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Come, Follow Me
Old Testament Lesson 27:
June 27–July 3

“If the Lord Be God, Follow Him”
1 Kings 17–19

Elijah Contends against the Priests of Baal, by Jerry Harston

When you read the scriptures, you are exercising faith, which prepares your heart and mind to hear the “still small voice” of the Spirit (1 Kings 19:12).

1 Kings 17: Elijah seals the heavens and is fed by the ravens—At his command the barrel of flour and the jar of oil of the widow of Zarephath never become empty—He raises her son from death.

1 Kings 18: Elijah is sent to meet Ahab—Obadiah saves a hundred prophets and meets Elijah—Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to call down fire from heaven—They fail—He calls down fire, slays the prophets of Baal, and opens the heavens for rain.

1 Kings 19: Jezebel seeks the life of Elijah—An angel sends him to Horeb—The Lord speaks to Elijah, not in the wind nor the earthquake nor the fire, but in a still, small voice—Elisha joins Elijah.

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