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BYU Religious Studies Center
Videos and Podcasts

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History of the Religious Studies Center

BYU Religious Education. “BYU Religious Studies Center 40th Anniversary.” BYU Religious Studies Center website. Jun 12, 2015.
ID = [39057]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2015-06-12  Collections:  rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35

Y Religion Podcast

Hilton, John, III. “Episode 1: The Atoning Crucifixion.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, February 2020.
ID = [39056]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-02-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Gardner, Barbara Morgan. “Episode 2: Women and Priesthood.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, February 2020.
ID = [39055]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-02-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Manscill, Craig K. “Episode 3: Dreams as Revelation.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, March 2020.
ID = [39054]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-03-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Harper, Steven C. “Episode 4: Remembering the First Vision.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, March 2020.
ID = [39053]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-03-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Easton-Flake, Amy. “Episode 5: Women Expounding Scripture.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, April 2020.
ID = [39052]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-04-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Huntsman, Eric D. “Episode 6: Becoming Beloved Disciples.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, April 2020.
ID = [39051]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-04-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Dyer, W. Justin. “Episode 7: Youth Suicidality and the Church.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, May 2020.
ID = [39050]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-05-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Ostler, Craig James. “Episode 8: The Spirit of Sacred Sites.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, May 2020.
ID = [39049]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-05-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Esplin, Scott C. “Episode 9: Healing at Carthage Jail.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, June 2020.
ID = [39048]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-06-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Alford, Kenneth L. “Episode 10: Saints at War.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, June 2020.
ID = [39047]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-06-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Griffin, Tyler J. “Episode 11: The Gospels in Glass.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, July 2020.
ID = [39046]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-07-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Ellison, Mark D. “Episode 12: Atonement Models & Alma 42.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, July 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39045]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-07-01  Collections:  bom,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Hedges, Andrew H. “Episode 13: Wildlife & The Word of Wisdom.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, August 2020.
ID = [39044]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-08-01  Collections:  d-c,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Bennett, Richard E. “Episode 14: The Development of Temple Worship.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, August 2020.
ID = [39043]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-08-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Woodger, Mary Jane. “Episode 15: The Moses of Czechoslovakia.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, September 2020.
ID = [39042]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-09-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Episode 16: Harmonizing the First Vision Accounts.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, September 2020.
ID = [39041]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-09-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Baugh, Alexander L. “Episode 17: The Missouri ‘Danites’” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, October 2020.
ID = [39040]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-10-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Sainsbury, Derek R. “Episode 18: Joseph Smith for President.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, October 2020.
ID = [39039]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-10-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Spencer, Joseph M. “Episode 19: Book of Mormon Theology.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, November 2020.
ID = [39038]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-11-01  Collections:  bom,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Blumell, Lincoln H. “Episode 20: The Greek Texts of the New Testament.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, November 2020.
ID = [39037]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-11-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Reed, Andrew C. “Episode 21: The Influence of Rose Marie Reid.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, December 2020.
ID = [39036]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-12-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Frederick, Nicholas J. “Episode 22: The Life of Paul.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, December 2020.
ID = [39035]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2020-12-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Sweat, Anthony. “Episode 23: Repicturing the Restoration.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, January 2021.
ID = [39034]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Jensen, R. Devan, and Michael A. Goodman. “Episode 24: Joseph Smith’s Growing Understanding of the Eternal Family.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, January 2021.
ID = [39033]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Becerra, Daniel. “Episode 25: Surprised by Christ.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, February 2021.
ID = [39032]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-02-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Watkins, Jordan T. “Episode 26: The Eternal in the Temporal.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, February 2021.
ID = [39031]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-02-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Korth, Byran B. “Episode 27: Teaching Children to Believe in Christ.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, March 2021.
ID = [39030]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-03-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Charles, Carter. “Episode 28: God’s Voice to His Daughters in Doctrine and Covenants 25.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, March 2021.
ID = [39029]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-03-01  Collections:  d-c,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Smith, Hank R. “Episode 29: Living the Parables of Jesus.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, April 2021.
ID = [39028]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-04-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Martin, Jan J. “Episode 30: Theology of the King James Language.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, April 2021.
ID = [39027]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-04-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
MacKay, Michael Hubbard. “Episode 31: The Chamber of Father Whitmer.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, May 2021.
ID = [39026]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-05-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Swift, Charles. “Episode 32: The Liminal Experience of the Brother of Jared.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, May 2021.
ID = [39025]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-05-01  Collections:  bom,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Grey, Matthew J. “Episode 33: Mosaics of Faith.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, June 2021.
ID = [39024]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-06-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Belnap, Daniel L. “Episode 34: The Root of Gadianton’s Dissent.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, June 2021.
ID = [39023]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-06-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Sears, Joshua M. “Episode 35: Study Bibles for Saints.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, July 2021.
ID = [39022]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-07-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Hopkin, Shon D. “Episode 36: My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, July 2021.
ID = [39021]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-07-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Combs, Jason Robert. “Episode 37: The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus Christ.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, August 2021.
ID = [39020]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-08-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Strathearn, Gaye. “Episode 38: Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, August 2021.
ID = [39019]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-08-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Ogletree, Mark D. “Episode 39: The Life and Ministry of President Nelson.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, September 2021.
ID = [39018]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-09-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Dirkmaat, Gerrit J. “Episode 40: When the Saints Fled America.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, September 2021.
ID = [39017]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-09-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Haws, JB. “Episode 41: The Perception of the Church in the Press.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, October 2021.
ID = [39016]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-10-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Judd, Daniel K. “Episode 42: God’s Grace and Mental Health.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, October 2021.
ID = [39015]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-10-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Shannon, Avram R. “Episode 43: Rabbinic Literature and the New Testament.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, November 2021.
ID = [39014]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-11-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Griffiths, Casey Paul. “Episode 44: Fifty Relics of the Restoration.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, November 2021.
ID = [39013]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-11-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Sharp, Ryan H. “Episode 45: Remembering Samuel the Lamanite.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, December 2021.
ID = [39012]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-12-01  Collections:  bom,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Wilcox, Bradley R. “Episode 46: Answers About Patriarchal Blessings.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, December 2021.
ID = [39011]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2021-12-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Easton-Flake, Amy, and Mark D. Ellison. “Episode 47: Expanding Understanding of Eve.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, January 2022.
ID = [39010]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Erickson, Jenet Jacob. “Episode 48: The Complementary Nature of Mothers and Fathers.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, January 2022.
ID = [39009]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Ludlow, Jared W. “Episode 49: Understanding Joseph Smith’s Bible Translation.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, February 2022.
ID = [39008]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-02-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Chadwick, Jeffrey R. “Episode 50: Dating Jesus Christ’s Birth and Death.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, February 2022.
ID = [39007]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-02-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Alford, Kenneth L. “Episode 51: The Church in Washington D.C.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, March 2022.
ID = [39006]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-03-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Episode 52: Living the Abrahamic Covenant.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, March 2022.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Covenant [see also Ephraim, Israel, Jews, Joseph]
ID = [39005]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-03-01  Collections:  old-test,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Pike, Dana M. “Episode 53: A Strength to the Poor.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, April 2022.
ID = [39004]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-04-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Martin, Jan J. “Episode 54: Confronting Prejudice with Samuel the Lamanite.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, April 2022.
ID = [39003]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-04-01  Collections:  bom,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Harper, Steven C. “Episode 55: The Best of BYU Studies.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, May 2022.
ID = [39002]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-05-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Wilson, Keith J. “Episode 56: Community of Christ and the First Vision.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, May 2022.
ID = [39001]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-05-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Spencer, Joseph M. “Episode 57: Hugh Nibley’s Contribution to Book of Mormon Studies.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, June 2022.
ID = [39000]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-06-01  Collections:  bom,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
Grey, Matthew J. “Episode 58: The Gethsemane Grotto.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, June 2022.
ID = [38999]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-06-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Esplin, Scott C. “Episode 59: The Value of Historic Sites.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, July 2022.
ID = [38998]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-07-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Hilton, John, III. “Episode 60: Considering the Cross.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, July 2022.
ID = [38997]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-07-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Pierce, Krystal V. L. “Episode 61: Refugee Treatment under the Mosaic Law.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, August 2022.
ID = [38996]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-08-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
MacKay, Michael Hubbard. “Episode 62: The Incommensurability of Translation.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, August 2022.
ID = [38995]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-08-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Pierce, George A. “Episode 63: The Experience of Israelite Refugees.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, September 2022.
ID = [38994]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-09-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Charles, Carter. “Episode 64: Theodore Roosevelt’s Defense of the Saints.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, September 2022.
ID = [38993]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-09-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Haws, JB. “Episode 65: Revisiting Murder Among the Mormons.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, October 2022.
ID = [38992]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-10-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Gardner, Barbara Morgan. “Episode 66: D&C 84 and the Priesthood Power of Women.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, October 2022.
ID = [38991]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-10-01  Collections:  d-c,y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Watkins, Jordan T. “Episode 67: Slavery and Sacred Texts.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, November 2022.
ID = [38990]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-11-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Whitchurch, David M. “Episode 68: Orson Hyde and the Church in Jerusalem.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, November 2022.
ID = [38989]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-11-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Smith, Robert T. “Episode 69: Religious Liberty and the Law.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, December 2022.
ID = [38988]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-12-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Combs, Jason Robert. “Episode 70: A Modern Perspective on Ancient Christians.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, December 2022.
ID = [38987]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2022-12-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02
Griffiths, Casey Paul. “Episode 71: Joseph Merrill, Truth Seeker.” Y Religion Podcast, BYU Religious Studies Center, January 2023.
ID = [38986]  Status = Type = podcast  Date = 2023-01-01  Collections:  y-rel  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:36:02

Roundtable: Doctrine and Covenants/Church History

BYU Religious Education. “Understanding Latter-day Saint Doctrine and History.” 2020.
ID = [39076]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The First Vision.” Roundtable Discussion with Alexander Baugh, Steven Harper, Scott Esplin, Casey Griffiths, 2020.
ID = [39077]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Translation of the Book of Mormon.” Roundtable Discussion with Andrew Hedges, Gerrit Dirkmaat, Jordan Watkins, J.B. Haws, 2020.
ID = [39078]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.” Roundtable Discussion with Alexander Baugh, Gerrit Dirkmaat, 2020.
ID = [39079]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood.” Roundtable Discussion with Gerrit Dirkmaat, Michael MacKay, 2020.
ID = [39080]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Organizing the Church of Christ.” Roundtable Discussion with Michael MacKay, Andrew Hedges, Steven Harper, 2020.
ID = [39081]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “What is a Revelation?: The History of the Doctrine and Covenants.” Roundtable Discussion with Carter Charles, Anthony Sweat, Barbara Morgan Gardner, Scott Esplin, Casey Griffiths, 2020.
ID = [39082]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Joseph Smith Translation: ‘A Branch of My Calling’” Roundtable Discussion with Anthony Sweat, J.B. Haws, Casey Griffiths, 2020.
ID = [39083]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video,smith-joseph-jr  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Abraham: A Valuable Discovery.” Roundtable Discussion with Alexander Baugh, Kerry Muhlestein, Andrew Hedges, Andrew Reed, 2020.
ID = [39084]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  abraham,d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Zion: A People, a Place, a State of Heart.” Roundtable Discussion with Alexander Baugh, 2020.
ID = [39085]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Law of Consecration.” Roundtable Discussion with Scott Esplin, Matthew Godfrey, Mark Ashurst-McGee, Gerrit Dirkmaat, 2020.
ID = [39086]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Gathering of Israel: A Glorious Duty.” Roundtable Discussion with Jeffrey Chadwick, 2020.
ID = [39087]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Doctrines of Exaltation: Doctrine and Covenants, Sections 76, 84, 88, 93, 137.” Roundtable Discussion with Steven Harper, Jordan Watkins, Carter Charles, 2020.
ID = [39088]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The School of the Prophets.” Roundtable Discussion with Scott Esplin, Jordan Watkins, Casey Griffiths, Alex Baugh, 2020.
ID = [39089]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Word of Wisdom.” Roundtable Discussion with Andrew Hedges, Anthony Sweat, Gerrit Dirkmaat, Craig Manscill, 2020.
ID = [39090]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Kirtland Temple and Endowment of Power.” Roundtable Discussion with Steven Harper, Richard Bennett, Alex Baugh, Gerrit Dirkmaat, 2020.
ID = [39091]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  d-c,rsc-dc-history,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35

Roundtable: Book of Mormon (2020)

BYU Religious Education. “The Title Page and Purposes of the Book of Mormon.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Shon Hopkin, George Pierce, Joseph Spencer, Brad Farnsworth, 2020.
ID = [39058]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: ‘The Most Correct of Any Book’” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Tyler Griffin, Nick Frederick, Joseph Spencer, 2020.
ID = [39059]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Modern Translation and Editions.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dan Belnap, Mike MacKay, Nick Frederick, Keith Wilson, 2020.
ID = [39060]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Ancient Sources and Organization.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dan Belnap, Kerry Muhlestein, Frank Judd, Dana Pike, 2020.
ID = [39061]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Studying 1 Nephi 1-18 Through a Narratological Perspective.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Jared Ludlow, Amy Easton-Flake, Joseph Spencer, Tyler Griffin, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39062]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: The Doctrine of the Fall in 2 Nephi 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Jan Martin, Dan Judd, Dan Belnap, Jason Combs, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39063]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Atonement 1, Introduction to the Atonement in the Small Plates of Nephi.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Avram Shannon, Andrew Skinner, Jan Martin, Eric Huntsman, 2020.
ID = [39064]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Jacob’s Sermon in 2 Nephi 6–10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dana Pike, Tyler Griffin, Keith Wilson, John Hilton III, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [39065]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Isaiah Texts in The Book of Mormon.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dan Belnap, Terry Ball, Josh Sears, Joseph Spencer, 2020.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39066]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,old-test,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: The Doctrine of Christ.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kerry Muhlestein, George Pierce, Brad Wilcox, Brad Farnsworth, 2020.
ID = [39067]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Doctrine of Scattering and Gathering in The Book of Mormon.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Joseph Spencer, Gaye Strathearn, Kerry Muhlestein, 2020.
ID = [39068]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Jacob’s Teachings in Jacob 4-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Keith Wilson, Shon Hopkin, Dana Pike, Kerry Muhlestein, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [39069]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: King Benjamin’s Speech in Mosiah 2-5.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Andrew Skinner, Nick Fredrick, Avram Shannon, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39070]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Abinadi’s Sermon in Mosiah 11–16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Jared Ludlow, Nick Fredrick, Jan Martin, Joshua Sears, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39071]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Christ’s Atonement II: Mosiah, Alma, and Moroni.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Tyler Griffin, Brad Wilcox, Shon Hopkin, Brad Farnsworth, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [39072]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Alma’s Teaching in Zarahemla and Gideon in Alma 5-7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dana Pike, Avram Shannon, Shon Hopkin, Daniel Beccerra, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39073]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Book of Mormon: Christ’s First Day Ministry in 3 Nephi 11–18.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brad Wilcox, John Hilton III, Joshua sears Keith Wilson, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39074]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Mormon: Christ’s Second Day Ministry in 3 Nephi 19–26.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Joshua Sears, Tyler Griffin, Hank Smith, 2020.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39075]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2020-01-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2020,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35

Roundtable: The Old Testament

BYU Religious Education. “The Old Testament: An Introduction and Overview.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Ray Huntington, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
ID = [39447]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-03  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Creation: Gen. 1.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Ray Huntington, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
ID = [39448]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-04  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Fall; The Patriarchs: Gen. 4-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, Clyde Williams, 2006.
ID = [39450]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Noah; Abraham and the Covenant: Gen. 9-16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, Clyde Williams, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Covenant [see also Ephraim, Israel, Jews, Joseph]
ID = [39451]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Abraham: A Man of Faith and Righteousness: Gen. 17-22.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, Clyde Williams, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Abraham and Sarah [see also Covenant]
ID = [39452]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-09  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Birthright: Gen. 23-30.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, Clyde Williams, 2006.
ID = [39453]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-09  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Jacob and His Family: Gen. 29-37.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Michael Rhodes, Clyde Williams, 2006.
ID = [39454]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-10  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Joseph: Gen. 37-50.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Michael Rhodes, Clyde Williams, 2006.
ID = [39455]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-10  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Death of Jacob; Moses: Gen. 49 - Ex. 10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Michael Rhodes, Clyde Williams, 2006.
ID = [39456]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-16  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Lessons in the Wilderness--Part 1: Num. 1-7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Dana Pike, 2006.
ID = [39457]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-23  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Lessons in the Wilderness--Part 2: Num. 8-21.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Dana Pike, 2006.
ID = [39458]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-23  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Lessons in the Wilderness--Part 3: Num. 21-36.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Dana Pike, 2006.
ID = [39459]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-24  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Final Sermons of Moses--Part 1: Deut. 1-10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Dana Pike, 2006.
ID = [39460]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-24  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Final Sermons of Moses--Part 2: Deut. 11-34.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Dana Pike, 2006.
ID = [39461]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-25  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Entry Into The Promised Land: Josh. 1-24.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Todd Parker, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
ID = [39462]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-25  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Judges--Part 1: Judg. 1-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Todd Parker, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
ID = [39463]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-27  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Judges--Part 2: Judg. 13-Ruth 4.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Todd Parker, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Judges
Old Testament Scriptures > Ruth
ID = [39464]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-27  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Samuel and Saul: 1 Sam. 1-15.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Keith Wilson, Ray Huntington, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
ID = [39465]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-30  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Saul and David: 1 Sam. 16-31.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Keith Wilson, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39466]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-30  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Fall of King David: 1 Sam. 18-2 Sam. 5.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Keith Wilson, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39467]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-31  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “David’s Kingship and Decline: 2 Sam. 6-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Kelly Ogden, Eric Huntsman, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
ID = [39468]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-31  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Price of Sin--Tragedy in the House of David.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Kelly Ogden, Eric Huntsman, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
ID = [39469]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Solomon: 1 Kgs. 1-11.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Kelly Ogden, Eric Huntsman, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles
ID = [39470]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Passover and the Exodus: Ex. 11-18.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Clyde Williams, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
ID = [39471]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-16  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Ten Commandments: Ex. 20.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Paul Hoskisson, Kent Brown, Richard Draper, 2006.
ID = [39472]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-17  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Law of Moses: Ex. 21-24 31-35.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Paul Hoskisson, Kent Brown, Richard Draper, 2006.
ID = [39473]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-17  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The House of the Lord in the Wilderness: Ex. 25-30 35-40.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Paul Hoskisson, Kent Brown, Richard Draper, 2006.
ID = [39474]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-18  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Leviticus: Lev. 1-27.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Paul Hoskisson, Kent Brown, Richard Draper, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Leviticus
ID = [39475]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-01-18  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Psalms--Part 1.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Kelly Ogden, Eric Huntsman, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [39476]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Psalms--Part 2: Messianic Psalms.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Kelly Ogden, Eric Huntsman, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [39477]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Proverbs and Ecclesiastes: Prov. 1-Eccl. 12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Richard Draper, Eric Huntsman, Ray Huntington, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [39478]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-07  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Job: Job 1-42.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Richard Draper, Eric Huntsman, Ray Huntington, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Job
ID = [39479]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-07  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Kingdom Divided Against Itself: 1 Kgs. 12-16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Richard Draper, Eric Huntsman, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39480]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-10  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Ministry of Elijah: 1 Kgs. 17-22.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Richard Draper, Eric Huntsman, Ray Huntington, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Elijah
ID = [39481]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-10  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Ministry of Elisha: 2 Kgs. 1-4.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dana Pike, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Thomas Wayment, 2006.
ID = [39482]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-13  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Ministry of Elisha: 2 Kgs. 4-9.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dana Pike, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Thomas Wayment, 2006.
ID = [39483]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-13  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Amos: Amos 1-9.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dana Pike, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Thomas Wayment, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39484]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-14  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Jonah: Jonah 1-4.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Dana Pike, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Thomas Wayment, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39485]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-14  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Hosea: Hosea 1-14.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Keith Wilson, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39486]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-15  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Books of Micah and Joel: Micah 1-7 Joel 1-3.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Keith Wilson, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39487]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-15  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 1: Isa. 1-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Keith Wilson, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39488]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-17  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 2: Isa. 7-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, Terry Szink, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39489]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-20  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 3: Isa. 13-23.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, Terry Szink, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39490]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-20  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 4: Isa. 24-35.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, Terry Szink, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39491]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-21  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 5: Isa. 36-44.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, Terry Szink, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39492]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-21  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 6: Isa. 45-52.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Clyde Williams, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39493]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-22  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Great Are The Words of Isaiah--Part 7: Isa. 52-62.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Clyde Williams, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [39494]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-22  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Judah’s Return to Wickedness.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Clyde Williams, Michael Rhodes, 2006.
ID = [39495]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-27  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Books of Nahum, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39496]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-27  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Jeremiah--Part 1: Jer. 1-17.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [39497]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-28  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Jeremiah--Part 2: Jer. 18-29.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [39498]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-28  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Jeremiah--Part 3: Jer. 29-42.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [39499]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Ezekiel--Part 1: Ezek. 1-11.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Richard Draper, 2006.
ID = [39500]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Ezekiel--Part 2: Ezek. 12-33.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Richard Draper, 2006.
ID = [39501]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Ezekiel--Part 3: Ezek. 33-48.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Richard Draper, 2006.
ID = [39502]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Daniel: Dan. 1-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Richard Draper, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Daniel
ID = [39503]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-07  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Return of Exiles: Ezra 1-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Eric Huntsman, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Ezra/Nehemiah
ID = [39504]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-07  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Haggai: Hag. 1-2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Eric Huntsman, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39505]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-08  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Visions of Zechariah: Zech. 1-8.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Eric Huntsman, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39506]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-08  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prophet Zechariah: Zech. 9-14.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Eric Huntsman, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, David Whitchurch, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39507]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-14  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Esther: Esth. 1-10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Esther
ID = [39508]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-23  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Malachi: Mal. 1-4.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [39509]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-24  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Fall of N. Kingdom and Preservation of S. Kingdom.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Keith Wilson, 2006.
ID = [39510]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-02-17  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Renewing The Covenant: Mal. 4 Ezra 7-10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Ezra/Nehemiah
ID = [39511]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-17  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Book of Nehemiah: Neh. 1-13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
Topics:    Old Testament Scriptures > Ezra/Nehemiah
ID = [39512]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-20  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Between the Testaments.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, Kent Brown, Dana Pike, Gaye Strathearn, 2006.
ID = [39513]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-03-20  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-ot,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36

Roundtable: Insights into Isaiah

BYU Religious Education. “The Man, The Mission, The Message.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Robert Millet, Ann Madsen, Victor Ludlow, 2006.
ID = [39514]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Mountain of the Lord’s House.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Robert Millet, Ann Madsen, Victor Ludlow, 2006.
ID = [39515]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-01  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Song of My Beloved.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Robert Millet, Ann Madsen, Victor Ludlow, 2006.
ID = [39516]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-04  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Stone of Stumbling, A Rock of Offense.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Terry Szink, Ann Madsen, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39517]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-04  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Prince of Peace.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Terry Szink, Ann Madsen, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39518]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-05  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Day of the Lord Cometh.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Terry Szink, Ann Madsen, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39519]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Burden of Moab.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Terry Szink, Michael Rhodes, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39520]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Burden of Egypt.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Terry Szink, Michael Rhodes, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39521]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-06  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Day of Trouble.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Terry Szink, Michael Rhodes, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39522]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-07  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “We Have Waited For Him.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39523]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-07  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Line Upon Line.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39524]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-08  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Marvelous Work.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39525]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-08  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Go Down Into Egypt.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Jeff Chadwick, Michael Rhodes, Ann Madsen, 2006.
ID = [39526]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-11  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Clean Hands and a Pure Heart.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Jeff Chadwick, Michael Rhodes, Ann Madsen, 2006.
ID = [39527]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-11  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “His Sword is Bathed in Heaven.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Jeff Chadwick, Michael Rhodes, Ann Madsen, 2006.
ID = [39528]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-12  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “On Whom Dost Thou Trust?” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Jeff Chadwick, Ray Huntington, Ann Madsen, 2006.
ID = [39529]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-12  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Song of Redeeming Love.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Jeff Chadwick, Ray Huntington, Ann Madsen, 2006.
ID = [39530]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-13  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “With Wings as Eagles.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Jeff Chadwick, Ray Huntington, Ann Madsen, 2006.
ID = [39531]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-13  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “I Will Not Remember Thy Sins.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Richard Draper, Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, 2006.
ID = [39532]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-14  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Every Knee Shall Bow.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Richard Draper, Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, 2006.
ID = [39533]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-14  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Come Ye Near Unto Me.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Richard Draper, Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, 2006.
ID = [39534]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-15  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Light to the Gentiles.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Jeff Chadwick, Richard Draper, Paul Hoskisson, 2006.
ID = [39535]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-15  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “With His Stripes We Are Healed.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Jeff Chadwick, Richard Draper, Paul Hoskisson, 2006.
ID = [39536]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-18  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Seek Ye the Lord.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Jeff Chadwick, Richard Draper, Paul Hoskisson, 2006.
ID = [39537]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-18  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “I Will Heal Him.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Terry Szink, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39538]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-19  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Wherefore Have We Fasted?” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Terry Szink, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39539]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-19  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Thy Light is Come.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Victor Ludlow, Terry Szink, Ray Huntington, 2006.
ID = [39540]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-20  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Fear Not.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Jeff Chadwick, Victor Ludlow, Andrew Skinner, 2006.
ID = [39541]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-20  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “We Are the Clay.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Jeff Chadwick, Victor Ludlow, Andrew Skinner, 2006.
ID = [39542]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-21  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “My Soul Delighteth in His Words.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Richard Draper, Jeff Chadwick, Victor Ludlow, Andrew Skinner, 2006.
ID = [39543]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2006-09-21  Collections:  old-test,rsc-rt-isaiah,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36

Roundtable: The New Testament: Our Savior in the Gospels

BYU Religious Education. “The Gospels and Their Significance.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Paul Hoskisson, 2004.
ID = [39379]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-22  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Foreordained Redeemer.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Paul Hoskisson, 2004.
ID = [39380]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-22  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Jewish Messianic Expectation.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Paul Hoskisson, 2004.
ID = [39381]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-23  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Birth of Jesus Christ.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Jeffrey Marsh, 2004.
ID = [39382]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-23  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Childhood of Jesus Christ.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Jeffrey Marsh, 2004.
ID = [39383]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-26  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Baptism of Jesus Christ.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Jeffrey Marsh, 2004.
ID = [39384]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-26  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Christ’s Early Ministry.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Jeffrey Marsh, 2004.
ID = [39385]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-27  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Woman at the Well.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Paul Hoskisson, Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, 2004.
ID = [39386]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-27  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Rejection at Nazareth.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Paul Hoskisson, Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, 2004.
ID = [39387]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Calling of the Twelve.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Paul Hoskisson, Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, 2004.
ID = [39388]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-28  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Beatitudes.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Ray Huntington, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39389]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-29  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Sermon on the Mount.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Ray Huntington, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39390]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-29  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Why Parables?” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Ray Huntington, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39391]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-30  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Camille Fronk Olson, Ray Huntington, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39392]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-30  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Feeding the Multitude.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39393]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-03  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Bread of Life.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39394]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-03  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Rock of Our Salvation.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39395]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-04  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Mount of Transfiguration.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39396]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-04  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Good Shepherd.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Kent Brown, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39397]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Light of the World.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Kent Brown, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39398]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-05  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Cost of Discipleship.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kent Brown, David Whitchurch, Brent Top, 2004.
ID = [39399]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-06  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Lazarus, Come Forth.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Jeffrey Marsh, Kent Brown, David Whitchurch, 2004.
ID = [39400]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Triumphal Entry.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Keith Wilson, Paul Hoskisson, Ray Huntington, 2004.
ID = [39401]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-07  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Long Day of Debate.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Keith Wilson, Paul Hoskisson, Ray Huntington, 2004.
ID = [39402]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-10  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Olivet Discourse.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Keith Wilson, Paul Hoskisson, Ray Huntington, 2004.
ID = [39403]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-10  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Feast of the Tabernacles.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Kent Brown, David Whitchurch, Jeffrey Marsh, 2004.
ID = [39404]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Preparations for the Last Supper.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kent Brown, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39405]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-10  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Last Supper.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kent Brown, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39406]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-11  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “That They All May Be One.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kent Brown, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39407]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-12  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Gethsemane.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kent Brown, Ray Huntington, Kelly Ogden, 2004.
ID = [39408]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-12  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Arrest of Jesus.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kelly Ogden, David Whitchurch, Gaye Strathearn, 2004.
ID = [39409]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-13  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Trial and Crucifixion.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kelly Ogden, David Whitchurch, Gaye Strathearn, 2004.
ID = [39410]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-13  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “The Resurrection.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kelly Ogden, David Whitchurch, Gaye Strathearn, 2004.
ID = [39411]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-14  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “What Think Ye of Christ.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Kent Brown, David Whitchurch, Brent Top, 2004.
ID = [39412]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-14  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-gospels,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35

Roundtable: The New Testament: Acts to Revelation

BYU Religious Education. “Behold My Hands and My Feet: Luke 24 and Acts 1.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, Camille Fronk Olson, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39413]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-17  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Ordained to be a Witness: Acts 1-2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, Camille Fronk Olson, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39414]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-17  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “There Is None Other Name: Acts 3-5.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, Camille Fronk Olson, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39415]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-18  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “I See The Heavens Opened: Acts 6-8.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, 2004.
ID = [39416]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-18  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Why Persecutest Thou Me?: Acts 9-10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, 2004.
ID = [39417]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-19  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “God Is No Respecter of Persons: Acts 10-13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, 2004.
ID = [39418]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-19  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Continue in the Faith: Acts 14-16 Gal. 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Millet, 2004.
ID = [39419]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-20  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Him Declare I unto You: Acts 16-18 1 Thes. 1.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Rex Reeve, Thomas Wayment, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39420]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-20  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “In the Power of God: Acts 18-20, 1 Corinthians 1-2, 12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Rex Reeve, Thomas Wayment, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39421]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-21  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?: 1 Cor. 15 2 Cor. 11-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Ray Huntington, Rex Reeve, Thomas Wayment, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39422]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-21  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “But by the Revelation of Jesus Christ: Gal. 1-2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with David Whitchurch, Kent Brown, Gaye Strathearn, Daniel Judd, 2004.
ID = [39423]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-24  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Ye Are All One in Christ Jesus: Gal. 3-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with David Whitchurch, Kent Brown, Gaye Strathearn, Daniel Judd, 2004.
ID = [39424]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-24  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Only by His Grace: Gal. 3 and Rom. 1-3.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Robert Millet, Richard Draper, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39425]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-25  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Justified of Faith and Works: Rom. 4-7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Robert Millet, Richard Draper, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39426]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-25  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:35
BYU Religious Education. “Joint-heirs with Christ: Rom. 8-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Robert Millet, Richard Draper, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39427]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-26  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Minister and a Witness: Acts 21-28.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39428]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-26  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Ye Are Risen with Him: Philemon, Colossians Philippians.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39429]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-27  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Whole Armor of God: Ephesians.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39430]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-27  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “An Example of the Believers: 1 2 Timothy, Titus.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Ray Huntington, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39431]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-28  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Render Due Benevolence: 1 Tim. 2 and 1 Cor. 7 11.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Richard Draper, Thomas Wayment, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39432]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-28  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Crowned with Glory and Honour: Hebrews 1-3.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Richard Draper, Thomas Wayment, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39433]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-31  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Order of Melchizedek: Hebrews 3-5 and 7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Richard Draper, Thomas Wayment, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39434]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-31  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A More Excellent Ministry: Heb. 8-10, 12-13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39435]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Be Ye Doers of the Word: James 1; 3-5.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39436]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Faith Without Works: Heb. 11; James 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with David Whitchurch, Kelly Ogden, Keith Wilson, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39437]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-02  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Trial of Your Faith: 1 Peter 1-2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Victor Ludlow, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39438]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-02  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Partakers of the Divine Nature: 2 Peter.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Victor Ludlow, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39439]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-02  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “What Manner of Love: 1 John.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Victor Ludlow, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert Matthews, 2004.
ID = [39440]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-03  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Remember Ye the Words: Jude.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Kent Brown, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39441]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-04  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Words of This Prophecy: Revelation 1-3.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Kent Brown, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39442]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-04  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Alpha and Omega: Revelation 1-3.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Richard Draper, Kent Brown, Andrew Skinner, 2004.
ID = [39443]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-07  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “A Sea of Glass: Revelation 4-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Jeffrey Marsh, Richard Draper, Joseph McConkie, 2004.
ID = [39444]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-07  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Before the Throne of God: Rev. 6-13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Jeffrey Marsh, Richard Draper, Joseph McConkie, 2004.
ID = [39445]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-08  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: Rev. 19-22.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Jeffrey Marsh, Richard Draper, Joseph McConkie, 2004.
ID = [39446]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-08  Collections:  new-test,rsc-rt-acts,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36

Roundtable: The Book of Mormon

BYU Religious Education. “The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Hedges, Kent Jackson, Keith Wilson, Steven Harper, 2008.
ID = [39544]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-05  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Testimony of the Witnesses and General Church History.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Hedges, Kent Jackson, Keith Wilson, Steven Harper, 2008.
ID = [39545]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-25  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Structure of the Book of Mormon.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Hedges, Keith Wilson, Todd Parker, Steven Harper, 2008.
ID = [39546]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-26  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Divine Purposes of the Book of Mormon - Part 1.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Frank Judd, Stanley Johnson, Daniel Judd, 2008.
ID = [39547]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-26  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “The Divine Purposes of the Book of Mormon—Part 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Frank Judd, Stanley Johnson, Daniel Judd, 2008.
ID = [39548]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-27  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 1-2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Gaye Strathearn, Paul Hoskisson, Terry Ball, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39549]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-28  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 3-7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Gaye Strathearn, Paul Hoskisson, Terry Ball, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39550]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-30  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 8-10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Gaye Strathearn, Paul Hoskisson, Terry Ball, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39551]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-06-30  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 11-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Keith Wilson, Dana Pike, Daniel Judd, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39552]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 13-15.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Keith Wilson, Dana Pike, Daniel Judd, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39553]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 16-18.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Camille Fronk Olson, Keith Wilson, Dana Pike, Daniel Judd, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39554]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-02  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 19-22.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Thomas Wayment, Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [39555]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-02  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Thomas Wayment, Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39556]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-04  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 1 and 3.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Thomas Wayment, Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39557]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-03  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 4-5.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Eric Huntsman, Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39558]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-04  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 6-8; 10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Eric Huntsman, Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39559]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-04  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 9.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Eric Huntsman, Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39560]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-07  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 11-16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Terry Ball, Kerry Muhlestein, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39561]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-07  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 17-24.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Terry Ball, Kerry Muhlestein, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39562]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-08  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 25-27.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Dana Pike, Terry Ball, Kerry Muhlestein, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39563]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-08  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 28-30.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Keith Wilson, Michael Rhodes, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39564]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-09  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:36
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 31-33.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Keith Wilson, Michael Rhodes, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [39565]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-09  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Jacob 1-3; 7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Keith Wilson, Michael Rhodes, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [39566]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-10  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Jacob 4-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Charles Swift, Frank Judd, Jared Ludlow, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [39567]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-10  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Enos; Jarom; Omni.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Charles Swift, Frank Judd, Jared Ludlow, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jarom
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Omni
ID = [39568]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-11  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Words of Mormon; Mosiah 1-2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Charles Swift, Frank Judd, Jared Ludlow, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39569]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-11  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 3-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Andrew Skinner, Eric Huntsman, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39570]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-14  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 7-13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Andrew Skinner, Eric Huntsman, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39571]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-14  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 14-17.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Todd Parker, Brian Hauglid, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39572]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-15  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 18-24.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Andrew Skinner, Eric Huntsman, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39573]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-15  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 25-28.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Todd Parker, Brian Hauglid, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39574]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-16  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 29.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Kelly Ogden, Todd Parker, Brian Hauglid, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [39575]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-16  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 1-4.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Thomas Wayment, David Whitchurch, Dana Pike, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39576]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-17  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 5-7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Thomas Wayment, David Whitchurch, Dana Pike, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39577]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-17  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 8-12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Terry Ball, Thomas Wayment, David Whitchurch, Dana Pike, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39578]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-18  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 13-16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Camille Fronk Olsen, Eric Huntsman, Clyde Williams, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39579]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-18  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 17-21.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Camille Fronk Olsen, Eric Huntsman, Clyde Williams, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39580]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-21  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 22-24.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Camille Fronk Olsen, Eric Huntsman, Clyde Williams, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39581]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-21  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 25-29.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Gaye Strathearn, Charles Swift, Keith Wilson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39582]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-22  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 30.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Gaye Strathearn, Charles Swift, Keith Wilson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39583]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-22  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 31-32.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Gaye Strathearn, Charles Swift, Keith Wilson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39584]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-23  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 33-35.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, Terry Ball, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39585]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-23  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 36-37.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, Terry Ball, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39586]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-24  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 38-39.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Victor Ludlow, Stanley Johnson, Terry Ball, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39587]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-25  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 40-41.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Todd Parker, Brian Hauglid, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39588]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-25  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 42.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Todd Parker, Brian Hauglid, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39589]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-25  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 43-50.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Todd Parker, Brian Hauglid, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39590]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-28  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Alma 51-63.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Keith Wilson, Jared Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [39591]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-28  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Helaman 1 6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Keith Wilson, Jared Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [39592]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-29  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Helaman 7 12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Clyde Williams, Keith Wilson, Jared Ludlow, Kelly Ogden, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [39593]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-29  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Helaman 13 16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Thomas Wayment, Todd Parker, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [39594]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-30  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 1-4.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Thomas Wayment, Todd Parker, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39595]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-30  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 5-9.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Paul Hoskisson, Michael Rhodes, Thomas Wayment, Todd Parker, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39596]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-31  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 10-11.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, David Whitchurch, Thomas Wayment, Gaye Strathearn, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39597]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-07-31  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 12.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, David Whitchurch, Thomas Wayment, Gaye Strathearn, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39598]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 13-14.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Kelly Ogden, David Whitchurch, Thomas Wayment, Gaye Strathearn, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39599]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-01  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 15,17.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Robert Millet, Camille Fronk Olsen, Dan Belnap, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39600]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-04  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 16, 20-22.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Robert Millet, Camille Fronk Olsen, Dan Belnap, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39601]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2009-06-23  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 18-19.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Gaye Strathearn, Robert Millet, Camille Fronk Olsen, Dan Belnap, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39602]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-04  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 23-26.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Todd Parker, Kerry Muhlestein, Dan Belnap, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39603]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2009-08-05  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 27-30.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Todd Parker, Kerry Muhlestein, Dan Belnap, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [39604]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-06  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: 4 Nephi.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Todd Parker, Kerry Muhlestein, Dan Belnap, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 4 Nephi
ID = [39605]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2009-06-24  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Ether 1 6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Keith Wilson, Andrew Skinner, David Whitchurch, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [39606]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-08  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Ether 7 11.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Jared Ludlow, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [39607]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-08  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Ether 12 15.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Jared Ludlow, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [39608]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-11  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon: Mormon 1-6.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Keith Wilson, Andrew Skinner, David Whitchurch, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
ID = [39609]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-07  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Mormon 7-9.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Keith Wilson, Andrew Skinner, David Whitchurch, Stanley Johnson, 2008.
ID = [39610]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-07  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Moroni 1-6 and Ether 13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Terry Ball, Jared Ludlow, Terry Szink, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [39611]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-12  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Moroni 7.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Stanley Johnson, Thomas Wayment, Camille Fronk Olson, Michael Rhodes, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [39612]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2008-08-12  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Discussions on The Book of Mormon Moroni 8 10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Stanley Johnson, Thomas Wayment, Camille Fronk Olson, Michael Rhodes, 2008.
Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [39613]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2009-06-26  Collections:  bom,rsc-rt-bom2008,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37

Roundtable: The Doctrine and Covenants

BYU Religious Education. “Introduction and Historic Overview.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, Susan Easton Black, 2004.
ID = [39614]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-07  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “A Voice of Warning D&C 1.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, Susan Easton Black,, 2004.
ID = [39615]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-07  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Promises Made to the Fathers D&C 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, Susan Easton Black, 2004.
ID = [39616]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-10  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Lost Manuscript D&C 3 and 10.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Craig Ostler, Mary Jane Woodger, Guy Dorius, 2004.
ID = [39617]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-10  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon D&C 5 and 17.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Guy Dorius, Mary Jane Woodger, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39618]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-12  Collections:  bom,d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Spirit of Revelation D&C 6 and 8-9.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Mary Jane Woodger, Craig Ostler, Guy Dorius, 2004.
ID = [39619]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-12  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “John the Revelator and John the Baptist D&C 7 and 13.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Guy Dorius, Matthew Richardson, John Livingstone, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39620]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-15  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Qualifications for Servce D&C 4, 11-12 and 14-16.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Guy Dorius, John Livingstone, Steven Harper, Matthew Richardson,, 2004.
ID = [39621]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-15  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Worth of Souls D&C 18 and 19.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Guy Dorius, Steven Harper, Matthew Richardson, John Livingstone, 2004.
ID = [39622]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-16  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Organization of the Church D&C 20-22.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Manscill, Mary Jane Woodger, Craig Ostler,, 2004.
ID = [39623]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-16  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Cause of Zion D&C 23-24 and 26.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Manscill, Mary Jane Woodger, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39624]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-17  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “An Elect Lady D&C 25.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Manscill, Mary Jane Woodger, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39625]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-17  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Take Upon You My Whole Armor D&C 27-28.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Matthew Richardson, Randy Bott, Alexander Baugh, 2004.
ID = [39626]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-19  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Prepare for the Days to Come D&C 29.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Matthew Richardson, Randy Bott, Alexander Baugh, 2004.
ID = [39627]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-19  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Calls to Preach the Gospel D&C 30-35.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Matthew Richardson, Randy Bott, Alexander Baugh, 2004.
ID = [39628]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-22  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Heeding the Lord’s Call D&C 35-40.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, Randy Bott, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39629]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-22  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Law of the Church D&C 41-42.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, Randy Bott, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39630]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-23  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Great Day of the Lord D&C 43-45.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, Randy Bott, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39631]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-23  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “To Every Man is Given a Gift D&C 46-49.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Dean Garrett, Alexander Baugh, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39632]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-24  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Called to Forsake the World D&C 50-56.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Dean Garrett, Alexander Baugh, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39633]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-24  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Laying the Foundation of Zion D&C 57-59.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Brent Top, Dean Garrett, Alexander Baugh, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39634]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-26  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “A Commission to Testify D&C 60-62.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Manscill, Randy Bott, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39635]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-26  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Lord Requireth the Heart D&C 63-65.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Manscill, Randy Bott, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39636]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-29  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Everlasting Covenant D&C 66-68.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Manscill, Randy Bott, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39637]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-29  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “An Account of Their Stewardship D&C 69-75.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, John Livingstone, Lawrence Flake, 2004.
ID = [39638]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-30  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Vision, Part 1 D&C 76.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, John Livingstone, Lawrence Flake, 2004.
ID = [39639]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-30  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Vision, Part 2 D&C 76.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan, John Livingstone, Lawrence Flake, 2004.
ID = [39640]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-31  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “A Covenant That Cannot Be Broken D&C 77-79.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Craig Manscill, Randy Bott, Richard Cowan, 2004.
ID = [39641]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-31  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Keys of the Kingdom 80-83.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Craig Manscill, Randy Bott, Richard Cowan, 2004.
ID = [39642]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-02  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood D&C 84-87.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Craig Manscill, Randy Bott, Richard Cowan, 2004.
ID = [39643]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-02  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Prepare and Sanctify Yourselves D&C 88-89.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Guy Dorius, Craig Ostler, Jerry Perkins, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39644]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-06  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Light and Truth D&C 90-93.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Guy Dorius, Craig Ostler, Jerry Perkins, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39645]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-05  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “A House of God D&C 94-97.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Guy Dorius, Craig Ostler, Jerry Perkins, Steven Harper, 2004.
ID = [39646]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-06  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “I Will Prove You In All Things D&C 98-100.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Dean Garrett, John Livingstone, Craig Manscill, 2004.
ID = [39647]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-06  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Chastened and Tried D&C 101, 103, 105.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Dean Garrett, John Livingstone, Craig Manscill, 2004.
ID = [39648]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-07  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Inasmuch as They Are Faithful D&C 102, 104, 106.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Dean Garrett, John Livingstone, Craig Manscill, 2004.
ID = [39649]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-07  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Quorums and the Priesthood D&C 107.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Susan Easton Black, Richard Cowan, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39650]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-09  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Let Every Man Learn His Duty D&C 107-109.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Susan Easton Black, Richard Cowan, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39651]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-09  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “A Place of Holiness D&C 109 and 110.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Susan Easton Black, Richard Cowan, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39652]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-12  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “More Treasures Than One D&C 111-113.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Alexander Baugh, Jerry Perkins, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39653]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-12  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Stakes of Zion D&C 114-116.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Alexander Baugh, Jerry Perkins, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39654]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-13  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “I Will Provide D&C 117-120.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Matthew Richardson, Alexander Baugh, Jerry Perkins, Craig Ostler, 2004.
ID = [39655]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-13  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Peace Be Unto Thy Soul D&C 121.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Ostler, John Livingstone, Lawrence Flake, 2004.
ID = [39656]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-15  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Art Thou Greater Than He? D&C 122-123.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Ostler, John Livingstone, Lawrence Flake, 2004.
ID = [39657]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-15  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The City of Nauvoo D&C 124.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Craig Ostler, John Livingstone, Lawrence Flake, 2004.
ID = [39658]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-16  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Baptisms for the Dead D&C 125-128.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Dean Garrett, Randy Bott, Guy Dorius, 2004.
ID = [39659]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-18  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Order of Heaven D&C 129-131.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Dean Garrett, Randy Bott, Guy Dorius, 2004.
ID = [39660]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-19  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “A New and Everlasting Covenant D&C 132-133.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Susan Easton Black, Dean Garrett, Randy Bott, Guy Dorius, 2004.
ID = [39661]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-02  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Governments Were Instituted of God D&C 134.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Lawrence Flake, Steven Harper, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39662]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-20  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Martyrdom D&C 135-136.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Lawrence Flake, Steven Harper, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39663]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-20  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Heirs of the Kingdom D&C 137-138.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Lawrence Flake, Steven Harper, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39664]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-21  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Continuing Revelation Official Declarations 1 and 2.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Andrew Skinner, Lawrence Flake, Steven Harper, Mary Jane Woodger, 2004.
ID = [39665]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-21  Collections:  d-c,rsc-rt-dc,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37

Roundtable: The Pearl of Great Price

BYU Religious Education. “Introduction.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39666]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-21  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Facsimiles.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39667]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-28  Collections:  abraham,pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Pre-Mortal Life.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, 2004.
ID = [39668]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-04  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Atonement and Rebirth.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39669]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-14  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “Obedience and Sacrifice.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39670]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-04-18  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Ministry of Enoch.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39671]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-02-28  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Abrahamic Covenant.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
Topics:    Old Testament Topics > Covenant [see also Ephraim, Israel, Jews, Joseph]
ID = [39672]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-05-02  Collections:  old-test,pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The First Vision.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39673]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-02-09  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Calling of Prophets.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39674]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-05  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Signs of the Times.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Camille Fronk Olsen, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39675]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-03-09  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37
BYU Religious Education. “The Articles of Faith.” Roundtable Scripture Discussion with Robert Millet, Andrew Skinner, Joseph McCkonkie, Richard Draper, Michael Rhodes, 2004.
ID = [39676]  Status = Type = video  Date = 2004-06-06  Collections:  pogp,rsc-rt-pogp,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 8/5/24 7:40:37

BYU Easter Conference

BYU Religious Studies Center. 2005 BYU Easter Conference.
Display Abstract  

The featured speaker was Elder D. Todd Christofferson, a member of the Presidency of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Accompanying speakers included Dean Andrew C. Skinner and Associate Dean Richard D. Draper of BYU Religious Education, and Richard N. Holzapfel, Eric D. Huntsman, Thomas A. Wayment and Gaye Strathearn. Conference topics included the birth of Christ, the wilderness experience, the calling of the Twelve, early Galilean ministries, the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus and the Samaritan woman.

ID = [37915]  Status = Type = conference  Date = 2005-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:06
Ball, Terry B. “The Unique and Supreme Attributes of Jesus the Christ.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
ID = [35716]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 14272  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Bennett, Richard E. “‘It Is Finished’: The Divine Accomplishment of the Crucifixion.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [35723]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 35858  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, and Thomas A. Wayment. “Foreword.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [35713]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 11379  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Huntsman, Eric D. “The Bread of Life Sermon.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Heaven
RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrament
ID = [35719]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 39287  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Jorgensen, Rick B. “Teaching the Doctrine of the Resurrection when Sharing the Gospel.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
RSC Topics > Q — S > Restoration of the Gospel
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [35725]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 28604  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:33:00
Judd, Frank F., Jr. “Jesus Christ: The Savior Who Knows.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > L — P > Mercy
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [35720]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 37285  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Lane, Jennifer Clark. “Hostility toward Jesus: Prelude to the Passion.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
ID = [35721]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 30822  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Pike, Dana M. “Jesus, the Great Shepherd-King.” In Celebrating Easter: The 2006 BYU Easter Conference, ed. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson, 61–86. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
ID = [35718]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 38305  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Rasmussen, Russell C. “The Dilemma: An Incomprehensible Atonement?” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine
RSC Topics > G — K > Gospel of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
ID = [35717]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 27955  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Samuelson, Cecil O. “Testimony of Jesus Christ.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [35714]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 27505  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Tanner, John S. “Christ, Our Advocate and High Priest.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
ID = [35715]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 19791  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Wayment, Thomas A., and Keith J. Wilson, eds. Celebrating Easter. Proceedings of The 2006 BYU Easter Conference, Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Display Abstract  

The 2006 BYU Easter Conference Some of the most recognized verses in all of scripture reflect the triumph of Easter: “And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him” (Mark 16:6). This volume is a collection of essays from the 2006 BYU Easter Conference and reflects some of the ways in which we think about Easter. Topics ranged from direct studies about how Latter-day Saints celebrate and teach Easter to technical aspects of the Savior’s trial and His Jewish antagonists’ approach to His miracles. ISBN 978-0-8425-2669-2

ID = [33306]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size:   Children: 13  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:58
Welch, John W. “The Legal Cause of Action Against Jesus in John 18:29–30.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles
RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
ID = [35722]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,welch  Size: 28637  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Wilson, Keith J. “The Christian History and Development of Easter.” In Celebrating Easter, eds. Thomas A. Wayment and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [35724]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2007-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 34253  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:59
Ball, Terry B., and Nathan Winn. “Doctrines from Our Savior’s Final Words.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Agency
RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > D — F > Forgiveness
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Justice
RSC Topics > L — P > Mercy
RSC Topics > Q — S > Repentance
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [35666]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 32008  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Busche, F. Enzio. “Lessons from the Lamb of God.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Plan of Salvation
ID = [35661]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 24835  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Gee, John. “The Great and Last Sacrifice.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Law of Moses
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [35668]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 25920  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment, eds. “Behold the Lamb of God”: An Easter Celebration. Proceedings of The 2007 BYU Easter Conference. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Display Abstract  

The 2007 BYU Easter Conference Followers of Jesus Christ since the beginning have referred to their Savior as the Lamb of God. While down by the River Jordan, John the Baptist was baptizing those who desired to follow the Savior. When the Savior approached the Baptist, John declared, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). After John baptized Jesus, he bore record “that he had baptized the Lamb of God” (1 Nephi 10:10). The next day, when John and two of his disciples saw Jesus, the Baptist again proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36). Three years later the Savior brought his Twelve Apostles to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. As Jews from all over the Roman Empire made pilgrimage to Herod’s Temple, firstborn male lambs without blemish were offered up as sacrifice, commemorating that God had physically delivered his people from their bondage to Pharaoh. During that same Passover, Jesus, the firstborn spirit son of God and the only mortal to live a perfect life, prepared himself to be offered up as a sacrifice in order to spiritually deliver God’s children from their bondage to Satan. This volume celebrates the life and sacrifice of the Lamb of God. ISBN 978-0-8425-2693-7

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [33299]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  bom,new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size:   Children: 11  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:57
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. “Jesus and the Ossuaries: First-Century Jewish Burial Practices and the Lost Tomb of Jesus.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [35672]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 38910  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:56
Huntsman, Eric D. “The Lamb of God: Unique Aspects of the Passion Narrative in John.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrament
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [35663]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 38718  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Judd, Frank F., Jr. “Interpreting Caiaphas’s ‘Prophecy’ of the Savior’s Death.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > G — K > High Priest
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
ID = [35665]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 30983  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Millet, Robert L. “Glorying in the Cross of Christ.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
RSC Topics > D — F > Death
ID = [35667]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 23453  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Pheysey, Dawn C. “Picturing the Crucifixion.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
ID = [35669]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 9349  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Strathearn, Gaye. “Discipleship in the Olivet Discourse in Mark’s Gospel.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Discipleship
RSC Topics > Q — S > Second Coming
ID = [35664]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 27487  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:55
Tate, George S. “The Resurrection as Olive Branch: A Meditation.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [35670]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 28047  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:56
Toit, Herman du. “Picturing the Resurrection.” In “Behold the Lamb of God”, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Frank F. Judd Jr., and Thomas A. Wayment. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [35671]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2008-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 9913  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:56
Bateman, Merrill J. “Lessons from the Atonement.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > D — F > Faith
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > L — P > Obedience
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [35560]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 31083  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Brown, S. Kent. “Family and Home in the Savior’s Life and Ministry.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Lifelong Learning
RSC Topics > L — P > Prayer
ID = [35561]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 21742  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, and Kent P. Jackson, eds. To Save the Lost: An Easter Celebration. Proceedings of The 2008 and 2009 BYU Easter Conferences. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Display Abstract  

The 2008 and 2009 BYU Easter Conferences Easter is a good time to recall Jesus’ mission to the least, the last, and the lost, for he said, “The Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” Not surprisingly, we discover that he sent his disciples to the “lost sheep,” and thus their mission of finding the lost is a natural extension of his mission. Some of Jesus’ most memorable teaching moments have to do with finding the lost. This volume contains the papers delivered at the 2008 and 2009 Brigham Young University Easter Conferences, which is a celebration of the life and atoning mission of Jesus Christ. We are honored to include articles from Elder Merrill J. Bateman, emeritus member of the Seventy, and Bonnie D. Parkin, former general Relief Society president. ISBN 978-0-8425-2728-6

ID = [33292]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size:   Children: 7  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:57
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, and Kent P. Jackson. “To the Least, the Last, and t​he Lost.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
ID = [35559]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 7362  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Jackson, Kent P. “War and Peace—Lessons from the Upper Room.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Adversity
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > L — P > Peace
RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [35562]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 33630  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Olson, Camille Fronk. “They Ministered Unto Him of Their Substance: Women and the Savior.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
RSC Topics > T — Z > Women
ID = [35563]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 31191  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Parkin, Bonnie D. “My Portrait of Jesus: A Work in Progress.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
ID = [35564]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 28931  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Wilson, Lynne Hilton. “Jesus’ Atonement Foretold through His Birth.” In To Save the Lost, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost
ID = [35565]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 42846  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:49
Belnap, Daniel L. “‘To Them Gave He Power to Become’” In My Redeemer Lives!, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > God the Father
ID = [35141]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 22891  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:24
Groberg, John H. “‘It Is Finished’” In My Redeemer Lives! ed. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson, 1–26. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Love
ID = [35139]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 26438  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:24
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, and Kent P. Jackson, eds. My Redeemer Lives!. Proceedings of The 2010 and 2011 BYU Easter Conferences. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Display Abstract  

The 2010 and 2011 BYU Easter Conferences This volume brings together talks from two Brigham Young University Easter Conferences. Presentations address the Savior, his life, his mission, the Atonement, and his influence in our lives today. The contributors include Elder John H. Groberg, Elder Gerald N. Lund, Robert L. Millet, and others. The topics range from the infinite sweep of the Atonement to its personal reach in perfecting individuals. “It is always a challenge to talk or write about the Atonement of Jesus Christ,” notes Elder Lund. “First of all, it is infinite in its scope. It is the most profound and pivotal event in all of eternity. And we are so totally and utterly finite. We can but glimpse its importance and come only to a small understanding of its full meaning for us.” ISBN 978-0-8425-2784-2

Topics:    Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [33269]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  bom,new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size:   Children: 6  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:55
Lund, Gerald N. “What the Atoning Sacrifice Meant for Jesus.” In My Redeemer Lives!, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [35140]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 35441  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:24
Millet, Robert L. “What We Worship.” In My Redeemer Lives!, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > Q — S > Salvation
RSC Topics > T — Z > Worship
ID = [35142]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 33228  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:24
Rogers, Sandra. “To Proclaim Liberty to the Captives.” In My Redeemer Lives!, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Humility
ID = [35143]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 48120  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:24
Swift, Charles. “Three Stories.” In My Redeemer Lives!, eds. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Miracles
RSC Topics > L — P > New Testament
ID = [35144]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 31937  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:25
Coleman, Gary J. “Resurrection: ‘A Matter of Surpassing Wonder’” In With Healing in His Wings, ed. Camille Fronk Olson and Thomas A. Wayment, 1–31. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > D — F > Eternal Life
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > L — P > Plan of Salvation
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [34911]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 39585  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:10
Madsen, John M. “Easter, the Lord’s Day.” In With Healing in His Wings, ed. Camille Fronk Olson and Thomas A. Wayment, 33–53. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [34912]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 22114  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:10
Olson, Camille Fronk, and Thomas A. Wayment, eds. With Healing in His Wings. Proceedings of The 2012 and 2013 BYU Easter Conferences. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Display Abstract  

The BYU 2012 and 2013 Easter Conferences At times, prophets have compared various aspects of the Savior’s ministry to the mother hen, teaching that he has healing in his wings. The Savior likewise used that metaphor to describe his own power to offer refuge to his followers. By likening himself to a mother hen, the Savior testifies that he will cover us symbolically with his wings to save us if we, like the chicks, will come to him. This volume discusses the Savior, his life, his mission, the Atonement, and his healing influence in our lives today. Contributing authors are Elder Gary J. Coleman, Elder John M. Madsen, Brad Wilcox, Brent L. Top, Andy C. Skinner, and Gaye Strathearn. ISBN 978-0-8425-2836-8

ID = [33255]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 6  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:55
Skinner, Andrew C. “The Savior’s Ministry to the Spirit World.” In With Healing in His Wings, ed. Camille Fronk Olson and Thomas A. Wayment, 81–107. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
RSC Topics > Q — S > Spirit World
ID = [34914]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 34863  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:11
Strathearn, Gaye. “Christ’s Crucifixion: Reclamation of the Cross.” In With Healing in His Wings, ed. Camille Fronk Olson and Thomas A. Wayment, 55–79. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
ID = [34913]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 35733  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:10
Top, Brent L. “A Perfect Balance of Justice and Mercy.” In With Healing in His Wings, ed. Camille Fronk Olson and Thomas A. Wayment, 109–29. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Gospel of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Justice
RSC Topics > L — P > Mercy
RSC Topics > Q — S > Salvation
ID = [34915]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 25125  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:11
Wilcox, Bradley R. “‘May Christ Lift Thee Up’” In With Healing in His Wings, ed. Camille Fronk Olson and Thomas A. Wayment, 131–47. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2013.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > G — K > Hope
ID = [34916]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2013-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 22882  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:11
Condie, Spencer J. “‘He Lives to Bless Me with His Love’” In Our Savior’s Love, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
ID = [34768]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 31994  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:02
Dalton, Elaine S. “‘I Stand All Amazed’” In Our Savior’s Love, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > Q — S > Service
ID = [34769]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 20695  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:02
Gaskill, Alonzo L., and Stanley A. Johnson, eds. Our Savior’s Love: Hope & Healing in Christ. Proceedings of The 2014 and 2015 BYU Easter Conferences. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Display Abstract  

The 2014 and 2015 BYU Easter Conferences When we actually, really know, understand, and feel of our Savior’s love—we are transformed; we are changed in our understanding of what divine love is. It is the encounter with Christ’s love that causes us to submit our wills and lives to God’s will and way. Our Savior’s love enables us to see ourselves in proper perspective and helps us to see others as God sees them, and to love them as deeply as he loves them. Nothing is more beautiful than seeing new life and renewed life. Hope and healing are centered in the Savior’s encompassing love, and it is the sweetest, the tenderest, and perhaps the most beautiful principle of the gospel. ISBN 978-0-8425-2883-2

ID = [33243]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 6  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:54
Newell, Lloyd D. “‘Walk in Newness of Life’” In Our Savior’s Love, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Hope
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > Q — S > Repentance
ID = [34772]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter  Size: 23760  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:02
Ogden, D. Kelly. “Our Savior’s Love Manifest in Resurrection.” In Our Savior’s Love, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [34771]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 31148  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:02
Platt, Jennifer Brinkerhoff. “Walking in the Light of His Love.” In Our Savior’s Love, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrament
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [34773]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 35714  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:02
Richardson, Matthew O. “The Savior’s Love.” In Our Savior’s Love, eds. Alonzo L. Gaskill and Stanley A. Johnson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2015.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Love
RSC Topics > L — P > Obedience
ID = [34770]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2015-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 33143  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:02
Dew, Sheri L. “Standing as a Witness.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Faith
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
ID = [34529]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 35107  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:48
Frederick, Nicholas J., and Keith J. Wilson, eds. His Majesty and Mission. Proceedings of The 2016 and 2017 BYU Easter Conferences. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Display Abstract  

The 2016 and 2017 BYU Easter Conferences Christianity rises or falls based on the reality of the Resurrection. Christian religious leaders of all walks have commented on the importance of the Resurrection. Accordingly, this volume is organized to enhance our celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection. The essays published in this volume represent the talks presented at the annual Brigham Young University Easter Conferences in 2016 and 2017 by Sheri Dew, Eric D. Huntsman, Daniel K Judd, Camille Fronk Olson, Hank R. Smith, and Elder Kevin J Worthen. In this volume, readers will find the personal witnesses and testimonies of faithful disciples who have devoted their lives to understanding the Savior’s majesty and mission. May their careful, heartfelt, and inspired words take root in your heart and bring you to a deeper, more personal conviction of the central role Jesus Christ and his Resurrection have in the eternal welfare of all God’s children. ISBN 978-1-9443-9412-7

ID = [33219]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 6  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:52
Huntsman, Eric D. “Preaching Jesus, and Him Crucified.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [34530]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 23730  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:48
Judd, Daniel K. “New Creatures in Christ.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [34531]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 30011  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:48
Olson, Camille Fronk. “A New Commandment.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > L — P > Love
ID = [34532]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 27612  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:48
Smith, Hank R. “Mourning with Hope.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Death
RSC Topics > D — F > Easter
RSC Topics > G — K > Hope
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [34533]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 49186  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:48
Worthen, Kevin J. “The Living Christ.” In His Majesty and Mission, eds. Nicholas J. Frederick and Keith J. Wilson. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > A — C > Crucifixion
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
ID = [34528]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2017-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 40552  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:48
Bushman, Richard Lyman. “The Atonement, Then and Now.” In The Tragedy and the Triumph, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sin
ID = [34173]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 15427  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:27
Gardner, Barbara Morgan. “Christ’s Power to Perfect Us.” In The Tragedy and the Triumph, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Obedience
ID = [34175]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 20721  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:27
Hafen, Bruce C. “Love and Delight.” In The Tragedy and the Triumph, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
ID = [34171]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 30193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:27
Sweat, Anthony. “A King and His Crown.” In The Tragedy and the Triumph, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Grace
RSC Topics > L — P > Living the Gospel
RSC Topics > T — Z > Worship
ID = [34176]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 21097  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:27
Swift, Charles, ed. The Tragedy and the Triumph. Proceedings of The 2018 and 2019 BYU Easter Conferences. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Display Abstract  

The 2018 and 2019 BYU Easter Conferences This volume is a compilation of inspiring presentations given at BYU​’s annual Easter Conferences, which have become a popular tradition at the university. Well-known speakers discuss such essential concepts as teaching about that life which is in Christ, the role of the Savior in our lives, the power of the Atonement, how to help those with doubts, and his life and mission. This volume includes talks given by Elder Bruce C. Hafen, Susan W. Tanner, Richard Lyman Bushman, Thomas A. Wayment, Anthony R. Sweat, and Barbara Morgan Gardner. ISBN 978-1-9443-9469-1

ID = [33194]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 6  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:50
Tanner, Susan W. “Jesus Christ, Our Healer.” In The Tragedy and the Triumph, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Hope
RSC Topics > G — K > Jesus Christ
ID = [34172]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 23912  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:27
Wayment, Thomas A. “The Tragedy and Triumph of Resurrection.” In The Tragedy and the Triumph, ed. Charles Swift. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Hope
RSC Topics > Q — S > Resurrection
ID = [34174]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2019-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-books,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size: 18125  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:31:27
BYU Religious Studies Center. 2021 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [37914]  Status = Type = conference  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 4  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:06
Griffin, Tyler J. “Untitled.” The 2021 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38774]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:54
Hafen, Marie K. “Untitled.” The 2021 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38773]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:54
Haws, JB. “Introduction.” The 2021 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38772]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:54
Reeder, Jennifer. “Untitled.” The 2021 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38775]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2021-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:54
BYU Religious Studies Center. “The Power of Christ’s Deliverance”. The 2022 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [37913]  Status = Type = conference  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 3  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:06
Cowley, Virginia Hinckley Pearce. “Untitled.” The 2022 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38777]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:54
Hilton, John, III. “Untitled.” The 2022 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38778]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:55
Martin, Jan J. “Untitled.” The 2022 BYU Easter Conference.
ID = [38776]  Status = Type = talk  Date = 2022-01-01  Collections:  new-test,rsc-easter,rsc-video  Size:   Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:35:54

Church History Symposium

Baugh, Alexander L., ed. Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery. Proceedings of The 2006 BYU Church History Symposium. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Display Abstract  Display Keywords

The 2006 BYU Church History Symposium Besides the Prophet, no one was more involved in the key events of the Restoration or mentioned more often in the Doctrine and Covenants than Oliver Cowdery. He was influential in the highest councils of the Church as well as in the councils of his community. While many are familiar with his contributions to the Restoration, few understand his personality and his deep spirituality. This book is a compilation of presentations selected from the annual BYU Church History Symposium hosted by BYU Religious Education and explores the life of Oliver Cowdery and the many roles he filled. This symposium was held to honor him and celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of his birth. ISBN 978-0-8425-2742-2

Keywords: Church History; Cowdery; Oliver; Witnesses
ID = [33289]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,d-c,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size:   Children: 14  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:57
Baugh, Alexander L. “Prologue.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
ID = [35431]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 5520  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:41
Bishop, Patrick A. “Images of Oliver.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
ID = [35438]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 25595  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Bishop, Patrick A. “Precept upon Precept: The Succession of John Taylor.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Apostle
RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
ID = [35613]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 56464  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Black, Susan Easton. “Oliver Cowdery in the Doctrine and Covenants.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; Book of Mormon Translation; Church History; Cowdery; Joseph; Jr.; Oliver; Smith
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine and Covenants
RSC Topics > T — Z > Urim and Thummim
ID = [35436]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,church-history,d-c,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 18970  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Black, Susan Easton. “The Pivotal Role of John Taylor in the Political Campaign of Joseph Smith.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [35605]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 42265  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Bushman, Richard Lyman. “Oliver’s Joseph.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh, 1–13. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Gold Plates
ID = [35432]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 22142  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:41
Esplin, Scott C. “Moving Zion ‘Far Ahead’: John Taylor’s Educational Contributions.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Education
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [35616]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 33712  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Geilman, Douglas J. “Étoile du Déséret, Publication of the French Mission, 1851–52.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
ID = [35609]  Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 43621  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 3/27/24 19:40:29
Griffiths, Casey Paul. “John Taylor, Adopted Son of America.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [35604]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 33938  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Hales, Brian C. “‘Guilty of Such Folly’? Accusations of Adultery or Polygamy Against Oliver Cowdery.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Chastity
RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
ID = [35441]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 26136  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Harper, Steven C. “Oliver Cowdery as Second Witness of Priesthood Restoration.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh, 73–89. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > Q — S > Restoration of the Priesthood
ID = [35435]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 30756  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel. “The 1911 Dedication of the Oliver Cowdery Monument in Richmond, Missouri.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
ID = [35444]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 62396  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, and Christopher C. Jones. “‘John the Revelator’: The Written Revelations of John Taylor.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
RSC Topics > Q — S > Revelation
ID = [35614]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 57797  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Morris, Larry E. “The Conversion of Oliver Cowdery.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh, 15–49. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > A — C > Conversion
ID = [35433]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 61792  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:41
Perkins, Eric, and Mary Jane Woodger. “Administration from the Underground.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
RSC Topics > Q — S > Revelation
ID = [35617]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 38880  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Romig, Ronald E. “Elizabeth Ann Whitmer Cowdery: A Historical Reflection of Her Life.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
ID = [35443]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 16071  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Skinner, Andrew C. “John Taylor, Teacher of the Atonement.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Atonement of Jesus Christ
RSC Topics > Q — S > Sacrifice
RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [35615]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 28168  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Skousen, Royal. “Oliver Cowdery as Book of Mormon Scribe.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh, 51–70. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Cowdery; Joseph; Jr.; Oliver; Scribe; Smith
ID = [35434]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,bom,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 32367  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Staker, Mark Lyman. “Raising Money in Righteousness.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh, 143–253. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Adversity
RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > Q — S > Restoration of the Gospel
ID = [35440]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 223780  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Taylor, J. Lewis. “John Taylor: Family Man.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Adversity
RSC Topics > D — F > Family
RSC Topics > T — Z > Trials
ID = [35611]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 34107  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Taylor, Mark H. “John Taylor: Witness to the Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [35606]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 28056  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Underwood, Grant. “Oliver Cowdery’s Correspondence with Joseph Smith.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Cowdery; Joseph; Jr.; Oliver; Scribe; Smith
ID = [35437]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 32622  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Walker, Jeffrey N. “Oliver Cowdery’s Legal Practice in Tiffin, Ohio.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Judgment
ID = [35442]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 57025  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Walker, Jeffrey N. “John Taylor: Beyond ‘A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief’” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [35607]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 86797  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Welch, John W. “Oliver Cowdery as Editor, Defender, and Justice of the Peace in Kirtland.” In Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, ed. Alexander L. Baugh, 255–77. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
ID = [35439]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  bmc-archive,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history,welch  Size: 40056  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:42
Whittaker, David J. “John Taylor and Mormon Imprints in Europe, 1840–52.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Mormon
ID = [35608]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 59162  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Williams, James G. “Defending Plural Marriage to Vice President Colfax.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
ID = [35612]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 21321  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Woodger, Mary Jane, ed. Champion of Liberty: John Taylor. Proceedings of The 2008 BYU Church History Symposium. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Display Abstract  

The 2008 BYU Church History Symposium The road from being an obscure child born in England to a “champion of liberty” in America began with John Taylor’s baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From that time until his death, John Taylor was an unflinching and powerful advocate of the truths that had come into his life. His motto became “The kingdom of God or nothing.” When John Taylor became the leader of the Church, his administration was limited by exile, due to federal prosecution of polygamy. Forced to move from hideout to hideout, he was rarely in a safe enough position to meet with his counselors or to be among general Church membership. This book is a compilation of presentations from the 2008 annual BYU Church History Symposium. The purpose of this book is to remember the great legacy of John Taylor and the contributions he made to the Church during his lifetime. ISBN 978-0-8425-2736-1

ID = [33295]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size:   Children: 14  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:57
Woods, Fred E. “A Gifted Gentleman in Perpetual Motion: John Taylor as an Emigration Agent.” In Champion of Liberty: John Taylor, ed. Mary Jane Woodger. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
ID = [35610]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2009-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 35610  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:52
Alexander, Thomas G. “The Odyssey of a Latter-day Prophet.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
ID = [35352]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 94437  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:37
Allen, James B. “William Clayton and the Records of Church History.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
ID = [35336]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 57774  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Barney, Ronald O. “A Generation of Church History: A Personal View.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
ID = [35341]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 30706  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Baugh, Alexander L. “Images of Wilford Woodruff’s Life: A Photographic Journey.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1845–1877
RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
ID = [35344]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 89879  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Baugh, Alexander L. “Wilford Woodruff Chronology.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1845–1877
RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
ID = [35354]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 17144  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:37
Baugh, Alexander L., and Susan Easton Black, eds. Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff. Proceedings of The 2007 BYU Church History Symposium. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Display Abstract  

The 2007 BYU Church History Symposium Wilford Woodruff was different from his predecessors and successors in one particular way—he left an incredibly detailed handwritten record, spanning over sixty years, of nearly everything he did and experienced. He is arguably the third most important figure in all of LDS church history after Joseph Smith, who began Mormonism, and Brigham Young, who led the Saints to Utah and supervised the early colonization of the intermountain west. Through his skillful, inspired leadership and direction, Wilford Woodruff helped bring about accommodation and change, leading the Church into the social, cultural, and religious mainstream of American society. This book is a compilation of presentations selected from the annual BYU Church History Symposium hosted by BYU Religious Education to honor Wilford Woodruff, to explore his life and the many roles he filled, and to celebrate the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth. ISBN 978-0-8425-2776-7

ID = [33281]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  brigham,church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size:   Children: 11  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:56
Bennett, Richard E. “Wilford Woodruff and the Rise of Temple Consciousness among the Latter-day Saints, 1877-84.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Ordinances
RSC Topics > T — Z > Temples
ID = [35350]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 31967  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Esplin, Ronald K. “Modern Efforts to Preserve Church History.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
ID = [35340]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 46946  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Esplin, Scott C. “‘A History of All the Important Things’ (D&C 69:3).” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Book of Mormon
ID = [35335]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,d-c,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 62809  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Esplin, Scott C. “Wilford Woodruff: A Founding Father of the Mormon Academies.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Education
ID = [35349]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 45681  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Gaskill, Alonzo L. “‘To Every Man Is Given a Gift’” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Gifts of the Spirit
RSC Topics > L — P > Prophets
ID = [35348]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 61414  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Green, Cynthia Doxey. “Wilford Woodruff: Missionary in Herefordshire.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
ID = [35347]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 28947  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Grover, Mark L. “Documenting the History of the Church in South America: Recovering the Past.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
ID = [35343]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 23270  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Harper, Steven C., and Richard E. Turley Jr., eds. Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints. Proceedings of The 2009 BYU Church History Symposium. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Display Abstract  

The 2009 BYU Church History Symposium The pattern of keeping records dates back to the earliest days of the church, when Joseph Smith, the church’s founding prophet, announced the divine decree, “Behold, there shall be a record kept among you” (D&C 21:1). Leaders of the church have strived to obey that command. Contemporaneous records were kept of revelations received by the prophet, the calling and interaction of early leaders, missionary assignments, the building of temples, and much more. The Latter-day Saints continue to be a record-keeping people. In fact, there may be no other people on earth of comparable size who have a richer record-keeping tradition than the people nicknamed Mormons. It is a part of the church’s administrative system, reaching from small committees to the church’s general conferences and from new members to the most senior leaders. Because of this tradition, scholars can readily evaluate Latter-day Saint history from a wealth of primary documents. ISBN 978-0-8425-2777-4

ID = [33280]  Status = Type = book  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,d-c,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size:   Children: 11  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:30:56
Heiss, Matthew K. “Doing the Impossible: Documenting the Worldwide Church.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
ID = [35342]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 35437  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, and Stephen H. Smoot. “Wilford Woodruff’s 1897 Testimony.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
RSC Topics > T — Z > Testimony
ID = [35353]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 55486  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:37
Jensen, Marlin K. “Making a Case for Church History.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
ID = [35333]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 30604  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:35
Jensen, Robin Scott. “Ignored and Unknown Clues of Early Mormon Record Keeping.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints (Brigham Young University Church History Symposium), edited by Richard E. Turley, Jr. and Steven C. Harper, 135–64. Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, and Deseret Book, 2010.
Topics:    Book of Moses Topics > Joseph Smith Translation (JST) > History
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
RSC Topics > Q — S > Scriptures
ID = [4603]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,moses,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 49866  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:12:42
Neilson, Reid L. “Enlarging the Memory of Mormonism.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
ID = [35339]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 39511  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Neilson, Reid L. “A Friendship Forged in Exile.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1878–1945
RSC Topics > D — F > Doctrine
RSC Topics > L — P > Marriage
ID = [35351]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 45270  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:37
Park, Benjamin E. “Developing a Historical Conscience: Wilford Woodruff and the Preservation of Church History.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
ID = [35337]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 35545  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Thompson, Jason E. “‘The Lord Told Me to Go and I Went’” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Church History 1820–1844
RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
ID = [35346]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 79806  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Turley, Richard E., Jr. “Assistant Church Historians and the Publishing of Church History.” In Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, eds. Steven C. Harper and Richard E. Turley Jr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
ID = [35334]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 53323  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Woods, Fred E. “Wilford Woodruff and the Gathering of Modern-day Israel, 1834-50.” In Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, eds. Alexander L. Baugh and Susan Easton Black. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Missionary Work
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [35345]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2010-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 52999  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:36
Alexander, Thomas G. “Church Administrative Change in the Progressive Period, 1898–1930.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bishop
RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > G — K > General Authorities
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
RSC Topics > T — Z > Tithing
ID = [35165]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 49507  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Alford, Kenneth L. “A History of Mormon Catechisms.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
ID = [35162]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 35193  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Bennett, Richard E. “‘The Circumference of the Apostleship’” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Apostasy
RSC Topics > A — C > Apostle
RSC Topics > G — K > Gift of the Holy Ghost
RSC Topics > G — K > Holy Ghost
RSC Topics > L — P > Melchizedek Priesthood
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
ID = [35155]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 46585  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:25
Benson, RoseAnn. “Primary Association Pioneers: An Early History.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > L — P > Prayer
RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
RSC Topics > T — Z > Women
ID = [35163]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 61952  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Black, Susan Easton. “Early Quorums of the Seventies.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Endowment
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorums of the Seventy
ID = [35159]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 46501  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:25
Britsch, R. Lanier. “Missions and Missionary Administration and Organization.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Creation
RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorums of the Seventy
ID = [35179]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 31910  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:27
Bushman, Richard Lyman. “Joseph Smith and Power.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
ID = [35153]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history,smith-joseph-jr  Size: 26781  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:25
Cowan, Richard O. “The Seventies’ Role in Worldwide Church Administration.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > G — K > General Authorities
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorums of the Seventy
ID = [35178]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 36770  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:27
Darowski, Joseph F. “Seeking After the Ancient Order: Conferences and Councils in Early Church Governance, 1830–34.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > G — K > Joseph Smith
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [35157]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 35249  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:25
Esplin, Scott C. “Tying It to the Priesthood: Harold B. Lee’s Restructuring of the Young Men Organization.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Aaronic Priesthood
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > T — Z > Youth
ID = [35172]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 45917  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Goodman, Michael A. “Correlation: The Early Years.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > L — P > Priesthood
RSC Topics > Q — S > Quorum
ID = [35166]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 39655  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Griffiths, Casey Paul. “Joseph F. Merrill and the Transformation of Church Education.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > Education
ID = [35169]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 55368  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Hall, Dave. “Relief Society Educational and Social Welfare Work, 1900–1929.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
RSC Topics > T — Z > Welfare
RSC Topics > T — Z > Women
ID = [35168]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 31026  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Hicks, Michael. “How to Make (and Unmake) a Mormon Hymnbook.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
ID = [35174]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 31330  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Kimball, Edward L. “Events and Changes during the Administration of Spencer W. Kimball.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > Temples
RSC Topics > T — Z > Welfare
ID = [35175]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 21244  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Livingstone, John P. “N. Eldon Tanner and Church Administration.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > Q — S > Service
ID = [35173]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 34525  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Minert, Roger P. “Succession in German Mission Leadership during World War II.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > T — Z > War
ID = [35177]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 31385  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:27
Moore, Theodore D., and William G. Hartley. “The Church’s Beautification Movement, 1937–47.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Bishop
RSC Topics > D — F > First Presidency
RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
RSC Topics > T — Z > War
RSC Topics > T — Z > Welfare
ID = [35170]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 72095  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Mott, Elizabeth, and Sherry P. Baker. “From Radio to the Internet: Church Use of Electronic Media in the Twentieth Century.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
ID = [35167]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 44080  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Ostler, Craig James. “The Articles and Covenants: A Handbook for New Branches.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > A — C > Baptism
RSC Topics > A — C > Covenant
RSC Topics > Q — S > Revelation
ID = [35156]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 25539  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:25
Peterson, Janet. “Young Women of Zion: An Organizational History.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.
Topics:    RSC Topics > Q — S > Relief Society
RSC Topics > T — Z > Women
RSC Topics > T — Z > Youth
RSC Topics > T — Z > Zion
ID = [35164]  Status = Type = book article  Date = 2011-01-01  Collections:  church-history,rsc-books,rsc-church-history  Size: 33602  Children: 0  Rebuilt: 7/22/24 10:32:26
Richards, A. LeGrand, and Jessie L. Embry. “Global Lessons from a Local Stake.” In A Firm Foundation, eds. David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2011.