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Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy/Blog FAIR Blog/Article
Goaslind, Jack H., Jr. “‘Yagottawanna’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1991.
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ID = [16683] Status = Type = talk Date = 1991-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10609 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:35
Halverson, Ronald T. “‘Ye Also Shall Bear Witness’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1998.
Display Abstract
There are many on the earth who desire a witness of truth and earnestly seek the peace and joy promised by the Savior.
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ID = [18514] Status = Type = talk Date = 1998-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 6102 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:54
Sill, Sterling W. “‘Ye Are Gods’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1965.
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ID = [27720] Status = Type = talk Date = 1965-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 17766 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Caussé, Gérald. “Ye Are No More Strangers.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2013.
Display Abstract
In this Church there are no strangers and no outcasts. There are only brothers and sisters.
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ID = [21997] Status = Type = talk Date = 2013-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9627 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:54
Packer, Boyd K. “‘Ye Are the Temple of God’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2000.
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Your body really is the instrument of your mind and the foundation of your character.
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ID = [18973] Status = Type = talk Date = 2000-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12960 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:02
Lindsay, Richard P. “‘Ye Have Done It unto Me’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1990.
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ID = [16398] Status = Type = talk Date = 1990-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9338 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Young, S. Dilworth. “‘Ye Have Heard My Voice’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1963.
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ID = [27554] Status = Type = talk Date = 1963-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 2761 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Kimball, Spencer W. “Ye May Know the Truth.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1944.
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ID = [26424] Status = Type = talk Date = 1944-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 14341 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:08
McMullin, Keith B. “‘Ye May Know’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1996.
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ID = [17860] Status = Type = talk Date = 1996-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10375 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Bednar, David A. “Ye Must Be Born Again.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2007.
Display Abstract
Through faith in Christ, we can be spiritually prepared and cleansed from sin, immersed in and saturated with His gospel, and purified and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise.
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ID = [20413] Status = Type = talk Date = 2007-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12223 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:28
Mutombo, Thierry K. “Ye Shall Be Free.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2021.
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Elder Mutombo teaches that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and that He can guide us in dark and troubling times.
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ID = [23362] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8127 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Hales, Janette C. “‘Ye Shall Feast upon This Fruit’” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1995.
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ID = [17703] Status = Type = talk Date = 1995-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8292 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:37
Tanner, N. Eldon. “‘Ye Shall Know the Truth’” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1978.
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ID = [13923] Status = Type = talk Date = 1978-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 16993 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Dyer, Alvin R. “Ye Shall Not Fear.” Delivered at the Tuesday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1971.
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ID = [13144] Status = Type = talk Date = 1971-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 7622 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Moyle, Henry D. “‘Ye Shall Not Fear’” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1962.
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ID = [27525] Status = Type = talk Date = 1962-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 3843 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:15
Perry, L. Tom. “A Year of Jubilee.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1999.
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ID = [18743] Status = Type = talk Date = 1999-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12131 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:58
Ashton, Marvin J. “A Yearning for Home.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1992.
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ID = [17020] Status = Type = talk Date = 1992-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12599 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “A Yearning for Home.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2017.
Display Abstract
Turn your soul toward the light. Begin your own wonderful journey home. As you do so, your life will be better, happier, and more purposeful.
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ID = [25768] Status = Type = talk Date = 2017-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12309 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Kimball, Spencer W. “The Years That the Locust Hath Eaten.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1970.
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ID = [26367] Status = Type = talk Date = 1970-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 13568 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:07
Monson, Thomas S. “Yellow Canaries with Gray on Their Wings.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1973.
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ID = [13303] Status = Type = talk Date = 1973-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 2750 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Gavarret, Eduardo. “Yes, Lord, I Will Follow Thee.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2014.
Display Abstract
The Lord invites us using various verbs: “Come unto me,” “Follow me,” “Walk with me.” In each case it is an invitation to act.
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ID = [22202] Status = Type = talk Date = 2014-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8584 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Soares, Ulisses. “Yes, We Can and Will Win!” Delivered at the General Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2015.
Display Abstract
Ulisses Soares testifies that if we will stay true to our testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel, we will win our battles against evil.
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ID = [22357] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9374 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Maxwell, Neal A. “‘Yet Thou Art There’” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1987.
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ID = [15901] Status = Type = talk Date = 1987-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 14174 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Marriott, Neill F. “Yielding Our Hearts to God.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2015.
Display Abstract
When we open ourselves to the Spirit, we learn God’s way and feel His will.
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ID = [22441] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 609 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Johnson, Kenneth. “Yielding to the Enticings of the Holy Spirit.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2002.
Display Abstract
Stirrings within us originate from a divine source and, when followed, will help to keep us on course, thus protecting us from harmful influences and dangerous detours.
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ID = [19434] Status = Type = talk Date = 2002-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10025 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:11
Hinckley, Gordon B. “You Are a Child of God.” Delivered at the Special Satellite Broadcast for Children of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2003.
Display Abstract
Primary has grown until it is a part of the Church all across the world. Today there are almost a million of you children in Primary.
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ID = [19585] Status = Type = talk Date = 2003-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 5774 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:13
Faust, James E. “You Are All Heaven Sent.” Delivered at the General Relief Society Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2002.
Display Abstract
Your role as sisters is special and unique in the Lord’s work. You are the nurturers and the caregivers.
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ID = [19459] Status = Type = talk Date = 2002-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 17357 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:11
Haight, David B. “You Are Different.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1973.
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ID = [13340] Status = Type = talk Date = 1973-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11384 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “‘You Are My Hands’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2010.
Display Abstract
As disciples of Jesus Christ, our Master, we are called to support and heal rather than condemn.
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ID = [21183] Status = Type = talk Date = 2010-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11311 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:41
Hales, Janette C. “You Are Not Alone.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1992.
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ID = [16972] Status = Type = talk Date = 1992-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 4841 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Eyring, Henry B. “You Are Not Alone in the Work.” Delivered at the General Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2015.
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As you move from one priesthood service to another, you will see the Lord is in the work with you.
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ID = [22486] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11324 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Cowley, Matthew. “You Are the Leaven.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1952.
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ID = [26879] Status = Type = talk Date = 1952-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9192 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:11
Vandenberg, John H. “You Are Your Greatest Treasure.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1976.
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ID = [13559] Status = Type = talk Date = 1976-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10493 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Ballard, M. Russell. “You Can Be the Voice.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1980.
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ID = [14448] Status = Type = talk Date = 1980-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 7412 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:30
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “You Can Do It Now!” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2013.
Display Abstract
As long as we are willing to rise up again and continue on the path, … we can learn something from failure and become better and happier.
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ID = [22003] Status = Type = talk Date = 2013-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10316 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Corbitt, Ahmad S. “You Can Gather Israel!” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2021.
Display Abstract
Brother Corbitt teaches that the youth of the Church can help gather Israel as they understand their true identity and unique power.
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ID = [23365] Status = Type = talk Date = 2021-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 450 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Ashton, Marvin J. “You Can Get There from Here.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1971.
Display Abstract
Marvin J. Ashton - The field is white, ready for harvest. The lost want to know how to get back. They want to be shown they can get there from where they are. Let us not give up. Let us not tire. Let us not weary.
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ID = [13181] Status = Type = talk Date = 1971-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11009 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Sorensen, David E. “You Can’t Pet a Rattlesnake.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
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Pornography, though billed by Satan as entertainment, is a deeply poisonous, deceptive snake that lies coiled up in magazines, the Internet, and the television.
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ID = [19057] Status = Type = talk Date = 2001-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9037 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:04
Beck, Julie B. “You Have a Noble Birthright.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract
You can learn more about your life and mission on earth by preparing to receive and then studying your patriarchal blessing.
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ID = [20253] Status = Type = talk Date = 2006-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9391 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:25
Ballard, M. Russell. “‘You Have Nothing to Fear from the Journey’” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1997.
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No matter how difficult the trail … we can take comfort in knowing that others before us have borne life’s most grievous trials and tragedies by looking to heaven.
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ID = [18149] Status = Type = talk Date = 1997-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12380 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:47
Andersen, Neil L. “You Know Enough.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2008.
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ID = [20781] Status = Type = talk Date = 2008-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 7183 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:34
Monson, Thomas S. “You Make a Difference.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1988.
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ID = [15994] Status = Type = talk Date = 1988-04-01 Collections: bom,general-conference Size: 10816 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:34
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “You Matter to Him.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2011.
Display Abstract
The Lord uses a scale very different from the world’s to weigh the worth of a soul.
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ID = [21493] Status = Type = talk Date = 2011-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 4095 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:45
Jager, Jacob de. “You Never Know Who You May Save.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1976.
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ID = [13624] Status = Type = talk Date = 1976-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 7603 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Rector, Hartman, Jr. “You Shall Receive the Spirit.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1973.
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ID = [13361] Status = Type = talk Date = 1973-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12868 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26
Hanks, Marion D. “You, Too, Must Know.” Delivered at the Friday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1975.
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ID = [13507] Status = Type = talk Date = 1975-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10539 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Brough, Monte J. “Young Men—Holders of Keys.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2003.
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We need young men to stand up in their calling, knowing of their ordained right to act in the office to which they are appointed.
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ID = [19630] Status = Type = talk Date = 2003-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 7554 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:14
Young, S. Dilworth. “Young People Away from Home.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1961.
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ID = [27421] Status = Type = talk Date = 1961-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10405 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:14
Dunn, Paul H. “Young People—Learn Wisdom in Thy Youth.” Delivered at the Tuesday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1971.
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ID = [13150] Status = Type = talk Date = 1971-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 967 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:25
Oscarson, Bonnie L. “Young Women in the Work.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2018.
Display Abstract
Every young woman in the Church should feel valued, have opportunities to serve, and feel that she has something of worth to contribute to this work.
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ID = [23026] Status = Type = talk Date = 2018-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 5616 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:07
Kapp, Ardeth Greene. “Young Women Striving Together.” Delivered at the General Women’s Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1984.
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [15513] Status = Type = talk Date = 1984-10-01 Collections: bom,general-conference Size: 9567 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Haight, David B. “Young Women—Real Guardians.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1977.
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ID = [13860] Status = Type = talk Date = 1977-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12894 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:29
Larsen, Sharon G. “Young Women—Titles of Liberty.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1998.
Display Abstract
You don’t have to be Captain Moroni to make a difference. Our Father in Heaven needs you to be who you are, in your family. He planned it that way.
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [18424] Status = Type = talk Date = 1998-04-01 Collections: bom,general-conference Size: 5831 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:52
Larsen, Sharon G. “Your Celestial Guide.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2001.
Display Abstract
When you pray often and seek to know the Lord’s will like Nephi did, the Lord will show you the way.
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ID = [19111] Status = Type = talk Date = 2001-04-01 Collections: bom,general-conference Size: 9449 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:05
Monson, Thomas S. “Your Celestial Journey.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract
There will come those teaching times to each of you when you will witness the love of your mother, the strength of your father, and the inspiration of God.
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ID = [18657] Status = Type = talk Date = 1999-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 557 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:56
Renlund, Dale G. “Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny.” Delivered at the Women’s Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2022.
Display Abstract
Elder Renlund uses the Young Women theme to teach about our divine nature and eternal destiny.
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ID = [23448] Status = Type = talk Date = 2022-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10000 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:09
Monson, Thomas S. “Your Eternal Home.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
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In a very real sense, we are builders of eternal houses. We are apprentices to the trade—not skilled craftsmen. We need divine help if we are to build successfully.
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ID = [18841] Status = Type = talk Date = 2000-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 4264 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:00
Monson, Thomas S. “Your Eternal Voyage.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
Display Abstract
Let us consider our callings, let us reflect on our responsibilities, let us determine our duty, and let us follow Jesus Christ our Lord.
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ID = [18835] Status = Type = talk Date = 2000-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12538 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:59
Stevenson, Gary E. “Your Four Minutes.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2014.
Display Abstract
The unique burdens in each of our lives help us to rely upon the merits, mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah.
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ID = [22140] Status = Type = talk Date = 2014-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9132 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:05
Romney, Marion G. “Your Gift from God.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1976.
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ID = [13630] Status = Type = talk Date = 1976-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12872 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “Your Great Adventure.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2019.
Display Abstract
The Savior invites us, each day, to set aside our comforts and securities and join Him on the journey of discipleship.
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ID = [23267] Status = Type = talk Date = 2019-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11675 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Hinckley, Gordon B. “Your Greatest Challenge, Mother.” Delivered at the General Relief Society Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2000.
Display Abstract
I know of no better answer to [the] foul practices that confront our young people than the teachings of a mother, given in love with an unmistakable warning.
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ID = [19006] Status = Type = talk Date = 2000-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 16271 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:03
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “Your Happily Ever After.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2010.
Display Abstract
Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own “happily ever after.”
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ID = [21235] Status = Type = talk Date = 2010-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 13749 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:41
Dibb, Ann M. “Your Holy Places.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2013.
Display Abstract
Whether [your holy places] are geographic or moments in time, they are equally sacred and have incredible strengthening power.
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Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [21937] Status = Type = talk Date = 2013-04-01 Collections: bom,general-conference Size: 9091 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:53
Monson, Thomas S. “Your Jericho Road.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1977.
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ID = [13770] Status = Type = talk Date = 1977-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 6751 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:28
Larsen, Sharon G. “Your Light in the Wilderness.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract
Keep your eyes riveted on your goal … and walk in the straight and narrow path of the Son—the Son of God.
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ID = [18646] Status = Type = talk Date = 1999-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8239 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:56
Faust, James E. “Your Light—a Standard to All Nations.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract
I see the light shining in your faces. That light comes from the Lord, and as you radiate that light, it will bless you and many others.
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ID = [20259] Status = Type = talk Date = 2006-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 12353 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:25
Tuttle, A. Theodore. “Your Mission Preparation.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1974.
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ID = [13439] Status = Type = talk Date = 1974-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9808 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:27
Evans, David F. “Your Mission Will Change Everything.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2006.
Display Abstract
Come and be part of the greatest generation of missionaries the world has ever known.
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ID = [20182] Status = Type = talk Date = 2006-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8021 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:24
Kofford, Cree-L. “Your Name Is Safe in Our Home.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1999.
Display Abstract
There are those among us who would recoil in horror at the thought of stealing another person’s money or property but who don’t give a second thought to stealing another person’s good name or reputation.
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ID = [18637] Status = Type = talk Date = 1999-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 5469 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:56
Bennett, Randall K. “Your Next Step.” Delivered at the General Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2015.
Display Abstract
Your loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, invite you to take your next step toward Them. Don’t wait. Take it now.
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ID = [22479] Status = Type = talk Date = 2015-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 7440 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:06
Abrea, Angel. “Your Own Personal Testimony.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2000.
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The Holy Ghost has the power to bring light and understanding to our lives, but we must pay the price to seek and win His companionship.
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ID = [18828] Status = Type = talk Date = 2000-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9831 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:59
Monson, Thomas S. “Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light.” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1986.
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ID = [15801] Status = Type = talk Date = 1986-10-01 Collections: bom,general-conference Size: 10013 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:33
Bennett, Randall K. “Your Patriarchal Blessing—Inspired Direction from Heavenly Father.” Delivered at the Saturday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2023.
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My patriarchal blessing helped me understand my true eternal identity—who I really was and who I could become.
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ID = [67413] Status = Type = talk Date = 2023-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 6376 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 11:02:20
Pinnock, Hugh W. “Your Personal Checklist for a Successful Eternal Flight.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1993.
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ID = [17277] Status = Type = talk Date = 1993-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 9492 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:36
Monson, Thomas S. “Your Personal Influence.” Delivered at the Saturday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2004.
Display Abstract
As we follow that Man of Galilee—even the Lord Jesus Christ—our personal influence will be felt for good wherever we are, whatever our callings.
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ID = [19712] Status = Type = talk Date = 2004-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 2103 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:16
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “Your Potential, Your Privilege.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2011.
Display Abstract
As you read the scriptures and listen to the words of the prophets with all your heart and mind, the Lord will tell you how to live up to your priesthood privileges.
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ID = [25804] Status = Type = talk Date = 2011-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11990 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Stevenson, Gary E. “Your Priesthood Playbook.” Delivered at the General Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2019.
Display Abstract
Create your own playbook of how you will prove yourself as a disciple of Christ.
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ID = [23224] Status = Type = talk Date = 2019-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 2848 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:08
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Your Priesthood Responsibilities.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1966.
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ID = [27801] Status = Type = talk Date = 1966-10-01 Collections: general-conference,smith-joseph-fielding Size: 6447 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:17
Beck, David L. “Your Sacred Duty to Minister.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2013.
Display Abstract
You received the power, the authority, and the sacred duty to minister the moment you were ordained to the priesthood.
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ID = [21883] Status = Type = talk Date = 2013-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8643 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:23:52
Hales, Robert D. “Your Sorrow Shall Be Turned to Joy.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1983.
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ID = [15285] Status = Type = talk Date = 1983-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11147 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Uchtdorf, Dieter F. “Your Wonderful Journey Home.” Delivered at the General Young Women Meeting of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 2013.
Display Abstract
As you joyfully use the map your loving Father has provided for your journey, it will lead you to holy places and you will rise to your supernal potential.
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ID = [25748] Status = Type = talk Date = 2013-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 15560 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:13:16
Stapley, Delbert L. “Youth and Morality.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1956.
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ID = [27168] Status = Type = talk Date = 1956-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 15025 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:13
Perry, L. Tom. “Youth of the Noble Birthright.” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1998.
Display Abstract
The only lasting joy and happiness you will ever find during your mortal experience will come by following the Savior.
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ID = [18508] Status = Type = talk Date = 1998-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 11647 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:22:54
Kapp, Ardeth Greene. “‘Youth of the Noble Birthright’” Delivered at the Sunday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1984.
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ID = [15405] Status = Type = talk Date = 1984-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 1841 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:32
Simpson, Robert L. “Youth of Zion, Stand Up, and be Counted!” Delivered at the Sunday Morning Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 1963.
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ID = [27596] Status = Type = talk Date = 1963-10-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 8632 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Packer, Boyd K. “Youth’s Obligation to Parents.” Delivered at the Monday Afternoon Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1965.
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ID = [27688] Status = Type = talk Date = 1965-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10204 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:41:16
Backman, Robert L. “Youth’s Opportunity to Serve.” Delivered at the Priesthood Session of the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1973.
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ID = [13314] Status = Type = talk Date = 1973-04-01 Collections: general-conference Size: 10582 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:14:26