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Nice study, Joe.
You took note of Hela 13:12-14 on page 92, which brings to mind the claim of Rabbi Abaye that it is only on behalf of the righteous (which must never be less than 36 in number) that the Lord forbears from the destruction of a particular city, land, or people. Indeed, it is said that it is only the continued study of Tora in yeshivas which now prevents God from destroying the Earth.
How sad that, at some point, even that could not stem the flow of His anger — reminds me of Ana Gabriel’s “Demasiado Tarde,” in which a wayward fellow gets his comeuppance.
Awesome Joe! Me and Sarah were talking about it and today we (as a society) seem to be doing much the same as the Nephites did in the days of Samuel. I hear people claim all the time that nowadays things are “different” and they don’t need to follow the counsel of the past. Because things are “different”. They try and make you feel guilty for holding onto what is true and real while they justify their actions. You bring out the really good point though that they aren’t really justifying their actions, and in a sense admitting that they are not following the prophets or the past. Great article!
Once again the relevance of The Book of Mormon is brought into sharp focus. We certainly do need to study and heed the message Samuel delivered to those Nephites who wouldn’t hear. So many of us are also slow of hearing. We enjoy the richness of the material world to excess. We covet our possessions, our stocks and bonds. They have been slippery in the past and will be slippery again in the not to distant future. Truly The Book of Mormon is a type and foreshadowing of our day.
”how long” and “that same spirit that possess”’
are connected in a terrifying way.. the answer is some people choose to forever be led by blind guides, including their own spirits after this life.
if you transfered them to another planet and they were told they could live for 500 years, they would continue, its hard to beleive. we are in eternity, we are all choosing now/eternal….