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Joseph Smith did not put the Visions of Moses into the Doctrine and Covenants because it was part of the JST, and he intended to publish it with the rest of the JST.
For the broad question of whether the JST restores original text, see Jackson, Kent P. Understanding Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2022.
1 Nephi 22:20–21 uses language consistent with Peter’s use of Deuteronomy 18:15 in Acts 3:22–23. The New Testament speakers and authors often paraphrased or added to Old Testament passages when they used them. Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:55 may not refer to that same Deuteronomy passage but to other statements of Moses, such as Numbers 15:30.
“1 Nephi 22:20–21 uses language consistent with Peter’s use of Deuteronomy 18:15 in Acts 3:22–23. ”
Acts 3:22-23 supports my point that 1 Nephi 22:20-21 is definitely speaking about the prophecy of Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15.
It supports that fact that there is original text from Deuteronomy that is missing, even though it was not reinserted by Joseph Smith during the translation of the Old Testament.
Thank you for bringing that passage to my attention.
I did not catch that passage in my keyword searches because Paul uses different terminology to say the same thing that is mentioned in 1 Nephi 22.
But his statement agrees with 1 Nephi 22. Instead of saying the people will be “cut off from among the people ” he says they will be destroyed from among the people”
Of course 1 Nephi 22 provides yet another detail which provides greater context about when this event will take place.
It informs us when the people will be cut off (destroyed) from among the people for not hearing the words of Christ from Christ.
This event pertaining to the destruction of the wicked from the face of the earth takes place at the time when the wicked are fighting against zion during the last gathering.. or at least that is my interpretation of the passages.
But you did not answer my question about why you think the missing text was not restored by Joseph Smith. You only validated that there is an interesting descreptancy.
Since you do not want to take this into a private conversation, I will continue posting my own personal options about this interesting question and why it is relevant on this reply page unless the moderators decide to block my opinions.
In the next reply I will explain why I think this topic is important.
I hope you will at least follow my train of thinking and challenge my interpretations when you disagree
That background information on the Visions of Moses with regard to Joseph Smith’s Bible Translation was quite informative and helpful.
Thank you so much for providing it.
It is interesting to note that the revelation ended up being in section 22 in the RLDS Doctrine and Covenants. Yet, I think it is significant that Joseph Smith chose to not include it as a stand alone revelation in the Book of Commandments or the Doctrine and Covenants.
After just one reading of you article, I am not sure I know diffinitively where you stand with regard to whether or not the revelation represented an authentic restoration of the original Genesis text, or whether it was revealed in the latter days to Joseph Smith for the sole purpose of providing context to the Genesis narrative.
I got the feeling that you lean towards it being a restored version of the original text.
Is that correct?
Do you have a strong opinion?
There are numerous reasons I think this is important to divine.
One of them is that I am curious to know when Joseph Smith is prophetically referred in scripture for the very first time.
If the Visions of Moses was originally part of the Genesis text, it appear to me to be the very first time Joseph Smith is mentioned.
On the other hand if it is being revealed for the first time to Joseph Smith simply for inspired context relating to the Genesis narrative, then perhaps the “Joseph the Seer” narrative in JST Gen 50 and 2nd Nephi 3 would be the first mention.
Now for my next question that I have for you.
I have noticed one place in the inspired version (JST Matthew 24:56 ) and one place in the Book of Mormon (1st Nephi 22:20) where it is declared unequivacally that the prophecy of Moses contained in Genisis 18 states that those that will not hear the words of the prophet (Christ) will be cut off from among the people.
The curious thing about those two passages of scripture is that neither the KJV or the JST of Genesis 18:15 is consistent with the claim.
The passage simply ends with “Unto him ye shall hearken”
the more complete original text, according to the two passages I have referenced in the Book of Mormon and JST Matthew 24 was not restored in the JST version of Gen 18 which I find very curious.
“him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that all those who will not hear that prophet shall be cut off from among the people.”
Have you noticed this apperent discrepancy before?
Do you think it was simply an oversight during the inspired revsion of the Bible or do you think the Lord intentionally had Joseph Smith omit restoring that passage to its original text??
I would love to discuss this topic with you and explain why I think this is very important.
Can you please contact me at cory [@} coolerconnections dot com ?