could not have children before the Fall? This is especially confusing when we have such scriptures as 1 Nephi 3:7.” New Era 3, September 1973, 13–14.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Topics > Adam and Eve [see also Fall]
Old Testament Topics > Women in the Old Testament
ID = [67681]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1973-09-01  Collections:  bom,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:35
Turner, Rodney. “Why did the Lord command Nephi to slay Laban, when to do so was contrary to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’?” Ensign, February 1996.
ID = [52321]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1996-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5077  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:51:08
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Lord Quote the Book of Mormon When Reestablishing the Church?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #282. March 3, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Oliver Cowdery; Peter Whitmer Sr.; Organization of the Church; Book of Mormon Translation; Christ in America; Doctrine and Covenants; Sacrament; Baptism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8054]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 9966  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Nephites Practice Baptism?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #320. May 31, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; King Noah; Baptism; Waters of Mormon; Covenants; Mosiah; Limhi; Mormon; Etymology; Sacrament; Egyptian
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8016]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6269  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Nephites Preserve Some Items as ‘National Treasures’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #557. April 14, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephite Regalia; Liahona; Sword of Laban; Gold Plates; Kingship; Coronation; King Benjamin; Mosiah; Joseph Smith; Church History; High Priest
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [7779]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-04-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11383  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Nephites Stay in Their Tents During King Benjamin’s Speech?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #80. April 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Benjamin; King Benjamin’s Speech; Feast of Tabernacles; Ancient Israel; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Near East; Autumn Festivals; Mosiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8256]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6789  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Peace Last So Long in 4 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #225. November 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Peace; Prosperity; Happiness; Nephites; Lamanites; Mormon; Children; Teaching; Prayer; Sacrament; Testimony; Witness; Witnesses; Holy Ghost; Love; Love of God
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 4 Nephi
ID = [8111]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12695  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the People Cut Down the Tree after Hanging Zemnarihah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #192. September 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zemnarihah; Gadianton Robbers; Nephites; Death; Hanging; Execution; Law of Moses; Ancient Near East; Curse; Mesoamerica; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8144]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8748  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the People Fall Down at the Feet of Jesus?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #202. October 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Nephites; Bountiful; Worship; Prostration; Proskynesis; Ancient Near East; Egypt; Ancient Israel; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis; Joseph; New Testament; King Benjamin; Tree of Life; Kissing; Feet; Sermon at the Temple
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8134]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12043  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the People of Sidom Go to the Altar for Deliverance?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #122. June 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Ammonihah; Sidon; Zarahemla; Satan; Death; Legal; Altar; Deliverance; Sacrifice; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Lehi; Nephi
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8214]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7764  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Savior Emphasize His Risen Body in the Nephite Sacrament?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #211. October 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Paul; Bible; New Testament; Luke; Christ in America; Sermon at the Temple; Sacrament; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Resurrection; Sacrifice; Crucifixion; Mesoamerica; Wounds; Nephites; Nails; Hands; Witnesses
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8125]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8412  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Servants Present Lamoni with the Arms of His Enemies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #125. June 20, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ammon; Arms; Dismemberment; Ancient Near East; Ancient Warfare; Egypt; Canaanite; Mesopotamia; Mesoamerica; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8211]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13509  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Stripling Warriors Perform Their Duties ‘With Exactness’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #165. August 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: War Chapters; Warfare; Nephites; Lamanites; Military; Stripling Warriors; People of Ammon; Helaman; Ammoron; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Canaanite; Moses; Bible; Old Testament; Joshua
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Joshua
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8171]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 5486  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did the Wise Men Give Jesus Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #392. December 21, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gold; Frankincense; Myrrh; Christmas; Jesus Christ; Messiah; Priest; Crucifixion; Resurrection
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7944]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-12-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8566  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Did the ‘Pride Cycle’ Destroy the Nephite Nation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #195. September 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pride; Gadianton Robbers; Nephites; Peace; Prosperity; Chief Judge; Assassination; Ancient Near East; Canaanite; Ancient Israel; Zion; Enoch
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8141]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7301  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Did William E. McLellin Call the Book of Mormon the ‘Apple of My Eye’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #611. July 1, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; William E. McLellin; Witnesses; Book of Mormon
ID = [7725]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-07-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 13212  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Did Zenos Give So Many Details about Raising Good Olives?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #71. April 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Allegory of the Olive Tree; Zenos; Jacob; Olives; Botany; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [8265]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8580  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Did Zenos Quote from Psalm 46 in His Prophecy of Christ’s Death?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #313. May 15, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; End Times; Second Coming
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8023]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12794  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Didn’t Nephi Mention Mary’s Name?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #543. December 24, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mary; Christmas; Nephi; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7793]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-12-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9378  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Do Biblical Psalms of Lament Show Up in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #438. May 31, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Intertextuality
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7898]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-05-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9531  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Do Certain ‘Treasured Words’ Appear So Repeatedly in General Conference Talks?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #69. April 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: LDSconf; LDS General Conference; General Conference; Intertextuality; General Authority
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8267]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6002  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Do Church Leaders Frequently Testify of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #68. April 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: LDS General Conference; LDSconf; General Conference; Book of Mormon; General Authority
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8268]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 4421  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Do Early Nephite Prophets Speak about the Scattering of the Jews?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #42. February 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Jews; Ancient Judaism; House of Israel; Nephite Prophetic View; Prophecy; Scattering of Israel; Gathering of Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8294]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6556  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Do New Testament Words and Phrases Show Up in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #525. July 19, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; New Testament Intertextuality; Intertextuality; Book of Mormon Translation; Mormon; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7811]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-07-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 16961  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why do New Testament Words and Phrases Show Up in the Book of Mormon? Part 2: The Resurrected Jesus as the Source.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #528. August 22, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Jesus Christ; Intertextuality; New Testament Intertextuality
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7808]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-08-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10577  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Do New Testament Words and Phrases Show up in the Book of Mormon? Part 3: Revelations to Nephite Prophets as a Source (Part A).” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #529. August 29, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament Intertextuality; Intertextuality; New Testament; Bible; Nephites; Prophets; Prophecy; Revelation
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7807]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-08-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8332  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Do New Testament Words and Phrases Show Up in the Book of Mormon? Part 4: Revelations to Nephite Prophets as the Source (Part B).” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #531. September 12, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Jesus Christ; Intertextuality; New Testament Intertextuality
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7805]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-09-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7210  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Do So Many of Mormon’s Teachings Appear in Ether 4 and 5?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #239. November 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Ether; Brother of Jared; Intertextuality; Faith; Hope; Charity; Prophets
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8097]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11904  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Do the Authors on the Small Plates Follow a Pattern?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #74. April 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Small Plates; Gold Plates; Nephi; Jacob; Enos; Jarom; Omni; Amaron; Chemish; Abinadom; Amaleki; Words of Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jarom
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [8262]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6496  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Matthews, Robert J. “Why do the Book of Mormon selections from Isaiah sometimes parallel the King James Version and not the older—and thus presumably more accurate—Dead Sea Scrolls text?” Ensign, March 1980, 40.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha [including intertestamental books and the Dead Sea Scrolls]
Old Testament Topics > Bible: LDS Interpretation
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Topics > Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
Old Testament Topics > Problems in the Old Testament
ID = [44864]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1980-03-01  Collections:  bom,ensign,old-test  Size: 3358  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:56
Scripture Central. “Why Do the Prophets Speak of Multiple Jerusalems?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #247. December 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jerusalem; New Jerusalem; Prophecy; Enoch; Ether; Jaredites; Moroni; Promised Land; Ancient Israel; Jesus Christ; Covenants; John; Bible; New Testament; Revelation; Zion; Hebrews; Abraham; Melchizedek; Old Testament; Genesis; Pseudepigrapha; Temples; Dead Sea Scrolls; Ezekiel; God; Elohim; Heavenly Father; Heaven
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [8089]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10437  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Do the Scriptures Compare Hell to an Unquenchable Fire?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #81. April 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hell; Psalms; Bible; Old Testament; King Benjamin; Mosiah; Ancient Near East
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8255]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7588  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #400. January 18, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Creation; Old Testament; Bible; Moses; Abraham; Adam; Eve; Lehi; Nephi; Job; Ezekiel; Ancient Near East; Chaos Monster; Jesus Christ; Atonement
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Job
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [7936]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-01-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9755  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Do We Need Prophets?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #364. September 14, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophets; Seer; Lehi; Alma; Nephi; Jesus Christ; Gospel; Godhead; Testimony; Mesoamerica; Moses; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7972]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10191  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Fry, Evan A. “Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon?” Saints’ Herald 92 (21 July; 11-25 August 1945): 682-84, 707- 709, 749-51, 777-78, 794-96.
Display Abstract  

A five-part series: the Book of Mormon is a witness for Christ and in accordance with Old Testament laws of evidence there must be two or three witnesses; it is to be the means of bringing the house of Israel to Christ; it prophecies of America and warns of kings and wickedness; it clarifies doctrine about baptism, the Atonement, God’s love, moral agency, sin, the condition of souls after death, and the restoration; it explains American origins.

ID = [80823]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1945-07-21  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Ludlow, Daniel H. “Why do we say that the Book of Mormon contains ‘the fulness of the gospel’ (D&C 20:9) when it doesn’t contain some of the basic teachings of the Church? Why doesn’t it include such doctrines as the three degrees of glory, marriage for eternity, premortal existence of spirits, and baptism for the dead?” Ensign, September 1985.
ID = [47243]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1985-09-01  Collections:  bom,d-c,ensign  Size: 10772  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:05
Scripture Central. “Why Doctrinal Mastery?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #257. January 4, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Doctrinal Mastery; Teaching; Gospel; Doctrine; Scriptures; Knowledge; Godhead; Plan of Salvation; Atonement; Jesus Christ; Restoration; Prophets; Revelation; Priesthood; Ordinances; Covenants; Marriage; Family; Commandments
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8079]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6520  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does Abinadi Use the Phrase ‘the Bands of Death"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #93. May 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Abinadi; King Noah; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Death; Jesus Christ; Messiah; Resurrection
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8243]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9383  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Does Alma Mention Three Kinds of Paths in One Verse?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #114. June 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Nephite Church; Zarahemla; Strait and Narrow; Temples; Tree of Life; John the Baptist; Shepherd; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Isaiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8222]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10289  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Does Alma Mention ‘the Plan’ Ten Times in His Words to Corianton?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #150. July 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Corianton; Plan of Salvation; Plan of Redemption; Numerology; Ancient Near East; Bible; Old Testament; Ten
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8186]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11192  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Ensign. “Why Does Alma Share the Story of Moses and the Brass Serpent?” Ensign July 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [63575]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-07-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 1335  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:50
Scripture Central. “Why Does an Angel Reveal the Name of Christ to Jacob?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #36. February 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Names; Book of Mormon Names; Etymology; Jesus Christ; Prophets; Jacob; Priest; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Christianity; Messiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8300]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10060  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does God Sometimes Allow His Saints to Be Martyred?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #351. August 11, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Martyr; Martyrdom; Joseph Smith; Hyrum Smith; Carthage Jail; Church History; Abinadi; Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Ammonihah; Alma; Amulek
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7985]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-08-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12016  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does God Sometimes Send Angels to Help People?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #360. September 1, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Angels; Church History; Pioneers; Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7976]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6638  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does Helaman 7–8 Feel Like a Funeral Speech?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #575. August 25, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Tower; Funeral; Sermon; Death; Sin; Chief Judge; Chief Market
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7761]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-08-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7587  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Does Isaiah Prophesy of the Daughter of Zion?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #550. February 18, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Nephi; Women; Ancient Near East; Ishtar; Goddess; Endowment; Temples; Clothing; Glory; Enthronement; Destruction; Nephite Prophetic View
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [7786]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-02-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11581  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Does Jacob Choose a ‘Monster’ as a Symbol for Death and Hell?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #34. February 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Monster; Death; Hell; Underworld; Chaos Monster; Ancient Near East; Egypt; Assyria; Ancient Canaanite Religion; Baal; Mesoamerica; Afterlife; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8302]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8184  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does Jacob Declare so Many ‘Woes’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #35. February 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Woes; Jacob; Moses; Law of Moses; Law; Legal; Ten Commandments; Covenants; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8301]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-02-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6444  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does Jacob Describe God as a Divine Warrior?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #277. February 20, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Divine Warrior; Jehovah; Jesus Christ; Chaos Monster; Creation; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Ancient Near East; Covenants; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8059]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10626  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does Jacob Quote So Much from the Psalms?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #62. March 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Psalms; Intertextuality; Temples; Ancient Israel; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Near East; Bible; Old Testament; High Priest; Levites
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Leviticus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8274]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6761  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does Jesus Say that ‘Ye Must Watch and Pray Always’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #344. July 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Prayer; Nephites; Second Coming; Hebrew; Remember; Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; Watch
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7992]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8800  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does King Benjamin Emphasize the Blood of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #82. April 20, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Benjamin; Mosiah; Blood; Mesoamerica; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Kingship; Sacrament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [8254]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11307  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Ensign. “Why Does King Benjamin Invite Us to Become like a Child?” Ensign April 2020.
ID = [63417]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2020-04-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 881  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:58:41
Scripture Central. “Why Does Mormon State that ‘Angels Did Appear unto Wise Men’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #187. September 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Helaman; Mormon; Angels; Alma; Wise Men; Birth of Christ; Lehi; Death of Christ; Jesus Christ; Christmas; King Benjamin; Amlicites; Samuel the Lamanite; Prophecy; Second Coming
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8149]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 5424  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Does Nephi Always Go Down to the Wilderness and Up to Jerusalem?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #6. January 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jerusalem; Elevation; Holy Ascent; Geography; Topography; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Israelite Religion; Sacred Space; Law of Moses; Mountain; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8330]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6260  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does Nephi Begin by Saying ‘I, Nephi . . .’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #476. October 16, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Ancient Near East; Plates of Nephi; Parents; Records; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7860]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8218  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Swift, Hales. “Why Does Nephi Include So Much Isaiah (2 Nephi 11).” The Interpreter Foundation website. February 17, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [6454]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-02-17  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website,old-test  Size: 5510  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:34
Scripture Central. “Why Does Nephi Quote a Temple Psalm While Commenting on Isaiah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #51. March 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Psalms; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Temples; Intertextuality; Heavenly Ascent; Holy Ascent; Jesus Christ; Messiah; Worthiness; Sacred Space; Law of Moses; Legal; Mountain; Priest; Sacrifice
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8285]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6578  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does Nephi State that We Are Saved by Grace ‘After All We Can Do"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #371. October 10, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Grace; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Nephi; King Benjamin
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7965]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6224  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does Nephi Use Isaiah 29 as Part of His Own Prophecy?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #52. March 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Charles Anthon; Martin Harris; Joseph Smith; Jerusalem; Restoration; Christianity; Prophecy
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8284]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10717  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Does Part of the Long Ending of Mark Show Up in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #522. June 26, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Mark; Resurrection; Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [7814]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-06-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12088  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Ether Begin with Such a Long Genealogy?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #235. November 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jaredites; Moroni; Ancient Near East; King List; Lineage History; Genealogy; Mesoamerica; Sumeria; Maya; Ether; Coriantor; Moron; Ethem; Ahah; Seth; Shiblom; Com; Coriantum; Amnigaddag; Aaron; Heth; Hearthom; Lib; Kish; Corom; Levi; Kim; Morianton; Riplakish; Shez; Emer; Omer; Shule; Kib; Orihah; Jared; Chiasmus; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8101]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10609  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Include the Rise and Fall of Two Nations?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #245. December 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Lamanites; Jaredites; Mesoamerica; Olmec; Maya; History; Archaeology; Chronology; Destruction; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8091]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11928  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Mention Cimeters?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #472. October 2, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Weapons; Ancient Near East; Ancient Warfare; Mesoamerica; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7864]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11878  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Mention Wine, Vineyards, and Wine-presses?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #88. April 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Archaeology; Botany; Agriculture; Mosiah2; Wine; Alcohol; Mesoamerica; Hebrew; Anachronism
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8248]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6986  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Ogden, D. Kelly. “Why does the Book of Mormon say that Jesus would be born in Jerusalem? (Alma 7:10).” Ensign, August 1984.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Topics > Geography
Old Testament Topics > Jerusalem
ID = [46776]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1984-08-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5660  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:09
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Say We Must Worship God with Our Whole Soul?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #467. September 13, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Law of Moses; Sacrifice
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7869]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-09-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8120  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Talk about a ‘Land of Jerusalem’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #495. December 20, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jerusalem; Dead Sea Scrolls; Archaeology; Historicity
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7841]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-12-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12832  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Use So Many Different Terms for ‘Law’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #568. July 7, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Law of Moses; Law; Legal; Hebrew
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7768]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-07-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12978  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Use the Phrase ‘Secret Combinations?’” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #377. October 31, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gadianton Robbers; Secret Combinations; Freemasonry; Covenants; Oaths
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7959]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12067  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Warn Against Seeking after Riches?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #518. May 30, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Riches; Wealth; Prosperity; Lehi; Jacob
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7818]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-05-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13618  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mormon Warn that a Lake of Fire and Brimstone Awaits Sinners in the Afterlife?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #446. July 3, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Egyptian; Ancient Egypt; Book of the Dead; Lake of Fire; Fire; Afterlife; Eternal Life; Spiritual Death; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7890]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-07-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 15798  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mosiah Refer to the Exodus Narrative?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #516. May 16, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; Moses; Alma; Joshua; Exodus; Old Testament; Bible; Typology
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Scriptures > Joshua
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7820]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-05-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12886  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Book of Mosiah Talk So Much About Priesthood Authority?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #101. May 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Nephi; Lehi; Levites; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israelite Religion; Temples; Priest; Priesthood; Melchizedek
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Leviticus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8235]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9409  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Father Say ‘Hear Ye Him’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #578. September 15, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hear Him; Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Heavenly Father; First Vision; Joseph Smith; Bible; New Testament; Mount of Transfiguration
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7758]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-09-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9478  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Lord Require People to Live the Laws of Tithing and Fasting?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #305. April 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Tithing; Fasting; Church History; Sons of Mosiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8031]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-04-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7669  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does the Lord Speak to Men ‘According to Their Language’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #258. January 6, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Doctrine and Covenants; Book of Commandments; Nephi; Ancient Israel; Theophany; Divine Council; God; Ancient Near East; Mesoamerica; Alma; Mosiah; Zeezrom; Lamoni; Ammon; Nephites; Prophets; Commandments
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8078]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 10069  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Does Zion Flourish in the Wilderness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #362. September 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Wilderness; Pioneers; Zion; Nephi; Lehi; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Laman; Lemuel; Laban; Liahona
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7974]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10263  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Doesn’t God Punish Us the Moment We Sin?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #387. December 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Nephites; Lamanites; Grace; Adam; Eve; Fall; Atonement; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [7949]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-12-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7791  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Don’t We Know the Names of the Angels in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #426. April 19, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Old Testament; Bible; Angels; Balaam; Balak; Alma the Younger
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7910]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-04-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8980  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Brooks, Arthur C. “Why Giving Matters.” Forum, Brigham Young University, February 24, 2009.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

If people witness you as a giver, they will see a leader. Servant leadership is no joke, and it’s a secret to success, whether you’re looking for success or not. When people see you giving and cooperating and serving others, they will see in you a leader, or a future leader, and they cannot help but help you.

Keywords: Charity; Giving; Happiness; Service; Success; Podcast: By Study and By Faith; Podcast: Classic Speeches
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [69666]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2009-02-24  Collections:  bom,byu-speeches  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:50
Scripture Central. “Why Has 3 Nephi Been Called the Crown Jewel of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #210. October 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Bible; New Testament; Gospels; Sermon on the Mount
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8126]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11895  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Has 3 Nephi Been Called ‘the Focal Point, the Supreme Moment’ in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #201. October 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Prophecy; Death of Christ; Crucifixion; Destruction; Repentance; Love of God
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8135]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-04  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9692  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Hasn’t Lehi’s DNA Been Found?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #280. February 27, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: DNA; Geography; Science; Ancient Near East; Lehi; Genetic Drift; Population; Founder Effect; Evidence
ID = [8056]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14362  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Matthews, Robert J. “Why have changes been made in the printed editions of the Book of Mormon?” Ensign, March 1987.
ID = [48008]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1987-03-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 13913  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:11
Townshend, George. Why I Am Not a Mormon. Denver, CO: Alexander & Meyer, 1907.
Display Abstract  

A polemical tract against Mormonism. Among the reasons cited for his rejection of the Book of Mormon are the Anthon denial, the concept of “reformed Egyptian,” the Book of Mormon claim of pre-Columbian domesticated animals in the Americas, such as the horse, the cow, the term Sheum, and the book’s condemnation of polygamy.

ID = [78780]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1907-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Maley, Thomas S. “Why I Believe in the Book of Mormon.” Minneapolis, MN: n.p., 197?.
Display Abstract  

A brief statement on how the Book of Mormon answers vital questions.

ID = [78781]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1970-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Why I Believe the Book of Mormon. Lamoni, IA: Herald House, 1909.
Display Abstract  

A missionary tract centered upon the Book of Mormon that comprises a dialogue of questions and answers, an overview of its contents, an explanation that it teaches of Jesus Christ, and biblical scriptures about the book.

ID = [78782]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1909-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Unattributed. Why I Believe the Book of Mormon. Lamoni, IA: Board of Publication of the RLDS Church, 1909.
Display Abstract  

An apologetic tract using common prooftexts as well as unusual ones, such as Ezekiel 17 and Hosea 8:11-12.

ID = [78783]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1909-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Morton, William A. Why I Believe the Book of Mormon to Be the Word of God. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1918.
Display Abstract  

[R]1925, 1949, 1957. Also “Why I Believe the Book of Mormon to Be the Word of God” In Handbook of the Restoration, 392-411. Independence, MO: Zions, 1944. A testimonial of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Discusses the origin of the Book of Mormon and uses the Bible to prove the Book of Mormon to be of God. The Bible prophesies of the Book of Mormon, and the Lord gave eleven witnesses to verify its authenticity. The Book of Mormon assists in the solving of theological problems.

ID = [78784]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1918-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Smith, Hyrum O. Why I Believe the Book of Mormon, An Evening Chat Between Two Friends. Lamoni: Herald House,n.d.
Display Abstract  

A dialogue between two friends wherein one discusses the reasons he has joined the RLDS church. His main reason is the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. As proof of this, he discusses the restoration of the Jews to Israel and the power of the United States of America, both as prophesied in the Book of Mormon. He also uses historical evidence from South American Indian traditions.

ID = [78785]  Status = Type = book  Date = 0000-00-00  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Clark, George Edward. Why I Believe: 54 Evidences of the Divine Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1952.
Display Abstract  

The 54 evidences are divided into three sections: general evidences, doctrinal evidences, and Book of Mormon evidences. Book of Mormon evidences involve external evidence including the Savior in America, steel, horses and elephants, Hebrew language, literary style, and many others.

ID = [78786]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1952-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Ensign. “Why I Love the Book of Mormon.” Ensign September 2014.
ID = [60721]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2014-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2467  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:40
Simmons, Verneil W. “Why I Wrote Peoples, Places, and Prophecies.” Zarahemla Record 8 (Spring 1980): 4-6.
Display Abstract  

Describes the experiences that led her to write: she believed in two Hill Cumorahs and believed the “narrow neck” to be the “Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico”

ID = [80824]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1980-04-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Scripture Central. “Why Is 3 Nephi Important for Understanding the Godhead?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #213. October 20, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Godhead; Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ; Holy Ghost; First Vision; Christ in America; Nephites; Trinity; Joseph Smith; Church History; Doctrine
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8123]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9353  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Is 3 Nephi Sometimes Called the ‘Fifth Gospel’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #222. November 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Gospel; Gospels; Bible; New Testament; Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Fifth Gospel; Evangelists; Canon; Apocrypha; New Testament Apocrypha; Birth of Christ; Forerunner; John the Baptist; Miracles; Healing; Death; Death of Christ; Witness; Sermon on the Mount; Temples; Bountiful; Sacrament; Other Sheep
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8114]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14274  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why is a Seer Greater than a Prophet?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #86. April 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; King Benjamin; Seer; Urim and Thummim; Prophets; Joseph Smith; Ancient Israelite Religion; Priest; Book of Mormon Translation
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8250]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9484  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why is a ‘Ceremony’ Mentioned After King Noah is Executed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #561. May 12, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ceremony; King Noah; Priests; Zemnarihah; Death; Execution; Critical Text
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7775]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-05-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10824  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why is Amulek’s Household Significant?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #117. June 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Family; Mesoamerica; Mesoamerican Household Compound; Women; Children
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8219]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5677  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Is David Whitmer’s Witness of the Book of Mormon So Compelling?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #395. January 2, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; David Whitmer; Joseph Smith; Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7941]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-01-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13809  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Is It Good to Seek Both Spiritual and Secular Learning?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #324. June 9, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Study; Knowledge; Scriptures; Faith; Kirtland; Joseph Smith; School of the Prophets; Nephi; Language; King Benjamin; Mosiah; Alma; Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8012]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14189  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Is It Important to Keep Records?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #345. July 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Records; Nephi; Mormon; Gold Plates
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7991]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-07-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11332  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why is Joy Associated with Temple Work in the Scriptures?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #372. October 12, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Joy; Temples; King David; Christ in America; Ancient Israel
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7964]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-10-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9616  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Is Lehi Depicted as Similar to Moses?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #268. January 30, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Moses; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Deuteronomy; Prophets; Jerusalem
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
ID = [8068]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11313  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Is So Little Said about the Timing of Christ’s Temple Ministry?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #481. November 1, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Resurrection; Nephites; Chronology; Temples; Holy of Holies
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7855]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-11-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9417  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Phillips, R. Douglas. “Why is so much of the Book of Mormon given over to military accounts? Do we know why this material is supposed to be important to us?” Ensign, January 1978.
ID = [43922]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1978-01-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 5501  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:49
Scripture Central. “Why is the 10-Year Peace Treaty Important?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #228. November 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Military; Warfare; Gold Plates; Abridgment; Editor; Redaction; Jubilee; Sabbath; Sabbatical; Peace; Nephites; Lamanites; Family; Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Love of God
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8108]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10176  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Is The Book of Ether an Epic?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #241. November 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Epic; Poetry; Ancient Near East; Oral Tradition; Jaredites; Archaeology; Mesoamerica; Writing; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8095]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7862  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why is the Book of Mormon a Classic?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #63. March 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; Ether; Early Church History; Classic; Joseph Smith; Parley P. Pratt; Book of Mormon Translation; Book of Mormon Printing
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [8273]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12221  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Book of Mormon Called an ‘Abridgment’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #519. June 6, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abridgment; Gold Plates; Mormon; Moroni; Ancient History; Abinadi; Alma
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7817]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-06-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11312  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Book of Mormon So Focused on Jesus Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #484. November 13, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Book of Mormon; Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7852]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-11-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11776  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why is the Book of Mormon So Important to the Restoration?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #281. March 1, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; Restoration; Church History; Nephites; Lamanites; Apostasy; Joseph Smith; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [8055]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-03-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8643  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Nyman, Monte S. “Why is the Book of Mormon the ‘most correct book,’ and how does it contain the fulness of the gospel?” Ensign, September 1976.
ID = [43348]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1976-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 4102  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:45
Doty, Donald B. “Why is the Book of Mormon the ‘most correct of any book on earth’?” Ensign, August 1988.
ID = [48681]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1988-08-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 6804  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:15
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Book of Mormon ‘Another Testament of Jesus Christ’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #494. December 18, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Another Testament; Covenants; Title Page; Scriptures
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7842]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-12-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7229  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Book of Mormon’s Historical Authenticity So Important?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #480. October 30, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Historicity; Joseph Smith; Plates; Moroni; Jesus Christ; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7856]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-10-30  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17221  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why is the Lord’s Hand ‘Stretched Out Still"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #49. March 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Hand of God; Ancient Near East; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Israelite Religion; God; Heavenly Father; Yahweh; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8287]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8179  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Lord’s Prayer Different in 3 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #204. October 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Lord’s Prayer; Sermon on the Mount; Sermon at the Temple; Bible; New Testament; Matthew; Mark; Luke; Didache; Prayer; Glory; Doxology; Sacrament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8132]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13279  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Ensign. “Why is the phrase ‘and it came to pass’ so prevalent in the Book of Mormon?” Ensign December 1992.
ID = [50809]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1992-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 2511  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:46:22
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Presence of Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon Significant?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #166. August 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Parallelism; Hebrew; Poetry; Literary Device; Greek; Historicity; Authenticity
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8170]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9208  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why is the Sabbath Day Needed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #303. April 21, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Sabbath; Alma; Baptism; Commandments; Ten Commandments
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8033]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-04-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 9361  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why is the Sermon at the Temple Echoed throughout the Rest of 3 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #208. October 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Sermon at the Temple; Chiasmus; Gentiles; House of Israel; Covenants
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8128]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8182  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Theme of Kingship So Prominent in King Benjamin’s Speech?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #79. April 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; King Benjamin; Plan of Salvation; Atonement; Covenants; Ancient Israel; Coronation; Kingship
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [8257]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 6491  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Is the Timing of the Book of Mormon’s Translation So ‘Marvelous’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #506. March 15, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7830]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-03-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 18352  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Is There a Need for the Testimony of Two Nations?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #56. March 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Ezekiel; Stick of Judah; Stick of Joseph; House of Israel; Gathering of Israel; Scattering of Israel; Restoration; Law of Witnesses; Law; Legal; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [8280]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8670  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why is There Temple Imagery in Helaman 10?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #181. September 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Helaman; Nephi; Angels; Temples; Divine Council; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Prophets; Visions; Throne Theophany; Lehi; Mountain; Sealing Power; High Priest; Chief Judge; Gadianton Robbers; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8155]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9739  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why is ‘Words of Mormon’ at the End of the Small Plates?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #78. April 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Words of Mormon; Small Plates; Mormon; Literary Device; Ancient Near East; Subscriptio; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [8258]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5216  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. “Why Might a Person in 1830 Connect an Angel with a Salamander?” Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1985.
ID = [8349]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1985-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-reports  Size: 998  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
McKay, Robert A., and John L. Smith. Why Mormonism Is a Cult. Marlow, OK: Utah Missions, 1985.
Display Abstract  

A polemical tract against Mormonism attempting to explain why Mormonism is a cult. Numerous textual changes in the various editions of the Book of Mormon are noted. The description in 3 Nephi of the destruction of the wicked at the time of Christ’s death is incompatible with the concept of a merciful God.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [78787]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1985-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Scripture Central. “Why Must a Trial of Faith Precede a Witness of Truth?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #246. December 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Faith; Ether; Jaredites; Moroni; Trial of Faith; Alma; Amulek; Ammon; Lamanites; Missionary Work; Prison; Zarahemla; Mosiah; Sons of Mosiah; Brother of Jared; Shining Stones; Nephi; Moses; Three Nephites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8090]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10638  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Must Christ’s True Church Be Called after His Name?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #482. November 6, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Names; Christ; Church; Gospel; Prophets; Scriptures
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7854]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-11-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9917  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Must One Pray Always to Endure to the End?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #298. April 10, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prayer; Endure to the End; Nephi; Angels; Holy Ghost
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8038]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-04-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7849  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Must There be an Infinite and Eternal Sacrifice?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #142. July 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zoramites; Atonement; Amulek; Alma; Sacrifice; Mesopotamia; Ancient Near East; Ancient Law; Ancient Israel; Bible; Old Testament; Mesoamerica; Bloodletting; Animal Sacrifice; Law of Moses; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8194]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11860  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Must We Beware Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #527. August 2, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Wolves; Sermon on the Mount; New Testament; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7809]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-08-02  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11077  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Must We Do What Jesus Did?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #221. November 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; What Would Jesus Do; Church; Commandments; Nephites; Temples; Prophets; Bountiful; Priesthood; Sacrament; Healing; Children; Prayer; Gospel; Joseph Smith; Testimony
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8115]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9980  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
England, Eugene. “Why Nephi Killed Laban: Refiections on the Truth of the Book of Mormon.” Dialogue 22 (Fall 1989): 32-51.
Display Abstract  

Violence and non-violence in the Book of Mormon is examined including the killing of Laban (1 Nephi 4), the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (Alma 24) and King Benjamin’s address (Mosiah 4).

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [80825]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1989-10-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Welch, John W. “Why Nephi Wrote the Small Plates: Serving Practical Needs.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 78-80. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi (Son of Lehi); Small Plates
ID = [75659]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size: 3844  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:55
Welch, John W. “Why Nephi Wrote the Small Plates: The Political Dimension.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 81-83. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi (Son of Lehi); Politics; Small Plates
ID = [75660]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size: 3925  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:55
Scripture Central. “Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 5: How Often Were Scriptures on the Plates of Brass the Common Source?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #533. September 26, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Intertextuality; New Testament Intertextuality; Plates of Brass; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7803]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-09-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12965  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 6: Why Do Similar Clusters of Old Testament Texts Appear in Both?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #535. October 10, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament Intertextuality; New Testament; Intertextuality; Dead Sea Scrolls; Old Testament; Bible
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7801]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-10-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8209  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 7: How Often Did These Commonalities Come through the Hand of Mormon or Moroni?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #537. October 24, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; Bible; New Testament Intertextuality; Intertextuality
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7799]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-10-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7930  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 8: Were These Expressions Parts of Joseph Smith’s Linguistic Toolbox?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #540. November 21, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament Intertextuality; Book of Mormon Translation; New Testament; Intertextuality
ID = [7796]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-11-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11472  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 9: Above All, Were These Words Given by the Gift and Power of God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #542. December 19, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament; New Testament Intertextuality; Intertextuality; Come Follow Me; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7794]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-12-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11414  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Neusner, Jacob. “Why No New Judaisms in the Twentieth Century?” In By Study and Also By Faith, Volume 2, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and John M. Lundquist, 552-584. Vol. 2. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

A shorter version of this article appeared as “Can Judaism Survive the Twentieth Century?“ Tikkun 4, no. 4 (July–August 1989): 38–42.
An explanation of what conditions favor the formation of religious systems, with particular attention to the condition of Judaism in the twentieth century.

Keywords: Holocaust; Judaism; Politics
Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Hugh Nibley > Scholarship, Footnotes, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, CWHN, Editing > Judaism
ID = [2369]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-02  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-books,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:42
Millennial Star Staff. “Why Not Investigate?” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 50, no. 11 (12 March 1888): 161-62.
Display Abstract  

The author suggests that some scientific body endeavor to prove or disprove whether archaeological discoveries validate the Book of Mormon.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [80998]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1888-03-12  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:58
Scripture Central. “Why Should 3 Nephi Be Read as the Book of the High Priest Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #577. September 8, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; High Priest; Nephi; Nephi3; Temples; Ancient Israelite Religion; Gadianton Robbers; Priesthood
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7759]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-09-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9921  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Tope, Wally. Why Should I Pray about the Book of Mormon When . . .?. La Canada Flintridge, CA: Wally Tope, 1982.
Display Abstract  

A polemic leaflet to show that the burning feeling one experiences when reading the Book of Mormon is not evidence of the book’s truthfulness, since it fails the test of comparison with the Bible. Joseph Smith contradicted his own words and the Book of Mormon has been changed time and again.

ID = [78788]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1982-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Scripture Central. “Why Should Latter-day Saints Beware Fraudulent Artifacts?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #493. December 13, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hoaxes; Frauds; Church History
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7843]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-12-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17780  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Should People Study the Same Scriptures Over and Over Again?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #252. December 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Faith; Meekness; Nephites; Lamanites; Covenants
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8084]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6292  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Should Readers Pay Attention to the Book of Mormon’s Editorial Promises?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #510. April 11, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Redaction; Editor; Prophecy; Complexity; Evidence; Literature
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7826]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-04-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 35457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Should Readers Pay Close Attention to the Mulekites?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #434. May 17, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Omni; Mulek; Mulekites; Zedekiah; Jerusalem; Zarahemla
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
ID = [7902]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-05-17  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9360  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Gardner, Brant A. “Why Should We Be Concerned with Book of Mormon Geography?” The Interpreter Foundation website. September 28, 2013.
ID = [4806]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2013-09-28  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 8221  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:58
Scripture Central. “Why Should We Read the Book of Mormon Daily?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #368. September 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; General Conference; Scriptures
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7968]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9567  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Should We Take the Time to Give Thanks to God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #238. November 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Benjamin; Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Nephi; Lehi; Sabbath; Alma; Amulon; Waters of Mormon
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8098]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9422  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Should You Have Family Prayer?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #579. October 6, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Prayer; Families; Family Prayer
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7757]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-10-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8548  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Smith, Frederick A. “Why Study the Book of Mormon?” The Rod of Iron 1 (July, August, September 1924): 26.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon is of great historical worth to the American Indians and to those who seek to understand a history of religion. It is a record of the Lord’s dealings with his people and gives an account of his doctrine.

ID = [80826]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1924-07-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Haws, JB. “Why the Book of Mormon Deserves More Twenty-First-Century Readers: A Question of Complexity.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 24, no. 1 (2015).
ID = [3325]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 30421  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:39
Kirkham, Francis W. “Why the Book of Mormon?” Instructor 99 (December 1964): 472-73.
Display Abstract  

Discusses the purpose and coming forth of the Book of Mormon, presents personal testimony regarding the truthfulness of the book, and speaks about how it helps humanity in their “search for happiness”

ID = [80827]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1964-12-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Kirkham, Francis W. “Why the Book of Mormon? Revealed Reasons for the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 111, no. 6 (June 1949); 168-69, 188-89.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon came forth in the midst of an unbelieving world that by faith and diligent study, mankind could come to know Jesus Christ by revelation. If the book had been a fraud, mistakes would have occurred on every page because of the complexity of the book.

ID = [81307]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1949-06-01  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:13
Scripture Central. “Why the Book of Mormon’s Depiction of a Loving God Fits with the Old Testament.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #422. April 5, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Love
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7914]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-04-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7069  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Carmack, Stanford A. “Why the Oxford English Dictionary (and not Webster’s 1828).” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 15 (2015): 65-77.
Display Abstract  

In order to properly consider possible meaning in the Book of Mormon (BofM), we must use the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Royal Skousen opened the door to this approach, but unfortunately many have resisted accepting it as valid or have not understood the advantages inherent in it. The usual method of consulting Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language has serious drawbacks. First, that approach is based on the incorrect assumption that the English language of the text is Joseph Smith’s own language or what he knew from reading the King James Bible (kjb). That incorrect assumption leads us to wrongly believe that nonbiblical lexical meaning in the BofM is to be sought in 1820s American English, or even perhaps from Smith making mistakes in his attempt to imitate biblical language (which is a canard). Second, by using Webster’s 1828 dictionary we can easily be led astray and form inaccurate judgments about old usage and we can miss possible meaning in the text.

ID = [4243]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 28287  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:17
Morton, William A. “Why the Plates of the Book of Mormon Were Not Shown to the World.” Young Woman’s Journal 24 (October 1913): 613-15.
Display Abstract  

The gold plates were not/are not available for inspection because acceptance of the Book of Mormon is a matter of faith. Those predisposed to disbelieve the Book of Mormon would not be converted to the Gospel even if they saw the plates.

ID = [80828]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1913-10-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Taylor, John H. “Why the Saints Meet Together—Their Pretensions—What Their Profession Implies—No Right to Sit in Judgment on the World—All Children of a Common Father—Many Good Men Inspired By the Spirit of God Who Did not Possess the Gift of the Holy Ghost—How Joseph Smith Obtained Knowledge—The Gospel—What the Savior Required—Operations of the Holy Ghost—What is Required of the Saints—Their Feelings—Duty of Missionaries—National Feelings Buried in Embracing the Gospel—Relationship to God—Destiny of the Faithful—What Have Religionists of the World to Offer?—Character of the Would-Be Reformers—Rights to Be Contended For—Corrupt Practices Condemned.” In Journal of Discourses, Volume 23. 1883, 368–376.
Display Abstract  

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered in the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Sunday, Feb. 11, 1883. Reported By: Unknown.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [29529]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1883-02-11  Collections:  bom,jnl-disc  Size: 30013  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:28
Taylor, John H. “Why the Saints Meet Together—Their Pretensions—What Their Profession Implies—No Right to Sit in Judgment on the World—All Children of a Common Father—Many Good Men Inspired By the Spirit of God Who Did not Possess the Gift of the Holy Ghost—How Joseph Smith Obtained Knowledge—The Gospel—What the Savior Required—Operations of the Holy Ghost—What is Required of the Saints—Their Feelings—Duty of Missionaries—National Feelings Buried in Embracing the Gospel—Relationship to God—Destiny of the Faithful—What Have Religionists of the World to Offer?—Character of the Would-Be Reformers—Rights to Be Contended For—Corrupt Practices Condemned.” In Journal of Discourses, Volume 24. 1884, 1–8.
Display Abstract  

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered in the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Sunday, Feb. 11, 1883 Reported By: Unknown.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [29530]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1883-02-11  Collections:  bom,jnl-disc  Size: 23790  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:28
Grandy, David A. “Why Things Move: A New Look at Helaman 12:15.” BYU Studies Quarterly 51, no. 2 (2012): 99.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [11020]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-02  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 52088  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:02
Scripture Central. “Why Was a Stone Used as an Aid in Translating the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #145. July 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Helaman; Gazelem; Prophecy; Stone; Light; Illuminating Stones; Urim and Thummim; Seer Stone; Joseph Smith; Seer; Book of Mormon Translation; Folk Magic
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8191]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15273  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why was Abinadi Scourged with Faggots?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #96. May 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; King Noah; Mosiah; Mesoamerica; North America; Martyr; Textual Amendation; Death; Top KnoWhys; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8240]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-05-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7306  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Abish Mentioned by Name?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #127. June 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abish; Women; Alma; Hebrew; Etymology; Lamoni; Visions; God; Jesus Christ; Heavenly Father; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8209]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8821  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Alma Converted?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #144. July 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Conversion; Chiasmus; Angels; Poetry; Parallelism; Hebrew; Literature; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Repentance; Joy; Mesoamerica
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8192]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-15  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14434  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Alma’s Wish Sinful?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #137. July 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Angels; Sin; Sons of Mosiah; Chief Judge; High Priest; Joy; Missionary Work; Jubilee
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8199]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12419  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Ammoron Determined to Avenge the Blood of His Brother?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #162. August 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ammoron; Lamanites; Zoram; Amalickiah; Teancum; Nephites; War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Blood; Vengeance; Ancient Law; Law of Moses; Goel; Redeemer; Hebrew; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Legal
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8174]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-10  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8992  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Chiasmus Used in Nephite Record Keeping?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #177. August 31, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Abridgment; Redaction; Large Plates; Historical Annals; Chiasmus; Zedekiah; Jesus Christ; Jehovah; Yahweh; Reign of the Judges; Helaman; Land of Nephi; Zarahemla; Hebrew; Poetry; Authenticity
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8159]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-31  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9943  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Corianton So Concerned About The Resurrection?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #148. July 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Corianton; Resurrection; Lehi; Jacob; King Mosiah; Abinadi; King Noah; Nehor; Philosophy; Jesus Christ
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8188]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 8972  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Corianton’s Sin So Serious?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #147. July 20, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Helaman; Shiblon; Corianton; Immorality; Sexual Transgression; Murder; Chastity; Ministry; Missionary Work; Unpardonable Sin; Denying the Holy Ghost; Legal
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8189]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-20  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7234  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why was Coriantumr’s Record Engraved on a ‘Large Stone"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #77. April 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Omni; Mesoamerica; Stelae; Archaeology; Coriantumr; Jaredites; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
ID = [8259]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 10648  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Was David Whitmer Excommunicated from the Church?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #608. June 8, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: David Whitmer; Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Book of Mormon; Excommunication
ID = [7728]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-06-08  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9353  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why was Giddianhi So Polite?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #190. September 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Birth of Christ; Lachoneus; Gadianton Robbers; Giddianhi; Epistles; Politeness; Civility; Diplomacy; Ancient Near East; Egypt; Assyria; Literature; Rhetoric; Nephites; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8146]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-19  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 14700  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why was Helaman’s Servant Justified in Killing Kishkumen?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #173. August 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pahoran; Pacumeni; Helaman; Gadianton; Kishkumen; Reign of the Judges; Chief Judge; Mormon; Teancum; Amalickiah; Death; Assassination; Nephi; Laban; Legal
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8163]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12575  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Hyrum Faithful to His Witness of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #614. August 24, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; Joseph Smith; Hyrum Smith; Witnesses; Eight Witnesses
ID = [7722]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-08-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 7710  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why was it Easy to Join a Church in Joseph Smith’s Day?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #589. January 5, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Religious Freedom; Freedom; Church History; Joseph Smith
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7747]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-01-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 11277  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Was It Significant that Nephi Was Made ‘a Ruler and a Teacher’ Over His Brethren?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #462. August 28, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Old Testament; Jacob; Esau; Joseph of Egypt; Solomon; Nephi; Laman; Lemuel; Birthright
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7874]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-08-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 8028  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Was Jershon Called a Land of Inheritance?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #134. July 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Lamanites; Ammon; Nephites; Etymology; Hebrew; Jershon; Law; Law of Moses; Amlicites; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8202]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7601  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Sakuth, F. A. Why Was Joseph Smith A False Prophet?. Salt Lake City: Tribune Printing Co., 1903.
Display Abstract  

Author considers it his duty to warn humanity of the dangers of the Church and its false prophet. Joseph Smith was given power to translate the Book of Mormon by God and no other gift was given to him.

ID = [78789]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1903-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Scripture Central. “Why Was Korihor Cursed with Speechlessness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #138. July 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Korihor; Anti-Christ; Alma; Miracles; God; Nehor; Legal; Ancient Law; Speechlessness; Zoramites; Ancient Near East; Law of Moses; Binding Spells; Curse
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8198]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-07  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9128  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Martin Harris Cut Off from the Church?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #606. June 1, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Martin Harris; Witness; Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Book of Mormon; Kirtland; Kirtland Safety Society; Excommunication
ID = [7730]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-06-01  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 12128  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Was Martin Harris Needed to Pay for the Printing of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #597. February 25, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation; Book of Mormon Printing; Martin Harris; E.B. Grandin; Joseph Smith; Church History; Doctrine and Covenants
ID = [7739]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-02-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 8520  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Was Moroni’s Correspondence with Pahoran Significant?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #168. August 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: War Chapters; Warfare; Alma; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Pahoran; Nephites; Lamanites; Nephihah; Chief Judge; Ammoron; Epistles
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8168]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-18  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5534  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was Moroni’s Young Age an Advantage?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #151. July 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Mormon; Nephites; Lamanites; War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Youth; Technology; Armor; Weapons; Fortifications; Prophets; Prayer; Millennials; Mesoamerica
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8185]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17265  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Skousen, Royal. “Why was one sixth of the 1830 Book of Mormon set from the original manuscript?” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 2 (2012): 93-103.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Abstract: Evidence from the manuscripts of the Book of Mormon (as well as internal evidence within the Book of Mormon itself) shows that for one sixth of the text, from Helaman 13:17 to the end of Mormon, the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon was set from the original (dictated) manuscript rather than from the printer’s manuscript. For five-sixths of the text, the 1830 edition was set from the printer’s manuscript, the copy prepared specifically for the 1830 typesetter to use as his copytext. In 1990, when the use of the original manuscript as copytext was first discovered, it was assumed that the scribes for the printer’s manuscript had fallen behind in their copywork, which had then forced them to take in the original manuscript to the 1830 typesetter. Historical evidence now argues, to the contrary, that the reason for the switch was the need to take the printer’s manuscript to Canada in February 1830 in order to secure the copyright of the Book of Mormon within the British realm. During the month or so that Oliver Cowdery and others were on their trip to nearby Canada with the printer’s manuscript, the 1830 typesetter used the original manuscript to set the type, although he himself was unaware that there had been a temporary switch in the manuscripts.

Keywords: Early Church History; Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon; Translation
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [4384]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-02  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 20579  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:28
Scripture Central. “Why Was Singing Hymns a Part of Nephite Worship Services?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #251. December 13, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Church Organization; Music; Singing; Hymns; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Temples; Ancient Israel; Ancient Judaism; Priest; Dead Sea Scrolls; New Testament; Jesus Christ; Last Supper; Early Christian Church; Nephi; Lehi; Alma; Zarahemla; King Benjamin; Angels; Heaven; Heavenly Ascent; Feast of Tabernacles
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8085]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-12-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9148  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Was Teancum Captured and Killed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #170. August 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Teancum; Amalickiah; War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Alma; Nephites; Lamanites; Ammoron; Moroni; Captain Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8166]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5316  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was the 3 Nephites’ Wish Helpful for Mormon and Moroni?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #223. November 3, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Nephites; Three Nephites; Immortality; Translation; Mormon; Moroni; Miracles; History; Church History; Joseph Smith; Bountiful; First Vision
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8113]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-11-03  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6757  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was the City of Ammonihah Destroyed and Left Desolate?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #123. June 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ammonihah; Law; Legal; Ancient Israel; Bible; Old Testament; Deuteronomy; Destruction; Zarahemla; Death; Alma; Amulek; Missionary Work; Law of Moses
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8213]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11685  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Was the Heavenly Book Sealed with Seven Seals?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #541. December 12, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Revelation; New Testament; Nephi; Seals; Plates
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7795]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2019-12-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13294  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Was the Sword of Laban So Important to Nephite Leaders?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #411. February 27, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sword of Laban; Laban; David and Goliath; David; Goliath; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [7925]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-02-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 25938  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Was the Zoramite Defection So Disastrous?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #143. July 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zoramites; Korihor; Alma; Amulek; People of Ammon; Nephites; Lamanites; Antionum; Geography; Mesoamerica; Zarahemla; Ancient Israel; Egypt; Babylon; Zedekiah; Lehi; Military; Warfare; Captain Moroni
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8193]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9374  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Jensen, Jay E. “Why We Ask People to Read the Book of Mormon.” Ensign, August 1984.
ID = [46767]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1984-08-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 8090  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:09
Scripture Central. “Why We Still Have to Cling to the Iron Rod Even Though the Path is Strait.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #402. January 25, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Tree of Life; Lehi; Iron Rod; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis; Garden of Eden; The Fall; Adam; Eve
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles
Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7934]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-01-25  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 14596  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Were Benjamin and Mosiah Such Beloved and Effective Leaders?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #84. April 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Benjamin; Mosiah; Leadership; Charity; Humility; Service
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8252]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-22  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5356  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Were Genealogies Important to Book of Mormon Peoples?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #76. April 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Jacob; Omni; Jarom; Enos; Small Plates; Genealogy; Mesoamerica; Lineage History; Politics; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jarom
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
ID = [8260]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-12  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 7654  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Were Lehi and Nephi Guided by Angelic Escorts in Their Visions?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #492. December 11, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Angels; Apocalypse; Visions
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7844]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-12-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 13144  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Were Man and Woman Created in the Image of God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #627. January 11, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Adam and Eve; Adam; Eve; Man; Women; God; Face; Creation
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7709]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-01-11  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 15484  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Were Many Nephites So Quick to Disbelieve the Signs of Christ’s Coming?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #189. September 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Birth of Christ; Satan; Adversary; Lie; Miracles; Gadianton Robbers; Nephites; Lamanites; Christmas
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8147]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-09-16  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6538  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Were So Many Sections in the Doctrine and Covenants Revealed during the Days When the Book of Mormon Was Being Translated?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #593. January 26, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Revelation; Book of Mormon; Doctrine and Covenants; Joseph Smith; Oliver Cowdery
ID = [7743]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2021-01-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c  Size: 7833  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Nyman, Monte S. “Why were the Book of Mormon gold plates not placed in a museum so that people might know Joseph Smith had them?” Ensign, December 1986.
ID = [47907]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1986-12-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 4962  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:10
Scripture Central. “Why were the People of Ammon Exempted from Military Duty?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #274. February 13, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Death; Murder; Warfare; Military; Anti-Nephi-Lehies; Ammon; People of Ammon; Covenants; Nephites; Jershon; Law of Moses; Bible; Old Testament; Ancient Law; Legal; Law; Ancient Judaism; Helaman; Stripling Warriors
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8062]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-02-13  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12067  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Were the Plates Present During the Translation of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #366. September 21, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Plates; Gold Plates; Joseph Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Emma Smith; Martin Harris; David Whitmer; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7970]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-09-21  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 15042  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Were the Three Witnesses Shown the Liahona?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #405. February 6, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Liahona; Ark of the Covenant; Ancient Israel; Solomon’s Temple; Nephite Temple; Three Witnesses; Joseph Smith; Church History; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7931]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-02-06  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 11734  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Were the Unburied Dead So Troubling to the Jaredites?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #586. November 24, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Death; Burial; Ancient Near East; Mesopotamia; Warfare
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7750]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-11-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6459  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:38
Scripture Central. “Why Were Three Key Witnesses Chosen to Testify of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #267. January 27, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Three Witnesses; Witnesses; Law of Witnesses; Moroni; Oliver Cowdery; Martin Harris; David Whitmer; Joseph Smith; Sword of Laban; Urim and Thummim; Liahona; Priesthood; Church History; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8069]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-01-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 17073  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Will God Turn the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #219. October 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Christ in America; Bible; Old Testament; Malachi; Elijah; Genealogy; Family History; Hebrew; Family; Children; Parents; Ancestors; Joseph Smith; Moroni; Temples; Kirtland Temple
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [8117]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-28  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 12334  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Would a Book Be Sealed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #53. March 14, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Sealed; Ancient Near East; Legal; Law; Ancient Law; Ancient Documents; Gold Plates; Gold
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8283]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-03-14  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 5188  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Would God Choose an Uneducated Man to Translate the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #397. January 9, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; First Vision; Education; Restoration; Angel Moroni; Gold Plates
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7939]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2018-01-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 14966  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:39
Scripture Central. “Why Would Jesus Call Isaiah’s Words Great?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #217. October 26, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Scriptures; Bible; Old Testament; Prophecy; Prophets; Hebrew; Great; Nephi; Abinadi; Yahweh; Nephites; Joseph Smith; Deuteronomy; Psalms
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8119]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-10-26  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 13799  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Would Mankind ‘Unavoidably Perish’ without the Atonement of Jesus Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #317. May 24, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Atonement; Alma; Amulek; Zoramites; Seed; Faith; Word of God; Scriptures; Chiasmus; Humility; Adam and Eve; The Fall
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8019]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-05-24  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 9791  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Scripture Central. “Why Would Nephi Call the Ocean ‘Irreantum"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #20. January 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Irreantum; Ocean; Etymology; Hebrew; Egyptian; Egypt; Nephi; Names; Book of Mormon Names; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Ancient Near East; Arabia; Promised Land; Evidence
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8316]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-01-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 5638  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Would Noah’s Priests Quiz Abinadi on Isaiah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #89. April 29, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; Mosiah; King Noah; Zeniff; Isaiah; Legal; Law of Moses; Law
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8247]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-04-29  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 7549  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:42
Scripture Central. “Why Would Pahoran Not Allow the Law to Be Amended?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #159. August 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pahoran; Chief Judge; War Chapters; Warfare; Government; Kingship; Nephite Judges; Ten Commandments; Moses; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Ancient Law; Law of Moses; Covenants; Title of Liberty; Moroni; Captain Moroni; Liberty; Religious Freedom; Legal
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8177]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-08-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 10296  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Would Zeezrom Attempt to Bribe Amulek?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #118. June 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Amulek; Zeezrom; Ammonihah; Mormon; Legal; Monetary System; Silver; Bribery; Law of Moses; Money
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8218]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-06-09  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom  Size: 6941  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why Would Zerahemnah Not Swear an Oath to Moroni?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #152. July 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; War Chapters; Warfare; Nephites; Lamanites; Moroni; Zerahemnah; Weapons; Ancient Near East; Covenants; Oaths; Scalp; Bible; Old Testament
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8184]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2016-07-27  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9557  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:41
Scripture Central. “Why You Should Care About the Nephite Weights and Measures System.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #322. June 5, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Mosiah; Weights; Measures; Nephites; Money; Monetary System; Ancient Near East; Mesopotamia; Silver; Gold; Barley; Economy; Politics; Reign of the Judges; Prosperity; Evidence
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8014]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2017-06-05  Collections:  bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test  Size: 9467  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:40
Avant, Gerry. “Wicked Nephites Reject Message.” Church News 58 (13 August 1988): 14.
Display Abstract  

For a period of time the Lamanites were more righteous than the Nephites, and the wicked Nephites rejected the Lamanite message of righteousness.

ID = [80829]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1988-08-13  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Avant, Gerry. “Wickedness Is Not Happiness.” Church News 58 (11 June 1988): 14.
Display Abstract  

Contrary to popular belief, when you are being wicked and having fun you are not creating happiness.

ID = [80830]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1988-06-11  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Gee, John. “Wilford A. Fischer and Norma J. Fischer, A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend.” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 2 (1990): Article 11.
Display Abstract  

Review of A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend (1988), by Wilford A. Fischer and Norma J. Fischer.

ID = [67]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-review  Size: 23192  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:25
Insights. “Willes Center Awards Research Grants.” Insights 28, no. 2 (2008).
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies announces five faculty research grants for the 2008–2009 academic year: Susan Easton Black and Andrew C. Skinner, “The Phrase ‘This Land’: Doctrinal and Geographical Implications for Latter-day Saints” (a book-length study).

Keywords: Book of Mormon; awards; grants; BYU
ID = [66890]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2008-01-02  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:54
Interpreter Foundation. “Willes Center Book of Mormon Lecture.” The Interpreter Foundation website. September 25, 2012.
ID = [5619]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2012-09-25  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 179  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:28
Insights. “Willes Describes Lofty Goals at Fourth Annual Neal A. Maxwell Lecture.” Insights 30, no. 2 (2010).
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Mark Willes delivered the fourth annual Neal A. Maxwell Lecture on March 11, 2010. Willes, president and chief executive officer of Deseret Management Corporation, endowed the Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies in 2007 in honor of his wife.

Keywords: lecture; media company; business; journalism
ID = [66945]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2010-01-02  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:57
Porter, Larry C. “William E. McLellan’s Testimony of the Book of Mormon.” Brigham Young University Studies 10, no. 4 (1970): 485-487.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

In 1880 James T. Cobb, a graduate of Dartmouth and Amherst colleges and a resident of Salt Lake City, was making an attempt to establish the falsity of the Book of Mormon through an extensive examination of its origins. Among those to whom he directed letters of inquiry was William E. McLellan, whose close association with Joseph Smith and the witnesses of the Book of Mormon in the early years of the Church made him an appropriate subject for correspondence. William E. McLellan joined the Church in 1831. Although he became an early critic of Joseph Smith and other Church leaders, he nevertheless progressed to top leadership positions and on February 15, 1835, he was ordained as one of the original members of the Quorum of the Twelve. Yet due to his criticism of Church leadership he was excommunicated in 1838. The testimony reproduced in this article, written in reply to James T. Cobb’s inquiry, is significant because despite McLellan’s disillusionment with Joseph Smith, he nevertheless was unable to deny his conviction that the Book of Mormon was what it claimed to be.

Keywords: Apostasy; Early Church History; McLellin; Testimony; William E.
ID = [9659]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1970-01-03  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,byu-studies  Size: 1086  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:12:52
Interpreter Foundation. “William Hamblin on ‘Jacob’s Sermon (2 Nephi 6-10) and the Day of Atonement’” The Interpreter Foundation website. January 31, 2015.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [5117]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2015-01-31  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 499  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:25
Peterson, Daniel C. “William Rees Palmer, Two Pahute Indian Legends: ‘Why the Grand Canyon Was Made’ and ‘The Three Days of Darkness’.” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1 (1989): Article 17.
Display Abstract  

Review of Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness” (1987), by William Rees Palmer.

ID = [56]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1989-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-review,peterson  Size: 6302  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:24
Smith, William. “William Smith on Mormonism: A True Account of the Origin of the Book of Mormon.” Lamoni, IA: n.p., 1883.
Display Abstract  

Personal account of the organizations of the LDS & RLDS churches as well as the coming forth and translation of the Book of Mormon. He relates first-hand experiences from the family of Joseph Smith and gives his personal testimony of the veracity of the book.

ID = [78790]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1883-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Instructor. “William Smith’s Story Concerning the Plates of the Book of Mormon.” Instructor 75 (January 1940): 6.
Display Abstract  

An interview that took place two weeks before the death of William Smith, wherein Smith avows that he did indeed lift the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated.

ID = [80831]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1940-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Church News. “Win Riches from Rags for Missionary Work.” Church News 53 (2 October 1983): 5.
Display Abstract  

Brief account of an individual named Morely Jones, who uses all the money he earns to purchase copies of the Book of Mormon for use by missionaries.

ID = [80832]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1983-10-02  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Sorenson, John L. “Winds and Currents: A Look at Nephi’s Ocean Crossing.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: El Niño; Nephi (Son of Lehi); Transoceanic Voyage
ID = [66457]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,sorenson  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:36
Burton, Theodore M. “‘…With All thy Getting Get Understanding’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1961.
ID = [27436]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1961-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 14825  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Line, C. Robert. “‘With Power and Authority of God’: Principles of Missionary Success.” In Living the Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, eds. Gaye Strathearn and Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The Book of Mormon contains powerful and priceless principles relating to the preaching of God’s word to His children. Although various principles relating to missionary work are found throughout the Book of Mormon, nowhere is this more evident than in Alma 17 and 18. This chapter seeks to help students and teachers of the restored gospel identify and implement a few of these potent principles that can help all of us have greater success in missionary work.

Keywords: Ammon (Son of King Mosiah); Authority; Faith; Missionary Work; Power; Righteousness; Sons of Mosiah
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
ID = [35815]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size: 24965  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:06
Faulconer, James E. “With Real Intent.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 11 no. 1 (2002).
Display Abstract  

Faulconer discusses the evolution of his testimony of the Book of Mormon; years passed before he recognized the importance of that book to his life as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After reading an article explaining the tree of life that is written about in 1 Nephi, he gained a deeper understanding of the purpose of the Book of Mormon—that the book prepares members of the church to enter into covenants with God in the temple and explains what those covenants are. In addition to that objective, the book testifies of and brings people to Jesus Christ.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [3090]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2002-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 30355  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:24
Dadson, Andrew E. “With Real Intent: A Priceless Gem.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12 no. 1 (2003).
Display Abstract  

Dadson shares his experience of gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon while a young teenager at boarding school in Ghana. He was blessed through clean living, studying the Book of Mormon, and paying his tithing.

ID = [3116]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 20327  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:26
York, Carole Mikita. “With Real Intent: A Continuing Influence.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12, no. 2 (2003): 96-99.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Carole Mikita York shares the story of the conversion of her mother first and then the rest of her family. As a young child, Carole gained a testimony that the Book of Mormon was true even before she read it.

Keywords: Conversion; Missionary Work; Testimony
ID = [3131]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 16455  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:27
Hilton, Nancy Goldberg. “With Real Intent: Out of Judaism.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15, no. 2 (2006): 102-107, 126-127.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Nancy Goldberg Hilton shares her experiences growing up in the Jewish religion. Although she felt close to God while reciting verses from the Old Testament, she was confused about God’s true nature and current role. Hilton eventually abandoned her belief in God until she had a miraculous experience at Rainbow Bridge on Lake Powell in Utah. This experience helped her to feel the reality of God and of Jesus Christ, and she soon began to search for further information about their doctrine. When a business contact gave her a Book of Mormon, she read it and was delighted to discover how the book connected the life of Jesus Christ to her Jewish heritage and to the life she was now living. Hilton agreed to meet with missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and she was baptized shortly thereafter.

Keywords: Conversion; Judaism; Missionary Work
ID = [3197]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2006-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 36794  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:31
Keogh, Benjamin. “‘With the help of these’: Words of Mormon 1 :18.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 27 (2018).
Display Abstract  

The little book entitled Words of Mormon has long been a puzzle, including as it does a number of ambiguous passages and two seemingly distinct parts. In this brief note, I focus primarily on just one such ambiguity-Mormon’s use of “these” in verse 18-in an attempt to show that the whole of the book is much more complete and coherent than has been previously thought. It may be also that the Lord’s “wise purpose[s]” (Words of Mormon 1:7) are more expansive than has generally been supposed. In verse 18, Mormon notes three causes behind the establishment of peace among King Benjamin’s people: (1) “these;’ (2) Benjamin’s labor “with all [his] might…and… faculty,” and (3) “the prophets.” The most immediate question is, To what does “these” refer? One option is verse 16’s “the holy prophets.” However, given the specific mention of “the prophets” as the third cause, this first approach seems unlikely.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [81917]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:47
Rappleye, Neal. “‘With the Tongue of Angels’: Angelic Speech as a Form of Deification.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 21 (2016): 303-323.
Display Abstract  

Abstract: The “tongue of angels”
has long been a point of interest to Latter-day Saints, who wonder whether it really is as simple as speaking under the influence of the Spirit or if it might mean something more. Drawing on the structure of Nephi’s record and the interactions with angels that Nephi recorded, we learn that this notion of speaking with the tongue of angels has connections with ancient Israelite temple worship and the divine council. Nephi places the act of speaking with the tongue of angels at the culmination of a literary ascent, where one must pass through a gate (baptism) and by a gatekeeper (the Holy Ghost). This progression makes rich allusions to imagery in the visions of Lehi, Nephi, and Isaiah, where these prophets were brought into the presence of the Lord, stood in the divine council, and were commissioned to declare the words of the Lord. Nephi’s carefully crafted narrative teaches that all are both invited and commanded to follow the path that leads to entrance into the Lord’s presence, and ultimately grants membership into the heavenly assembly.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [3741]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2016-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal,old-test  Size: 46751  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:12
Hemming, Laurence P. “‘With the Voice Together Shall They Sing’” BYU Studies 50, no. 1 (2011): 25.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [11082]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  bom,byu-studies  Size: 35136  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:02
Gardner, Brant A. “‘With What Measure?’” The FARMS Review 21, no. 2 (2009): Article 8.
Display Abstract  

Review of John L. Lunds. Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon: Is This the Place?

ID = [636]  Status = Type = review  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-review  Size: 36546  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:00
Marcum, Jared T. “Withstanding Satan’s Siege through Christ’s Iron Rod: The Vision of the Tree of Life in Context of Ancient Siege Warfare.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 58 (2023): Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 58 (2023): 1-18.
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Abstract: Nothing was more terrifying in the ancient world than a siege. Besiegers disregarded normal conventions of war and either utterly slaughtered or enslaved a city’s residents. Nephi used siege warfare imagery — including fire arrows, blinding, and being led away into captivity — to teach his brothers the importance of holding fast to Christ’s iron rod (see 1 Nephi 15:24). By analyzing this scripture and the vision of the Tree of Life in context of ancient siege warfare, we learn how Satan besieges God’s people, cuts off their access to the Tree of Life, draws them away through scorn, blinds them, and yokes them with a yoke of iron. Christ, in contrast, extends his iron rod through Satan’s siege, inviting us to hold fast to his word, accept him as our covenant family head, and join him in his work by speaking his word. Those who act on Christ’s invitation will find safety and joy in Christ’s kingdom.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; iron rod; Nephi’s Vision; seige warfare
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [81196]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2023-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 44026  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:06
Eyring, Henry B. “A Witness.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2011.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how well we are doing and how to do better.

ID = [21538]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2011-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 11954  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:46
Benson, Ezra Taft. “A Witness and a Warning.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1979.
ID = [14313]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1979-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 13420  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Benson, Ezra Taft. “A Witness and a Warning.” Ensign, November 1979.
ID = [44711]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1979-11-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 13306  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:55
Benson, Ezra Taft. A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1988.
Display Abstract  

Defines the many purposes of the Book of Mormon and the method by which one may come closer to Christ. This book represents the testimony and attitude of the Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, concerning the value of the Book of Mormon to men and women living in modern times. The book contains both a warning and a divine promise dependant upon the use of the Book of Mormon. This work is reviewed in W.152.

ID = [77473]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1988-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:06
Friend. “The Witness and the Gold Plates.” Friend 14 (August-September 1984): 28-29.
Display Abstract  

A children’s story of the Three Witnesses and gold plates.

ID = [80704]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1984-08-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Ellsworth, Richard G. “Witness Comes with Calm Assurance.” Church News 55 (August 4, 1985): 12.
Display Abstract  

Evil is shocking and much easier to perceive than good. Good is often overlooked. Ultimately good testilies of Christ. Ellsworth tells of his lirst experience with reading the Book of Mormon—his prayer of faith in response to Moroni’s promise, and the quiet power that permeated his soul in answer.

ID = [80833]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1985-08-04  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Neser, Arlin P. “A Witness from the Holy Ghost.” Ensign, July 1984.
ID = [46737]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1984-07-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 14272  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:09
Jensen, Robin Scott. “A Witness in England: Martin Harris and the Strangite Mission.” BYU Studies 44, no. 3 (2005): 78-98.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

Throughout his long life, Martin Harris consistently testified that he knew Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon from golden plates. At first affiliated with Joseph Smith and the main body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for a time Harris associated with a schism led by James J. Strang. He served a mission in England in 1846 for the Strangites, but he claimed to the end of his life that he never preached against Mormonism or against the Book of Mormon. Indeed, he was a powerful witness of the Book of Mormon during his mission.

Keywords: Harris; Martin; Strangite; Testimony
ID = [11452]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2005-01-03  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,byu-studies  Size: 31056  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Sorensen, Parry D. “A Witness of Divine Truth.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 99, no. 27 (8 July 1937): 426-28.
Display Abstract  

Martin Harris acted as Joseph’s scribe during the translation of the Book of Mormon. He became convinced of the authenticity of the translation upon showing a translation and copies of the original characters to two well-known experts. He was one of the Three Witnesses and never denied his testimony of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [81451]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1937-07-08  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:21
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Witness of the Book of Mormon.” Deseret News (19 August 1944): 14, 16.
Display Abstract  

Many say they would believe the Book of Mormon if the plates were on display. Smith explains that the Lord works by faith (2 Nephi 27:22-23). There are, however, the testimonies of the Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses who testify that the plates existed.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [80705]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1944-08-19  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Oaks, Dallin H. “The Witness: Martin Harris.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract  

One of Martin Harris’s greatest contributions to the Church, for which he should be honored for all time, was his financing the publication of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [18584]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1999-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 15689  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:55
Unattributed. Witnesses. Independence, MO: Herald House, 195?.
Display Abstract  

An RLDS tract that presents the testimonies of the Book of Mormon witnesses.

ID = [78791]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1950-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Wipper, Frank F. Witnesses. Fresno, CA: Frank F. Wipper, 1952.
Display Abstract  

A series of mimeographed circulars devoted to promoting the Book of Mormon, but opposing the Latter-day Saint “Mormons” and RLDS churches and their doctrines.

ID = [78792]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1952-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
McConkie, Oscar W. “Witnesses Divinely Called.” Deseret News Church Section (13 January 1934): 3-5, 8.
Display Abstract  

Witnesses of the truth are a very important part of God’s plan. The Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon were respected men who approached the Lord in humble prayer in daylight and open air. Eight other witnesses added their testimonies. The chief human witness was the translator, Joseph Smith.

ID = [80834]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1934-01-13  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:48
Unattributed. Witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1975.
Display Abstract  

A tract addressed to those who do not belong to the LDS church dealing with the biblical law of witnesses, the Three Witnesses and Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Includes the statements of the witnesses.

ID = [78793]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1975-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
BYU Religious Education. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon D&C 5 and 17.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Guy Dorius, Mary Jane Woodger, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39618]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-12  Collections:  bom,d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 1: Oliver Cowdery, Witness.” The Interpreter Foundation website. April 23, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; Joseph Smith; Oliver Cowdery; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8487]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-04-23  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 7847  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 2: Martin Harris, Witness.” The Interpreter Foundation website. April 30, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; Joseph Smith; Martin Harris; three witnesses; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8479]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-04-30  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 8861  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 3: David Whitmer, Witness.” The Interpreter Foundation website. May 7, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; David Whitmer; Joseph Smith; three witnesses; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8475]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-05-07  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 13520  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 4: Joseph Smith: Man, Prophet—or Both?” The Interpreter Foundation website. May 14, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; Joseph Smith; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8468]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-05-14  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 7542  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 5: Blessings of Kirtland.” The Interpreter Foundation website. May 21, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; Joseph Smith; Kirtland; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8461]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-05-21  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 10515  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 6: Sidney Rigdon and the Witnesses.” The Interpreter Foundation website. May 28, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; Joseph Smith; Sidney Rigdon; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8454]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-05-28  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 15232  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
Interpreter Foundation. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights Episode 7: Did the Witnesses Ever Deny their Testimonies?” The Interpreter Foundation website. June 4, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church history; Joseph Smith; Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon; Witnesses movie
ID = [8446]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2022-06-04  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 8317  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:43
McConkie, Oscar W. “The Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 96, no. 7 (15 February 1934): 97-103.
Display Abstract  

The legal status of the testimony of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon is important. “Their witness stands unimpeached before the world” Despite apostasy, none ever denied his testimony; all were honorable, upstanding men.

ID = [81432]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1934-02-15  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:20
Velt, Harold Iven. “The Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.” Saints’ Herald 92 (14 July 1945): 646-48.
Display Abstract  

Declaring that it is ever God’s way to try the faith of “the chosen few” rather than to demonstrate his power to the whole of mankind who may scoff and scorn, this article examines the testimonies of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon and the subsequent events that prove the validity of these testimonies. The angel verified the correctness of the translation and the witnesses never denied this important testimony.

ID = [80706]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1945-07-14  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Hunter, Milton R. “Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.” Delivered at the Monday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1970.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article shares histories produced by Native Americans during the colonial period of America contain accounts similar to those in the Book of Mormon. The Works of Ixtlilxochitl appears to be a Lamanite history. Four other books that may correspond with the Book of Mormon are The Annals of the Cakchiquels, Title of the Lords of Totonicapan, the Popul Vuh, and Anales de los Xahil.

Keywords: Annals of the Cakchiquels; Native Americans; Title of the Lords of Totonicapan; Works of Ixtlilxochitl
ID = [26345]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1970-04-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,general-conference  Size: 8315  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Witnesses to the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1973.
Display Abstract  

A missionary tract containing the testimonies of Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Emma Smith, and Lucy Mack Smith as they concern the Book of Mormon.

ID = [78794]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1973-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
McKay, David O. “Witnesses to the Truth.” Improvement Era 54, no. 7 (1951): 493-494, 542.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article discusses the many witnesses to the truth of the restored gospel. The Three Witnesses saw the plates and bore witness of the validity of the Book of Mormon. The Holy Spirit also is a witness to the truth.

Keywords: Eight Witnesses, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Other Witnesses, Three Witnesses, Witnesses
ID = [77039]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1951-07-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Smith, John L. Witnessing Effectively to Mormons. Marlow, OK: Utah Missions, 1975.
Display Abstract  

An evangelical work for those attempting to win over Mormons. This is accomplished by pointing out “Protestant” doctrines within the Book of Mormon and doctrinal contradictions with the Bible, and through other means.

ID = [78795]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1975-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
McHale, Ellen E. “Witnessing for Christ: The Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra, New York.” Western Folklore 44 (January 1985): 34-40.
Display Abstract  

A non-Mormon describes her experience as a member of the cast of the Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra in 1983. She interprets the activities of the two weeks in an anthropological framework referring to the experience as a rite of passage for young Mormons throughout the country. She quotes testimonies of several participants.

ID = [80835]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1985-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Erekson, Keith A. “Witnessing the Book of Mormon: The Testimonies of Three, Eight, and Millions.” Paper presented at the 2017 FairMormon Conference. August, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: David; Eight Witnesses; Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846); Lucy Mack; Mary; Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon; Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon; Smith; Three Witnesses; Whitmer; Whitmer
ID = [32615]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2017-08-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,fair-conference  Size: 56036  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:48:50
Gardner, Brant A. “Witnessing to the New Witness.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 52 (2022): 191-204.
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Review of Robert A. Rees, A New Witness to the World (Salt Lake City: By Common Consent Press, 2020). 244 pages. $9.95 (paperback).
Abstract: Robert A. Rees has written about the Book of Mormon for over sixty years. In this book are collected sixteen essays that all focus on different aspects of the text of the Book of Mormon, and two that provide a personalized interaction. The topics range from the examination of the spiritual biographies of Nephi and Ammon to the issue of automatic writing as a possibility for the dictation of the Book of Mormon to an essay examining the Nephite 200-year peace.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; review; Robert Rees
ID = [12561]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 30061  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:12
Bybee, Ariel E. “A Woman’s World in Lehi’s Jerusalem.” In Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem, eds. John W. Welch, David Rolph Seely, and Jo Ann H. Seely, 131—48. Provo, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2004.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Customs, Culture, and Ritual
Old Testament Topics > History
Old Testament Topics > Women in the Old Testament
ID = [39689]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
Spencer, Joseph M. “Women and Nephite Men: Lessons from the Book of Alma.” In Give Ear to My Words, eds. Kerry Hull, Nicholas J. Frederick, and Hank R. Smith. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
RSC Topics > T — Z > Women
ID = [34079]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size: 38452  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:22
Morrill, Susanna. “Women and the Book of Mormon: The Creation and Negotiation of a Latter-day Saint Tradition.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 26 (2017).
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The following article by Susanna Morrill first appeared in Historicizing “Tradition” in the Study of Religion, ed. Steven Engler and Gregory Price Grieve (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2005), 127-44. We believe that it has, unfortunately, not received the attention it deserves for the light it sheds on the ways the Book of Mormon has been received by its readers. Morrill writes from the perspective that the Book of Mormon is a product of the nineteenth-century, but we feel that all stand to learn much from her analysis. We would like to express our gratitude to Professor Morrill, as well as to De Gruyter, for allowing us to reprint the essay. Similarly, she ruefully recounted her visit to Phoenix, a city originally settled and then given up by Mormon pioneers.

ID = [81892]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:46
Bowen, Donna Lee, and Camille Stilson Williams. “Women in the Book of Mormon.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, vol. 4. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
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Keywords: Scripture, Womenhood
ID = [75192]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,eom  Size: 10251  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:32
Williams, Camille Stilson. “Women in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 11 no. 1 (2002).
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Feminist readers, particularly, have argued that biblical writing is sexist because the majority of the text was written by men who seem to place little significance on the role of women. This observation has become a serious concern among some because it calls into question the nature of God: does this supposedly perfect being love men and women equally? This study delves into the text of the Book of Mormon and its female characters to suggest that women were not considered lower than men in Book of Mormon times; likewise, women are not considered lower than men in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today.

ID = [3088]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2002-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 109701  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:24
Derbridge, Gertrude. “The Women of the Book of Mormon.” The Young Woman’s Journal 8, no. 11 (1896): 80-82.
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Celebrates the noble women in the Book of Mormon, notably Sariah and the mothers of the stripling soldiers who fought under Helaman.

Keywords: Mothers of the Stripling Warriors, Sariah, Women
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [76042]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1896-11-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:17
Derbridge, Gertrude. “The Women of the Book of Mormon.” The Young Woman’s Journal 8, no. 11 (1896): 80-82.
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Celebrates the noble women in the Book of Mormon, notably Sariah and the mothers of the stripling soldiers who fought under Helaman.

Keywords: Mothers of the Stripling Warriors, Sariah, Women
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [76589]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1896-11-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:47
Derbidge, Gertrude. “The Women of the Book of Mormon.” Young Woman’s Journal 8 (November 1896): 80-82.
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Celebrates the noble women in the Book of Mormon, notably Sariah and the mothers of the stripling soldiers who fought under Helaman.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [80707]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1896-11-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Relief Society Magazine. “Women of the Book of Mormon.” Relief Society Magazine 5 (January 1918): 47-50.
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In the ancient world Hebrew women had more status than in other cultures. Their chastity was imperative under the Mosaic law. Book of Mormon women inherited this culture. Though only three women are named in the book, references to women, mothers, and daughters are numerous.

ID = [80836]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1918-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Bradley, Carol Pratt. “Women, the Book of Mormon, and the Law of Moses.” Studia Antiqua : The Journal of the Student Society for Ancient Studies 3, no. 2 (November, 2003): 125-171.
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The intent of this study is to provide a more complete understanding of the position and status of women in ancient Jewish law. This is intended to be a study of eternal principles, not of worldly practice, in an effort to show that the same eternal principles are at work now as in ancient times-to show that there is no inconsistency from one dispensation to another, but that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. [From the text]

Keywords: Book of Mormon, women; Doctrinal history, plural marriage; Doctrinal history, women; Law of Moses; Book of Mormon; Divorce; Doctrinal history, freedom and equality; Chastity and virtue
ID = [82051]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-11-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:54
Nutting, John Danforth. The Wonderful Story of the Wonderful Book. Cleveland, OH: Utah Gospel Mission, 1908.
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Evangelical extolling of the Bible. Has a section entitled, “Why We Should Not Believe That Any Other Book Is from God,” with some attention given to the three other Mormon standard works, which contain teachings that “are contrary to those of the real word”

ID = [78697]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1908-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Church News. “Wonders of the Past.” Church News 52 (19 June 1982): 16.
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Critics claim that Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon after reading the works of nineteenth-century explorers. However, the explorers wrote about ancient America after the Book of Mormon was published.

ID = [80837]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1982-06-19  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Bokovoy, David E. “The Word and the Seed: The Theological Use of Biblical Creation in Alma 32.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 23 (2014): 1-21.
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Alma 32 is a learned text on the topic of faith. The account incorporates creation imagery from the opening chapters of Genesis. Alma’s sermon follows a theological pattern in the Hebrew Bible where creation is used to encourage audiences to exercise faith in the present by considering the primordial past.Alma compares the “word of God” unto a seed, telling his audience that they are to be involved with “planting.” Thus, Alma’s sermon combines the two distinct creation views in the Genesis narratives, for God speaks the divine word in order to create in Genesis 1, and he plants seeds and trees to create his garden paradise in Genesis 2–3. By invoking the miracle of creation in the past into a present context of seed growth and recreation, Alma encourages his readers to fulfill the measure of their own creation by experimenting upon the divine word. Obtaining the type of faith Alma describes is therefore the very purpose of human existence, and it has been from the beginning.

Keywords: Alma the Younger; Creation; Faith; Imagery; Seed; Theology
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [3308]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2014-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 46946  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:37
Bankhead, Reid E., and Glenn L. Pearson. The Word and the Witness: The Unique Mission of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1970.
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Instructional aid to assist LDS missionaries in using the Book of Mormon. The majority of the work contains sample dialogues between a missionary and investigator.

ID = [78698]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1970-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Pearson, Glenn L., and Reid E. Bankhead. The Word and the Witness: The Unique Mission of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1970.
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An instructional aid that provides effective missionary techniques and gives directions on how to approach different types of people and controversial issues. It also provides a series of hypothetical door approaches that result in the contact reading the Book of Mormon with the missionary.

ID = [78699]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1970-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Hilton, John, III, and Jana Johnson. “The Word Baptize in the Book of Mormon.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 29 (2018): 65-80.
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Abstract: The word baptize appears 119 times in the Book of Mormon; three speakers (Jesus Christ, Mormon, and Nephi) account for 87% of all of these usages. Each of these individuals have distinctive patterns in how they use the word baptize, indicating that each speaker has his own unique voice. When one accounts for the fact that Christ says relatively fewer words than Mormon, it is evident that per 1,000 words spoken, Jesus Christ uses the word baptize more than any other speaker in the Book of Mormon. This finding holds true for Christ’s words both in and outside of 3 Nephi. Among other patterns, we demonstrate that Jesus Christ associates his name with baptism more than any other Book of Mormon speaker and that Christ is responsible for 58% of the Book of Mormon’s invitations to be baptized. Additional patterns and their implications are discussed.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [3624]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2018-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 36201  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:04
Tvedtnes, John A. “Word Groups in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6 no. 2 (1997).
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Word groupings, which tend to fall in certain categories, are an authentic means of expression in Hebrew poetry. Such groupings may reveal ties between the Book of Mormon and the biblical world.

ID = [2970]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1997-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 16449  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:16
Tvedtnes, John A., and Kevin L. Barney. “Word Groups in the Book of Mormon.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 211-218. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
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Keywords: Grammar; Hebraism
ID = [75688]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:57
Karpowitz, Dennis H. “The Word Is Powerful.” FARMS Review of Books 8, no. 2 (1996): 25-31.
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Review of The Power of the Word: Saving Doctrines from the Book of Mormon (1994), by Robert L. Millet

Keywords: Doctrine; Salvation
ID = [241]  Status = Type = review  Date = 1996-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-review  Size: 16281  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:35
Taylor, Leslie A. “The Word of God.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12, no. 1 (2003): 52-63, 116.
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The term word of God is used in rich and varied ways in the Book of Mormon. The word of God is of great worth and is clearly identified with Christ, or the Logos. The word of God is often portrayed as a two-edged sword, is associated with creation and power, provides both comfort and discomfort, is nourishing and enlightening, and plays a role in the last days. The fundamental characteristics of the word of God are constant throughout scripture.

Keywords: Imagery; Jesus Christ; Logos; Two-Edged Sword; Word of God
ID = [3112]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 45499  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:26
Hutchinson, Anthony A. “The Word of God is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture.” In New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology, edited by Metcalfe, Brent Lee, 1-19. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1993.
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“My thesis is simple. I will state it as directly as possible for the sake of understanding and discussion. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should confess in faith that the Book of Mormon is the word of God but also abandon claims that it is a historical record of the ancient peoples of the Americas. We should accept that it is a work of scripture inspired by God in the same way that the Bible is inspired, but one that has as its human author Joseph Smith, Jr.” [From Author]

Keywords: Book of Mormon, Bible and; Bible, Joseph Smith’s translation; Book of Mormon, use and influence; Book of Mormon, authorship; Book of Mormon, historicity
ID = [82117]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1993-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:58
Rich, Edward S. “The Word of God is Truth, a Discussion of the Scriptures.” N.p., 1967.
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The Book of Mormon confirms the biblical account, and Rich exhorts the reader to continuously study the infallible word of God. He cites prophecies concerning the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and discusses the words of ancient and modern prophets concerning the nature of God and Christ, the Savior’s role on earth and in the eternities, and latter-day events on earth.

ID = [78700]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1967-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Vogel, Dan, ed. The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
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A collection of essays, many of which were published previously in Dialogue, Sunstone, John Whitmer Historical Association Journal, Courage, under other titles.

ID = [78701]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 5  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14


Lindgren, A. Bruce. “Sign or Scripture: Approaches to the Book of Mormon.” In The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Vogel, Dan, 55-62. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
ID = [82126]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Thomas, Mark D. “Scholarship and the Book of Mormon.” In The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Vogel, Dan, 63-79. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
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Analysis of the use of the Book of Mormon in modern scholarship and how it is viewed from a historical stand point.

Keywords: Mormon Studies (academic discipline); Book of Mormon, textual criticism; Faith and scholarship
ID = [82129]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Curtis, Susan. “Early Nineteenth-Century America and the Book of Mormon.” In The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Vogel, Dan, 81-96. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
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How the Book of Mormon fit in the early years of the Church and important doctrine that was introduced with the publication the Book.

Keywords: Book of Mormon, anti-Masonry; General overviews, 19th century (articles or chapters); Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith’s translation of; Book of Mormon, authorship
ID = [82125]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Lancaster, James E. “The Translation of the Book of Mormon.” In The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Vogel, Dan, 97-112. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
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Essay on literary aspects of the translation of the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Smith, William; Cowdery, Oliver; Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith’s translation of
ID = [82128]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Smith, George D., Jr. “Isaiah Updated.” In The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Vogel, Dan, 113-30. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
ID = [82127]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1990-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:59
Duke, James T. “Word Pairs and Distinctive Combinations in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12, no. 2 (2003): 32-41, 112-113.
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The literary richness of the Book of Mormon is attested by the appearance of word pairs, in both parallel and conjoined pairs. On occasion, combinations of three, four, or even more words appear together more than once. Possible reasons for the scriptural use of word pairs include literary functions, echoes of the law of Moses, theological terms, universals (or merisms), repetition, and mnemonic function. Duke builds on previous studies of word pairs in the Book of Mormon by Kevin Barney and John Tvedtnes. The frequency of word pairs and other combinations of words witnesses to the Hebrew roots of the language of the book.

Keywords: Language - Hebrew; Law of Moses; Literary; Literature; Parallelism; Word Pairs
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [3124]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2003-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 52597  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:26
Dowding, Goff. “Word Portraits from Third Nephi, I.” Improvement Era 51, no. 9 (1948): 550.
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A series presenting narrative taken from 3 Nephi 1-28 with accompanying illustrations. Illustrations depict the events surrounding Christ’s birth, death, and visit on the American continent. The first part consists of scenes from chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9.

Keywords: 3 Nephi, Gadianton Robbers, Prophecy, Study Helps
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [77111]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1948-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Dowding, Goff. “Word Portraits from Third Nephi, II.” Improvement Era 51, no. 10 (1948): 614.
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A series presenting narrative taken from 3 Nephi 1-28 with accompanying illustrations. Illustrations depict the events surrounding Christ’s birth, death, and visit on the American continent. The second part consists of scenes from chapters 6–9.

Keywords: 3 Nephi, Destruction, Natural Disaster, Study Helps
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [77040]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1948-10-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Dowding, Goff. “Word Portraits from Third Nephi, III.” Improvement Era 51, no. 11 (1948): 678.
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A series presenting narrative taken from 3 Nephi 1-28 with accompanying illustrations. Illustrations depict the events surrounding Christ’s birth, death, and visit on the American continent. The third part consists of scenes from chapters 11, 15, and 16.

Keywords: 3 Nephi, Savior in America, Sermon at the Temple, Study Helps
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [77174]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1948-11-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Dowding, Goff. “Word Portraits from Third Nephi, IV.” Improvement Era 51, no. 12 (1948): 782.
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A series presenting narrative taken from 3 Nephi 1-28 with accompanying illustrations. Illustrations depict the events surrounding Christ’s birth, death, and visit on the American continent. The fourth part consists of scenes from chapters 17–19, 21, and 23.

Keywords: 3 Nephi, Nephite Disciples, Savior in America, Sermon at the Temple
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [76787]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1948-12-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:58
Dowding, Goff. “Word Portraits from Third Nephi, V.” Improvement Era 52, no. 1 (1949): 6.
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A series presenting narrative taken from 3 Nephi 1-28 with accompanying illustrations. Illustrations depict the events surrounding Christ’s birth, death, and visit on the American continent. he fifth part consists of scenes from chapters 23, 24, and 26–28.

Keywords: 3 Nephi, Nephite Disciples, Samuel the Lamanite, Savior in America, Sermon at the Temple, Three Nephites
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [76901]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1949-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:05
Bowen, Matthew L. “Wordplay on the Name ‘Enos’” Insights 26, no. 3 (2006).
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In his analysis of Mosiah 1:2–6 and 1 Nephi 1:1–4, John A. Tvedtnes notes that in many instances “Nephite writers relied on earlier records as they recorded their history.”1 He makes a convincing argument that the description of King Benjamin teaching his sons “in all the language of his fathers” (Mosiah 1:2) is modeled on Nephi’s account.

Keywords: Enos; history; Nephi; Book of Mormon; language
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [66815]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2006-01-03  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:51
Fields, Paul J., Atul Nepal, and Matthew P. Roper. “Wordprint Analysis and Joseph Smith’s Role as Editor of the Times and Seasons.” Insights 30, no. 6 (2010).
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One of the issues that swirls around discus- sions of Book of Mormon geography is the rightful place the editorials in the 1842 Times and Seasons must take. The story of the editorials begins with Joseph’s receipt of John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood’s Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chaipas, and Yucatan, published in 1841. In early 1842, the Times and Seasons published several enthu- siastic articles that drew attention to the discoveries of Stephens and Catherwood in Central America and compared them favorably with the Book of Mormon. Two of these articles were signed by the editor, while three other articles were unsigned. Historical sources indicate that the Prophet Joseph Smith served as editor of the paper for all of the issues published between March 1 through the October 15, 1842. During this time, however, apostles John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff assisted the Prophet in his work in the printing office. Since these articles were not specifically signed by Joseph Smith, some have questioned whether the Prophet wrote them himself, or if someone else wrote them, with or without his approval.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; geography; Joseph Smith; prophet
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [66964]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2010-01-06  Collections:  bom,farms-insights  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:58
Hilton, John L. “Wordprinting Isaiah and the Book of Mormon.” In Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W. Parry and John W. Welch, 439—43. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1998.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
Old Testament Topics > Book of Mormon and the Old Testament
ID = [67058]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1998-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,old-test  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/25/24 10:18:21
Hilton, John L. “Wordprints and the Book of Mormon.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Authorship; Stylometry; Translation; Wordprint
ID = [66507]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:39
Treat, Raymond C. “Wordprints: Further Evidence for Book of Mormon Authorship.” Zarahemla Record 22-23 (Fall 1983 and Winter 1984): 4-5, 15.
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Contains a brief review of Book of Mormon Authorship published by the Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center. The article contains a description of Manovia, Cluster Analysis, and Discriminant Analysis. These studies support the Book of Mormon claim that it was written by a number of ancient authors.

ID = [80838]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1983-10-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Fox, David, Roger R. Keller, Bruce W. Warren, John W. Welch, Paul Y. Hoskisson, Deloy Pack, and Robert F. Smith. “Words and Phrases.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research, ed. John W. Welch. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1992.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Language; Wordplay
ID = [66526]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:40
Welch, John W. “Words and Phrases in Jacob 5.” In The Allegory of the Olive Tree: The Olive, the Bible, and Jacob 5, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and John W. Welch, 174-184. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1994.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Allegory of the Olive Tree; Jacob (Son of Lehi); Prophet; Zenos (Prophet)
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [75488]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1994-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,welch  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:48
Allis-Pike, Jane. “Words from the Wise: Alma 36-39 through the Lens of Proverbs 1-9.” In Give Ear to My Words, eds. Kerry Hull, Nicholas J. Frederick, and Hank R. Smith. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [34080]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  bom,old-test,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size: 37455  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:22
Kerr, W. Rolfe. “The Words of Christ—Our Spiritual Liahona.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2004.
Display Abstract  

Let us in faith take the words of Christ into our minds and into our hearts.

ID = [19735]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2004-04-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 7166  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:16
Kerr, W. Rolfe. “The Words of Christ—Our Spiritual Liahona.” Ensign, May 2004.
ID = [56040]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2004-05-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 7100  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:53:50
Minkler, Ruth I. “Words of Mormon.” Saints’ Herald 91 (23 December 1944): 1473.
Display Abstract  

Mormon, the last historian of the Book of Mormon, inserted his commentary along with the small plates of Nephi after examining their content and finding them to be very valuable. They were put there for the special purpose of converting his people in the last days. They replaced the lost 116 pages.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [80839]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1944-12-23  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Ricks, Eldin. “The Words of Mormon.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, 1:149. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
Display Abstract  

Describes the date and purpose of the book entitled the Words of Mormon.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [80909]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1992-01-01  Collections:  bom,eom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:53
Hardy, Grant R. “Words of Mormon.” In The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, ed. Grant Hardy. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [37210]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:34:20
Swift, Hales. “The Words of Mormon in the Context of the Loss of the 116 Pages.” The Interpreter Foundation website. March 30, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [6460]  Status = Type = website article  Date = 2020-03-30  Collections:  bom,interpreter-website  Size: 6359  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:09:34
Arnold, Marilyn. “Words words words: Hugh Nibley on the Book of Mormon.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 19, no. 2 (2010): 4–21.
Display Abstract  

On 25 March 2010, in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium, Brigham Young University, Marilyn Arnold presented this lecture as part of a series honoring Hugh W. Nibley on the 100th anniversary of his birth (27 March 2010).
In this lecture commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of Hugh Nibley’s birth, Arnold paints a picture of him by discussing not only his scholarship but also his very unique, and often humorous, writing and speaking styles and his consistent jabs at academia. According to Arnold, who read everything Nibley had written on the Book of Mormon, Nibley was never more eloquent or serious than when he defended that book. Often, Arnold notes, his defenses and other writings are illuminated by literary devices, including the use of parable, epistle, and Platonic dialogue.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Hugh Nibley > Scholarship, Footnotes, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, CWHN, Editing > Book of Mormon
ID = [1649]  Status = Type = Journal Article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms,nibley  Size: 63476  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:02
Arnold, Marilyn. “‘Words, Words, Words’: Hugh Nibley on the Book of Mormon.” In Hugh Nibley Observed, edited by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Shirley S. Ricks, and Stephen T. Whitlock, Chapter 16, pp. 299-329. Orem, UT, and Salt Lake City: The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books, 2021.
Display Abstract  

On 25 March 2010, in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium, Brigham Young University, Marilyn Arnold presented this lecture as part of a series honoring Hugh W. Nibley on the 100th anniversary of his birth (27 March 2010).
In this lecture commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of Hugh Nibley’s birth, Arnold paints a picture of him by discussing not only his scholarship but also his very unique, and often humorous, writing and speaking styles and his consistent jabs at academia. According to Arnold, who read everything Nibley had written on the Book of Mormon, Nibley was never more eloquent or serious than when he defended that book. Often, Arnold notes, his defenses and other writings are illuminated by literary devices, including the use of parable, epistle, and Platonic dialogue.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Hugh Nibley > Scholarship, Footnotes, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, CWHN, Editing > Book of Mormon
ID = [1785]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:08
Jarrard, Jack E. “‘Word’ Rolls Out in Many Languages.” Church News 41 (27 February 1971): 5.
Display Abstract  

The Book of Mormon has been translated and printed in 24 different languages. It has also been translated but not printed into nine others.

ID = [78841]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1971-02-27  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘The Work among the Lamanites Must Not Be Postponed, If We Desire to Retain the Approval of God’” Improvement Era 53, no. 12 (1950): 980-982.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

This article is an exhortation to work more towards redeeming the “Lamanites.” Kimball encourages the saints to remember them in their prayers and do their utmost to preach to them. He includes a prophecy of Joseph Smith that the saints will go to the Rocky Mountains and there open the door for establishing the gospel among the Lamanites. Wilford Woodruff designated the Zuni, Laguna and Isletas Indians of Southwest New Mexico as Nephite people.

Keywords: Lamanites, Missionary Work, Native Americans, Native Americans – Zunis, Prophecy
ID = [77043]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1950-12-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Kimball, Spencer W. “‘The Work Among the Lamanites’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1950.
ID = [26769]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1950-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 17078  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:10
Reynolds, George. “The Work of the Lord in the Sandwich Islands and in New Zealand—The Inhabitants of These Islands Probably Offshoots of the Nephites and Lamanites, and Consequently of the Blood of Israel—The Gentile Nations Have Measurably Rejected the Gospel, Hence Their Disunion and Skepticism—We Can Only Be United on the Principle of Righteousness—In God is Our Only Trust—We Cannot Compromise With Evil—Our Mission is to Do Good—Causes of Opposition to the Gospel—Education Can Only Modify, But the Holy Ghost Changes the Nature of Man—The Principle of Revelation Distinguishes Us From the Rest of the World—The Path of Duty is the Path of Safety and Blessing.” In Journal of Discourses, Volume 26. 1886, 157–163.
Display Abstract  

Remarks by Elder George Reynolds, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, March 29, 1885. Reported By: John Irvine.

ID = [29633]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1885-03-29  Collections:  bom,jnl-disc  Size: 21548  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:28
Woodruff, Wilford. “The Work of the Saints in this Generation, Etc.” In Journal of Discourses, Volume 22. 1882, 232–236.
Display Abstract  

Remarks by President Wilford Woodruff, delivered at Bountiful, June 26, 1881. Reported By: Geo. F. Gibbs.

ID = [29465]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1881-06-12  Collections:  bom,jnl-disc,woodruff  Size: 13903  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:27
S., L. P. “The Work of This Dispensation.” The Rod of Iron 1 (May 1924): 17-19.
Display Abstract  

The mission of the Book of Mormon and the work of this dispensation is to save souls, to gather Israel, to teach the covenants of God, and to build Zion.

ID = [80708]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1924-05-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:41
Nibley, Hugh W. “Work We Must, But the Lunch Is Free.” Talk given on 20 April 1982 to the Cannon-Hinckley Club at the Lion House in Salt Lake City.
Display Abstract  

A condensed version of this talk was published under the same title in BYU Today, November 1982, 8–12. The full text was reprinted in Approaching Zion, The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 9. 202–51.
An address about whether we must work for all we have or whether it is a gift from God. In the address, he posits that we must work but that we haven’t earned anything; it is a gift from God.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Zion, Babylon > Wealth, Law of Consecration
ID = [1208]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1982-04-20  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:36
Nibley, Hugh W. “8: Work We Must, but the Lunch Is Free.” In Approaching Zion, Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, vol. 9. Salt Lake City/Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1989.
Display Abstract  

The full text of a talk under the same title.
An address about whether we must work for all we have or whether it is a gift from God. In the address, he posits that we must work but that we haven’t earned anything; it is a gift from God.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Zion, Babylon > Wealth, Law of Consecration
ID = [2112]  Status = Type = book chapter  Date = 1989-01-02  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:10:26
Anderson, Tory. “Working Hard, Working Together.” Ensign, February 2012.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [59574]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 2012-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 3479  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:54:14
Goff, Alan. “Working out Salvation History in the Book of Mormon Politeia with Fear and Trembling.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 42 (2021): 1-20.
Display Abstract  

Review of James E. Faulconer, Mosiah: A Brief Theological Introduction (Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2020). 135 pages. $9.95 (paperback).Abstract: The Maxwell Institute for the Study of Religion has released another book in its series The Book of Mormon: Brief Theological Introductions. This book by James E. Faulconer more than ably engages five core elements of the book of Mosiah, exploring their theological implications. Faulconer puzzles through confusing passages and elements: why is the book rearranged so that it isn’t in chronological order? What might King Benjamin mean when he refers to the nothingness of humans? And what might Abinadi mean when he declares that Christ is both the Father and the Son? The most interesting parts of the introduction to Mosiah are those chapters that sort through the discussion of politics as both Alma1 and Mosiah2 sort out divine preferences in constitutional arrangements as the Nephites pass through a political revolution that shifts from rule by kings to rule by judges. Faulconer asserts that no particular political structure is preferred by God; in the chapter about economic arrangements, Faulconer (as in his analysis of political constitutions) asserts that deity doesn’t endorse any particular economic relationship.
My kingdom is not of this world.
John 18:36
I believe in God, but I detest theocracy. For every Government consists of mere men and is, strictly viewed, a makeshift; if it adds to its commands “Thus saith the Lord,” it lies, and lies dangerously.
C.S. Lewis, “Is Progress Possible”
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8‒9
Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is
impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him;
wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God.
Jacob 4:8.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [3433]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 48589  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:48
Young, Stephen C. “Working Together.” Ensign, March 1996.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [52357]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1996-03-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 14417  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:51:08
Ensign. “Working Together in Family Councils.” Ensign February 1985.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [46973]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1985-02-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 11204  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:50:11
Tvedtnes, John A. “The Workmanship Thereof Was Exceedingly Fine.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by Welch, John W., and Melvin J. Thorne, 14-16. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Metallurgy; Sword of Laban; Weaponry
ID = [75643]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 1999-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size: 4576  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:54
Tvedtnes, John A. “‘The Workmanship Thereof Was Exceedingly Fine’” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6 no. 1 (1997).
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The War Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls describes magnificent swords, whose workmanship may parallel that of the sword of Laban. Israelite leaders may well have carried precious swords.

Keywords: Metallurgy; Sword of Laban; Weaponry
ID = [2949]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1997-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 5659  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:15
Berkey, Kimberly M. “Works of Darkness: Secret Combinations and Covenant Displacement in the Book of Mormon.” In Reading Nephi Reading Isaiah: 2 Nephi 26-27, edited by Spencer, Joseph M., and Webb, Jenny. Sheffield, UK: Salt Press, 2016.
ID = [81839]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2016-01-01  Collections:  bom,mi  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:43
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: The Native Races of the Pacific States. 5 vols. San Francisco, CA: A. L. Bancroft, 1883.
Display Abstract  

In a chapter entitled, “On the Origins of the Americans” (5:96-102), the author reviews the LDS (Book of Mormon) view regarding the inhabiting of the ancient Americas by the Jaredites, Nephites, and Mulekites.

ID = [78702]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1883-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Cheesman, Paul R. The World of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1978.
Display Abstract  

Discusses many subjects concerning external evidences of the Book of Mormon, including the relevance of the bearded white God to Jesus Christ, geography of the Book of Mormon, ancient ruins from Central and South America, ancient writing, stone boxes, the wheel, horses, and medicine. This work is reviewed in I.005.

ID = [78703]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1978-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Nibley, Hugh W. “The World of the Jaredites.” A series of articles in Improvement Era in 11 parts running from September 1951 through July 1952.
Display Abstract  

Reprinted as the second half of Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites (1952); and reprinted in Lehi in the Desert; The World of the Jaredites; There Were Jaredites. These articles were written in the form of expository letters to a fictitious “Professor F.”
A detailed reconstruction of the epic milieu and ancient historical setting in the third millennium B.C. in Mesopotamia and Asia relative to details about the Jaredites: their ships, shining stones, government, wars, society, and worldview.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [856]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bom,nibley  Size:   Children: 11  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15


Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 1.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 54, no. 9 (September 1951): 628–30, 673–75.
Display Abstract  

The Improvement Era was an official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between 1897 and 1970.
The epistolary form of this series of articles, is the style in which the writer most commonly expounds his views. Although “Professor F.” to whom these letters are addressed is a purely fictitious anthropologist in an eastern university, he is typical of many a real correspondent, and the letters themselves are no less typical. If “F.” seems unduly meek and teachable, that is because with the limited space at our disposal it would be folly to engage in long and needless controversies.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon
Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [857]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 27033  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 2.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 54, no. 11 (October 1951): 704–6, 752–55.
Display Abstract  

This talks about the teaching of the Lord after his resurrection.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [858]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 31187  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 3.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 54, no. 11 (November 1951): 786–87, 833–35.
Display Abstract  

This talked about how the dead received baptism.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [859]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 21323  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 4.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 54, no. 12 (December 1951) 862–63, 946–47.
Display Abstract  

The Improvement Era was an official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between 1897 and 1970.
Gives a historical parallel to the Big Wind to show that it such a thing was possible.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [860]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 21807  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 5.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 1 (January 1952): 22–24.
Display Abstract  

The Improvement Era was an official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between 1897 and 1970.
A study into the deseret, or honeybee.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [861]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 18113  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 6.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 2 (February 1952): 92–94, 98, 100, 102, 104–5.
Display Abstract  

The Improvement Era was an official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between 1897 and 1970.
Studies the Jaredite practice of “drawing off” followers to an army to builds its forces and bides its time to show that this was a normal practice at the time.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [862]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,nibley  Size: 33415  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:15
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 7.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 3 (March 1952): 162–65, 167–68.
Display Abstract  

The Improvement Era was an official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between 1897 and 1970.
Looks at ancient thrones and suggests that they all go back to the old Asiatic pattern.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [863]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 32552  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:16
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 8.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 4 (April 1952): 236–38, 258, 260–65.
Display Abstract  

The purpose of these articles is to (1) call attention to some of the long-ignored aspects of the Joseph Smith account of Enoch in the book of Moses and in the Inspired Version of Genesis and (2) provide at the same time some of the evidence that establishes the authenticity of that remarkable text. Contemporary learning offered few checks to the imagination of Joseph Smith; the enthusiasm of his followers presented none.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [864]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 44024  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:16
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 9.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 5 (May 1952): 316–18, 340, 342, 344, 346.
Display Abstract  

Addresses the dangers of oversimplifying the scriptures and attempts to look at the Book of Mormon without such oversimplification.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [865]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,nibley  Size: 36579  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:16
Nibley, Hugh W. “Part 10.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 6 (June 1952): 398–99, 462–64.
Display Abstract  

This exciting and penetrating comparison of the Joseph Smith book of Enoch, with four known variant manuscripts of that ancient work, provides yet another evidence of the Prophet’s inspiration and the scope of his vision in the great work of the Restoration.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [866]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,nibley  Size: 24414  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:16
Nibley, Hugh W. “Conclusion.” In The World of the Jaredites series, Improvement Era 55, no. 7 (July 1952): 510, 550.
Display Abstract  

A conclusion to the World of the Jaredites series.

Topics:    Hugh W. Nibley Topics > Book of Mormon > Peoples > Jaredites
ID = [867]  Status = Type = church article  Date = 1951-09-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,nibley  Size: 9995  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:09:16
Kirkham, Francis W. “The World’s New Scripture.” The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 99, no. 43 (28 October 1937): 690-92.
Display Abstract  

When the Book of Mormon was published, a local newspaper called it “The greatest piece of superstition that has come to our attention” Orson Pratt observed that the book was either true or “one of the most cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laid impositions ever palmed off upon the world” By 1937, the book was translated into sixteen languages and selling 50,000 copies a year. This should be adequate evidence of the divine nature of the book.

ID = [81456]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1937-10-28  Collections:  bom,millennial-star  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:21
Ferguson, Thomas Stuart. “The World’s Strangest Book—The Book of Mormon.” n.p., 195?.
Display Abstract  

A thirteen-page paper defending the Book of Mormon from an archaeological viewpoint.

ID = [78704]  Status = Type = manuscript  Date = 1950-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:14
Taylor, John H. “The Worship of God, the Sacredness of the Sabbath, Etc.” In Journal of Discourses, Volume 22. 1882, 226–231.
Display Abstract  

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered at Bountiful, Sunday, A. M., June 26, 1881. Reported By: Geo. F. Gibbs.

ID = [29464]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1881-06-26  Collections:  bom,jnl-disc  Size: 18473  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:27
Sorenson, John L. “Worth Repeating: ‘The Book of Mormon as a Mesoamerican Record’” Insights 27, no. 5 (2007).
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The Nephite account is a record that resembles in form, nature, and functions—in scores of characteristics, in fact—what we would expect in an ancient Mesoamerican codex, a type of document that was utterly unknown to Joseph Smith.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Joseph Smith; American culture; political history
ID = [66869]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2007-01-05  Collections:  bom,farms-insights,sorenson  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:01:53
Benson, Ezra Taft. “Worthy Fathers, Worthy Sons.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1985.
ID = [15655]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 1985-10-01  Collections:  bom,general-conference  Size: 8457  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Benson, Ezra Taft. “Worthy Fathers, Worthy Sons.” Ensign, November 1985.
ID = [47340]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1985-11-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 8382  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:52:06
Millet, Robert L. “Worthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past: The Book of Mormon, Historicity, & Faith.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 18 no. 2 (2009).
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A well-defined trend over the past two hundred years in secular biblical scholarship has been to sunder spiritual from historical, relegating events such as miracles and the resurrection to the category of “sacred stories.” This trend has also crept into some circles of LDS Book of Mormon scholarship, with adherents claiming an “expansionist” view of the Book of Mormon. They contend that the core of the text is historical but that so-called anachronisms in the text—references to the fall, atonement, resurrection, or new birth prior to the time of Christ—are due to Joseph Smith’s own interpolations. Because Book of Mormon writers and Joseph Smith himself clearly state that the text is entirely historical, this logically leaves expansionist advocates in the precarious position of claiming either that Joseph did not know the truth or that he lied. In contrast to this view, certain well-defined truths such as the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, the reality of the First Vision, and the atonement and resurrection of Christ must stand as the foundation of the LDS faith.

ID = [3241]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 31136  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:34
Nibley, Hugh W. “Worthy of Another Look: Classics from the Past: The Book of Mormon: A Minimal Statement.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 19, no. 1 (2010): 78-80.
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This short article was originally published in the journal Concilium: An International Review of Theology and as such is addressed to a non-LDS audience. Nibley begins by giving a brief historical and theological background to the Book of Mormon. He then makes the point that the Book of Mormon includes topics that leave it open to scholars in many different disciplines to study and to put on trial. Finally, he comments on the remarkable coherence with which the prophetic editors were able to compile the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Book of Mormon; Coherence; History; Theology
ID = [3249]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms,nibley  Size: 12385  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:34
Skousen, Royal. “Worthy of Another Look: John Gilbert’s 1892 Account of the 1830 Printing of the Book of Mormon.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 21, no. 2 (2012): 58-72.
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In 1892, when John Gilbert was 90 years old, he made a statement about the process of setting the type for the Book of Mormon at the Grandin Print Shop. John was the compositor (or typesetter) for the 1830 edition of the book. He makes claims about the number of manuscript pages, the number of copies and the price, the number of ems (a measure of type width) per printed page, a comparison of manuscript versus printed pages, a description of the font, the process of receiving the pages to typeset, proofreading the title page, the decision not to correct grammatical errors, scribes for the printer’s manuscript, paragraphing and punctuation, capitalization in the manuscript, Gilbert’s taking work home to punctuate, and details about the signatures. In every aspect, Gilbert’s recollections are either precisely correct or easily explained.

Keywords: 1830 Book of Mormon; Early Church History; Gilbert; Grammar; John; NY; Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon; Palmyra; Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon; Structure
ID = [3283]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 42268  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:36
Welch, John W. “Worthy of Another Look: Reusages of the Words of Christ.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 22 no. 1 (2013).
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Jesus quoted key phrases, often in inverted order, from the Sermon on the Mount (3 Nephi 12-14) in subsequent Book of Mormon chapters (3 Nephi 15-28), thus demonstrating that the sermon was accepted as an authoritative text establishing and defning Jesus’s kingdom on earth. Although rarely considered in this light, Peter, James, Paul, and the gospel writers quoted from all parts of the Sermon on the Mount, similarly substantiating the authoritative functions of the sermon as a foundational text in early Chrsitiantiy. Literary analysis supports the ideas that these quotations were intentional, that an awareness of the sermon was widespread in the earliest decades of Christinaity, and that audiences to which Jesus and his apostles spoke were fmailiar with teachings and commandments found in the SErmon on the Mount.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [3291]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms,welch  Size: 36223  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:36
Parry, Donald W., and Stephen D. Ricks. “Worthy of Another Look: The Great Isaiah Scroll and the Book of Mormon.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 20 no. 2 (2011).
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Numerous differences exist between the Isaiah passages in the Book of Mormon and the corresponding passages in the King James Version of the Bible. The Great Isaiah Scroll supports several of these differences found in the Book of Mormon. Five parallel passages in the Isaiah scroll, the Book of Mormon, and the King James Version of the Bible are compared to illustrate the Book of Mormon’s agreement with the Isaiah scroll.

Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [3270]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-jbms  Size: 7287  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:35
Oaks, Dallin H. “Worthy of Another Look: The Historicity of the Book of Mormon.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 21, no. 2 (2012): 66-72.
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In recent years the idea has been promoted that the Book of Mormon should be viewed as a great moral work but not as the actual history of peoples in the Americas. In this paper, Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles defends the historicity of the Book of Mormon from the standpoint of faith and revelation. He demonstrates that scholarship cannot create faith and that secular evidence will never be able to prove or disprove the Book of Mormon. He also illustrates how the burden of negative proof lies squarely on the shoulders of skeptics, how God values the witness of revelation more than the witness of man, and how historians’ methodologies are unable to sufficiently account for the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Ancient America; Book of Mormon; Evidence; Historicity; Methodology; Negative Proof; Revelation
ID = [3277]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2012-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-jbms  Size: 29380  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:11:36
Blumell, Bruce D. “Would you respond to the theories that the Book of Mormon is based on the Spaulding manuscript or on Ethan Smith’s View of the Hebrews?” Ensign, September 1976.
ID = [43347]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1976-09-01  Collections:  bom,ensign  Size: 15119  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:49:45
Wipper, Frank F. Wounded in the House of Its Intimates. Kansas City, KS: Vanity, 1960?.
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Distinguishes between the post-Book of Mormon teachings of the LDS/RLDS churches and the Book of Mormon itself.

ID = [78796]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1960-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:15
Morris, Bonnie. A Wounding Truth: A Message of Love for RLDS Seekers of Truth. Issaquah, WA: Saints Alive, 1982.
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An polemical tract designed to lead individuals away from the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants.

ID = [77474]  Status = Type = book  Date = 1982-01-01  Collections:  bom,d-c  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:06
Jones, Helen Hinckley. “A Writer Looks at the Book of Mormon.” Improvement Era 63, no. 11 (1960): 798-801, 834, 836.
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This article is a testimony of the Book of Mormon from the point of view of a successful and professional writer, Helen Hinckley Jones. In order to write an excellent book, it takes tremendous research, painstaking effort to build distinct characters, a complex form, a unique style of writing, and an appropriate theme, followed by laborious retracing, redoing, and revising. Joseph Smith had neither the talent nor the time to author the Book of Mormon. Jones concludes that Joseph Smith “was reading the Book of Mormon, not writing it.”

Keywords: Book of Mormon Authorship, Book of Mormon Translation, Literary Criticism, Textual Criticism
ID = [76873]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1960-11-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:11:03
Kirkham, Francis W. “The Writing of the Book of Mormon.” Improvement Era 44, no. 6 (1941): 341-343, 370-375.
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This article is an examination of the people and dates involved in translating the Book of Mormon. Very little of the translation occurred between the time Martin Harris lost the 116 pages of the Book of Lehi and Oliver Cowdery began serving as scribe on April 7, 1829. The author also provides information regarding the hand-written manuscripts of the Book of Mormon.

Keywords: Book of Lehi, Book of Mormon Translation, Cowdery, Oliver, Harris, Martin, Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846), Lost 116 Pages, Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, Rigdon, Sidney, Three Witnesses
ID = [77095]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1941-06-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Scales, Laura Thiemann. “‘The Writing of the Fruit of Thy Loins’: Reading, Writing, and Prophecy in The Book of Mormon.” In Americanist Approaches to the Book of Mormon, edited by Elizabeth Fenton, and Jared Hickman. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
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“The Book of Mormon is the story of how ancient Israelites established a civilization in the Americas, but it is also the story of the book itself : how the records were acquired, composed, labored over, protected, lost, abridged, preserved for a thousand years, and finally buried so that the plates could, as prophesied, be discovered by Joseph Smith centuries later. The prominence of the reader and writer is not just an incidental feature of this scripture, but is essential to the Mormon understanding of the relationship between human and divine. This essay identifies three key narrative features of The Book of Mormon : the centrality of readers and witnesses to the creation of scripture, the primacy of the act of writing in revelation and prophecy, and the mediation that allows a single person to inhabit multiple narrative categories. Biblical prophets, especially “writing prophets” like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, share some features with the prophets of The Book of Mormon , such as first-​person narration and dialogue with God. Yet there is little biblical precedent for The Book of Mormon’s intense focus on its own textuality and its own narrative practices or for the ways in which prophets transcend their passive, anointed roles and become authors of scripture in their own right. Its insistent textuality does, however, link The Book of Mormon to other scriptural and prophetic forms that arose in the antebellum United States. While the Mormon prophets vary in their literary style, narrative techniques, and personal presence, the centrality of reading, writing, and the system of scripture-​craft is persistent.” [Author]

Keywords: Book of Mormon, textual development; Book of Mormon, literary context; Book of Mormon
ID = [82103]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:15:57
Zobell, Albert L., Jr. “Writing Paper for the Book of Mormon Manuscript.” Improvement Era 72, no. 2 (1969): 54-55.
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This article recounts the contributions of R. Joseph Knight, Sr. to Joseph Smith, Jr. during the translation of the Book of Mormon. Mr. Knight’s aid was instrumental in the process by providing food and the paper that the translation was written on.

Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation, Knight, Joseph, Sr., Smith, Joseph, Jr.
ID = [77121]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1969-02-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,improvement-era  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:03
Sorenson, John L. “Writing Systems Among the Book of Mormon Peoples.” New Era 7, no. 11 (1977): 48-50.
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A popular-level discussion of how Mesoamerican writing systems worked and points of similarity to what the Book of Mormon says about Nephite writing.

Keywords: Ancient America, Mesoamerica, Recordkeeping, Writing System
ID = [76632]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1977-11-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,sorenson  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:10:49
Sorenson, John L. “Writing Systems Among the Book of Mormon Peoples.” New Era 7 (November 1977): 48-50.
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A popular-level discussion of how Mesoamerican writing systems worked and points of similarity to what the Book of Mormon says about Nephite writing.

ID = [80840]  Status = Type = magazine article  Date = 1977-11-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Szink, Terrence L. “Writing the Things of God.” In Living the Book of Mormon: Abiding by Its Precepts, eds. Gaye Strathearn and Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
ID = [35808]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-books,rsc-sperry  Size: 23462  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:05
Bradley, Don. “Written by the Finger of God?: Claims and Controversies of Book of Mormon Translation.” Sunstone 161 (December 2010): 20-29.
ID = [77232]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2010-12-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:58:04
Shannon, Avram R. “‘Written in the Books of Moses’: Mosaic Authorship and Authority in the Book of Mormon.” Paper presented at the 2023 Fair Conference. August, 2023.
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Dr. Shannon speaks about evidence of Mosaic authorship in the Book of Mormon.

ID = [82552]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2023-08-01  Collections:  bom,fair-conference  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:16:22
Church News. “Written Testimony Invites Spirit.” Church News 58 (2 January 1988): 5.
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Personalized copies of the Book of Mormon have been effective missionary tools.

ID = [80841]  Status = Type = newspaper article  Date = 1988-01-02  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49
Gillum, Gary P. “Written to the Lamanites: Understanding the Book of Mormon through Native Culture and Religion.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 6 (2013): 31-48.
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Abstract: Latter-day Saints have always been encouraged to seek the truth wherever it can be found. With the Book of Mormon being written especially to the Lamanites, we can assume that the more we know about Lamanite and Native American culture, the more we can understand, appreciate and gain insights as we read that inspired scripture. In this article the writer has compared examples from Native American culture and history to what we read in the Book of Mormon and experience as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most importantly, as we read through the eyes of a Native American, we can appreciate the divinity and authenticity of the Book of Mormon, since Joseph Smith could not have known Native American culture and history in the way it is described herein.
Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites—Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile—.

ID = [4343]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  bom,interpreter-journal  Size: 31494  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:25
Rappleye, Neal. “‘Written Upon Gold Plates’ Comparing Witness Descriptions with Artifacts from the Pre-Modern World.” Paper presented at the 2023 FAIR Defending the Book of Mormon Conference. September 22-23, 2023.
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The eyewitness testimony makes it virtually indisputable that Joseph Smith had a real set of metal plates, a fact that even skeptical scholars have accepted. Likewise, the practice of writing on metal plates in antiquity is well-known, as thousands of ancient metal documents have been discovered. But some still raise questions about whether the Book of Mormon plates are consistent with known ancient examples, and hypothesize that Joseph made a fake set of plates to fool his followers. To address this issue, I compare the descriptions of the plates given by the witnesses (both official and unofficial) who saw and/or handled the plates for themselves with authentic metal plates and other artifacts from the ancient and medieval worlds. Features such as their appearance, how they were bound and sealed, the size of both individual plates and the bound set, and the characters said to be on the plates can be directly compared with real-world examples of pre-modern inscriptions, metal plates, and other metallic artifacts. While there is no single artifact that directly compares with the Book of Mormon plates, every detail has precedent and is within the scope of practices and capabilities of pre-modern peoples. In contrast, it would have been difficult for someone unskilled in metallurgy (such as Joseph Smith) to create a fake set of plates consistent with the specifications provided by the witnesses. As such, it seems likely that the witnesses were describing a real, tangible, ancient artifact that they saw and handled. This comparative study of the metal plates with known ancient artifacts also helps us deepen our appreciation for the expensive and labor-intensive process that real ancient people endured to create the plates and then painstakingly engrave their record for our benefit today.

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [81867]  Status = Type = talk,website article  Date = 2023-09-22  Collections:  bom,fair-conference  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/25/24 10:20:32
Chadwick, Jeffrey R. “The Wrong Place for Lehi’s Trail and the Valley of Lemuel.” The FARMS Review 17, no. 2 (2005): 197-215.
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Review of George Potter and Richard Wellington. Lehi in the Wilderness.

Keywords: Ancient Near East; Arabia; Archaeology; Lehi (Prophet); Valley of Lemuel
ID = [515]  Status = Type = review  Date = 2005-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,farms-review  Size: 44709  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:08:51
Gee, John. “The Wrong Type of Book.” In Echoes and Evidences of the Book of Mormon, edited by Parry, Donald W., Daniel C. Peterson, and John W. Welch, 307-329. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2002.
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Keywords: Book of Mormon Authorship; Manuscript Found; Native Americans; Smith; Ethan; Spaulding; Solomon; View of the Hebrews
ID = [75597]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2002-01-01  Collections:  bom,farms-books  Size: 35779  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:09:52
Unattributed. “Wunderliche heilige: Joseph Smith und die Goldene Bible.” Die Gartenlaube (1869): 89-91.
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Tells of the call of Joseph Smith as a prophet, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and a brief summary of the contents of the Book of Mormon.

ID = [80842]  Status = Type = journal article  Date = 1869-01-01  Collections:  bom  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:14:49

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