There are 2 thoughts on “Aftermath of the Martyrdom: Aspirants to the Mantle of the Prophet Joseph Smith”.

  1. Very interesting and informative!

    Jean, you wrote, “Both Oliver Cowdery and Hyrum Smith had been specifically designated as “Associate President” or “Assistant President,” as had John C. Bennett. All three individuals had been set apart or ordained to that position.”

    There is a difference between the office that Oliver Cowdery and Hyrum Smith held and the office that John c. Bennett held. Your reference on John C. Bennett states, “John C. Bennett named assistant president in First Presidency, “until President Rigdon’s health should be restored.”(Note 127) This was a temporary calling to act for a councilor in the First Presidency.

    Oliver Cowdery was ordained as Second Elder in the Church (D&C 20:3) and received and held all the keys and authority that Joseph held. Oliver was next in authority to Joseph, ahead of the councilors in the First Presidency. Joseph Fielding Smith refers to Oliver Cowdery as “Joint President” with Joseph Smith (Doctrines of Salvation 1:211-213; 216-219). All the keys and authority held by Oliver Cowdery were conferred upon Hyrum Smith (D&C 124:95).

    Joseph Fielding Smith writes that if Oliver Cowdery had not apostatized, he would have died in the Carthage jail with Joseph Smith. It would have been his privilege to seal his blood as the second witness.

    • The Priesthood office of Second Elder (Joint Wineless, Joint President) has never been filled since the death of Hyrum. It is likely to be filled before the Lord’s “Two Witnesses” are killed Jerusalem. (Revelation 11:1-13).

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